Ranking of the best pliers, long nose pliers and round nose pliers for 2024


No electrician or jeweler can do without pliers. Without long nose pliers and round nose pliers, it is impossible to work in hard-to-reach places or to hold small parts. It is important to understand that the quality of work depends on the choice of even such unpretentious tools. Therefore, the editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you an overview of the best long nose pliers, thin nose pliers and round nose pliers.

Brief description of long nose pliers

Depending on the work carried out, the handles can be either metal or made of dielectric material. The latter is widely used by radio installers. Jewelers choose long-nose pliers that have a metal handle without corrugation on the clamping surfaces so as not to spoil the product.

The tool has found a wide field of application in almost all spheres of human life, from the repair of various equipment to the construction of buildings. Using long-nose pliers, the preparation of electrical wires for installation will take no more than 5-10 seconds, and builders will be able to hammer nails in hard-to-reach places without fear of fingers.

Types of long nose pliers

There are two types of tools: long straight jaws and curved ones. The first option is widely used in places with limited space, while the second allows penetration into places with a curved surface.

Also, long nose pliers vary in size, from 100 mm to 200 mm. The selected parameter will determine the accuracy of the work or how large parts can be kept. The most popular models are from 130 to 160 mm. For locksmith work, it is preferable to choose a large tool, and when working with electrical products, a smaller one.

How to choose the right long nose pliers?

In order to avoid elementary mistakes when choosing a tool, first of all, you need to know what material the product is made of. There may be products made entirely of tool steel (more often these are budget models), and they can also be made by a combined method (sponges from chrome vanadium steel, and handles from tool steel). The professional industry uses long nose pliers made of high quality alloy steel coated with an anti-corrosion agent. Next, you should pay attention to the handle of the product. Budget models have a plastic handle or have no cover at all. To perform electrical work, long-nose pliers are made of rubber with antistatic protection.

Description of round nose pliers

The main difference between round nose pliers and thin nose pliers is the rounded lips, hence the name. When manufacturing the tool, special attention is paid to the compression density of the working part.

Round nose pliers are used both in plumbing work and in electrical engineering. Fitting and assembly models have poor insulation, in contrast to electrical tools, the handles of which are made of reliable dielectric material. In turn, the sponges differ in both length and thickness.

What types are there?

Depending on the design of the tool, there are:

  • Cylindrical. Have the same diameter;
  • Conical. At the base, the diameter narrows;
  • Combined. One surface is tapered and the other is flat.

Jewelers often use curved round nose pliers to ensure precise work in hard to reach places.

Application area

Like long nose pliers, this type is actively used in various industries. The product is indispensable when performing difficult work with materials that require maximum accuracy. Electricians, thanks to the good dielectric handle, can perform various operations safely.

Criterias of choice

Before buying round nose pliers, it is important to pay attention to:

  • Areas of use;
  • No clearance;
  • Isolation available;
  • The quality of the metal;
  • Comfortable grip;
  • The presence or absence of a notch;
  • High-quality hinge mechanism.

You should not take too expensive or, on the contrary, very cheap models. The first option may not suit the average buyer, and the second will quickly break down. Therefore, it is best to find an average option that satisfies both cost and quality.

Rating of quality long nose pliers and long nose pliers

Archimedes 90283

Suitable for working in confined spaces, it has a small size, which increases the efficiency of using the tool. Jaws made of carbon steel, 130 mm long. The advantage is the presence of a two-piece pad, in addition to this the long nose pliers have finger stops. Not suitable for working with electrical devices, as the handle is not dielectric insulation. There is an auto-spreader, anti-corrosion coating and cutting edges. Manufactured in China. Product weight: 80 grams. Average cost: 200 rubles.

Archimedes 90283


  • Compactness;
  • Price.


  • There is no antistatic agent;
  • Poor build quality.

Long nose pliers Center tool 0431

The product also has a two-piece handle with high heat shrinkage, making the job easy. There is no dielectric coating and anti-static function. Suitable for work in limited conditions. The jaws are made of tool steel, but the reliability of the tool is still high. For the safety of the grip, there are special supports on the handle. Tool length 160 mm. The tool has an anti-corrosion coating. Most often they are used for simple locksmith work, when used in more difficult conditions, the tool may fail, so you should not forget about it. Product weight: 190 grams. Average price: 306 rubles.

Long nose pliers Center tool 0431


  • Price;
  • Reliability with proper operation;
  • Ergonomic handle.


  • Poor convergence of the jaws by at least half a millimeter.

Long nose pliers Total THT220606

The tool is designed to simplify plumbing work. The sponges are made of chrome vanadium steel, so the product is not afraid of corrosion. The long nose pliers have a two-piece handle for easy handling. Not suitable for electrical work, there is no "antistatic" function and dielectric coating of the handles. The tool length is 160 mm, so the tool can handle many types of medium jobs. Production - China. Product weight 194 grams. The average cost is 280 rubles.

Long nose pliers Total THT220606


  • Strength;
  • Price;
  • Comfortable handle.


  • There is no dielectric coating;
  • Not suitable for complex plumbing work.

Long nose pliers 160 mm COBALT

The tool is designed to hold flat objects tightly. The sponges of the product are made of durable chrome vanadium steel.The cutting part is made of high quality hardened steel, so the processing of electrical wires does not take much time. Long nose pliers are designed for universal use, can be used both in locksmith and in electrical work. The two-component handle allows the user to significantly reduce the stress on the wrist, which makes the work process uncomfortable. Thanks to the length of 160 mm, the tool is able to work properly even in confined spaces. This is a big plus for people who often work with electrical devices. The tool is manufactured in China, and the brand belongs to a Russian company. Product weight - 140 grams. Average cost: 770 - 800 rubles.

Long nose pliers 160 mm COBALT


  • Good value for money;
  • Ergonomic handle;
  • Quality sponges;
  • High strength;
  • Universal type of execution.


  • Not found.

Long nose pliers GROSS 170mm

A multifunctional tool capable of both holding the material tightly and rotating M8-M10 fasteners thanks to the serrated part. The material of the handles uses a three-component base with an anti-slip coating. This ensures a firm grip when working with long nose pliers. Of the minuses, it should be noted that there is no dielectric coating, therefore it is not recommended to use the product for work under voltage. The jaws are made of high quality carbon steel, which ensures trouble-free operation under medium loads. The production of the instrument is carried out in Germany, so you should not worry about the quality. The length is 170 mm. Weight - 180 grams. The average price is 1,500 rubles.

Long nose pliers GROSS 170mm


  • High quality;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Length;
  • Multi-piece handles.


  • High price;
  • Not recommended for use with electricity.

Inforce pliers 160mm

One of the best tools ever to be found in an electrician's kit. Thanks to the jaws tapered at the ends, working with even small parts will not cause any particular difficulties. The handles have excellent insulation, so a person can safely work with installations that are under high voltage. The product is designed to operate in a wide variety of conditions, from light to heavy. The sponges are manufactured from 62 HRC chrome vanadium steel to ensure reliable grip and strength. The pliers have two-component handles, but, despite this, the ergonomics are at the proper level, which will be felt during operation. The product has passed many different tests: for force, fire resistance, ultimate stress, etc. According to many tests, they have a positive assessment, also due to the double insulation of the handles, it is possible to safely cut wires under voltage up to 1000 V. Tool length 160 mm. Production - China, brand - Russia. Product weight - 170 grams. The average cost is 700 rubles.

Inforce pliers 160mm


  • Durability;
  • High voltage work;
  • Double insulated handles;
  • Ergonomics;
  • High quality sponge material.


  • In rare cases, the handles can fly off.

Kolner KLP pliers

The budget version of the pliers is suitable for simple tasks involving wire or wires. The material from which the sponges are made is carbon steel. There is a two-component handle made mainly of plastic, but it does not stand out for its special ergonomics. Also, the tool is equipped with cutting edges that are not of high quality. This product got to the top due to its low price of 170 rubles, so if we proceed from the cost, then the quality of the product will be satisfactory. Thin nose pliers do not have dielectric insulation, therefore it is not recommended to use them when working with voltage. The length is 150 mm. Weight: 190 grams.

Kolner KLP pliers


  • Low cost.


  • Poor metal quality;
  • The lips do not come together to the end;
  • Cannot withstand high loads;
  • There is no dielectric insulation.

Kraftool pliers 140 mm

For a long service life, the pliers are made of chrome vanadium steel. The area of ​​application is not high, mainly they are suitable for cutting or fixing the wire when performing installation work not related to electricity. To increase the service life of the jaws, together with the cutting edges, they are hardened with a high frequency current. The handles are made of plastic and have an anti-slip coating. So that the work does not cause discomfort, the pliers are equipped with a built-in spring. No dielectric coating. Of course, they cannot replace side cutters, because they can cut soft wire up to 2 mm. The advantage of this model is its compactness, it has a low weight equal to 80 grams, and the total length of the tool is 21 centimeters. Manufactured in Taiwan, the brand is owned by Germany. Average cost: 520 rubles.

Kraftool pliers 140 mm


  • Compactness;
  • Quality material;
  • Long service life;
  • Tight convergence of the lips.


  • Cannot be used when working with electricity.

Long nose pliers Gigant 180 mm

Unlike previous models, this tool has elongated jaws and is able to work in places with different accessibility. For full protection of the working part from corrosion, it is made of nickel-plated chrome vanadium steel. The tool is used both by amateurs and popular among professionals. Of the advantages, it can be noted: reliability and durability. The two-component material from which the handles are made has good anti-slip properties, and it is also equipped with stops to avoid slipping during operation. The product is intended for fitting and assembly work, therefore there is no dielectric coating. Long nose pliers have a hardness of 45 HRC on the Rockwell scale. The product was subjected to a heavy load test, which was successfully completed. In order to prevent the cutting edges from deteriorating at the very first bite, they are additionally hardened with high-frequency currents, however, it is not recommended to bite steel wires, because dents may remain on the edges. The jaws are tightly compressed, so a reliable grip of a variety of elements is ensured. Length - 180 mm. Weight - 280 grams. Average cost: 300 rubles.

Long nose pliers Gigant 180 mm


  • Durability;
  • Good hardness;
  • Low cost;
  • Ergonomic handle;
  • Elongated jaws;
  • Corrosion protection;
  • Reliability.


  • Not found.

Long nose pliers ProsKit 1PK-5102E

Ideal for people who fix electronics and circuit boards. So that the workflow does not cause difficulties, the tool has a compact size. The jaws are made of high-carbon steel, the notches are made with high quality, which ensures a reliable grip of the material. The tool is equipped with antistatic protection and adjustable springs, which greatly simplifies the work process. The length of the working part is 40 mm, total - 140. Weight - 120 grams. Production - Taiwan. The average cost is 700 rubles.

Long nose pliers ProsKit 1PK-5102E


  • Antistatic protection;
  • Strength;
  • Compactness.


  • With prolonged operation, the spreading springs fail;
  • Inconvenient handle.

TOP - 4. Popular models of round nose pliers

Round nose pliers 160 mm "Case of Technics"

Most specialists, when carrying out repair work that require the utmost care, buy this model of the tool. This is due to the ergonomic two-component handle, which does not allow the hand to jump off at the wrong moment. In addition, the sponges are made of chrome vanadium steel, so the service life is high. The working part is hardened, due to which the round nose pliers have increased hardness. Another advantage is the elongated shape of the jaws, with the help of which the installation is easy even in hard-to-reach places. The disadvantages include the lack of a dielectric coating and antistatic protection.Tool weight - 150 grams. The average price is 281 rubles.

Round nose pliers 160 mm "Case of Technics"


  • Durability;
  • Ergonomic handle;
  • Resistance to heavy loads;
  • Price.


  • There is no alignment at the ends of the sponge.

Round nose pliers NEO 160 mm

The working part of the product is made of chrome-plated steel. Perfect for simple fitting and assembly work. The tool has rubberized grips for efficient work. Manufactured in Poland. The total length is 170 mm. The average cost is 700 rubles.

Round nose pliers NEO 160 mm


  • Build quality;
  • Nice metal part.


  • Inconvenient handle.

FatMax round nose pliers 160 mm Stanley

For professional work, FatMax round-nose pliers are a good option. The sponges are made of high-chromium steel, which has undergone a heat treatment process. Thanks to the polished head, the tool is perfect for precision work. A big plus for the round nose pliers is the ergonomic handles, which have excellent resistance to chemicals. The product is not intended for electrical work due to the lack of a dielectric coating. Manufacturer - USA. Weight - 151 grams. Average cost: 900 rubles.

FatMax round nose pliers 160 mm Stanley


  • Long service life;
  • Ergonomic handles;
  • High resistance to chemicals.


  • Not found.

Round nose pliers 160mm NWS

The tool is widely used by both hobbyists and professionals to hold, fix and bend various materials. The working end is made of forged tool steel that has been oil quenched. Multi-component handles provide comfortable handling without heavy loads on the wrist. No dielectric coating. The weight of the round nose pliers is 150 grams, the length is 166 mm. The country of the brand and production is Germany. The average cost is 1400 rubles.

Round nose pliers 160mm NWS


  • Ergonomic handles;
  • Durable sponges;
  • Durability;
  • Wear resistance;
  • There are no cutting edges.


  • Not found.


The rating considered the most popular models, according to buyers. If you have experience using long nose pliers, thin nose pliers or round nose pliers described in the rating, share your opinion in the comments.


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