No medical institution is complete without a surgical aspirator. The device allows for a short time to remove gases and liquids, which can save the patient during surgery. It is necessary to choose the right equipment, since performance, battery life and ...
Initially, ultraviolet lamps were used exclusively in the medical field. But with the growth of production, products for household needs and production appeared. They are also used to recognize counterfeit bills and purify water from a well. This is due to the fact that the ultraviolet glow has ...
Almost everyone who lives in an area where there is a real climatic winter faced the problem of frozen hands. Even good gloves do not always save you from cold and wind. And if the legs rarely freeze during active sports or brisk walking, then ...
At first glance, there is nothing complicated in choosing a shower gel. But if you dive into this topic in more detail, you can find pitfalls. It will take time and effort to decipher one composition. Because it contains dozens of different components, ...
Dozens of types and manufacturers of toothpastes make the choice difficult. Someone is helped by cheap models, while someone does not see the effectiveness of expensive ones. Cost does not always indicate product quality. Therefore, it is important to know other selection criteria that will help you find a good option. Editorial ...
Glasses can be hazardous to your health if you do not pay attention to the lenses. Cheap lens materials do not restore vision, but only make it worse. This is confirmed by ophthalmologists. When buying an accessory, the refractive index, the type of raw material (plastic or glass) and the coating are considered. Having studied these ...
Psoriasis is defined as a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the skin. This is not a contagious ailment, but the symptoms are well expressed, therefore, it significantly affects the quality of life of sick people. The treatment is varied, depending on the form of the disease, stage, place of localization, personal characteristics. Ointments and creams are presented ...
Itching on the skin is quite unpleasant and annoying. You want to leave the house and appear in a public place last. But what caused this ailment, and how to get rid of it in one day or a week These questions are asked ...
For many people with disabilities, a wheelchair is vital.The purchase of such rehabilitation equipment allows such people to lead an active lifestyle. Sometimes people with disabilities refuse to use a wheelchair, complaining of discomfort when moving. The reason for this may be the wrong ...
Children with cerebral palsy are limited in their ability to move independently. This disease seriously complicates their existence. In order to improve their quality of life to some extent, special baby carriages have been developed. The editorial staff of the site "" presents an overview of "The best strollers for children with cerebral palsy for 2024 ...