Sometimes it takes very little to change your life for the better. Like waking up early in the morning, for example. It's always a good habit that improves productivity. This, in turn, requires another good habit: not working late at night. The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview "How to Get Up Early: The Best Techniques and Books for 2024". The best authors, the most popular books, hits, tutorials to outwit the cruel alarm clock - we'll talk about everything below.
- 1 Why get up early in the morning: 9 good reasons
- 2 Getting up early and getting enough sleep: best practices for 2024
- 3 How to Learn to Get Up Early: The Best Books for 2024
- 3.1 The magic of the morning. How the first hour of the day determines your success. Elrod H.
- 3.2 Morning rituals. How successful people start their day. Spall B. Xander M.
- 3.3 Always on time. Find out your chronotype and live in harmony with your biorhythm. Breus M.
- 3.4 Ikigai. How to make sense of getting up in the morning. Kanagawa H.
- 3.5 Good morning every day. How to get up early and have time for everything. Sanders D.
- 3.6 How to teach your baby to sleep all night. Ezzo G. Baeknam R.
- 4 Conclusion
Why get up early in the morning: 9 good reasons
Benefits of getting up early in the morning:
- the body produces more energy;
- less stress in the body;
- there is the necessary clarity to quickly overcome any obstacles, difficulties or limiting thoughts;
- improves overall health, promotes weight loss and better physical fitness;
- increased productivity and the ability to focus on priorities;
- character and willpower are strengthened;
- Greater gratitude and less anxiety
- the ability to earn and attract financial well-being increases;
- the true personal purpose of life is revealed and many begin to live in accordance with it.
Getting up early and getting enough sleep: best practices for 2024
Find your reason
Motivation is a fundamental element of our life, and even in this case, it is the first lever that allows you to get up at dawn and be active from the very beginning of the day. Therefore, the most effective technique is to have a good reason to get up. Everyone has a hobby or something that is an engine of motivation, a push to action!
Often it is only in the morning that you have time to do something pleasant for yourself before you start fussing like crazy for others (children, husband, office, etc.). Ask yourself: What can I do in a constructive and satisfying way to start the day well and be active? You can start studying, running, stretching to wake up muscles, doing breathing exercises, doing yoga, reading and documenting something for your job, committing yourself to a hobby or a second job, doing household chores so you can have more free time for the rest. day (if you are a housewife).
Create an awakening ritual
It could be a leisurely breakfast: a nice buffet meal, your favorite diet smoothie, or a slice of cake accompanied by your favorite newspaper.
Another good ritual that many women enjoy: taking time to calmly choose your makeup and image of the day; another idea is to devote a quarter of an hour to exercise or meditation. It doesn't matter what you do after the alarm rings.It's important that it makes you feel good and can turn into a pleasant routine to start your day with.
Train your biological clock
The goal is to get up early without an alarm and, above all, get up early without fatigue and with a mind full of positive thoughts for the day ahead! Biorhythms can become our helpers. How do I use them? There are special books to read. There are technological tools that guarantee injury-free awakening. For example, the Sleep Cicle smartphone app helps you wake up with the sounds of nature at a time when sleep is less deep. There are other similar applications.
Sleep usually occurs in 90-minute cycles. To get up easier, you need to wake up at the end of the next cycle. According to the advice of leading sleep experts, most people need to sleep six or seven and a half hours a night; not eight, because you will wake up in the middle of a new cycle. So, if you know that you feel better after seven and a half hours of sleep and you need to be awake at 6:30, go to bed by 11pm.
Have the right evening
The best morning awakening begins the night before: make sure your work bag is full, your lunch is ready, and you have your clothes for tomorrow. This way, you will not forget something and in the morning you will have a few extra minutes.
Focus on what to do before bed.
Eating complex or heavy foods too late can disrupt digestion, and you are guaranteed a sleepless night.
Sports and any activity that stimulates endorphins or adrenaline is not a good choice. Even a favorite hobby can greatly overexcite the nervous system and will not let you sleep a wink in time.
Therefore, the advice is to do only relaxing things that help relax your body and mind and prepare yourself for sleep.
Spiritual practices
Many religions of the world do not welcome late awakening. Here you have a motive to wake up and your favorite prayer or meditation, like a morning ritual. And evening prayer too, to calm the soul. If in the world it is easy to argue who you are, an owl or a lark, then in any monastery it is suggested to forget all sorts of images and get up at five in the morning. And people are rebuilding. And quite successfully. And yogis, and Orthodox, and many others. Regardless of religion, people with a spiritual lifestyle get up early, they like it, and you will not hear complaints from them.
Shock therapy
If you are unable to use the previous advice, then the only thing left for you to do is move on to strong medicines ...
Customize your alarm with an annoying ringtone and move it away from you. Move the alarm to a place where you will be forced to climb. We can assure you that the injury will be so severe that you will instantly jump out of bed! If you live with someone else, then the angry reaction you provoke motivates you to wake up immediately: effective, isn't it ?!
There are other simple methods: do not close the curtains, drink a glass of water immediately after waking up, avoid rest and sleep during the day, immediately dress properly after waking up, the robe relaxes, and the tracksuit adjusts to the desired mood, take a cold shower and others similar little things. Anything that can help a little bit should be used.
How to Learn to Get Up Early: The Best Books for 2024
The magic of the morning. How the first hour of the day determines your success. Elrod H.
- Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber;
- Year of publication: 2024;
- Number of pages: 240;
- Cover type: hard paper.
The genre of the book is psychology, philosophy, self-development. The author proposes to get up an hour earlier and devote this precious hour to yourself: do physical education, meditation, other spiritual practices, dream or just read. Otherwise, when? All. This book is just about that. But this simple advice has changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. The book has been translated into 27 languages. World bestseller. In top sales for many years. Average price: 800 rubles.
- really working important ideas that help change thinking for the better;
- suitable for people who want to do more and improve personal efficiency;
- the content is quickly and easily digestible.
- just a few simple main thoughts, skillfully painted over many pages;
- is perceived by many readers as banal.
Morning rituals. How successful people start their day. Spall B. Xander M.
- Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber;
- First published year: 2024;
- Number of pages: 288;
- Cover type: hard.
The authors of the book created an online magazine for interviewing successful celebrities many years ago. The key question was how they start their morning. Based on 64 interviews, an analysis was carried out and statistical data were derived. The result was a book about morning habits that lead to increased life productivity. Researchers argue that no successful person loses a minute in the morning, but does exactly what he likes best. For some, this is immediately an active workout, while for others, three cups of coffee. Each person is able to find a pleasant morning ritual for himself, the main word here is pleasant, which will motivate him to wake up in order to quickly do what he likes.
- a selection of many interviews in one book;
- specific recommendations from specific people on how to get up early and keep up with everything;
- there is information on how to behave in the evening to get enough sleep;
- an interesting novelty for fans of the genre.
- not suitable for a Russian audience, all celebrities are foreign;
- according to readers' reviews, it does not contain practical advice, methods and tasks.
Always on time. Find out your chronotype and live in harmony with your biorhythm. Breus M.
- Publisher: Mann Ivanov and Ferber;
- Year of publication: 2017;
- Number of pages: 384;
- Cover: hard.
This book was written by an expert, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, specialist of the American Academy of Somnology. Teaches you to live according to your natural biological rhythms. Everyone can find out their type and rebuild the mode of life. After reading the owl, it will become clear how to learn to get up early in the morning. And not only. It will become clear when is the ideal time to fall asleep and for any other vital activities, for example, when is the right moment to watch mail, yoga, a cup of tea, etc. Further more: the owl will understand that it is not an owl at all. The author divides people by biotypes into dolphins, lions, bears and wolves. This is a brilliant and fascinating book. She has a large circulation. Average price: 500 rubles.
- at the beginning of the book a test is offered, and then you can read only about your type;
- the significance of the biological clock for the life of any individual is revealed;
- read interesting, understandable and humorous;
- many examples, links to research, statistics;
- In some online stores, a gift is attached to the book: free infographics.
- volumetric.
Ikigai. How to make sense of getting up in the morning. Kanagawa H.
- AST publishing house;
- Year of publication: 2024;
- Number of pages: 224;
- Cover: hard.
Book from the series "Life and Happiness". The Japanese word "ikigai" translates as "the reason why getting up in the morning, pleasure and meaning of life." This is inner harmony. And in order to achieve it, one must adhere to the country's long-standing traditions and cultural values. Five main principles for finding ikigai: start small, seek harmony and stability, be able to enjoy the little things, free yourself and be as free as possible, be here and now. These are moments that are important for the soul, but which we forget about in the hectic life. We abandon them, they seem to have become unnecessary in modern society. But it is precisely these moments that fill life. The writer reminds of this.
- not only about early awakening, it will be of interest to everyone who is interested in other cultures;
- helps to look at everyday things in a completely different way, from the point of view of a different mentality;
- besides theory, interesting examples are given;
- exciting, read in one breath, can be read in one day.
- not everyone is interested in precisely Japanese examples, sometimes it is better to choose a description of other cultures, in particular, Danish and Swedish theories of finding happiness have gained popularity;
- there is not much information about how to learn to get up early.
Good morning every day. How to get up early and have time for everything. Sanders D.
- Publisher: Alpina Publisher;
- Year of publication: 2017;
- Number of pages: 190;
- Cover type: hard.
The most famous and best-selling book on the topic of early awakening. A hit in its category. The author describes the reasons for getting up early. Then how to do it. And at the end of the book there is an action plan for the month. And the book isn't just for early risers. The writer devoted most of the book to planning. And a few stories from my life. Sanders is a psychologist, business consultant and marathon runner. The book was written according to his personal experience. Reviews on the Internet can be divided in half. Some become ardent fans of this book, it becomes a desktop book, according to the rest, it does not teach anything. But ... everyone agrees that everyone needs to read it for general development.
- easy to read, inspires immediate action;
- the book contains not only methods and techniques, but also detailed instructions on how to perform them;
- many links to books, applications and programs.
- according to many who have read the obvious tips and practices, the advice not to drink coffee in the afternoon is especially annoying.
How to teach your baby to sleep all night. Ezzo G. Baeknam R.
- Publisher: Staff;
- Year of publication: 2011;
- Number of pages: 287;
- Cover: soft.
There are a huge number of books on raising different skills in children. You can teach a child to do anything. But ... unfortunately, or fortunately, there are no books on sale on how to teach a child to get up early. You will have to influence only by your personal example. But since the morning is directly determined by the behavior in the evening and the quality of sleep, we can recommend reading the book “How to teach a baby to sleep all night. Wisdom in raising a newborn. Silent night system. " In many families, the baby in the home changes the whole way of life. The authors are confident that the baby can sleep for a long time every night, starting at eight weeks of age. The main point: cry and calm down. This method is not for everyone. But reading the book is still useful for all parents. A very wise description of the correct relationship between parents and children and parents among themselves.
- small, you can read in transport;
- the book has chapters and subchapters, the structure is easy to read even for mothers with an urgent need for time;
- lots of useful tips for young parents;
- the importance of the regime and order is shown, but the regime is a flexible schedule, different for each child;
- as a result, it helps to structure not only the night, but also the day of the family;
- against childcentrism.
- many parents without a book comprehend from their own experience everything that is written in it;
- copied partly from Spock's methods;
- according to reviews, not everyone shares the proposed methods and techniques.
So, we've seen some practical and helpful strategies to wake up early in the morning and be active immediately. Overall, it's not that hard. You just need to regain your lost sleep a bit and find the right balance between sleep and wakefulness, just like jet lag after an intercontinental flight. Which book to choose as a guide depends on personal living conditions, preferences and requirements. If you have experience using the early awakening techniques described in the article, or a more interesting technique, tell us about it in the comments.
You are absolutely right. In today's pace of life, you just need to find time for proper sleep. And how many children suffer, just because their parents have a wrong biological clock. Your article is already motivation to finally learn how to go to bed and get up on time.