🧼Best Cream Soaps for 2024


“Cream soap is an ordinary soap with added cream” - more than half of the Russians surveyed think so. In fact, these are two fundamentally different products.

How much does daily comfort when caring for the body cost? The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" will tell you everything about the prices, composition, properties and quality of the best cream soap for 2024.

How does cream soap differ from usual

First, let's look at how soap affects the skin. The carboxylic acids in the hygiene product are activated when combined with alkali. The more alkali, the higher the cleaning effect. However, an alkaline environment tends to kill not only harmful microbes and bacteria, but also beneficial microflora. This means that the immunity of the dermis when using products with a high degree of alkalinity (measured in pH) will rapidly decrease. It will manifest itself in dryness, peeling, cracks and long-healing wounds.

For example, baby soap has a low pH level - 7-8% - it is almost a neutral environment. While economic - 11-12%. In the gradation of acid-base medium, the maximum alkaline level is considered to be a pH of 14%.

No alkali is formed in the cream soap. The cleansing ingredients here are mainly represented by vegetable oils. A healthy acid-base environment has a pH level of 5.5% - 6.5%. Cream soap does not violate this balance. This is its fundamental difference from ordinary soap.

What else you need to know about cream soap before buying

Glycerin and hand-made soaps cannot be equated in properties with cream soaps. Because they also form alkali when they react with water. Only at the same time they additionally nourish the skin and saturate with various additives included in the product.

What to look for: if the soap is stored for a long time, its properties do not deteriorate. And more often they even get better: the aroma becomes soft and subtle, the foam is more voluminous when lathering, but at the same time the surface of the body does not dry out.

The use of cream soap allows you to maintain the moisture balance of the skin, nourish and soften it. At the same time, a neutral pH minimizes the negative effects of the product, while maintaining the natural protective functions of the dermis.

The format of the soap, that is, will it be liquid or solid, also matters. The material used to make liquid soap requires preservatives due to the greater amount of water in the composition. Solid is made practically without preservatives.

How to choose a cream soap

Avoiding mistakes when choosing, we note:

  1. Convenient packaging of the product plays one of the main roles in the comfortable use of hygiene products. Typically, liquid soap has a dispenser. Popular models of dispensers that manufacturers can present today are equipped with caps and have locking functionality. You can often find products with a spare unit.
  2. It must be remembered that it is very difficult to collect the best qualities and properties in one product.Perfect format, texture, soapyness, naturalness and harmlessness in one product rarely fit. You always have to sacrifice something. Therefore, if the surface of the body does not tolerate any chemical components, then it is better to give preference to more expensive and natural soaps. Even with minimal foaming.
  3. The popularity of modern media models is determined by the brand. It is a fact. However, inexpensive and little-known hygiene products that are available at every outlet are neglected. The advice of buyers and the recommendations of experts prove that a competent composition is more important than the popularity of products. Even if it was made by the best manufacturers.
  4. The place of purchase determines some guarantee of the quality of the products. With problem skin that cannot tolerate experimentation, you need a proven product, which is better to buy from a certified seller.

The best cream soap: rating of high-quality and safe for 2024

Lumpy Dove "Beauty and Care"

Did you know that the product produced under this brand was originally produced for the care of skin exposed to burns due to the absence of alkali in its composition. And only after the products of this brand conquered the world with their unique qualities, Dove began to produce them on an industrial scale.

The main advantages of the Dove "Beauty and Care" series are the incredible tenderness of the product and its unobtrusive smell. In addition to gentle cleansing, soaps are able to restore the skin's nutrient levels. Its formula is designed to maintain water balance and, most importantly, acid-base. Even if you use Dove too often, the surface of the body will remain supple, moisturized, soft.

The shape of the piece resembles a flowing droplet. It is convenient to hold in hands, although it is quite voluminous in size. Despite its subtle, blue and white design, Dove is easy to find on the shelf.

Everyone knows advertising that has long informed potential buyers that a quarter of their product consists of cream. It is difficult to check the composition. But customer reviews confirm this information. Indeed, they can wash your face every day, and it will remain clean, matte and hydrated. Not a hint of dryness and shrinkage.

Dove Beauty & Care is a safe product because it is free of silicones, parabens and sulfates.

With such properties and a weight of 135 grams. the price is quite adequate - 65 rubles.

Lumpy Dove "Beauty and Care"


  • Safe composition;
  • Moisturizes;
  • Nourishes;
  • Softens;
  • Does not dry or tighten the skin;
  • Big piece;
  • Nice light aroma;
  • Gentle lather when lathering;
  • Suitable for both body and face.


  • Sluggish quickly if left in a wet soap dish;
  • There is no characteristic "clean squeak" when flushing, for some it gives discomfort.

Lump Nivea "Honey and Milk"

The popular hygiene product of the German company Beiersdorf AG became the best in body care. It deserved such recognition due to its composition. At the forefront of the ingredient list are jojoba oil, honey and glycerin. They give an invaluable quality effect.

The oil nourishes, regenerates, rejuvenates dermal cells. Increases their elasticity and moisturizes. Heals small wounds. Honey, in turn, perfectly tones, tightens pores (which is very important when cleansing the face), and protects from UV rays. And this is not a complete list of the properties of these components.

In attempts to find milk in the composition, the following was found: a piece of Nivea, when soaped, gives an extremely soft foam, similar in consistency to milk. The milky sensation is rounded off by a matching flavor. There is no milk as such.

What happens if Nivea "Honey and Milk" is used every day Smooth, velvety skin with an even color. Feeling of tenderness and purity.

Where to buy The availability of soap for purchase is almost maximum. It can be found in any trading network.The price for one flavorful piece is 65 rubles.

Lump Nivea "Honey and Milk"


  • Good composition;
  • Comfortable to hold;
  • Serves as a cream;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • A positive effect is noticeable after the first application.


  • Not included in the milk declared on the packaging.

Liquid Grass Milana pearl

The pearlescent color of the contents really resembles pearls. It has become a popular product in many institutions and shopping centers because it copes well with all kinds of pollution. Its ability to wash away fats, oils, stubborn dirt and strong odors equally well makes the product versatile.

High-quality ingredients and natural moisturizers that are included in the product provide gentle care without causing irritation and allergies. Cleans gently and rinses off completely by itself.

The manufacturer has not stated that it is suitable for children. However, in customer reviews, information is often found that Grass Milana is perfect for baby skin.

The presence of the dispenser prevents dirt from entering the contents of the bottle. And at the same time makes it easy to use.

The cost of a 1000 ml bottle is 72 rubles.

Liquid Grass Milana pearl


  • Contains emollient components;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Subtle, faint smell;
  • Creamy consistency;
  • Large volume;
  • Low price.


  • Possible individual allergic reaction to Cocamide DEA included in the ingredient list.

For intimate hygiene Evo Intimate

The leader in sales among such products. There are few reasons that could push you away from the purchase. First, a neutral odor (in fact, it exists, but it is barely perceptible and is not felt at all on the body). Secondly, a colorless transparent consistency. This means that the manufacturer has not added harmful colorants. Thirdly, a thick formula that looks more like a gel. Hence, a very economical expense.

Now the most important thing: hypoallergenic, contains lactic acid, has a pH of 5.2% - as close as possible to the balance of the skin. In addition, the herbal extracts, oils and allantoin that make up the composition perfectly perform protective, soothing and softening functions.

Allantoin has recently been used in the cosmetic industry. It is a unique chemical that occurs naturally in plants and animals. It has regenerating, moisturizing, healing, anti-inflammatory properties.

The 200 ml bottle has a dispenser equipped with a cap and a locking function - when turned to the side, pressing is impossible. Very convenient for transportation. The quality of the dispenser is excellent: no "shooting" effect, no empty clicks, no jamming.

With all its positive qualities, this product is easy to find in any retail network at an extremely affordable price - 80-100 rubles.

For intimate hygiene Evo Intimate


  • The product is effective for thrush;
  • Does not pinch or itch;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Convenient form of release;
  • Availability for sale;
  • A lot of positive qualities for the skin;
  • Low price.


  • Opaque packaging that prevents soap residue from being visible.

Baby lump "Eared Nian" with olive oil and chamomile

This soap is produced in two forms: in pieces and in liquid form. Despite the identical product description on the packaging, properties and effects differ. There are significantly more potentially harmful ingredients in liquid form. In the lump, there is a minimum of them.

The use of this tool is allowed from the very birth of the baby. When lathering, a delicate foam is formed with a pleasant aroma that distantly resembles lavender and meadow grasses. The color of the piece is white, without dyes. After use it is very easy to wash off and does not tighten the skin.

The composition is hypoallergenic - it cannot be otherwise for children. Olive oil moisturizes and softens the surface of the body, has a healing effect. Chamomile extract acts as a natural anti-inflammatory component.

Quite a budget product from the domestic manufacturer Nevskaya Cosmetics: the average price is 24 rubles.

Baby lump "Eared Nian" with olive oil and chamomile


  • Cleans well;
  • Does not cause dryness and irritation;
  • Washes off quickly and easily;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Low price.


  • For baby soap, the composition is not entirely natural.

Liquid "Velvet handles" Antibacterial complex

The "bestseller" in the world of creams is now in the form of a liquid cream soap. Since the product is declared as an antibacterial agent, we will consider this property in more detail. The main components that have antimicrobial effect here are tea tree extract and silver citrate.

The latter has a pronounced effect against a wide range of fungi, viruses and bacteria. Silver citrate is not capable of producing toxic effects at the doses in which this substance is used in cosmetic and hygiene products. Therefore, it belongs to the universal safe antiseptics.

Tea tree extract is a completely natural product. In addition to the fact that it fights viruses, fungi, microbacteria gently and delicately, it is also an excellent antioxidant. It is able to regenerate the skin of the hands, leaving it smooth and silky.

In the rest of the composition, no less significant substances: Vitamins A, E, C, avocado oil, glycerin. This is a pretty good kit for high-quality skin nutrition and protection from external irritants.

The consistency of the Velvet Handles, as the manufacturer promises, is creamy, thick and tender. The smell, unlike the classic bright aroma of the cream, is much more subtle and pleasant here.

There is a reliable, robust dispenser. One "long" press allows you to squeeze out as much product as needed. After rinsing, it does not leave a smell on the skin and does not feel the presence of soap. Since the product has a pronounced antibacterial effect, it is better to use it on the hands than on the body.

For an opaque plastic bottle with a volume of 240 ml, you will have to pay 100-120 rubles.

Liquid "Velvet handles" Antibacterial complex


  • No dyes;
  • Free from silicones and parabens;
  • Does not disturb the pH balance;
  • Does not dry;
  • Nourishes;
  • Protects;
  • With a dispenser.


  • Ends quickly;
  • The price is somewhat overpriced.

Natural lumpy cream soap: Linom Toilet Family "Recovery and care"

I must admit that the proofreading and analysis of the composition of 80% of the soaps with the inscription "natural" upset. Because they still had potentially harmful chemicals in them.

This hygiene product from the Belarusian manufacturer Linom contains exclusively natural ingredients. The main ones are:

  • water;
  • natural fats and oils, including olive oil;
  • wheat germ protein;
  • glycerol.

With such characteristics and recipes, the soap is suitable for both adults and children. For a little money, you can get pretty good nutrition, hydration and skin regeneration. After rinsing, there is a complete feeling of cleanliness and smoothness of the body.

Traditional Belarusian technology never ceases to amaze with the cheapness and quality of its products. Linom Family has a weight of 85 gr. and costs an average of 30 rubles.

Natural lumpy cream soap: Linom Toilet Family "Recovery and care"


  • Natural composition;
  • Low price;
  • Decent quality.


  • Little foam when soaping;
  • Degrades when stored in a wet environment.

Mitsuei Moisturizing Cream Soap for Men

An interesting hygiene product from the Japanese brand Mitsuei. Contains silver ions, which by their nature are strong natural antiseptics.

When it comes to men's products, the manufacturer tries to solve a number of problems at once by one means. This soap:

  • perfectly cleanses the skin thanks to a thick, abundant foam;
  • regenerates and absorbs with cellulose in the composition;
  • deodorizes, leaving a bright fresh scent of mint and citrus;
  • acts as a product that can be used for shaving.

The technology of the product is specially selected for the male skin type, where sweat and fat secretion are taken into account.

On sale it can be found in large soft packs of 400 ml. It costs 365 rubles, but thanks to the abundant foaming, the expense of the product is very economical.

Mitsuei Moisturizing Cream Soap for Men


  • Deodorant effect;
  • Enough for a long time;
  • Nice gel texture;
  • Takes into account the features of male skin.


  • Inconvenient packaging;
  • It cannot cope with the power function.


A premium product developed by an Israeli company specifically for dehydrated and very dry skin. The perfect companion for thin, sensitive skin that can respond to any potential irritants. Perfectly cleans any impurities without disturbing the pH and protective functions of the skin. Washes away long-lasting cosmetics and any foundation from the first time, without residues. At the same time, there is no hint of dryness and tightness of the face after using the product.

Castor oil is a natural emollient and emollient in the list of additives. Glycerin builds the skin barrier and moisturizes, leaving a feeling of elasticity. Lactic acid in the composition has a wide range of properties:

  • cleans;
  • heals;
  • moisturizes;
  • regenerates;
  • rejuvenates;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • acts as a regulator of acidity.

The rich composition of useful components is completed by natural chamomile, panthenol and aloe vera gel. They refresh and soothe the skin. Relieve irritation, tone up, smooth and protect against aggressive environmental influences.

The texture of the soap is very thick and viscous. Therefore, the purchased 250 ml bottle will last for a long time: in the opinion of buyers and their reviews - more than 4 months of daily use. Moreover, the product foams perfectly.

Has a subtle floral scent. Its method of application is slightly different from conventional soaps. When applied to the body, wait 1-2 minutes, then rinse. The comparison can be made with how the caring serum works.

Considering all the listed properties of soap, it can be considered an ideal product during cold weather and windy weather.

The cost of a professional hygiene product is from 1890 rubles.



  • Very delicate cleansing;
  • Provides professional care;
  • Lifting effect;
  • Acts as a beauty care product.


  • Very high price.

It is not necessary to know which company is the best product. It is enough to carefully read the composition and analyze the properties of the incoming components. Leave comments on what selection criteria are important for you when buying a cream soap. We hope our hygiene products review has helped you in your quest for clean and healthy skin.


  1. Nataliya

    I constantly use cream-soap for intimate hygiene, as well as firm Dove for the face. After such washing, I no longer use the face cream.


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