How to choose a chandelier in 2024: the best models for home


Lighting in an apartment is an important condition for creating a favorable, cozy atmosphere, great mood and good health. A properly selected chandelier can emphasize the beauty and individuality of any interior, as well as fill the house with pleasant light, making the evening time with the family a good tradition for socializing and having fun.

The editors of the site "" offers you an overview of the best models of chandeliers for the home, popular this year among many buyers.

Chandelier with lamps

Chandeliers for home

Modern manufacturers present to the attention of buyers a large number of chandeliers for home furnishings. Many may face difficulties when choosing, since the range is really rich in variety. All chandeliers are different from each other, have certain features, each is designed for a specific use and can fit perfectly to one, while the other may be completely unacceptable.

In order not to make a wrong purchase, you need to know what kind of chandeliers there are, how to choose the right one for your home interior, how much they can cost, and what their price depends on, learn to understand their technical characteristics and features. The description of the general parameters of all models in general, customer reviews, their recommendations, as well as the presented rating of the highest quality in the current year, will help to decide which one is better to buy.

Kitchen model

Chandelier types

Chandeliers come in a wide variety of designs, but there are several types of them:

  • wall-mounted - they are installed, respectively, on the wall, which is ideal for a small room with low ceilings that will not seem even lower. Such models are made quite decorative, they can complement the interior of the bathroom, decorate the bedroom, nursery;

Wall lamps-lampshades

  • suspended - installation directly on the ceiling, a cord or a chain made of a metal alloy act as a mount, there is a possibility of adjusting the height of the lamp itself. They are produced in the form of shades of various shapes, made of wood, metal, glass;
  • built-in - to increase the area of ​​illumination of rooms, corridors, bathrooms, and the emission of light can be of different colors, which allows creative owners to create artistic compositions, bring design creativity into their home environment.

Any modern chandelier does not require special efforts and skills in installation, connection, it is quite possible to do everything with your own hands, but in order to protect yourself, you should follow safety measures, because this activity involves dangerous work with high voltage electric current.


The parametric data of all types of chandeliers are similar to each other. Having studied their main most important characteristics, the buyer will be able to avoid a number of irreparable mistakes when choosing. Also, technical features are the criteria for choosing the best models for the home.

1Energy consumptionThe presence of such characteristics as efficiency gives the advantage of the chosen chandelier, since the energy consumed will be much less than that of other models.
2DimmabilityAn excellent parameter of the chandelier will be if it is made with a dimmer function, which allows you to adjust the brightness without difficulty and special efforts in several modes:
• Maximum coverage;
• Brightness in the style of "Medium";
• Minimum light.
It is very comfortable and fashionable.
3Chuck typeThe cartridges built into the chandelier differ in heating temperature and in the power of the bulbs, which are designed for a particular type of cartridge.
Also, chandeliers come immediately with built-in LED lamps.
4Light bulbsFor each type of cartridge, certain bulbs are available for sale, differing in power, depending on how much the cartridges themselves are heated.
5ControlAn important characteristic is how the chandelier can be controlled during operation. The size of the price tag depends on how the chandelier is controlled. For example, the easiest way is to turn it on and off with a switch. A modern innovation will be a cotton system built into the chandelier, as well as a complete set with a remote control. There are models with a combination of control possibilities, that is, on / off with a clap, and also thanks to a simple wall switch.
6Chandelier typeDepends on what room in the apartment was purchased for. You should also consider the features of the models:
• for the kitchen you need a chandelier that will emit maximum light and is made of materials resistant to various pollution that will not absorb all the odors, with the possibility of easy wiping;
• to the nursery - it is better if they are made of unbreakable materials;
• for the living room (in the hall) you can buy a multi-level chandelier, or on a rope;
• any option you like is suitable for the bedroom, for example, a chandelier-lamp will be the most suitable type of these electric light devices;
• for the bathroom, the type and design of the chandelier will depend on the interior of the room, where both ceiling and suspended versions will perfectly fit;
• in the presence of stretch ceilings, you need to choose such chandeliers so as not to create inconvenience when installing them (with a low landing, with light plastic shades).
7PriceIt comes directly from several factors, namely:
• popularity of the model (brand);
• design;
• material of manufacture;
• type of bulbs;
• number of bulbs;
• functional.
The most budgetary, at a price ranging from 2000 to 3000 - paper, plastic, premium class, the average price of which is 90,000-100,000 rubles - crystal or made of expensive solid wood, and made of metal and textiles can cost in the price range from 4 to 60 thousand rubles.

Thus, the price tags for chandeliers are different, the choice depends on how much material a person is able to dispose of at the time of purchase. But, the more technical characteristics a chandelier has, the higher the popularity and advertising of the manufacturer, the more expensive it is, which is worth paying special attention to.

What is the best model to buy, everyone should decide for himself, taking into account his individual wishes, financial opportunities.

Main selection criteria

It will not be superfluous to take into account the important features of all chandeliers in general, which are directly general criteria for choosing.

Bulbs: type and quantity

For spacious rooms, it is worth choosing models with a lot of plafond (many carob). If the room is compact, then you can easily get by with an inexpensive chandelier with one screw-in light bulb.

The type of bulbs intended for the selected model should be taken into account, because it can be:

  • LED bulbs, which also have the name LED, emit pure light, close to daylight, are quite environmentally friendly and economical, allow you to save well on electrical energy (up to 90%), they exclude heat absorption.The only drawback is the high cost of chandeliers with such lamps;


  • luminescent - there is practically no heat transfer, so the risk of a fire from overheating is not great. Saving electricity is also typical for this type of light bulbs, but the deformation of their surface leads to a loss of tightness, which can contribute to the release of harmful and dangerous chemical elements and their vapor compounds into the air. The price tag for such lamps is far from budget;

Fluorescent Lamp

  • incandescent bulbs are good old bulbs that get very hot when they are on, giving off heat, and consuming energy uneconomically. They are produced with different base, sizes, power. Gradually, they recede into the background, now almost every home has switched to more modern methods of lighting. But the cost of these lamps is low and affordable for everyone.

Incandescent light bulb

When choosing a chandelier, you should take into account the size of the room for which it is purchased, because a small bedroom of huge dimensions does not need a chandelier, there will be too much light from a large number of bulbs, and this, firstly, is uneconomical, and secondly, it is unpleasant and even harmful for eye.


Chandeliers are made of various materials, differing in strength, appearance, quality, price. The choice depends on the budget and personal wishes. Someone likes wooden models, but someone does not accept such materials in their interior, so here individual preferences, home furnishings, and design should be taken into account.

Manufacturers offer chandeliers from the following materials:

  • glass and crystal - such luxury is not cheap, requires careful and difficult care, it is suitable as an ideal addition to spacious halls, living rooms, dining rooms, the interior of which is close to the antique style, art deco, when the chandeliers are made in the form of crystal drops, or the oriental one is luxurious a chandelier made of black metal with glass inserts will look;

Hanging chandelier

  • metal (bronze, copper, brass, steel) - means chrome, nickel or gold plating, which greatly affects the cost of the chandelier. Of course, they rank first in terms of strength. This material is well suited for creating models made in antique, vintage styles;
  • wood - requires a protective coating from moisture, such models are installed mainly in suburban houses, summer cottages, or cottages, on verandas;
  • plastic is an important condition that should not be ignored - this is the mandatory absence of phenol-formaldehyde resin in the composition, which, when heated, releases toxic fumes. The advantage is the rich color range of shades, which are much more attractive in terms of brightness than metal and glass. You can install this view absolutely in any room, the price is affordable;
  • textiles (lace, velvet, chintz, etc.) - for lovers of custom designs, this is a great option to experiment when choosing a chandelier. This variety will harmoniously look in an environment made, for example, in ethnic style. It is not recommended to install such chandeliers in rooms with increased formation of humidity in the air;
  • paper will perfectly complement the Japanese style. Paper chandeliers are very affordable, modern, but quite fragile, and more prone to deterioration.

Overall dimensions

Layered model

The dimensions of the device are based on the quadrature of the room in which it will be used. The dimensions are determined by the height of the model, its diameter and the number of arms with installed shades. But in order to correctly calculate the required chandelier diameter for a particular room, it is rational to apply the formula:

  • (a + b) x10 = c, where a is the width of the room in meters, b is its length, also measured in meters, c is the result of the required diameter of the chandelier for a given room in millimeters.

For example, for a bedroom, the width / length of the sides of which is 8/10 meters, the correct diameter of the future chandelier will be: (8 + 10) x10 = 180 mm.

The above calculations are necessary if there are no design skills, because a small chandelier will not decorate a huge hall, but will even be lost against the general background and will not be able to fully fulfill its function of illuminating such an overall space.

Chandelier power

Installing multiple chandeliers in the living room

A powerful chandelier should be in a large room, otherwise there will be little sense from it. Therefore, for the kitchen, hall, bedrooms, children's rooms, take into account the fact that 1 meter should account for 20 W, for example, in a bedroom with an area of ​​20 m² you need to purchase a model with a power of 400 W - this is quite intense illumination necessary for a comfortable finding of a person with such an artificial light.

In bathrooms, children's rooms, hallways and those rooms where bright lighting is not required, you can install devices with a power of 14-18 W per meter of space.

Storerooms, utility rooms are completely dispensed with diffused, dim light, so here you can proceed from the calculations: for 1 meter - 10-12 watts.

If several devices are planned to be attached to the room, then the power indicators should be summed up among themselves.

Design style

Japanese style

You cannot ignore the fact that the chandelier should be in perfect harmony with the interior of the room. So, for example, in the classic style of the living room, dining room, models of luxurious design made of materials such as glass and crystal are appropriate.

Chandeliers of the modernized style are made of glass with a matte finish, with metal inserts, they go well with the classic and minimalist design of the room.

Ethnicity - ideal for Japanese, Chinese decoration of rooms, made of paper, as well as textile, which look beautiful in a Scandinavian or French theme.

High-tech is a style in which the use of pendant metal chandeliers with clear lines, smooth shapes and not flashy colors is excellent.

In order to decorate an unusual room with a non-standard design, you can buy an original model, unusual in shape, color, texture. But such luxury must be ordered from the masters who, taking into account the wishes of the client, create an exclusive for a specific purpose for the customer.


The most important room of any apartment is the living room, because this is where the hostesses receive long-awaited guests. But important premises are also the kitchen, where the family spends most of the time, bedrooms, where it is important to take into account many factors and individual preferences for the comfort of those in them.

Chandelier for kitchen

Therefore, when choosing a chandelier for each room, you need to treat this matter with trepidation, nevertheless, correctly selected lighting will create a wonderful impression on the guests of the house as a whole, and for the residents - a favorable psycho-emotional state, good mood without creating inconveniences for vision.

Top manufacturers

As a result of the information received about the features of some models from the reviews, reviews, we can confidently note the most popular. According to buyers, before making a purchase, it is worthwhile to carefully study all the characteristics of the product, highlight the advantages and disadvantages for yourself, read the advice of those who have already made an acquisition and tested it in operation, and most importantly, take into account the name of the manufacturer.

Unknown brands, as a rule, are like “pie in the sky”, because they do not give exact confidence in the quality of the offered products.

But it is not for nothing that the best manufacturers have earned themselves worthy fame and positive feedback from customers, so we can note some who enjoy an undoubtedly excellent reputation, namely:

  • German company Maytoni;
  • manufacturer from Germany MW-Light;
  • Italian firm Bogates;
  • CITILUX - country of origin Denmark;
  • Spanish production Brizzi;
  • Odeon Light is a Chinese manufacturer;
  • Italian brand Arte Lamp;
  • Chinese products Volpe.

Thus, the question of which company is better to buy a chandelier will be answered only by the buyer himself, whose decision is influenced, first of all, by his level of awareness of the most famous brands, the quality of their products, and their cost. The price depends directly on the set of functionality of a particular model.

Rating of the best models of chandeliers for home in 2024

This rating was compiled on the basis of a thorough study of reviews, user reviews of the most popular models. Thus, the TOP 10 of the best chandeliers in the current year is given, which is very convenient for perception, memorization of the presented positive, negative characteristics, direct comparison with each other and, as a rule, making the right choice of a suitable model.

Odeon light 3127/5 SANSA

Odeon light 3127 5 SANSA

This model will open the presented rating of the highest quality, cutest and most popular. Suitable for a classic-style bedroom with an area of ​​no more than 10 m². Includes 5 lamps, 40 watts each. It is mounted on a hook, it is also possible to purchase it for installation on a stretch ceiling. Width / height - 530 mm / 850 mm. Made of bronze-colored fittings, glossy glass shades with openwork metal decorative elements. The cost is 4480 rubles.

Odeon light 3127/5 SANSA


  • design;
  • wide enough diameter;
  • the ability to fix on stretch ceilings;
  • strength of materials;
  • price.


  • for small rooms;
  • over time, metal inserts can darken from wet cleaning of the dust accumulated on them.

Globo 54644-3DO

Globo 54644-3DO

The model with three arms and an overhead mount, made in a modern style, with oval glass shades, will decorate the interior of any kitchen. You can use 3 incandescent or LED lamps with a power of 40 watts. The manufacturer claims the lighting area is up to 7 m². Width / height - 350 mm / 245 mm. Suitable for low ceilings, with a stretch coating. The price of the product is 6310 rubles.

Globo 54644-3DO


  • the possibility of using 2 types of lamps;
  • environmental friendliness with LEDs;
  • design;
  • can be installed on a stretch ceiling surface;
  • does not weigh down the room, ideal for low ceilings.


  • no remote control;
  • small area of ​​illumination;
  • price.

Natali Kovaltseva FRIENDLY 75088 / 3C CHROME

Natali Kovaltseva FRIENDLY 75088 3C CHROME

A modern chandelier on a rod with a triangular shape, metal chrome fittings, 3 transparent glass shades, diameter / height - 640 mm / 260 mm. Lamps can be used in two types (LED, incandescent), 40 W. Lighting area - 9 m². This model costs within 4180 rubles.

Natali Kovaltseva FRIENDLY 75088 / 3C CHROME


  • unusual design;
  • 2 types of lamps are suitable;
  • durable materials;
  • wide in diameter;
  • efficiency and environmental friendliness when connecting LED bulbs;
  • cost.


  • no control panel;
  • no lamps included;
  • small lighting area.

Lumion 3713 / 3C Shelby

Lumion 3713 3C Shelby

The chandelier is made in the Art Nouveau style and consists of 3 spherical glass shades. Diameter / height - 500 mm / 265 mm. Light bulbs can be used in incandescent type, 60 W each, illuminated area about 9 m². Attached to the ceiling with a plank. It costs about 7100 rubles.

Lumion 3713 / 3C Shelby


  • unusual design;
  • snow White;
  • pleasant warm lighting color;
  • lamp power - 60 W;
  • according to many buyers, the chandelier emits enough light in rooms that are larger than the manufacturer's declared area.


  • no remote control;
  • a set of lamps is missing;
  • one type of light bulbs - incandescent;
  • cost.

CITILUX CL534162 Openwork

CITILUX Openwork

Danish invention, quite nice design, using metallic and ceramic materials. Attaches to the ceiling by a strip. Lighting for 18 sq.m. Lamps of 60 W, 6 pieces. In terms of diameter / height, the following indicators are: 560 mm / 220 mm. Will fit into the interior of the kitchen, living room or bedroom. The price of this device varies from 8 to 10.5 thousand.

CITILUX CL534162 Openwork


  • luxurious traditional style;
  • hand-painted patterned shades, which creates the effect of openwork weaving;
  • quality materials;
  • durable metal frame;
  • wide chandelier diameter;
  • you can connect a dimmer;
  • bright light, thanks to so many bulbs (360 W - total power);
  • works with three types of bulbs: LED, incandescent, fluorescent;
  • environmental friendliness when using LED lamps.


  • when using incandescent lamps, this product will not be entirely economical;
  • does not contain bulbs in the package;
  • no remote control;
  • price.



Pendant lamp, an ideal find for small rooms of about 4 square meters, for example, storerooms, corridors, verandas, bathrooms, and will also complement the created style of a room such as hi-tech, minimalism, eclectic design. It does not require much effort to wipe, it is made of metal in bronze color. Attached to the ceiling with a plank. The owners like it for their unpretentiousness, simplicity, but immediately mysterious appearance. You only need one lamp. Dimensions - 4.5x16 (115) x16 cm. Such a lamp costs 2,200 rubles.



  • uncomplicated design;
  • ease of installation;
  • the ability to screw in a high power lamp;
  • height adjustment by changing the length of the power cord;
  • sturdy material;
  • budget model at cost.


  • only one lamp can be screwed in;
  • without any decorative elements;
  • lamp not included.

Eglo 89113

Eglo 89113

Hanging chandelier for the dining room, made in oriental style. Width - 110 mm, height - 1100 mm, length - 685 mm. 4 incandescent bulbs, 40 W each, are screwed in, illuminate a room with an area of ​​up to 10 sq. M. Materials used in the manufacture of the model: plastic, metal, glass. Shades of cylindrical shape, glass, look down. Price: 5990 rubles.

Eglo 89113


  • East style;
  • power;
  • can be attached to stretch ceilings.


  • small lighting area;
  • no remote control;
  • work only with incandescent lamps;
  • cost.

Eurosvet 16017/9

Eurosvet 16017 9

The Chinese manufacturer presents to the attention of buyers a chic chandelier made in a classic design, gold version. Product diameter / height - 500 mm / 250 mm. The number of bulbs - 9 pieces of 60 W, easily illuminate rooms of 27-30 sq.m. The model is made of crystal, with a gold-colored metal frame. The price tag reaches 18-19 thousand rubles.

Eurosvet 16017/9


  • rich look;
  • a large number of lamps;
  • large area for efficient lighting;
  • wide diameter;
  • crystal shades.


  • there are no bulbs, you need to buy them additionally;
  • incandescent lamps, LED will look;
  • very uneconomical;
  • cannot be controlled remotely;
  • price tag.

ST Luce Volantino SL150.302.06

ST Luce Volantino SL150.302.06

A ceiling chandelier in an ethnic style is loved by many for its extraordinary appearance. Suitable for small bedrooms, since the lighting of the room is declared up to 6 sq. meters. In operation, there are 3 bulbs of 40 W each. Width / height - 650 mm / 460 mm. Attached to the ceiling with a hook. The materials used for this model are ivory-colored plastic and textiles. Price: 9300 rubles.

ST Luce Volantino SL150.302.06


  • unusual design, immediately striking;
  • calm, soft tones;
  • lightweight materials;
  • adjusting the height of the chandelier above the floor using a chain.


  • low power;
  • small area of ​​light reflection;
  • fragility of materials;
  • incandescent lamps;
  • remote control is not provided;
  • price.

Citilux Electron CL710104RS

Citilux Electron CL710104RS

Topping the list of the best chandeliers for home use. Suspended ceiling model with LED lighting, area from 20 to 36 m², with the ability to control the remote control. Made in a magnificent space design, in the form of three hanging levels of rings, the total power of which is 104 watts. You can use the remote control to adjust the angle of inclination of each ring and its height - from 40 to 120 cm, thereby changing the appearance of the chandelier, as well as the brightness, color temperature. The diameter of the largest ring is 650 m. The cost of such a chandelier is within 13,000 rubles.

Citilux Electron CL710104RS


  • remote control;
  • the remote has a mode memory function;
  • buttons on the remote control glow in the dark;
  • if the remote control is lost, it is possible to turn on and off the chandelier using a conventional wall switch;
  • high quality electronic materials;
  • emission of soft, comfortable light for the eyes;
  • extraordinary impressive design;
  • adjustment of the height of the rings and their angle of inclination;
  • an innovative light module with a power of 24 W is built-in, with the effect of a cornice (uniform) light;
  • economical consumption of electrical energy.


  • price, but for so many functionalities it is quite adequate.

As a conclusion

Last photo

Quality and rich functionality cannot cost little money. But, thanks to the diverse assortment presented by many manufacturers, in the modern market, even those who have a specific goal to save money, but the desire to emphasize the interior of the apartment, most likely they will succeed. Therefore, in order to make an easier decision on the selection of a chandelier, this rating of the highest quality, most popular models was created.


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