Parasites are the simplest organisms, viruses, fungi or worms that parasitize on / in humans. For them, we are a kind of "home", "nest" where they can settle down and live happily unilaterally. They can be both external (lice, leeches, bedbugs, etc.), called ...
White teeth are one of the main criteria for external attractiveness, an indicator of a person's health and social status. Everyone dreams of flashing a snow-white smile, but few can boast of it. According to dentists, the color of the tooth enamel was given to us from birth and without the procedure ...
Sometimes it happens that after giving birth, a woman cannot recover for a long time. Intimacy with a loved one no longer brings joy, turning into a hated duty. Special training will help to cope with the problem. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best devices ...
Allergy is the scourge of our time. People of all ages and sexes suffer from intolerance to various substances-allergens today. Itching, sneezing, skin rashes are some of the most harmless symptoms of this ailment, because there can be more serious and dangerous manifestations. That is why it is so important to have ...
Damage to tooth enamel and associated increased tooth sensitivity is a fairly common occurrence. Some chronic diseases, bad heredity, and bad habits also lead to it. The disease brings great inconvenience - after all, the teeth begin to react with pain impulses to ...
Varicose veins are a common disease that is dangerous in its course and is characterized by severe complications. Venotonics will help to alleviate the condition and return a person to a full life. The editors of "" have prepared for your attention an overview of the best remedies for varicose veins, costing from 67 to 690 ...
A runny nose is a nuisance that every person has encountered. Constantly flowing snot, watery eyes, nasal breathing difficulties and headaches can knock you out of your usual rut for a long time. If these symptoms are accompanied by fever and an increase in body temperature, then hesitate to hike to ...
Many of us have no idea how we can live without sweets. One small piece, and the mood immediately begins to rise, and the world becomes a little brighter. What to do if doctors strongly recommend giving up sugar.Of course, find, than it ...
Nail fungus is a common disease that thousands of people face every year. Its danger lies in the implicit symptoms at the initial stage. And the earlier the presence of an infection is detected, the easier it is to cure it. However, even in this case, the process is not always fast ...
Back pain is a problem for many people in the modern world. There are many reasons. Among them is a sedentary lifestyle, leading to osteochondrosis. And, conversely, too high loads, leading to cramps and muscle pain. Don't forget about injuries ...