Breakfast porridge - a healthy start to the day


Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It is advisable that it does not consist of a couple of sips of coffee and sandwiches or a sweet roll. Perhaps this is also a delicious breakfast. But its usefulness is out of the question. What then? To be tasty, healthy, varied and fast. At the modern pace of life, organizing proper nutrition for the whole family is a huge problem. And many make a choice in the direction of porridge. Moreover, today the choice is huge, and a multicooker will help prepare them. Which porridge will be the most beneficial to health?

Healthy breakfast as it is

Before talking about the benefits of cereals, you should think about what you expect from a healthy breakfast.

  • Breakfast enriches the body with nutrients and satisfies the feeling of hunger in the first half of the day, so that after a couple of hours there is no desire to have a light snack with pastries or chocolate.
  • Charges with vigor and energy, which is very important in the crazy rhythm of the modern world, when you need to redo a thousand and a few more cases.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. There is nothing worse than starting the day with a stone in your stomach. Improving the condition of hair and nails, a couple of extra centimeters escaping from the waist after a short period of time will be a very pleasant bonus.
  • Breakfast should be suitable for all family members, so that with a light movement of the hand it turns into a treat for children and a complete meal for a man.

Today, there are many options for breakfast. But… Smoothie and fruit salad will not give the athlete a feeling of fullness, especially before training. And a teenager will turn away from healthy spinach juice. This will not happen with porridges.

Porridge for breakfast - only pluses

For a long time, both in Russia and all over the world, cereals were preferred. At first purely intuitive. After all, porridge is a grain. The seed germinates and gives life and strength to the plant. It is not for nothing that many customs were associated with grain. A small handful of grain was placed in the cradle of babies - let them grow strong and healthy. They sprinkled it on the young on their wedding day - to health and wealth. It was sewn into clothes before a long journey to give strength and endurance.

Today, whether porridge is healthy for breakfast is discussed from the point of view of chemistry, biology and medicine.

  • For 100 grams of porridge, there are 11 to 80 grams of carbohydrates. Unlike the carbohydrates found in sweets and fruits, they are considered "slow". After long splitting, they impart a feeling of fullness for a long period of time.
  • Most cereals have a low glycemic index, which makes them healthy and great to eat. slimming product... The index is responsible for the production of insulin. The lower it is, the less likely you are to gain extra pounds.
  • The cereals contain vitamins of almost all groups, which makes them an irreplaceable source of vigor and energy throughout the day.
  • Trace elements contained in grain products will strengthen blood vessels, cleanse the body of toxins, gain an excellent complexion, make hair and nails strong and shiny.
  • Porridge is a variety of ways to make a healthy meal.It is worth adding dried fruits to the flakes and pouring water overnight and a healthy and healthy breakfast is ready. Milk porridge cooked according to all the rules with the addition of fruit and honey will please the child. She, but already with oil, will give a man a feeling of satiety.

The only problem is that store shelves are literally packed with bright boxes and bags. Conventional cereals, cereals, instant cereals. A huge selection of manufacturers, and a fairly tangible price difference.

Breakfast cereals and more

How to choose the right breakfast porridge. First of all, you should focus on your health and taste preferences, as well as the number of recipes available for cooking.


Oatmeal is made from oat grains and is most often sold as flakes. A positive answer has long been given to the question of whether it is good to eat oatmeal for breakfast. Low calorie content makes it a truly dietary meal. And at the same time, thanks to the presence of "slow carbohydrates", it relieves hunger for a long time and energizes for the whole day. The high content of iron and calcium makes oatmeal indispensable for organizing baby food. Its combination with many products will allow you to prepare breakfast according to a new recipe every morning.


  • Due to its viscous, enveloping structure, it perfectly cleanses the body and protects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Eating oatmeal for breakfast improves mood and improves mental performance;
  • Potassium lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the body and prevents atherosclerosis;
  • Vitamin E, calcium and zinc have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. In children, it helps in the formation of bone tissue.
  • A variety of recipes for oatmeal porridge. It can be cooked in milk or meat broth. Add fresh fruits, raisins, dried apricots or honey, cottage cheese or pumpkin.


  • Many nutritionists believe that the phytic acid contained in oatmeal slows down the absorption of iron and recommend alternating the oatmeal with another.

Oatmeal captivates many housewives with its speed and simplicity of preparation. However, you should not give preference to instant porridge. During processing, they lose their beneficial properties.

Corn porridge

One of the great options for breakfast, not very popular in the middle lane and having a lot of fans in the southern regions. No wonder - delicious, sweet corn can only be grown under the hot sun. However, the availability of quality food is paying off and corn porridge is slowly gaining popularity.


  • High fiber content stimulates bowel function;
  • The saturation of the dish with carbohydrates for a long time does not allow the feeling of hunger to manifest;
  • The composition of corn grains is gluten free, so this corn porridge is an excellent choice for dietary and baby food;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Potassium and magnesium cleanse blood vessels, and PP vitamins make their walls elastic. All together reduces the risk of coronary heart disease;
  • Eating corn porridge lowers blood sugar levels;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Boron, which is part of the grains, has a calming effect, and the B vitamins act as antidepressants.


  • Many people consider corn porridge a little boring and monotonous.

The last statement is somewhat unfair. There are many recipes for making delicious and healthy breakfast porridge.


Buckwheat porridge has long and firmly enjoyed popularity. Athletes use it to gain muscle mass, ladies - to lose weight. In addition, on the basis of buckwheat, folk remedies are also prepared to lower blood sugar levels and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


  • Buckwheat porridge is a great breakfast to feel vigorous and energetic throughout the day;
  • Magnesium, potassium and vitamin PP are the basic building blocks that build the correct functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • The low sugar content allows the use of buckwheat porridge for patients with diabetes mellitus.


  • The phytic acid contained in the kernel interferes with the absorption of iron, which is so rich in buckwheat porridge. Therefore, you should not pin high hopes on it in terms of increasing hemoglobin and according to the recipes of nutritionists, it is better to cook dairy-free buckwheat porridge.
  • Phosphorus binds calcium ions and prevents them from being absorbed. Doctors do not recommend using buckwheat for a diet for women over 40-45 years old, so as not to increase the risk of developing osteoporosis.

A wide selection of all kinds of recipes makes buckwheat irreplaceable not only for breakfast. Buckwheat is suitable for preparing side dishes, independent dishes and soups.

Rice porrige

Rice and its dishes are very popular in eastern countries. And for good reason. Groats are rich in complex carbohydrates and starch, which contribute to quick satiety, its proteins are similar in structure to animals and make rice cereals indispensable for vegetarian diets or fasting.


  • Rice porridge removes toxins and toxins, has an antiseptic effect. It is used for organizing diets for weight loss, and also as an aid in diseases of the stomach and intestines, including those of a bacterial nature.
  • Iodine, which is part of cereals, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, preventing the development of its pathologies, and, accordingly, has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Potassium, magnesium and iron are actively involved in tissue regeneration. Eating rice, especially brown rice, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.


  • White rice, which has undergone multiple processing, contains much less nutrients, with a higher glycemic index.
  • The absorbent effect of rice does not only apply to harmful substances. Vitamins or medicines should be taken at least an hour before or after eating rice dishes.
  • Rice porridge cooked in milk has a caloric content 20-25% higher than that cooked in water.

Rice groats are good for the variety of dishes prepared from them. Pilaf or paella is difficult to cook in the morning. But boiling vegetables or shrimps is quite possible. And then breakfast will truly become royal.

Millet porridge

Not to be confused with wheat. The groats are made from millet. Low fat content and rich vitamin and mineral composition, makes it indispensable for various diets. But even those at home will not resist a bright, sun-like dish.


  • Millet porridge improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • Potassium has a positive effect on blood vessels and heart function;
  • Zinc, copper and vitamins support the nervous system and help maintain a blooming appearance.


  • The disadvantages can be higher calorie content than rice or oatmeal.

It is worth remembering that millet porridge is not the basis of diets, but just a wonderful product that helps to carry them.

Wheat porridge

One of the old-timers at the Russian table. Unfortunately, it has been losing popularity recently. Most likely due to the lengthy cooking process. But modern gadgets will allow you to cook it without much difficulty and loss of time. Wheat porridge for breakfast is especially useful for people who are weakened, after long-term illnesses and engaged in heavy physical labor.


  • Wheat porridge not only energizes for the whole day, but replenishes lost strength;
  • Vitamin C, contained in cereals, strengthens the immune system and increases vitality;
  • Potassium and magnesium have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system;
  • E vitamins, phosphorus and zinc improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.


  • Despite the ability to cleanse the body of toxins, wheat porridge cannot be classified as a dietary product. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 325 kcal;
  • May cause excessive gassing.Therefore, doctors do not recommend eating wheat porridge after operations on the abdominal organs and getting carried away with it for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wheat porridge is prepared with milk or in water, sweet or salty. Our ancestors preferred to use wheat porridge with meat, cracklings, gravy.

Barley porridge

Another great option for manual workers and athletes.


  • Barley porridge gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
  • Relieves fatigue and helps to recover from prolonged exertion;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect on the skin;
  • Thanks to a substance called lysine, it has a bright antibacterial and strengthening effect.



  • The cooking process will take a little time. The cereal is pre-soaked, and then boiled for about two hours. However, in multicooker healthy porridge will cook within 40 minutes.

Barley porridge cannot be called a dietary product. But also a product that leads to an increase in body weight - too. It is better to use it not with meat, but with vegetables.

Pea porridge

Another unjustly forgotten porridge. After all, peas are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Whether breakfast pea porridge is useful is a rather controversial question, so not everyone is shown its use.


  • Quickly restores strength and energy after active physical exertion;
  • Proteins allow athletes to effectively build muscle mass;
  • Increases hemoglobin and can be used for anemia and anemia;


  • Pea porridge has a high calorie content;
  • It can not be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, circulatory system.

Pea porridge, like pearl barley, takes time to cook.

How to choose porridge for breakfast

And nevertheless, what kind of porridge to choose for breakfast, so that it is tasty and healthy, and the family likes it.

For a variety of recipes

The more variations you can make from one cereal, the higher the likelihood that the taste of the porridge will be appreciated.

  • Oatmeal. The permanent leader of the menu. Raisins and dried apricots, nuts and honey, cottage cheese and fruits. Many people like it just with butter.
  • Rice porrige. There may also be sweet or not sweet options. With dried fruits, vegetables, seafood.
  • Buckwheat. The choice is not that wide. But it can be cooked viscous or crumbly, with or without milk. In addition, it is perfect as a side dish for meat dishes. For those who like a bigger breakfast.

By the speed of preparation

An important factor in the morning, when everyone is in a hurry to work and study.

  • Oatmeal. Cooked from flakes will be ready in 10-15 minutes.
  • Buckwheat. If you fill it with water at night, then breakfast can be served in 15 minutes.
  • Rice porrige. You will have to wait about 20 minutes.

By feeling full

To keep your hands from reaching for a snack before lunch, it is better to cook porridge rich in slow carbohydrates.

  • Corn porridge contains 71 grams of carbohydrates per hundred grams of the finished meal;
  • Wheat - 70 grams of carbohydrates per hundred grams of the finished dish;
  • Millet - 26 grams of carbohydrates per hundred grams of the finished dish;
  • Oatmeal - 15 grams of carbohydrates per hundred grams of the finished dish. But, their number can be easily increased by adding fiber-rich foods.

For ladies who want to have a slim figure

In terms of calorie content from lowest to highest, the situation will look like this.

  • Corn porridge has an energy value of 70 kcal per hundred grams of product.
  • Rice porrige. One hundred grams of porridge cooked in water contains about 80 kcal, in milk - 100 kcal.
  • Oatmeal. Contains from 84 to 102 kcal, respectively.

For strong men

Porridges that will energize and replenish lost strength for a long time.

  • Wheat porridge;
  • Millet porridge;
  • Barley porridge.

Whatever porridge is served for breakfast, the main thing is a good mood, caring for loved ones and warmth in the house. And the cereal should be chosen the one that needs to be cooked. Let it take a little more time, but cereals will give all the useful properties and give vigor for the whole day.


  1. Irina

    It so happened that I began to think about the usefulness of breakfast only with the birth of my daughter. It was then that I discovered the world of cereals.
    My favorites:
    1. Pea. I love it and I am ready to eat endlessly. It is a pity that it is impossible, because I follow the figure.)
    2. Millet with pumpkin. When a sweet pumpkin variety comes across - a real delicacy, you swallow your tongue!
    3. Buckwheat with fried onions. Also ready to eat every day. )


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