Life was much easier just recently. Go to the store or pharmacy too. When asked to sell an adhesive plaster, the buyer was offered either a roll of a standard width, or a well-known plate with a piece of gauze glued to it, treated with an antiseptic. Today, the choice is striking in variety ...
Over the years, there is a natural aging process of the body. After 60 years, the production of hormones is inhibited, and there is a lack of vitamins.
This is usually associated with a monotonous diet. Age-related depletion of the body's enzyme systems leads to impaired absorption of nutrients.
What are vitamins for in old age
Millions of people spend several hours every day in front of computer monitors and mobile gadgets. Such a load on the eyes entails many health problems: decreased vision, dry and burning eyes, headaches, fatigue, and more. For eye protection ...
Iron is vital for the human body, as it is responsible for providing oxygen to all cells and tissues. Its deficiency negatively affects health and well-being. As a treatment and prevention of a deficiency of this substance, doctors prescribe iron preparations. In order to understand what ...
There is no such person who would not take care of his health. Almost everyone already knows how to deal with a cold or a cut. But the doctor is engaged in decoding the blood test and such a diagnosis as anemia can be frightening. This means that in ...
The pain in the kidney area is one of the most unbearable. Moreover, persistent kidney disease does not contribute to full-fledged vital activity and can even cause a person's disability. The modern choice of medicines, the presence of biologically active food additives and herbal complexes can ...
Modern unfavorable environmental factors have a negative impact on the environment and public health. Many people are now beginning to pay more attention to their health, sports, proper nutrition, and taking vitamin and mineral complexes. The combination of these elements has a beneficial effect on the human condition, ...
At least once in our life, each of us has encountered poisoning, allergies or infection. When harmful substances, entering the body from the external environment, cause a whole complex of unpleasant reactions: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, high fever, weakness.Eliminate the cause of the disease, as well as remove ...
Hearing is an important feeling in a person's life. When hearing loss or hearing loss occurs, correction is necessary. To solve these problems, hearing aids have been invented based on modern technology. This is a great solution to a problem for an elderly person or child. In this...
Over time, the musculoskeletal system begins to weaken, which affects the ability to move quickly and confidently. To ensure that movement is not difficult, walkers have been developed that will allow you to maintain balance. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best walkers for ...