Measuring devices help to accurately determine the value of a particular electrical section, which has a positive effect on the operation of power plants. When using such equipment, a person can easily confirm or deny scientific evidence or can improve the functioning of some electrical devices.
No enterprise is complete without measuring products. Just knowing what they are capable of may not be enough, it is important to choose the right equipment. For this reason, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best ammeters for 2024.
What is an ammeter?
An ammeter is an electrical measuring device, the main purpose of which is to accurately determine the current strength in an electrical circuit.
In this case, the user must connect the probes in a specific sequence, that is, take readings only where it is necessary, and not in another place.
The resistance helps to accurately determine the measured current in the selected place, while it is important to remember that the resistance value of the ammeter itself should be at a minimum level. Thanks to this solution, the influence of the measuring tool on the electrical circuit is reduced, which allows for more accurate results. This is worth remembering when the minimum error is important to a person.
All obtained values are displayed in the value: μA, mA, A and kA. For this reason, a person should decide: what kind of accuracy he needs and where he plans to operate the product. To increase the current, it is enough to add magnetic amplifiers to the electrical circuit.
The ammeter will allow you to determine with maximum accuracy the strength of the alternating or direct current that flows in the electrical circuit. All devices are divided according to the method of destination, so some are more suitable for small currents (microammeters), while others work only with a high value (kiloammeters).
Focusing on the principle of operation and special features, all ammeters can be divided into 5 large groups. To find the right one, it is important to consider each type and, based on the merits, make the choice.
Such models appeared first and were invented over a hundred years ago. The principle of operation of these instruments is simple: this is how the device takes measurements from a coil, which is tightly fixed on a special spring, and a magnetic field formed under the influence of a permanent magnet; it is located inside the product.
The main advantage of analog ammeters is that they consume a minimum of electrical energy, which has a positive effect on the results obtained, since the error becomes minimal.
Such instruments have a standard arrow scale, where all marks are located at the same distance from each other. At one time this device was especially popular because it showed the most accurate results. With the development of technology, their first place went to more advanced devices.
Analog models are often used in automotive workshops because they only work with DC power, and some laboratories and factories that use DC also buy this unit because it is affordable and provides accurate results.
This tool does not have a floating core winding like the previous version. The main advantage of the ammeter is its simplicity. Inside the body there is a special mechanism and a core, which is fixed on the axis. As soon as a person connects the product, the core begins to move to the side, since it is located on the arrow, then it comes into motion with it, indicating to the person what value of the current in the electric circuit now. Due to the fact that the cost of such devices is small, they are in great demand among many buyers and home craftsmen. Most often they are bought for use in DC networks, and in some cases in devices that use alternating current, the frequency of which does not exceed 50 Hz.
A universal device that shows information about the current due to the interaction of two coils, where one is fixed in one position, and the other can go in different directions. Due to its wide range of applications, this device is bought most often. But especially, it is preferred to be used in laboratories, where employees need to obtain an accurate value with minimal error.
The only drawback of such a product is its high sensitivity. The product reacts to any magnetic fields that a technician may emit, even those generated in a phone. This creates additional problems for its operation. Due to such interference, it is almost impossible to obtain an accurate value under normal conditions.
Electrodynamic ammeters are used to measure AC and DC in various circuits, but the frequency should not exceed 200 Hz, this is the main requirement. Most often, this option is used when it is necessary to double-check the results obtained from other ammeters.
The instrument is used for most of the measurements. When it comes to choosing mechanical models, then devices of this type will be the right solution. The product guarantees the user high reliability, accuracy and trouble-free operation.
In addition, this device does not react in any way to extraneous sources of a magnetic field. Therefore, the user is exempted from purchasing an additional device. Inside the instrument there is a ferromagnetic closed wire, a coil that does not move and a core. The disadvantage of this product is its high cost. Therefore, they are used only in government laboratories or defense complexes.
Modern products that allow you to take measurements with maximum comfort. Such equipment does not have arrows; they are replaced by an informative liquid crystal display. Therefore, unnecessary hesitation will remain in the past. Despite this, the readings of such devices are distinguished by good accuracy, which makes them in demand for most areas.
The main advantage of the products is the minimum sensitivity to vibrations that can occur during movement or due to the influence of mechanical forces. This allows you to take measurements in the car without stopping it, which is a great advantage when carrying out some work.
Most of the manufactured products are distinguished by a good degree of moisture and dust protection, which allows using the equipment in extreme conditions without worrying about its condition. When taking measurements, the product can be positioned at any angle, this will not affect the accuracy. Also, the device can stay and record readings without constant operator supervision, which is a convenient solution.
Most often, an ammeter is used in factories where work with electrical equipment and thermal energy occurs.This is not the only area of application, it is also actively used:
- In electrical laboratories;
- In the car design;
- In the exact sciences;
- Construction;
- Repair of electronic equipment;
- Defense enterprises.
Some people use the device at home. For example, motorists use them to identify energy consumption in various units that are in a vehicle, this helps to get the most accurate information.
Ammeter connection
Since this is an electrical measuring device, it is important to follow a specific sequence for its operation. Only in this way will a person get the right results. The probes should be located between the power supply and the load.
To make measurements, it is important to know the type of voltage that is used in the power supply. This is done in order to understand which current will be measured: AC or DC. It is necessary to use only the device that is suitable for a particular case, another option is prohibited.
To make it easier to understand how to connect the ammeter, it is important to know some of the connection features:
- It is necessary to select the optimal shunt, where the peak current value will be less than that used for measurements;
- After it is necessary to connect to the electrical circuit, this is done using special nuts that are placed on the measuring tool;
- The device must be connected only after a person has de-energized the product that needs to be checked;
- The ammeter is included in the circuit;
- For the correct display of information, it is important to connect all elements with exact polarity;
- The last stage is the connection of electrical power, then the person reads the information received from the device and writes them down in a notebook or notebook.
The most important caution is not to plug the meter into an outlet when there is no load. If this is done, then the device will simply burn out, such equipment is rarely repairable, so a person will have to buy a new product.
Rating of the best analog devices
M2001-M1 100-0-100
An excellent model that will help you accurately determine the value of the current in an electrical circuit. The scale is round, with zero in the middle. Direct connection to the electrical circuit. The body is made of quality materials.
Sold at a price of 350 rubles.
- Reliability;
- High-quality assembly;
- Good accuracy.
- Not found.
A80P 30A-2.5
Direct connection ammeter, which is designed to measure current in single-phase electrical circuits. Usage is standard no special criteria. The body is made from quality materials.
Sold at a price of 400 rubles.
- Convenient location of the arrow;
- Good accuracy;
- Durable body;
- Russian production.
- Not found.
TDM A96 SQ1102-0016 250a / 5a-1.5
A more expensive option, which is sold in a metal case. This device opens up the possibility of making measurements more accurately, since the error is only 1.5. Moreover, the product has an affordable price and trouble-free operation for a long period.
The average price is 585 rubles.
- Metal body;
- Reliability;
- Minimum error;
- Optimal price;
- Top manufacturer.
- Not found.
ABB AMT1-A1-60 / 72
A device from a well-known company that will help determine the value of the current in the electrical circuit. The ammeter is manufactured in a durable plastic case and has good performance characteristics. Therefore, it will not deteriorate after several months of work.
Average price: 2 900 rubles.
- High reliability;
- Top company;
- High-quality assembly;
- Measurement up to 500 A.
- Not found.
ZODA 85C1, DC 1A
A budget option for home use. In difficult laboratory conditions, it will not be useful, since it has a small measurement range.Good plastic was used in the production, but this will not save the product from accidentally falling off the table.
The average price is 225 rubles.
- Reliability;
- Not bad accuracy;
- Price.
- Not found.
Rating of the best digital ammeters
An excellent compact device that will allow you to take measurements anywhere and under any circumstances. The work is carried out by the battery. A clear and informative interface will allow you to take more accurate readings. At the same time, the energy consumption is low, which will allow using the device for a long period.
Also, a big plus is the help, which confirms the complete safety of the product for the user. It is a great all-round tool to help both experienced radio amateurs and beginners alike.
The average price is 1,000 rubles.
- Intuitive interface;
- Good accuracy;
- Efficiency;
- Strength;
- Simplicity of measurements.
- Not found.
TDM CPU-60A-1.0
A good branded product for home use in a garage or small car workshop. An informative display will help you get the most accurate readings of the current in the circuit. The body is made from a thin sheet of metal.
Sold at a price of 455 rubles.
- External execution;
- Low price;
- Good accuracy;
- Display.
- Not found.
Ammeter EKF AD-723
A professional device designed to obtain accurate information. Used in many laboratories and manufacturing plants. The case is made of high quality metal that will last a long time and will not deteriorate visually.
The average price is 4,500 rubles.
- High degree of protection;
- Three displays;
- Reliability;
- Good build quality.
- Not found.
Ammeter ЦА2101
This option is suitable for placement in scientific laboratories, as it has high accuracy, which allows you to get the most reliable results. No CHP or HPP is complete without this product.
Sold at a price of 16 800 rubles.
- Reliability;
- Minimum error;
- Equipment;
- Efficiency.
- Not found.
EKF AD-721
A cheap model designed to fit in a small workshop. The casing is made of durable material that can withstand minor mechanical stress. The production is carried out by a well-known company.
The average price is 2,000 rubles.
- Efficiency;
- Good accuracy;
- Low price;
- Robust case.
- Not found.
Ammeters are an important tool for any radio amateur or power station worker. The device will help both to optimize the device and to identify a malfunction. If you have experience using the models described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.