The mat that holds the needles or plates is designed for massage treatments. The editors of the site "" have prepared a rating for you best acupuncture mats for 2024.
What is a massage mat
It is known that human feet have many points, which are the centers of interaction of all human organs. Therefore, with the right impact on them, you can start the process of healing the body.
Mats with plates or needles have a massage effect on both feet and other parts of the body, normalizing blood circulation in the body.
The base of the rug can be made of the following materials:
- Rubber;
- The cloth;
- Metal.
Usually, in rugs, the needles are made of metal, and the plates are plastic. The product itself can have any shape and are capable of working either the entire back, or, to affect small problem areas.
Rugs with needles affect the human skin, irritating the nerve endings. This improves blood flow and relieves spasms. With regular use of such products, the inflammatory process is reduced and regeneration is accelerated.
When acting on the foot, such mats are capable of:
- Correct gait;
- Help shape the feet;
- Do not allow flat feet to develop.
Regular use of these rugs can improve your well-being, as well as get rid of many problems. However, it should be understood that such a product should be used carefully.
Indications for use
These rugs are useful for back ailments, as well as for many diseases.
It is recommended to use the product when:
- Problems of the musculoskeletal system;
- Nervous system problems;
- Problems with lungs and possible bronchitis;
- Cystitis and renal colic;
- Problems in gynecology;
- Weak immunity;
- Cardiovascular problems;
- If you move a little.
There are no special contraindications for use, however, you should still consult a doctor.
You should refuse to use the mat in the following cases:
- In case of violation in the work of organs;
- With hemophilia;
- With infectious diseases;
- At elevated temperatures;
- With skin pathologies or injuries.
During the procedure, carefully monitor your feelings, since the use of the rug should not bring painful sensations.
Do not overuse the applicator as it can damage your skin.
Varieties of rugs
Currently, the stores offer a wide variety of products and massage mats. Each of them has its own size, color, as well as composition and functionality. The most popular is Kuznetsov's Applicator.
Applicator Kuznetsov
It is most often used for problems with the musculoskeletal system. Various standard sizes of the product are presented in stores, so choosing the right one for yourself is not difficult. The basis of such a product is made of fabric. In the form of massage devices, round or square plates are used, which are made of plastic. Sometimes they can be made of polyurethane and have needle ends.
This product is due to such characteristics as:
- Availability;
- Reliability;
- Ease of use;
- Do not cause allergies;
- Compactness;
- Harmlessness.
Kuznetsov was a music teacher and suffered from chronic pain that was caused by circulatory problems. The relief from pain came with the help of acupuncture. He made his first applicator from a piece of car tire, on which he placed many pins.
Since 1979, his invention has steadily gained popularity.
Due to the wide range of colors, people with various diseases and all age groups can use the rug. You can choose an applicator suitable for a specific person, which will suit individual characteristics.
Depending on the color, the load of the mat is divided, for example:
- Green - for people with sensitive skin;
- Blue - has sharp spikes and is suitable for large surfaces;
- Yellow - enhances the healing effect, has sharp thorns and magnetic plates;
- Orange or red - has special needles that have an increased length and sharp edges.
Lyapko device
It differs from other applicators in appearance. It is mainly produced in 1 size 27.5x48 cm, for this area it has 2710 needles. Due to this, it has a large area of influence on the body. Application can be performed not only on the back, but also on the abdomen and limbs.
Due to mechanical irritation of the skin, there is an effect on the muscles of the human body. This allows you to remove pain syndromes, help the muscles to completely relax, as well as improve blood circulation and saturate the body with oxygen.
The rug itself is made of rubber, and the needles are made of metal. The metal alloy contains:
- Zinc;
- Copper;
- Silver;
- Gold;
- Iron.
Due to this combination of metals, the effect on the body is stronger due to the beneficial properties of minerals. Due to the effects of zinc, the immune system and the endocrine system are improved. Thanks to copper, the work of internal organs is regulated, as well as blood circulation. Being in the composition of silver allows you to influence tissue regeneration, and also has antibacterial and antitumor effects.
The very process of massage using such a rug allows the production of an increased amount of endorphins, and has a beneficial effect on the body.
Before use, you should also consult a doctor and remember about contraindications for use.
Application of the massage mat
Any thing must be used correctly and the massage mat is no exception. Before using it, in addition to the doctor's recommendation, you must carefully read the instructions for its use.
It is best to use the product in ventilated areas, and the temperature in the room should be comfortable for the procedure. It is recommended to do this on an empty stomach and preferably to empty the bladder. The needles should be treated with alcohol or alcohol-based disinfectants.
Massage should be started 1.5 hours after a meal. And you should eat after the procedure no earlier than 30 minutes later. It is recommended to take a calm posture and lie down, because after the procedure itself, the muscles relax and the body needs to tone up.
The duration of the procedure itself depends on individual characteristics, however, the recommended time is from 15 to 30 minutes. To get the effect of the procedures, you should use the mat for 1 to 2 weeks. It is necessary to take a break from a week to a month between courses. With some individual recommendations, the break may be 2 months.
During the procedure itself, you must lie quietly on the product, without making any movements or fidgeting. Rolling is also prohibited. Apply the applicator only to problem areas.
Rules for laying the applicator
It is necessary to lay out the invention on a hard surface. After that, the patient should lie on the mat with the problem area.It is very important to relax, because the initial sensations can be painful, but with the correct position of the body on the product, they should quickly pass.
The time of the first procedure should not exceed 5 minutes, if you cannot relax at all, then you should end the session. Gradually, the residence time on the applicator increases by 2 or 4 minutes, bringing the duration of the entire procedure to 20 - 30 minutes.
The result appears after 2 or 3 weeks, depending on the correct implementation and the problem itself.
If you place your body correctly on the mat, then being on it will begin to bring pleasant sensations. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the contact with the body is tight. In the area of the lumbar and cervical spine, it is recommended to place rolls or rolled up towels and place them under the applicator.
Pay close attention to how you feel while on the rug. If the discomfort has not gone away within 10 minutes, the treatment process should be stopped. You can try again the next day and clearly control the placement of the invention.
It is best to conduct morning sessions, but if you do not have this opportunity, then in the evening you should increase the procedure time, since after a hard day it is more difficult for the body to relax.
Product rating
Fosta mat + roller F 0107
On the fifth line of the rating is the Fosta F 0107 rug. The set comes with a roller, which is a nice addition. The color of the product itself is purple with white plastic applicators in the form of circles. The mat is a foam pad on which a cover with applicators is put on. The cover itself is removable and can be machine washed on the "gentle wash" mode. From this, the quality of the needles does not deteriorate.
This mat will help in the fight against cellulite, which will be a salvation for the ladies. However, in order for this process to begin to occur, it is necessary to lie on it with a problem area every day for 10-15 minutes, which is quite difficult.
The average price for a model is 1,700 rubles. Anyone can handle such a cost, which is why this rug is so popular.
- Machine washable;
- Convenient to use;
- Roller included.
- Small size.
The fourth line is occupied by the Azovmed rug. Available in blue with yellow circle applicators. Product dimensions: 85x40 cm. Number of thorns - 85 pcs. recommended for problem areas such as the lower back, back or feet. The needles are quite prickly, so getting used to them is quite difficult, and you may not be able to get used to this treatment device right away.
The product has a fabric base on which thorns are glued, this significantly reduces the presentation and shortens the service life. However, the thorns do not wear off over time, as they are made of high quality plastic.
The average cost of the product reaches 270 rubles. Very affordable price.
- Sharp applicators;
- Compact size.
- Not aesthetic appearance;
- Fragility.
Trives M-701
The third place is taken by the product Trives M-701. Has a soft lining. There are acupuncture spines on the surface. You can place the product not only on the floor, but also on a sofa or chair. With regular use, discomfort disappears in problem areas. Provides an opportunity to relax and improve the quality of sleep. The manufacturer recommends using a towel or thin clothing in case of severe sensitivity.
The size of the rug: 75x44 cm. Average cost: 1300 rubles.
It is not recommended to iron or boil the product itself, and do not use abrasive cleaners for cleaning. Do not dry-clean the product as this will damage its properties.
- Massage effect;
- Compactness;
- Availability;
- Bag included;
- Instructions for use.
- Not found.
Rug from Faberlic
The second line of the rating is occupied by a product from Faberlic. The size of the product is 65x40 cm. Suitable for the back and limbs.Made in green, the applicators themselves are white. The spikes are made of high quality plastic, therefore they do not injure the skin. Unpleasant sensations are observed only in the first 2 minutes of being on the mat.
Average cost: 1,700 rubles, which is not the cheapest option.
- Copes with back pain;
- Helps improve sleep quality;
- Easy to use;
- Helps relieve muscle fatigue and tension.
- Glued spikes;
- Foam lining.
BRADEX Nirvana KZ 0075
The first place is taken by the product from BRADEX - Nirvana. It can be used not only for problems in the back, but also in the legs, neck and abdomen. Made of fabric with plastic applicators. The size is 65x40 cm. The removable cover can be washed either by hand or in a gentle mode in a machine.
Helps relieve joint pain and relieve tension in the back after a long day at work. Helps to relax and tune in to a good sleep. Good for foot massage.
The recommended usage time is 15 to 20 minutes a day. Due to the shape of the thorns, it gently affects the skin and does not injure it.
The weight of the rug is light, which makes it easy to roll up and store, while it does not take up much space.
The spikes are located close to each other and cover the entire surface, which allows them to have the maximum effect on the body.
Average cost: about 450 rubles.
- Ease of use;
- Availability;
- Efficiency.
- There is no instruction.
In conclusion, we can say that Lyapko's invention is more complex, and allows you to affect a large area of the body. The most popular size is 27.5 x 48 cm.
Kuznetsov's invention is most popular due to the fact that it is possible to change the shape of the applicator, which will provide various effects on problem areas. Also, a large selection of colors allows you to choose a model for your preferences. The wide range of applicators also allows for a wider range of applications. Many of them can have different effects on the body.
An acupuncture mat can be considered a useful purchase for home use, since it can solve a large number of problems. At the same time, it does not require any special costs or efforts.
With constant use, users notice positive results within a few weeks, which indicates the high efficiency of the product, as well as the immediate results from its use.
It is best to purchase products from trusted firms, or by studying reviews from users, since you cannot save on your health. You should either buy from pharmacies or order from stores with a proven track record.
Do not forget that the product will not cure you of all diseases, but it can alleviate your condition and provide a minimal therapeutic effect. It will also help to establish a healthy and sound sleep, and help you relax. Therefore, when choosing this product, make your choice based on the doctor's recommendations, reviews and your preferences.