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The natural reaction to the crisis was the flow of buyers into the low price segment. It was against the background of this situation that Fix Price stores began to enjoy great popularity. Today, the stores of this international chain are actively functioning in more than 830 settlements, in 74 ...
A person spends quite a lot of life in a dream. For the body to really rest, you need to choose the right not only mattress and pillow, but also a blanket. When choosing the last attribute of sleep, many are guided only by size. The editorial staff of best.desigusxpro.com/en/ invites you to pay attention to the material ...
Pain in the stomach located in the epigastric region, called "under the spoon", can be of a different nature. From severity, burning, discomfort, heartburn, to belching, spasm and acute pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, problems with defecation. Based on external signs, it is very difficult to determine the reason why ...
In the modern world, where almost everyone has a smartphone with a built-in digital camera, one often hears exclamations “Who needs them, these cameras !!!”. Despite this, modern photographic equipment is developing, sold and actively used by an increasing number of people. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/", ...
Russia is famous for its frosty weather and beautiful girls. But it's often so hard to combine. From the crackling frost and the piercing wind, any skin begins to peel off, redden and lose health. Therefore, in the cold season, our face and hands require additional protection ...
Oral hygiene is important at any age. According to the recommendations of leading dentists, parents should accustom their child to a toothbrush from the very first tooth of the baby. Without a doubt, the choice of cleaning products must be approached with all responsibility so as not to damage ...
Creating an image with a hairstyle is not only a woman's question. Many women and men are faced with the need for styling every day. Each has its own task: to obtain volume or elasticity of curls for beauty, the need for long-term stability of styling. Someone is trying to do ...
Recently, more and more often you can hear about such devices as mini quadcopters. They are common among children and are useful to many adults. Despite their small size, mini quadcopters are often produced with a camera. This allows you to get a picture with ...
With a minimum of effort, today you can make certain changes to your appearance. The eyelash extension procedure is becoming more and more popular and in demand. The fair sex, in their desire to change themselves and make their appearance attractive, pay special attention to the look, extending eyelashes, ...
In order to live, one must breathe. To breathe, you need 20.8% oxygen in the air. This is not a lot and not a little. This is what the air around us now has. There was once much more oxygen in the air. Today it's not ...

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