Balsamic Sauces: Choosing the Best Types for 2024


The most popular in cooking is the balsamic sauce, which has peculiar flavor overtones, which makes it delicious and unique. Balsamic gives different dishes a special charm and extraordinary taste.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a selection of the best balsamic sauces worth from 130 rubles. up to 525 rubles.

Origin story

Balsamic is usually called sweet and sour mass, which is made from Trebbiano grape must. It is distinguished from other types of vinegar by its sophistication, richness of shades and appearance. The thick mass in the form of a syrup has an unusual aroma and dark color. It also tastes like the wood of the casks it was steeped in.

His homeland is the province of Modena (Italy), the Emilia-Romagna region. The traditional product was made by a privileged circle of families of the third estate and aristocracy. At the same time, each family had its own recipe for making balsamic and kept it secret.

The name "balsamic" did not appear by chance, since it was originally used for medical purposes. It was used as a balm to treat wounds and sore throats. Giacomo Casanova used balsamic as a natural aphrozodiac. Lucrezia Borgia used it as a cure for the plague (1503).

For a long time, information about Italian vinegar was hidden from the public. It was only after 1046 that they started talking about him in courtyard circles after Count Boniface, the owner of the castle of Canoss, presented the "balsamic miracle" to Henry II. The small keg made a splash among the local aristocracy. Later, a tradition arose to give such gifts to representatives of the royal and palace nobility.

Production technology

The grape varieties Spergola, Bercemino and Lambrusco are also suitable for making vinegar.

Raw materials are strictly selected, which guarantees product quality:

  • picking fully ripe, not spoiled and dry berries;
  • bunches of grapes are not chemically treated.

The squeezed grape juice is boiled until a thick, dark brown syrup is obtained. The boiling process is long. Should remain 40% of the original mass. This will be the grape must.

The resulting product is kept in special barrels of 3 types of different sizes:

  1. Oak and ash (small barrels);
  2. Chestnut and cherry (medium);
  3. Mulberry (large).

The filled barrels are installed in the attic, where the seasonal temperature is maintained throughout the year.

Every spring, the ripe mass from a small barrel is sold (10 to 20%). Then, from the second barrel, the released volume is replenished in the first container, from the third - into the second. Moreover, each manufacturer uses its own recipe. It takes about 3 years for vinegar to ripen, and the best varieties need up to 100 years of aging. The traditional balsamic extract is twelve years old. It is considered a "young" or refined ready-to-eat product.To obtain "ripe" or extra vinegar, the wort must be aged for another 13 years.

Balsamics are also made in Reggio nel Emilia. The age indicators of the balsamic of this region are marked on the label of the product bottle:

  • from red - exposure 12 l;
  • silver shade - 18 l;
  • gold - 25 liters.

The Province of Modena has adopted the following color scheme:

  • exposure not less than 12 l - cream shade;
  • more than 25 l - gold color.

Manufacturers of a unique product from Modena have united in the Consortium Consorzio dei Produttori dellAceto Balsamico Nradizionale di Modena, which has the status of a controlling authority in the area of ​​origin (Denominazionale dOrigine Protetta).

The base of balsamic sauces is this vinegar. At the moment, the product is manufactured in two ways:

  1. Industrial.
  2. Handicraft.

Manufactured balsamic is considered the best in the world.

Benefit and harm

Balsamic is a versatile product. It is great as a seasoning for meat, fish, various salads and cheeses. Some foodies prefer to use it for making sweet pastries, ice creams and fruit desserts.

It is called the pearl of Mediterranean cuisine. According to UNESCO, balsamic is a world heritage of mankind. It is not only very spicy and refined, but also has a positive effect on the human body. The sauce contains a sufficient amount of trace elements (Ca, Fe, K, phosphorus) and vitamins (A, B, C).

When consumed in moderation, balsamic sauce has the following positive effects on the body:

  • prevents the development of heart disease;
  • serves as a prevention of the development of oncopathologies;
  • normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract, suppressing pathogenic microflora;
  • improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • fights cellulite;
  • used as an antiseptic for external treatment of wounds;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • strengthens the body and improves memory;
  • used as an aphrozodiac.

The valuable chemical structure of the product makes it unique. The positive effect on the human body is also obvious.

Nevertheless, there are contraindications for use:

  • use with caution if the stomach is acidic;
  • not recommended for stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • the presence of individual intolerance.

It must be remembered that with the abuse of balsamic seasoning, gastritis can develop, stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers can worsen. By mixing the sauce with olive oil, you can soften the effect of the sauce on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Application area

Balsamic is used to treat burns and wounds by applying it to damaged areas of the body. An aqueous solution is used to rinse the throat, and to strengthen the scalp, it is added to hair washing products.

2-3 drops of balsamic cream added to the face cream will help cleanse the skin and improve its color.

One way or another, the most popular area of ​​using balsamic sauce is still cooking. The product is most used in Italy for the preparation of traditional dishes.

Variety of species

Currently, there are three categories of balsamics (developed by the "European Union"):

  1. DOP - Tradizionale;
  2. IGP - balsamic from Modena;
  3. Condimento class.

The first category is the highest quality. This is a vinegar made according to old family recipes. It is also called Aceto balsamico tradizionale. The production is carried out only in Modena or Reggio Emilia, as evidenced by the DOP mark on the bottle.

The Trebbiano and Lambrusco grape varieties are used to make traditional vinegar. The Tradizionale category includes products that are twelve years old. They should not contain any ingredients other than grape must.

Strict quality control is enforced, so the products grown in the region have the same taste.

The second category includes products made only in the province of Modena, Italy (Aceto balsamico di Modena). There it is also bottled. All this is indicated by the abbreviation IGP. The quality of products is also strictly controlled here.

It is allowed to make balsamic from grape must, grown anywhere in the world, but it must be processed without fail in Modena. A variety of raw materials allows us to produce products with different flavor variations and different textures.

Condimento class products receive less attention, so they do not pass as strict controls as the above categories. It produces products of both good quality, with a long-term aging period, and products containing wine vinegar and coloring components.

Characteristics of popular balsamics

The product's nameHow to useFeatures:
1. Monini Glaze (Italy)For vegetable and fruit salads, desserts, cheeses, fish and meat dishes.
Made on the basis of 60% balsamic sauce. It is a traditional sauce that does not contain harmful substances, preservatives and GMOs.
2. Filos tumma balsamicokastike (Greece)Dressing for vegetable and fruit salads, desserts and cheeses. Can be used with creams.A versatile product with a new exquisite taste.
3.Saarioinen Balsami-etikka Kastike (Finland)A light salad dressing. Suitable for any menu.Improves taste and gives a certain charm to any dish. The product is certified.
1.Leonardi with chili (Italy)Product for barbecue, meat, vegetables and cheeses.Made on the basis of balsamic sauce. This is a high quality spicy cream sauce for spicy food lovers. It contains no preservatives or sugar.
2.Galaxy with chili (Greece)Add to any dish according to taste priorities. Suitable for desserts, marinades and seafood.
It is a universal product without preservatives, flavor enhancers and GMOs. There is a quality certificate.
Moderately sharp
1. Setra Glaze Curry (Italy)Dressing for dishes of vegetables, meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. This is an original product with a mild spicy-pungent aftertaste and a hint of sourness. Suitable for gourmets. Does not contain harmful substances.
2."SP Mirny" (Russia)For various dishes and salads. It goes well with sweet desserts, ice cream or as a decoration in cooking.This is a sauce for real gourmets with a delicate sweet and sour taste and rich aroma. There is a quality certificate.

Best mild balsamics

Monini glaze

This traditional sauce will add a special charm to any dish. Manufacturer: Italy, Modena. Available in 250 ml plastic bottles. Average price: 540 rubles.


  • based on balsamic sauce - 60% Aceto Balsamico di Modena IGP from Modena;
  • there are stabilizers (maltodextrin) and thickeners (xanthan gum);
  • glucose;
  • sulfites;
  • 37 g sugar (per 100 g product);
  • sodium.

Recommendations for use:

  • for vegetable and fruit salads;
  • goes well with desserts and cheese;
  • for fish and meat dishes.
Monini Glaze sauce


  • natural;
  • rich sweet and sour taste;
  • does not contain harmful substances, preservatives and GMOs;
  • convenient bottle with a dispenser;
  • liquid texture;
  • shelf life - 2 years;
  • the product is certified;
  • has positive reviews.


  • use is contraindicated in diabetics due to the presence of an increased amount of sugar in the composition;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • high price.

Filos tumma balsamicokastike

This balsamic sauce has a sweet and sour taste. Manufacturer: Greece. Release form: 250 ml bottle. Average price: 380 rubles.


  • balsamic vinegar.

Recommendations for use:

  • an excellent dressing for desserts, as well as vegetable and fruit salads;
  • goes well with cheeses;
  • used as a base for cheese sauces;
  • as a rejuvenating agent (used with creams).
Filos tumma balsamicokastike sauce


  • universal (pearl of Mediterranean cuisine);
  • viscous consistency;
  • dark brown;
  • sweet and sour aftertaste with notes of grapes and wood;
  • moderate use strengthens the body and serves as the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a positive effect on the brain and nervous system;
  • according to buyers, familiar dishes acquire a new, refined taste;
  • positive reviews;
  • quality certificate.


  • individual intolerance to the product.

Saarioinen Balsami-etikka Kastike

This sauce will perfectly complement any dish. Manufacturer: Finland. Release form: 345 ml plastic bottle. Average price: 270 rubles.


  • white wine vinegar;
  • rapeseed oil;
  • potato starch;
  • condiments (mustard seeds, garlic, pink and white pepper);
  • iodized salt;
  • preservative (E 202);
  • thickener (E 415);
  • flavors.

Recommendations for use:

  • will suit any menu (soups, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, ice cream).
Saarioinen Balsami-etikka Kastike sauce


  • light dressing sauce for salads;
  • improves taste and gives a certain charm to any dish;
  • has positive reviews;
  • quality certificate;
  • a budget option.


  • the presence of preservatives and flavors.

TOP of the best hot balsamic sauces

Leonardi with chili

This balsamic BBQ product with hot chili peppers will spice up your grilled fish, meat, vegetables and cheese. Manufacturer: Italy. Release form: 175 ml bottle. Average price: 527 rubles.


  • balsamic vinegar from Modena;
  • grape must;
  • sulfites;
  • chili pepper - 2%.

Recommendations for use:

  • for grilling meat and fish, fries and hamburgers;
  • for decorating salads and various dishes.
Leonardi sauce


  • high quality spicy cream sauce for spicy food lovers;
  • thick texture and rich taste;
  • does not contain preservatives and sugar;
  • Italian brand;
  • positive reviews;
  • value for money.


  • high price.

Galaxy with chili

A popular product with a moderately spicy taste, it will add spice to any dish. Manufacturer: Greece. Release form: 250 ml plastic bottle. Average price: 335 rubles.


  • balsamic vinegar - 37% (grape vinegar and wort, concentrate);
  • dye (E 150 d) and preservative (potassium metabisulfite and potassium sorbate);
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • concentrated grape juice;
  • fructose-glucose syrup;
  • xanth gum (stabilizer);
  • chili pepper (extract 0.07%);
  • flavors.

Recommendations for use:

  • can be added to any dishes according to taste priorities;
  • suitable for desserts, marinades and seafood.
Galaxy sauce


  • universal;
  • high quality;
  • free of preservatives, flavor enhancers and GMOs;
  • shelf life - 2 years;
  • positive reviews;
  • strengthens the body (with moderate use);
  • enriched with vitamins and microelements;
  • beautiful dark color;
  • convenient bottle with a dispenser;
  • ideal with meat dishes;
  • positive reviews;
  • quality certificate;
  • affordable price.


  • contains dyes and flavors.

Best Moderately Hot Balsamic

Setra glaze curry

This is an original sauce with a spicy and spicy taste. Manufacturer: Italy. Release form: plastic bottle of 250 ml. Average price: 407 rubles.


  • made on the basis of grape must;
  • wine and balsamic vinegar (Modena);
  • fructose-glucose syrup;
  • modified corn starch;
  • 3% curry (turmeric, coriander, laurel leaves, fenugreek, cumin, ginger, salt, cardamom, chili, garlic and cloves);
  • the presence of sulfites.

Recommendations for use:

  • as a seasoning for vegetables, meat and fish dishes;
  • goes well with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Setra Glaze Curry sauce


  • natural composition;
  • dark pleasant color;
  • suitable for gourmets;
  • Free of gluten, palm oil, sugar and soy;
  • there is no protein and flavor enhancers;
  • Italian brand;
  • shelf life - 720 days;
  • mild spicy-pungent aftertaste with a hint of sourness;
  • positive customer reviews;
  • affordable price.


  • individual intolerance to the components.

Mirny JV

This product, made on the basis of balsamic vinegar, is one of the best Russian-made sauces. It has an original multifaceted taste. Manufacturer: Moscow. Release form: 220 ml plastic bottle. Average price: 130 rubles.


  • concentrated grape juice;
  • balsamic (38%) and wine vinegar;
  • honey;
  • spices: rosemary, cinnamon, pepper, garlic, mustard, lemon juice, konjac gum (thickener E425) and dye (E150d).

Recommendations for use:

  • for various dishes and salads;
  • goes well with sweet desserts and ice cream;
  • as a decoration in cooking.
SP Mirny sauce


  • for real gourmets in the form of cream sauce;
  • free of preservatives and GMOs;
  • delicate sweet and sour taste and rich aroma;
  • shelf life - 12 months;
  • thick and viscous consistency;
  • dark brown tint;
  • has a distinctive quality mark;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • has a positive effect on the human body;
  • convenient bottle with a dispenser;
  • a real discovery for lovers of original taste;
  • a budget option.


  • contains a dye.

Balsamic dressing: recipes

Recipe number 1. Used as a base for vegetable dishes and fresh herbs:

  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • vinegar - 1 tablespoon

Mix ingredients and season salad before serving.

Recipe number 2. Sauce and Pesto. Perfectly replaces mayonnaise and fits perfectly into a healthy diet. We take:

  • sauce and pesto are equal parts;
  • olive oil - 2 times more.

Recipe number 3. Balsamic and garlic. A wide range of purposes. Take:

  • sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper - a pinch;
  • garlic - 1 slice.

Cook at home

Homemade balsamic is a good alternative to an expensive product. It is useful and harmless.

Recipe number 1: Fragrant

This sauce does not differ in color and taste from the original. You need to take:

  • grape vinegar 9% - 400 ml;
  • cherries without bones (fresh or frozen) - 400 gr.;
  • lemon (large) - 1 pc .;
  • sugar (preferably unrefined cane sugar) -1 tbsp;
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp

How to do it?

We prepare the ingredients:

  1. Remove the seeds from the cherries and chop the berries in a blender.
  2. Remove the lemon zest and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Mix everything in a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil and evaporate for 29 minutes (make a small fire).
  4. Cool, pour into a glass container and close. Leave in the refrigerator to infuse for 2-3 days.
  5. Strain through cheesecloth in several layers.
  6. Store in a glass sterilized container in a refrigerator.

Recipe number 2: Spicy

Can be used in cooking and cosmetology (as a mask, lotion or tonic). Homemade balsamic has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and neck. It helps relieve irritation, pain from injuries, burns and insect bites. This sauce also serves as the prevention of fungal infections, restores and tones the skin.

We prepare the ingredients:

  • natural apple vinegar - 300 ml;
  • sage (dry grass) - 1 tsp;
  • cloves (buds) - 4 pcs.;
  • raisins - 12 pcs.;
  • black pepper (peas) - 12 pcs.;
  • cardamom (pods) - 6 pcs.

How to do it?

  1. Mix ingredients.
  2. Pour into a closed container and leave for 2-3 months in a dark place, shaking from time to time.
  3. Strain the essence, pour into a dry sterilized container and seal.
  4. Keep refrigerated.

Recipe number 3: Gourmet

You can prepare a sauce based on a flavored wine product, which includes various spices according to individual preferences, but this recipe must include tarragon and mint.

We prepare the ingredients:

  • wine - 700 ml;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • ground white pepper - 1 tsp;
  • natural vinegar 9% - 70 ml;
  • rosemary (twigs) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • chili pepper (small pod) - 1 pc.

How to do it?

  1. In a frying pan, bring sugar to a caramel consistency.
  2. Add wine and stir, adding spices little by little.
  3. Let the mixture cool.
  4. Pour the product into a prepared dry container (preferably dark glass).
  5. Leave to infuse for 14 days.
  6. Strain and refrigerate.

Homemade balsamic in self-preparation is very original and tasty. He will give you good health and mood.

Product selection: what to look for

The original product called "balsamic sauce" is produced in two provinces of northern Italy

  1. Modena.
  2. Reggio nel Emilia.

The sauce is made in small factories where there is a protection of the designation of area of ​​origin. They adhere to an old recipe, so such products are expensive. These are the DOP category - Tradizionale and IGP - balsamic from Modena.

An alternative to the aforementioned sauces are cheaper counterparts that are produced in large enterprises. Their cost is much lower, but in all respects they are not inferior to traditional ones. This includes high quality products, but with some deviations from the standards - the Сondimento category. At the same time, the product, having an exposure of about 12 years with the location of the plant in another area, is not certified according to the accepted criteria. Such products are found in supermarkets.

Products with the designation Certified by ICEA and Controllo Autorizzata dal MiPAAF on the label are classified in the second category. Here you can run into a fake product.

Before purchasing the desired product, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The product with the original recipe has the designation Тradizionale in the name. This suggests that the product is made on the basis of grape must (100% grape juice) with an acidity of at least 6% and does not contain additives.
  • Balsamics from the elite Italian regions (Modena) are sold in a transparent glass bottle with a square bottom. In Reggio Emilia, a tulip-shaped container is produced.
  • When buying, you need to pay attention to the color of the labels. They will tell you the age and aging of the product. The letters ABM or ABRE speak about the products of five years aging. Natural coloring can be added to such sauces.
  • Products of the Сondimento category do not undergo strict selection and control, therefore it is necessary to study their composition, which may contain dyes, sugar and flavorings.
  • Pay attention to the consistency of the seasoning: a quality product is characterized by a thick and viscous mixture with a dark color, as well as a subtle rich wood aroma.
  • You need to choose products at an average price, and not the most wasteful cost with an aging of three years.
  • The product must have an inscription confirming the presence of the certificate - ICEA MIPAAF.
  • You should study the ratings of sauces in demand, as well as reviews on the Internet. The most popular products are usually of good quality.

Products made on the basis of wine vinegar with additives may be labeled "balsamic". This is a trade move, so it is better to give preference to wine or fruit vinegar.

If you have experience in using balsamics, tell us about it in the comments.


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