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Food products: mushrooms and fruits, berries and vegetables, meat and seafood, baked goods and drinks, spices, additives - our life is not possible without them. Their daily consumption brings both benefits and harm to the body. Food for vegetarians, dieters, health food - everything you need to know about healthy food.

People give up meat for a variety of reasons. Someone deliberately decided to become a vegetarian, while doctors recommend it to someone. One way or another, the question of how to replace meat, and from what products the body can obtain protein, arises for everyone. Editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" ...
Soups have long been the basis of nutrition, everyone knows about their benefits for the body. However, instead of rich meat broths, its vegetarian counterpart is increasingly recommended. Its main difference is the absence of meat, fish, offal, and animal fats in the soup. Site editorial board ...
Vegetarians are people who have given up animal food based on their personal beliefs. This affected not only the preparation of ordinary food, but also desserts. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of the best vegetarian sweets. What vegan desserts include Speaking of ...
More recently, it was believed that milk is an irreplaceable product, and without it, the body will not receive many important and useful substances. However, this statement is wrong. There is a decent alternative to animal milk - plant milk. As a result of an exacerbated allergy to cow protein ...
Camelina oil is classified as a natural product. It is obtained in the process of pressing the small seeds of an oil plant that belongs to the cruciferous family. This plant, unique in its properties, can be found in several regions of our country, mainly grows in Europe. However...
Linseed oil is a natural product made from flax seeds. When interacting with oxygen, it quickly polymerizes and becomes covered with a dense transparent film, therefore, it belongs to fast-drying oils. The product is considered very useful due to the content of Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9, unsaturated acids, lignans, folic acid, vitamin ...
Freshly squeezed juice or fresh juice is a liquid product that is obtained as a result of manual or mechanical processing of fruits, vegetables and berries. It is not subject to storage and is used within an hour, maximum two, after preparation. This is because when interacting with ...
In the modern world, a person wants to be healthy and successful. Everything is important here: lifestyle, physical activity and emotional state, the ability to relax and rest. And also eat properly balanced.Unfortunately, the body does not receive enough nutrients ...
In recent years, the topic of vegetarianism and raw food has not diminished in popularity in terms of the frequency of searches on Google, and heated discussions have not subsided on forums and social networks. If you want to get an assortment of conflicting opinions, start a dispute about one ...
Every hostess is periodically faced with the problem of what to cook for a family dinner or for the arrival of guests. Salads occupy an important place among other dishes. And if earlier among the popular options was Olivier cooked, for example, with boiled sausage, today everything ...

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