Quinoa is a grain product that has a neutral flavor with a vegetable or nutty flavor. Recently, it has been gaining popularity as a "fashionable" product.
The plant is not cultivated in Russia, so its grains are imported from other countries. The need to import them into our country appeared along with the movement of vegetarianism, which also captures an increasing number of compatriots interested in healthy eating.
The editors of the site "Ya Nashla" have prepared for you information about this newfangled organic product and an overview of the best recipes from it.
- 1 A little from the history of the origin of the plant
- 2 Incredible, but still a fact
- 3 What happens to the body if you eat quinoa every day?
- 4 We have no irreplaceable, as they say!
- 5 Popular manufacturers rating
- 6 Business lunch for the whole family
- 6.1 Basic cooking recipe
- 6.2 Tabouleh live
- 6.3 Party salad with quinoa and salmon
- 6.4 Quinoa Bread
- 6.5 Quinoa porridge with nuts and dried fruits
- 6.6 Quinoa casserole with broccoli
- 6.7 Quinoa Pancakes
- 6.8 Quinoa and Vegetable Soup
- 6.9 Quinoa in Spanish
- 6.10 Mexican quinoa
- 6.11 Baked vegetables with quinoa
- 6.12 Rejuvelak (kvass)
- 6.13 Quinoa Milk (Protein Shake)
- 6.14 Kefir
- 6.15 Smoothie
- 7 For those who want to get into the future
A little from the history of the origin of the plant
This annual plant became known from the chronicles of 1553, preserved to this day. His homeland is the coast of the lake. Titicaca (South America), probably familiar to many from the school training course.
It is a tall, light green plant with rounded leaves.
Fruits, collected in bunches, have different colors: white, yellow, red, black, beige, brown.
The varieties differ in protein content, calorie content (the highest in red), starch (the highest in whites). There are about 120 species in total.
It tastes like brown rice, and looks like buckwheat.
Among the ancient Indian tribes, the plant was considered sacred, and the seeds were golden.
The first sowing of seeds was carried out personally by the emperor of the tribe using golden instruments, accompanied by ritual dances calling for the mercy of the gods. The whole tribe, together with the leader, watched the germination process. This rite was traditional from start to finish.
The "golden seeds" were considered sacred. They were the staple food for the Indians.
From the prepared flour, cakes were baked, eaten raw or cooked over a fire, and drinks were made. The edible leaves were eaten without processing, the stems were used as firewood.
Because alpine lake. Titicaca was navigable, then over time the fame of the high nutritional value of the exotic product spread to other lands.
Incredible, but still a fact
There are several interesting differences between quinoa and other cereals:
- In terms of nutritional value for the body, the bioproduct is analogous to breast milk. It can be a worthy replacement.
- Although quinoa fruits are very small (even smaller than berries), they are considered fruits, not grains.
- Quinoa completely replaces meat in the diet of vegetarians.
Do not be surprised when the cereal, now familiar to you, will be called:
- rice swan;
- quinoa;
- quinoa;
- movie swan;
- quinua;
- quinvoy.
Its name is quinwa. But here she came in and took root as a quinoa.
Although it is a grain culture, scientists consider it a pseudo grain, i.e. not cereal, but cereal-like, not related to cereals. In 2017, quinoa was included by the Ministry of Agriculture in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, which are allowed for use in Russia.There is a hope that they will start growing it in our country, and then the price will drop significantly.
What happens to the body if you eat quinoa every day?
From the results obtained empirically, previously conducted by inquisitive organisms, it was revealed that with regular use of quinoa, the following occurs:
- replenishment of the stock of all (9 pcs.) amino acids necessary for the body;
- improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails due to the production of collagen, calcium, riboflavin;
- lowering cholesterol and glucose; headaches, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis;
- normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and restoration of the microflora balance due to the contained fiber;
- slowing down the aging process due to the contained antioxidants, especially in germinated seeds;
- acceleration of recovery when consumed 3 - 4 times a week due to flavonoids: quercetin and camfetzin;
- increasing efficiency and endurance with 4 - 5 single use per week;
- decrease in vitamin deficiency (when consumed 1 tbsp. / day) due to the presence of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, vit. A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9;
- strengthening of immunity, cardiovascular system;
- acceleration of metabolism;
- decrease in the development of anemia;
- reducing the intensity and frequency of headaches;
- weight loss, because hunger is suppressed due to the high protein content. Therefore, the use of 100 gr. grains 2 rubles / day for breakfast or lunch, helps to lose weight. In this case, animal fats should be excluded.
With the full spectrum of beneficial properties of quinoa, it cannot be classified as a drug, nevertheless, the benefits of introducing it into the diet are obvious.
In reasonable quantities, it is possible to use seeds in your diet and every day.
Calorie content in 100 gr. boiled cereals - 368 kcal, 120 kcal - raw.
Does not contain GMOs, gluten, which causes allergic reactions and celiac disease (atrophy of the gastrointestinal mucosa).
In terms of nutritional value, quinoa is similar to milk, it is recommended by nutritionists for use after 40+. It is with the achievement of this age that dairy products of animal origin are best cut in your diet.
Quinoa is a good alternative for replenishing the body with all the necessary substances.
A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey
Unfortunately, this “magic” cereal has some peculiarities in its composition that are worth knowing about in order to get a complete picture of this newfangled product.
Calorie content... Quinoa is high in carbohydrates. Its calorie content should be taken into account when drawing up a diet.
Saponins - toxic substances in the grain shell. When administered intravenously, they have a toxic effect on the body. For a plant, they perform a protective function against external factors. This is, like the astringency, acidity, bitterness present in unripe fruits. After industrial processing, soaking, washing, boiling, frying, normalized use per day (150-200 grams), these substances do not harm the body.
If the daily norm is exceeded or unwashed cereals are consumed in the body, accumulation of saponins may occur, which is accompanied by signs of poisoning:
- flatulence;
- vomiting;
- headaches.
Oxalates - salts and esters of oxalic acid present in the grains. They:
- interfere with the absorption of calcium;
- create joint problems;
- contribute to the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder.
For healthy people, after proper preparation of cereals, their content is reduced, and they do not pose a danger.
But for patients with certain diseases (described in the next chapter), there are limitations.
To lower oxalate levels, it is recommended:
- a simultaneous increase in calcium intake (for example, in the form of milk);
- the obligatory use of a sufficient volume of water (up to 2-2.5 liters), with the addition of lemon juice to it, which will reduce the formation of sparingly soluble calcium salts and remove them in the urine;
- refusal to take a complex of vitamins with vitamin C, which increases the level of oxalic acid in the body.
Phytic acid is also present in seeds.It has the ability to bind minerals entering the body and prevents their penetration into the intestines.
As a result, the body receives less:
- zinc;
- iron;
- phosphorus;
- magnesium.
Helps slow down metabolism.
But when soaking from 12 hours. up to 24 hours. at a temperature of 20 degrees, further boiling for 15 - 20 minutes, from 60% to 75% of the acid is destroyed, with only boiling from 15% to 25%.
Phytin also has a positive effect on the body in the form of:
- fight against free radicals;
- reducing the level of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
- increasing good cholesterol in the body;
- protect the kidneys from the formation of stones.
Therefore, in some cases, an individual approach to the use of quinoa will be required.
We are looking for an individual approach
If after taking quinoa you observe heaviness, flatulence, and bloating in the abdomen, then you will need to soak it for more than 12 hours. up to 24 hours. using zinc-containing additives.
If you are a vegetarian, then the best option would be to use sprouted grains in the menu.
If there is no discomfort, then simply rinse or soak the seeds for a while before cooking.
For children after 2 years of age, the daily norm is 50-70 grams. cereals.
Pregnant women should take this product with caution:
- in the 1st and 2nd trimesters: 3-4 p. 100-120 grams per week;
- from the 3rd trimester: 50-70 gr. 3-4 p. in Week.
It is better for nursing mothers to give up cereals at least until the age of 1 month. to kid. Then you can add it to your menu with care, carefully observing the baby's reaction.
No more than 100-120 g / day, no more than 3 p. in Week.
Who the golden seed is not friends with - contraindications
Using quinoa in your diet may not be suitable for everyone, for example:
- children under 2 years old, because even a minimum of saponins contained in cereals can lead to poisoning of an immature organism;
- those suffering from kidney diseases, cholecystitis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, pancreatitis should give up quinoa or limit its use to 2 times a week and only with the addition to soups in vegetable broths;
- with a stomach ulcer, during an exacerbation of gastritis;
- with individual intolerance to the body.
We have no irreplaceable, as they say!
Don't be discouraged if this super product, for one reason or another, is not yet available to you.
By combining well-known and more affordable cereals with other foods, you can get the same health benefits as quinoa.
And she is the leader in the number of amino acids and protein.
Based on these cereals:
- Quinoa: B - 14.12; F - 6.07; U - 57, 16; kcal - 368;
- Green buckwheat: B - 10.8; F - 3.2; Y - 54.4; kcal - 295;
- Whole grain oats: B - 13.1; F - 6.2; U - 65 - 75; kcal - 365;
- Millet: B - 11; F - 4.2; Y - 73; kcal - 378;
- Brown rice: B - 7.4; F - 1.8; Y - 72.9; kcal - 337;
- Bulgur: B - 12; F - 13; U - 76; kcal - 342.
Nutritionists have compiled several examples of food "alliances" that will provide similar sets of amino acids and proteins:
- buckwheat + chickpeas;
- brown rice + milk;
- millet + Tofu cheese;
- oats + toast with cheese;
- bulgur + yogurt or lentils.
The human body needs a variety of food, which becomes possible with the right combination of different foods.
Having systematized the knowledge gained, as a result, we get the following data about quinoa
- is herbal mother's milk;
- takes 1st place among cereals in terms of protein content;
- high nutritional value;
- the content of all essential amino acids;
- easy digestibility;
- profitability;
- profitable (due to increased volume).
- there are restrictions on use;
- expensive;
- average availability (not available in all retail outlets).
Average cost:
from 99 rub. for white quinoa, 100 gr. -
up to 4250 for beige groats, 5 kg., American pr-la.
Buyers Feedback: only positive
You can buy it in large hypermarkets and supermarkets, in specialized departments and stores "Healthy Nutrition", subscribe on sites on the Internet.
Popular manufacturers rating
based on the opinion of buyers:
- Mistral / Quinoa, 500 gr.- 299 rubles;
- Bravolli / Quinoa, 350 gr. - 280 rubles;
- "National" / Quinoa, 450 gr. - 220 rubles;
- Produced in Paraguay / Quinoa, black, 200 gr. - 290 rubles;
- "Gifts of the Pamirs" / Quinoa, white, 200 gr. - 250 rubles.
Business lunch for the whole family
To eat this, to lose weight, and even improve your health?
The dream of many can be fulfilled with quinoa. But the approach, as in any matter, should be reasonable, because you can recover from a bucket of the lowest-calorie buckwheat.
Basic cooking recipe
Quinoa kernels are easy to prepare: soak for 12 - 24 hours (if required), rinse in running water with gentle rubbing with your fingers, bring to a boil, let it boil for about 15 - 20 minutes, drain off excess water, stir to prevent the cereal from sticking.
Products are taken at the rate of 1 part of cereal to 2 parts of water.
It should be noted that during cooking the seeds increase in volume by 4 times.
It tastes like grains of caviar, slightly clicking on the teeth.
Remember the 3 main rules for making the perfect quinoa:
- Rinse;
- do not digest;
- stir thoroughly.
It can be substituted for rice in different dishes. It is prepared with vegetables, fruits, other cereals, served as a side dish, added to salads, soups, desserts, muesli. It is used for making pasta, spaghetti, bread.
Sprouted can be used with berries, nuts, yogurt, smoothies.
Add sugar to quinoa and stir with water to create a thirst-quenching drink.
Tabouleh live
This is a Middle Eastern salad.
500 ml water; 1 tbsp. quinoa (170 gr.); 4 tbsp. l. olive oil; 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice; 3 tomatoes; 1 cucumber; 2 carrots; a pinch of salt; green onions, parsley, mint, ground cumin, lemon zest - according to your taste.
- Add quinoa to boiling, salted water. Close with a lid, lower the temperature, cook for 15 minutes.
- Mix the finished cereal with a fork, let it cool.
- In a salad bowl, mix olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest. Mix well.
- Add chopped tomatoes, cucumber, grated carrots, chopped herbs, quinoa, spices.
Live salad is ready, Bon appetite!
Party salad with quinoa and salmon
Canned corn 1 can, olives 5 - 6 pcs., Boiled quinoa 300 gr., 2 salted gherkins, parsley, olive oil, balsamic cream, smoked salmon fillet, red currant, pepper. The rest of the spices and salt are to your liking.
- Mix the corn with the quinoa. Add finely chopped olives, cucumbers, part of salmon, part of chopped parsley, balsamic cream, oil, pepper. If necessary - salt, favorite spices.
- Mix everything.
- This salad can be prepared in advance, it will not lose its quality.
You can lay out in 2 ways:
- portioned, using a round shape;
- in bowls, laying it on a lettuce leaf. Cut out a thick vein in advance of the leaf.
Garnish with the remaining parsley on top, put currants for sourness, salmon in the form of a rose with an olive in the middle.
Very tasty and healthy, try it!
Quinoa Bread
Germinated quinoa seeds 0.5 tbsp., Flax seeds, chia 0.5 tbsp each, 1 onion, celery, olive oil 2 tbsp. l., water 0.5 l., half a medium zucchini.
- Cut onion into pieces, chop with a blender.
- Grind chia and flaxseed separately.
- Transfer the quinoa to a blender, adding water, chopped celery, zucchini, salt, your favorite spices.
- Mix in a separate bowl the resulting mixture from a blender with chia seeds, flax, onion
- Leave on for a few minutes until completely absorbed. Add olive oil, mix again. You should get a mushy dough of medium density. If it's too thick, add a little water.
- Next, put the mass on the prepared baking sheet, level, divide into equal parts (rectangular, square, diamond-shaped). Can be formed into round cakes, thicker or thicker. Which ones do you like.
- Bake in a dryer or oven until tender.
It turned out to be a worthy replacement for bread.
Quinoa porridge with nuts and dried fruits
Quinoa 1 tbsp., Milk 500 ml., Dried figs 2 pcs., Dry prunes. 4 pcs., Dried apricots 2 pcs., Dried pear 1 pc., Half a handful of walnuts and hazelnuts, a pinch of cinnamon (0.5 tsp).
- Pour washed quinoa into boiling milk, cook until cooked.
At this time, cut the dried fruit. Separately crush the nuts slightly. - First add cinnamon to the finished porridge, then dried fruits. Let it grind a little on the switched off stove.
- Serve sprinkled with chopped nuts on top and drizzle with maple syrup.
An amazing breakfast that will give you strength and energy.

Quinoa casserole with broccoli
2 eggs, broccoli, 2 cloves of garlic (can be dried), 150 gr. cheddar cheese or parmesan cheese, a bunch of green onions, 1 tbsp. quinoa, salt, pepper.
- Washed several times, poured through a quinoa sieve to cook in the traditional way.
- Finely chop broccoli separately. Add garlic, chopped onion, chopped cheese, salt and pepper to it. Mix everything.
- The cooled quinoa (this is important so that the cheese does not melt) is added to the cooked mass.
- Here we break 2 eggs and mix.
- Put the finished mixture on a baking sheet, level it.
You can lay it out in portions, then after cooking you get a snack dish. - We bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 20 minutes. (about).
A hearty dish with an unusual taste is ready.
Quinoa Pancakes
Quinoa 90 gr., 0.5 tbsp water, 1 tsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup, 1 tsp olive oil, 0.5 tsp cinnamon, a pinch of salt.
- Rinse the quinoa soaked overnight in the morning under running water. Place in a blender.
- Then pour water, add olive oil, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, cinnamon, salt. Beat everything well until smooth.
- Pour a portion of the pancake dough into a preheated pan, additionally leveling it with a culinary spatula, because the dough turns out to be thick.
- Fry on both sides.
- For the filling, you can whip the coconut cream, spread over half of the pancake. Sprinkle finely chopped fresh pear or other fruits and berries on top. Cover with a second half.
Pancakes are ready for tea.

Quinoa and Vegetable Soup
Quinoa ¼ glasses, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 0.5 onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 carrot, 3-4 tbsp. vegetable broth, 2 celery, 2 tomatoes, 0.5 tbsp. beans, ¼ zucchini, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, herbs, spices, salt - to your liking.
- Soak beans, quinoa in clean water at room temperature. Scald the tomatoes with hot water and peel, set aside. Cut the rest of the vegetables into cubes, chop the garlic.
- Saute the prepared ingredients over medium heat for about 3 - 4 minutes. Combine with vegetable broth.
- Add beans, quinoa. Cook for 15 minutes. at low temperatures. Add the courgette.
- The soup is ready when the quinoa is soft.
- Ready to add lemon juice, salt, spices.
- Sprinkle with herbs before serving.
It turned out to be an easy soup for the whole family, you can try it.
Quinoa in Spanish
Quinoa 300 gr., Onions 3 pcs., Garlic 2 pcs., Tomatoes 6 pcs. (500 gr.), Themes. Beans 300 gr., St. cucumbers 2 pcs., avocado 1 pc., olive oil, salt, pepper, drinking water 500 ml.
In a small amount of oil, in a preheated frying pan, overcook chopped onions (half the volume) and garlic until the smell is released, golden brown.
Transfer to a slow cooker (you can in a saucepan), adding quinoa, tomatoes, beans, water. Simmer without stirring until tender.
Put the prepared mass on a dish, adding the remaining raw onion, avocado, fresh cucumbers, parsley.
It turned out to be a multi-component, exquisite dish with partial heat treatment of products.
B - 75, F - 65, U - 265.

Mexican quinoa
Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon, chicken breast - 2 pcs., 1 small onion, corn - 70 gr., 1 medium tomato, beans - 60 gr., Garlic - 2 heads, quinoa - 280 gr., Chicken broth - 400 ml., cheese - 30 gr., a pinch of salt, thyme, paprika, chili pepper.
- Fry the chicken pieces in oil. To prevent the oil from splashing, blot the chicken pieces with paper towels in advance to remove excess moisture.Add onion and defrosted corn. Fry the whole mass until the onions soften.
- Now you can add chopped tomatoes and red beans (canned).
- We are waiting for the liquid to boil off completely (3-4 minutes). Add seasonings, garlic, mix (1-2 minutes).
- Add quinoa, chicken stock (prepared in advance). Mix well, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, cover with a lid, reduce the temperature to the minimum.
- Add salt, your favorite type of cheese (grated or in pieces) to the finished dish.
Mexican dish is ready, bon appetit!
Baked vegetables with quinoa
Bell pepper 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 red onion, 1 zucchini, 4 sprigs of thyme, 2 sprigs of rosemary, 100 gr. arugula, 3 tbsp. l. chopped basil, 2 tbsp. l. pine nuts, 1 lemon, 60 gr. quinoa, salt.
- Peppers to clear of seeds, wash, cut into 4 parts; onion in half rings, zucchini in circles. Place vegetables in an ovenproof baking dish. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
- At this time, rinse the quinoa, pour into boiling, salted water, adding half each rosemary and thyme. Cook for 15 minutes, drain the water, stir with a fork, set aside.
- Add 1 tbsp to baked vegetables. l. pine nuts, bake for another 15 minutes.
- Put the finished peppers on a dish, add the finished quinoa to them, sprinkle with the remaining pine nuts and herbs on top.
- Before serving, place lemon quarters on a platter for sour lovers.
An unusual, healthy dish is ready.
Rejuvelak (kvass)
Sprouted quinoa seeds 0.5 tbsp., 2 liters of pure water.
- Place the grains in a clean jar, add water, stir. Cover with several layers of gauze or a clean cloth for 1 - 2 days.
- The drink is ready when the water turns cloudy - white with bubbles.
- Pour into a glass, adding lemon, mint, pepper (optional) to taste.
The morning drink for health and beauty is ready.

Quinoa Milk (Protein Shake)
Quinoa 0.5 tbsp.; clean water 1 l.; figs, honey, stevia, mango powder, vanillin - to your taste.
- Strain the quinoa, pre-soaked for 4 hours, rinse under running water, transfer to a blender.
- Add water, a pinch of salt, beat. Strain. After adding spices, beat again.
The analogue of almond milk is ready.
Milk (from quinoa) 0.9 l., Kvass (from quinoa) 0.100 l., Dry sourdough.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Close the lid, leaving in a warm place for 18 - 20 hours. at room. temperature.
That's it, the rejuvenating evening drink is ready.
Blueberries 2/3 cup, the same amount of milk, half a banana, 4 tbsp. l. steamed quinoa grits, 0.5 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. poppy seeds, 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds, 1 tbsp. l. chia seeds, 1 tbsp. l. honey.
Place all ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth.
The consistency will be like sour cream. Add 2 tbsp to the finished product. l. yogurt.
Wonderful, light breakfast or snack ready.
Once you understand the essence of this dish, you can combine different ingredients, add your favorites and create new options.
Have you already been impressed by the varied menu with which you can surprise your household, friends, guests? And this is not the whole list.
Quinoa can be used to make burgers, muffin - omelet, dessert, risotto, pilaf, cutlets, meatballs, cottage cheese casserole, sushi and many, many other goodies.
For those who want to get into the future
There is a lot of different information about quinoa, both positive and not very good. Until you try it on yourself, you will not know for sure.
As once potatoes were brought to Russia from America, without which it is now difficult to imagine Russian cuisine, so perhaps this, still little-known, but worthy product will take root in our country, becoming a family.
This becomes all the more important in connection with the fact that in the development of world society there is a tendency towards the end of the 3-dimensional era of consumption and hoarding with the transition to high, spiritual development.
An increasing number of people are abandoning the use of meat and dairy products, dispelling myths about the indispensability of animal protein for humans, replacing it with plant products, their bio-analogues.
Who knows, maybe these are the first signs of the approach of the era of 4-dimensional space with new people with highly developed spiritual consciousness.
How are you, with us, in 4-dimensional?