Best ice cream brands for 2024


A popular dessert, the taste of which has been familiar to us since childhood, today is produced in different types and forms, with any, even the most unexpected, fillings and different sizes, the assortment is constantly expanding, and new products appear. It is difficult to find a person who does not like ice cream, because the choice of this delicacy on the market can satisfy the most sophisticated taste. The editors of the site "", based on customer reviews, prepared a rating of the best ice cream brands for 2024.

History of origin

According to the data and testimonies of archaeologists, historians and scientists, this delicacy, albeit not in its modern form, was known 5000 years ago. The ancient Chinese mixed fruits with ice, and milk was added to the dish for the emperor and his entourage. In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, there were special glaciers for freezing various products, which became a welcome meal in hot weather. In the service of Alexander the Great, there were special snow miners from the mountain slopes - fast runners had to deliver the snow without letting it melt. Hippocrates himself believed that frozen fruits acquire special valuable properties and they are useful.

It is believed that Europeans got acquainted with this product thanks to the traveler Marco Polo, who brought the recipes to Europe. But this delicacy was available only to rich and noble people, because the recipe was kept secret, for the disclosure of which the death penalty was threatened.

France appreciated the dowry of Catherine de Medici in the form of an ice cream recipe. Its ingredients were oranges and lemons, and it was very expensive. The best chefs were taught art, and wealthy nobles greatly appreciated such personnel and in every possible way protected them from the encroachments of their friends, who also sought to get a master who cooked the most delicious mysterious dessert.

Greater opportunities for experimenting with recipes and improving taste appeared in connection with the acquaintance of Europeans with sugar and chocolate imported from the New World.

The first recipe available to all comers was published in 1718 in the Mary Eales cookbook in London. Napoleon, even while in exile on Saint Helena, could not change his habits and continued to enjoy his favorite taste.

All yards unanimously gave the palm among desserts to ice cream.

An innovator and experimenter in everything, Peter I brought ice cream, along with coffee and chocolate, to his homeland.

An invention such as an Eskimo on a stick ("Eskimo patty") belongs to American citizen Christian Nielsen. The convenience of this form was also appreciated in the USSR, and since 1937, manual production of this product was established, and 10 years later, industrial lines were already launched.

What are the types

According to the consistency and production technology, there are:

  • soft;
  • tempered.

The first type of product can be purchased in a cafe - it is sold by weight. The difference lies in the fact that it has a short shelf life, since the hardening stage does not pass. The stores sell a hardened product, the production technology of which includes the stages of mixture preparation, milling, packaging and hardening. The shelf life of this species is much longer.

By composition (depending on the mass fraction of fat):

  • Sundae - with the highest percentage of fat (12 to 20%), but also the most delicious and popular type. The composition also includes cream, whole milk, sugar, eggs, berries, cocoa or other fillers can be added.
  • Creamy - less high-calorie than ice cream, maximum fat content - 11.5%, the basis of preparation is cream.
  • Dairy - with a small amount of milk fat (from 0.5 to 7.5%) and sugar (up to 15.5%).
  • With milk fat substitute - a product based on coconut and palm oil.
  • Fermented milk - based on the microflora of kefir fungi, has preventive and medicinal properties.
  • Sorbet - no cream or animal fats and a minimum amount of sugar.
  • Fruit ice is hard, low-fat, but at the same time, high in calories due to the large amount of sugar in it. It contains a lot of fruit or berry juice.

By type of packing:

  • Bulk - cakes and rolls, which are sold in special trays.
  • Small packaged - ice cream in cups (plastic, paper, waffle), waffle cones and tubes, briquettes and popsicles.

To taste - an unlimited number of product varieties, including very unusual and exotic ones - with onions, bacon or seaweed. But the most popular models with traditional flavors:

  • Creme brulee;
  • chocolate;
  • vanilla;
  • berry;
  • fruity.

By type of preparation and place of manufacture:

  • for mass consumption (manufactured in production);
  • homemade;
  • author's (according to the recipes of culinary specialists).

Criterias of choice

In order not to make mistakes when choosing, you need to carefully read the description on the label.

What should you pay attention to? On the ratio of ingredients in the composition of ice cream and choose it, taking into account individual preferences and characteristics.

  • For people who are on a diet, the option with a lower fat content - lower-calorie dairy varieties is suitable. But for athletes, fat-soluble vitamins in the ice cream will be more beneficial.
  • Stabilizers and emulsifiers are indispensable elements that support the shape of the product. But it is better to choose a product with a minimum content and prefer fruit or berry filling or chocolate.
  • Palm oil contains absolutely no nutrients for the body, but is used due to its low cost. If possible, it is best to avoid it altogether or strive to purchase it with minimal content.
  • The model with salomas containing dangerous trans isomers is not recommended for purchase.
  • Replacing whole milk with milk powder or cream is permissible according to GOST, it will not bring danger and harm.
  • Coconut oil, which can be found in all types of ice cream, gives it softness and airiness. In addition, it contains vitamin C but does not contain cholesterol.
  • E-supplements vary in safety. The harmful ones that cause digestive problems and allergies include carrageenan (E407), carboxymethyl cellulose (E466), soy lecithin (E476).

General recommendations, which product is better to buy:

  • You should buy GOST products. The TU mark (technical conditions) is not a guarantee of product safety.
  • The weight of the components in the composition must be indicated in grams.
  • The product should be of an even color (not pure white), without lumps. Otherwise, the production technology was violated and the ingredients were not mixed correctly
  • Chocolate ice cream contains not less than 6% chocolate, and not less than 2.5% cocoa.
  • Walnut contains about 10% nuts.
  • Of the stabilizers, natural ones are the safest, for example, gelatin.
  • The glaze should not fall off the product, have a white coating, indicating the use of low-quality components or a violation of technology.
  • Examine the packaging carefully. It is best not to buy ice cream if it is deformed.
  • The brightness and unnatural colors of models with fruit and berry additives signal an overabundance of dyes in the composition.
  • Set aside ice cream in deformed packaging - most likely, the storage conditions of the goods have been violated.


In general, the right ice cream can not only delight the taste, but also be beneficial.

  1. Unhurried slow consumption gradually hardens the mucous membrane of the throat.
  2. The beneficial properties of milk are preserved in ice cream, vitamins of groups B, A, D, E perform their main functions and improve vision and skin condition, fight aging and heart disease, save from depression and normalize sleep. In addition, the finished product contains calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
  3. Compared to a regular cake, this delicacy loses much in the amount of fat and sugar and is less nutritious, but more easily digestible.

Tips for eating ice cream for children:

  1. Up to 3 years old, babies are not recommended to use the product due to an unprepared enzyme system for the amount of sugar and milk protein it contains.
  2. Children are very fond of this delicacy, so do not tempt them to buy on the street - they lick their fingers, which can cause an intestinal infection.
  3. For children with problems with obesity, gastrointestinal tract and diabetes, the product is contraindicated.
  4. Up to 7 years of age, a child, give preference to natural ice cream without any additives.
  5. Often sick people should not eat popsicles and frozen dessert - let it thaw a little. Teach your child to eat ice cream slowly without biting off.
  6. Doctors do not recommend treating a child with ice cream more than three times a week.

DIY ice cream at home

Can you make this delicious dessert yourself? Today there are many recipes and technologies, simple and complex, manually or using special equipment. We offer an easy way to quickly prepare a delicious and nutritious treat at home

Required products:

  • cream - 500 ml (fat content not less than 30%);
  • condensed milk - 200 gr;
  • vanilla sugar - 16 gr.

Step-by-step cooking instructions

  • Whisk the vanilla sugar in a pre-chilled bowl using a mixer, increasing the whipping speed. You can add a little thickener if the process fails. If the resulting mass does not pour out of the inverted dishes, the goal is achieved.
  • Reduce the whisking speed and add the condensed milk (in 3 stages), stirring constantly, until an airy, even mixture is obtained.
  • Transfer the mass to a plastic container or distribute in tins and cover with cling film.
  • Leave the product for 10 hours in the freezer, and then enjoy the delicate taste of homemade ice cream.
  • Additives such as banana can be used. Then you get a banana-flavored ice cream.

The best types of ice cream


Nestle 48 kopecks

The Nestle trademark has long been known in the market as a manufacturer of the best delicacies that meet all the GOST parameters. The presented model is no exception: there are no preservatives, dyes, vegetable fats in the composition, and the taste and smell are excellent. The release form is diverse - a plastic container, a cup, a portion in a package. The cost of the largest package - 450 g in a container - from 390 rubles.

Nestle 48 kopecks


  • good organoleptic characteristics;
  • without harmful substances;
  • affordable;
  • great taste.


  • according to buyers, a lot of sugar.

Inmarko Gold standard blueberry

Manufacturer - Inmarko, the product is manufactured in the Tula region. Despite the fact that ice cream is produced according to TU, the quality remains high - safe and natural composition, excellent taste. Whole milk in the base of the preparation saturates the product with vitamins that bring health benefits, and blueberry jam will have a beneficial effect on vision function. Average fat content - 10.7%.The release form is varied - from portions in a waffle cup to a pound of tender mass in a container costing from 350 rubles.

Inmarko Gold standard blueberry


  • a combination of jam and ice cream;
  • free of vegetable fats;
  • no harmful additives;
  • a budget option.


  • in some cases, butter is replaced with milk fat under the product label F.

Iceberry Filyovsky ice cream

The famous Iceberry brand pleases with the quality of its products and has its loyal fans. It is made in compliance with all the requirements of GOST, therefore it is absolutely safe even for children. Sundae of delicate consistency, uniform color, covered with chocolate glaze and packed in crispy waffle cups. One glass weighing 60 grams costs from 60 rubles.

Iceberry Filyovsky ice cream


  • the product is marked by Roskachestvo for compliance with the declared quality and characteristics;
  • delicious;
  • not watery;
  • appetizing crispy glass;
  • inexpensive.


  • absent.


Tim & Tim Rosemary Creamy

The Tim & Tim product will surprise you with an exotic and unusual combination of rosemary and orange and cookies with the taste of Jamaican pepper, as well as the blue color that is obtained thanks to the spirulina seaweed, which contains a lot of useful substances. Product weight - 400 grams, packed in a plastic bucket. Average price - from 550 rubles

Tim & Tim Rosemary Creamy


  • bright orange aroma;
  • only 230 kcal per 100 g;
  • natural ingredients;
  • aroma.


  • cost.

Baskin Robbins Creamy Almond Pistachio

600 grams of Baskin Robbins treats in a plastic bucket is enough for a large company and everyone will love it. A delicate mass with nuts will quench thirst and hunger, and 100 g of ice cream contains only 270 kcal. The pleasure is worth 680 rubles.

Baskin Robbins Creamy Almond Pistachio


  • delicate creamy taste;
  • fat content - 10.5%;
  • selected nuts.


  • The lactose in the composition can cause allergies.

Carte D'or pistachios

Producer Inmarko presents a delicious dessert of delicate soft consistency with pistachio flavor and aroma and pieces of nuts. 475 kg of plastic-wrapped treats can be purchased for 480 rubles.

Carte D'or pistachios


  • 230 kcal per 100 g;
  • pleasant aftertaste;
  • low fat content - 9.3%.


  • palm oil in the composition.


O12 coconut

The low-calorie food (136 kcal) will not hurt your diet, but will give you great pleasure thanks to its delicate coconut flavor and cooling effect. In addition, this model is rich in protein and vitamins, and does not contain sugar, flavorings or preservatives. The cost of a 70-gram portion is 150 rubles.

O12 coconut


  • few calories;
  • vitamins;
  • without sugar and harmful additives.


  • absent.

M & M's with peanuts

The M & M’s trade mark offers an analogue of its famous, beloved dragees, in the form of ice cream on a stick with chocolate icing with nut crumbs and pieces of dragees and nuts. A portion weighing 63 grams costs from 100 rubles.

M & M's with peanuts


  • a lot of nuts and chocolate glaze;
  • the taste is gentle, not cloying;
  • delicious filler in the form of nuts and dragees;
  • convenient form of release.


  • very high in calories (320 kcal).

With milk fat substitute

33 penguins Hazelnuts on rice milk

A useful product of the 33 Penguins brand is a godsend for people with lactose intolerance, since it is made on the basis of rice milk. Low-fat consistency, pleasant taste, hazelnuts in the composition, vitamins - everything that is necessary for leading healthy lifestyle and avoiding animal products. Price - from 340 rubles.

33 penguins Hazelnuts on rice milk


  • taste and smell;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • contains vitamins;
  • invigorates and refreshes;
  • sugarless;
  • few calories.


  • not cheap.

Fermented milk

Tonitto Natural Yoghurt

The Italian brand makes a delicacy from the freshest milk, cream and yogurt. A light airy dessert with a slight sourness refreshes on a hot day and pleases with taste. The cost of an 80-gram portion is from 460 rubles.

Tonitto Natural Yoghurt


  • suitable for the diet of the diet;
  • soft, not sugary taste.


  • expensive model.

Cow from Korenovka Ice cream with lingonberries

Russian ice cream from "Korovka Iz Korenovka" with condensed milk, cream, yoghurt and fruit puree will delight gourmets with a creamy berry taste, and people who follow a diet - with a low calorie content. The average price is from 50 rubles.

Cow from Korenovka Ice cream with lingonberries


  • not cloying and not very sweet;
  • pleasant sourness;
  • can be consumed during a diet;
  • inexpensive.


  • not found.


Exo Watermelon-melon

A food with a delicious blend of everyone's favorite melon and watermelon. You don't have to wait for the season to plunge into the atmosphere of summer, just buy this ice cream with melon and watermelon juice. On sale different packaging - in portions and a bucket of 520 grams, the cost of which is from 490 rubles.

Exo Watermelon-melon


  • amazing taste of watermelon juice;
  • pieces of melon;
  • bright aroma;
  • poured with fruit syrup.


  • contains vegetable fats.

Movenpick mango passion fruit

A completely dietary delicacy that does not contain fats and sugar, will not affect the figure at all and will not add excess weight - it consists of juices and fruits. Caloric content is only 132 per 100 g, and fat content is 0.2%. At the same time, the delicious aroma and taste of exotic fruits will take you to the top of bliss. Treat yourself to a diet without breaking it. Average price - from 900 rubles. for 900 grams of sorbet.

Movenpick mango passion fruit


  • no fat and sugar;
  • tasty, with a bright aroma;
  • can be consumed on a diet.


  • not found.

Where can I buy

Buying ice cream is not a big problem - it is sold in any store. But if you need a specific brand, refer to the catalog of the online store and place an order with home delivery. Delivery is carried out, as a rule, very quickly and in compliance with all transportation rules using refrigerated chambers, so there is no need to worry about the safety of its appearance and taste. Ordering goods online is a great way to surprise your loved ones. Such an unexpected gift with home delivery will not go unappreciated.

There is no dispute about tastes, but it is always useful to find out the reviews and characteristics of the product from the point of view of other buyers, take into account their experience and make the best choice. We ask you to share your opinion in the comments to this article too.


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