It is difficult to find a parent who would not like to please his child with an original and long-awaited gift. This is especially true in New Year's time, when there is an opportunity to organize magic and a fabulous atmosphere for your baby. What could be more pleasant than joy in the eyes of a child and his sincere faith in a miracle?
However, it is not always easy to find the right gift for a little man. Children have different needs and interests, and besides, the gift must be age appropriate. To make it easier for you to create a surprise for your child, the editors of the site "" have prepared the best gift ideas for children under 4 years old.
Age features
The most important quality of a gift for a child is its timeliness for a child. Technically too complex toys are not suitable for one-year-old children, they simply cannot figure them out. As for the age period up to 4 years, this stage is characterized by a rapid leap in the mental and physical development of the baby. If at 1 year old the child begins to actively walk and learn the world, not always realizing the danger, then at 4 years old the baby is still active and mobile, but much more conscious and careful. Based on these characteristics, parents should choose a gift for their child.
0-1 years
This period is characterized by the gradual fusion of the child and his environment. The kid stops dwelling in his world, begins to clearly see, hear, pulls his hands to objects of interest to him. Cognition occurs through tactile sensations, fine motor skills are actively involved in the activity. Physical activity depends on the months of life - most often, by the first year, the child is fully seated, crawling, some children make their first attempts to walk on their own.
Nervous development consists in the appearance of the baby's favorite activities (most often it is shifting small toys, trying them on the tooth), the development of emotional reactions, some children say simple words. Thus, parents are advised to focus on sorters, pyramids, developing rugs. Toys should preferably be made of wood, small parts and gifts with batteries are strictly prohibited, this can be dangerous for the life of the baby.
1-2 years
This stage of development is accompanied by the child's extreme curiosity, he tries to learn as much as possible, to run away as far as possible, the first beginnings for creativity appear. Physical development is rapidly improving: fine motor skills are more and more involved in the actions of the baby, he runs quickly, jumps, begins to master the Swedish wall. In the psycho-emotional sphere, shifts also begin to occur - the child is talking more and more, loves to draw, look at pictures. Also, there is an active formation of sensing through the knowledge of the colors and shapes of objects. Given the mobility of the crumbs, gifts such as a balance bike, scooter, etc. will be good at this age. Gifts with small details are also not recommended.
3-4 years
At this stage, parents are already dealing with a reasoning, inquisitive and very mobile child. It is already possible to come to an agreement with such a person, it becomes easier and easier to explain something to him. Right now the time has come for the joint writing of a letter to Santa Claus. Firstly, it will allow parents to find out what gift their child is dreaming of, and secondly, it will create an atmosphere of magic. In addition, you can give toys separately from mom and dad, this will delight the baby even more and allow you to feel the peculiarity of the holiday.
The psychoemotional sphere of this period is characterized by the child's awareness of his gender. The child tries to imitate the adults - the girl imitates the work of her mother around the house, and the boy repeats the actions of his father. Therefore, a good option would be toy dishes for a girl and a set of tools for a boy.
Below, your attention will be presented to the top of the original ideas for New Year's gifts. The list was compiled taking into account the opinions of child psychologists and teachers.
Best New Year Gift Ideas for Kids 0-4 Years
0-1 years
Most of the surprises at this age are due to the parents - the baby is not yet fully aware of everything that is happening. However, even in such a situation, you can show creativity. So which is the best choice?
Developing mat
This little thing is a soft bedding with toys that you can hang or just put in a row. The rug is equipped with various rustling and tactile elements. Such a toy contributes to the formation of the baby's imagination, acquaints him with color shades, geometric shapes, and affects visual and sound perception.
Depending on the type, the rugs look like this:
- classic - warm, bright and colorful rug. Can be used in tandem with educational toys and independently as a blanket;
- transformer - insulated and waterproof rug, which with one movement of the hand turns into a comfortable roomy bag;
- with arches - the most popular developmental rug. You can hang rattles from the arches;
- puzzle - this rug is made of a foam-type material and is a picture that must be assembled from small elements. This toy is suitable for older children who are actively crawling.
In addition, a pillow, a music panel, an unbreakable mirror, and teethers are often included in the kit for such developmental items.
Such a toy consists of a body with slots and various geometric shapes that must be inserted into the corresponding hole. Such gifts stimulate the development of visual and tactile perception of the child, acquaint him with forms and form logical thinking. For one-year-old babies, experts recommend purchasing wooden sorters with a small number of elements - 4-5 pieces. Too many small parts will overload the nervous system. It is also better to give preference to the basic basic colors, it is worth familiarizing with the shades of the child at an older age.
Montessori toys
Educational gifts created according to the method of Maria Montessori are famous for their special quality. This approach provides fun teaching the kid basic skills and fine motor development. The choice of toys is huge, there are models for all ages and children's hobbies. The goods are made of high quality and safe materials.
1-2 years
Run bike
In recent years, balance bikes have gained more and more popularity. Such means of transportation help parents to keep the restless baby in sight, while the baby at the same time improves walking skills, learn to keep balance and use a bicycle. So what is a balance bike? The name speaks for itself - this is a bicycle with a handlebar without pedals. The main advantage of such models is their absolute safety for children.
The best idea for two-year-olds is a three- or four-wheeled balance bike.The frame material is plastic, which will significantly reduce the weight of the toy. The maximum weight of the balance bike is 2 kg and no more.
Health track
A very useful gift. The health path is a kind of embossed orthopedic mat, assembled from several puzzles. In total, 3-4 puzzles are enough for full-fledged activities with a child. Depending on the type of mat and its surface, the feeling when walking can be different. However, do not forget that only a healthy child without foot pathologies can use such means. The massage mat has the following useful features:
- prevention of flat feet;
- removal of muscle tone;
- strengthening the body's immune forces;
- stimulation of speech development.
Kinetic sand
This development is perfect for creative crumbs. According to the method of application, kinetic sand is somewhat reminiscent of plasticine, but it is more plastic and holds its shape better. The advantages of the product include its complete safety, the ability to sculpt a cake at home. Parents no longer have to worry about the cleanliness of their toys, thanks to its wet consistency, kinetic sand does not leave behind any dirt and small particles.
Play tent
What child does not like to build a tent for himself using improvised means and then hide there with toys? Almost all children love this kind of entertainment. In order not to build towers from blankets, bedspreads and pillows, you can please your baby with a ready-made tent, which is enough to simply spread out and put up in any convenient place.
Dry pool
A swimming pool in the courtyard is a pleasure not available to everyone. But if you really want to please your child, then you can buy him a dry pool as a gift. A similar product consists of a pool made of strong and easy to clean fabric and small balls for filling. The toy will not only allow you to have fun, but also to develop tactile abilities and learn colors.
2-3 years
Table-desk with a chair
A kid at this age becomes more and more assiduous, he seeks to gain knowledge through the learning process. So that this process does not cause rejection in the crumbs, the study should be carried out in a playful way. A bright, colorful desk will be a great helper in this situation.
When looking for these products, consider the height of the furniture. It must match the height of the baby. Most modern models make it possible to adjust the height of the table and chair. For hyperactive children, calm colors of furniture are suitable, but red or too dark shades are not recommended for any children. Material - plastic, such furniture will be lighter in weight.
By the age of 3, the child is actively assembling towers from the construction set, so such a New Year's gift will be very useful. In stores, you can find many models with a variety of colors and accessories.
Thematic sets
The kid has reached the age when he seeks to imitate adults and tries on social roles. Therefore, it will be very interesting for a baby to play in a store, a hospital or feed a doll from beautiful dishes. Study the interests of the child and present him with a set of "Doctor", "Shop", "Builder". If the child has sufficient patience and thirst for knowledge, he can be presented with a special set for growing crystals. Such an activity does not require significant effort, and even an adult will like it.
Do not be misled that only girls play with dolls. Boys will also be interested to study the toy and play with it in the "hospital" or ride on a typewriter. Give preference to baby dolls that you can take with you to the bath, paint and feed.
In addition, there are dolls that can cry, talk, and satisfy physiological needs. They can also be fed with real food and come with a pot, crockery, and feeding chair.These gifts are very interesting, but they are suitable for children over 5 years old.
3-4 years
Advent calendar
Your baby has already grown up, now he is looking forward to the holiday and Santa Claus. The pleasant anticipation can be enhanced by purchasing an Advent calendar. This gift is a special calendar that counts down the days until the holiday. Every day is associated with some exciting activity and a little surprise. Tasks can be different, for example: cut a snowflake, draw a Christmas tree, decorate a room. With proper imagination, you can independently come up with a lot of original ideas. Creative parents can make their own Advent calendar, but they can be purchased from the children's store if they wish.
Do not forget that the younger the crumb, the shorter the waiting period should be.
If you are already giving your child sweets, then you can consider the option of chocolate advent calendars, then in each window the child will find a little sweetness.
Board games
The four-year-old asks hundreds of questions every day. In this case, interesting games will come to the aid of parents, which can be played together with the baby. The concept of games will help explain the phenomena of nature to children, introduce them to the characteristics of society. Also, the gameplay will teach the kid to follow certain rules, follow the queue and instill a craving to achieve the goal. The main thing is to choose a game by age.
Many associate New Year with a masquerade carnival, and matinees are always held in the kindergartens. A beautiful carnival costume will come in handy, since it gives the child the opportunity to feel himself in a new role. Most likely, the child already has favorite cartoon characters, so he will be happy to dress up in a similar costume. Younger children will love bunny, snowflake or butterfly outfits. Girls often imagine themselves as princesses, and boys as superheroes. Play around this situation and see real happiness in the eyes of your baby.
Toy musical instruments
If your child has a craving for music, or you want to instill in him a musical taste, present him with a musical toy. The use of such instruments forms the child's memory, develops fine motor skills and a sense of rhythm. The choice of such products is huge, so that you do not get confused in the choice, we present the characteristics of musical instruments:
- drums - these include drums, tambourine, xylophone;
- wind instruments - harmonica, trumpet, pipe. Such toys have a positive effect on the child's respiratory system, increase lung capacity and help train the vocal cords;
- keyboards - synthesizer and piano. Using these tools will help in the development of memory and fine motor skills;
- strings - guitar, violin. They are recommended for older children;
- keyboard-pneumatic - button accordion, accordion. Such toys have a positive effect on the child's coordination.
Filmstrip projector
A chic New Year's gift will allow kids, together with their parents, to view the well-known and beloved Soviet cartoons without harm to the eyes. A pleasant family atmosphere will bring a festive mood and bring the whole family closer.
When purchasing a New Year's gift for children, one should not forget about the safety of the crumbs. All toys must be made of quality materials and covered with harmless paint. You shouldn't buy cheap Chinese goods, they can be toxic to people. Also, before buying, check how tightly the gift details are held. They shouldn't come off easily when playing with them. Toys with very small parts are prohibited, the baby may choke on them.Be careful in the presence of batteries and in no case leave your child unattended while playing such games.
If you had experience using the products described in the rating, write your feedback in the comments.
The child is two years old. We have a runbike, a designer, a massage mat, a piano, a tent. But the usual kinetic sand is not. A good option: a New Year's book and sand.