Middle ear inflammation or otitis media is a fairly common disease among children. Since the disease can cause complications, antibiotics may be used to treat it. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you an overview of the best antibiotics for the treatment of otitis media for 2024.
What is otitis media
With otitis media, any part of the ear can become inflamed, however, most often it is an inflammation of the middle ear. But the outer part can also be affected.
The course of otitis media can be quite difficult. For example, with a fever and severe shooting or throbbing pain. Such sensations are difficult to endure not only for children, but also for adults. Because inflammation can lead to complications, antibiotics are used to treat it. The release form can be any, from drops to tablets and injections.
Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs, but it is better to always have such a medicine available so that in which case you can quickly help.
Most often, this disease occurs in childhood, since their ear canal is not yet fully formed. It is worth remembering that in most cases this is not an independent disease, but is a consequence, after the course of infectious diseases.
In the event that your child is not yet speaking, you can find out about the onset of the disease by the following signs:
- Whims;
- Constant grunting of the ear;
- Refusal to eat;
- Sleep refusal.
In the event that the child speaks, he can tell you about the pain in this area himself.
To test your assumptions, you can apply pressure to the protruding cartilage of the ear, on both ears. If at this moment the baby screams or starts to be capricious, you should consult a doctor.
There are several other symptoms that can occur with inner ear inflammation:
- Fever
- General malaise and weakness;
- Discharge from the ear;
- Hearing problems;
- Headaches.
If you notice one or more signs, you need to consult a doctor. This will help avoid negative consequences.
Treatment without antibiotics
Children can treat otitis media without antibiotics, although this depends on a number of factors.
First, it is worth paying attention to the origin of the disease. In the event that this is a side effect from a respiratory viral infection and is under the supervision of a doctor, then antibiotics should not be taken immediately. First of all, in such cases, pain relievers or antipyretic drugs, or ear drops are prescribed. This will enable the immune system itself to cope with the resulting infection.
The second thing to consider is the stage of the disease. If the temperature lasts more than 39 degrees for more than 2 days, then antibiotics should still be prescribed. And also if there is discharge from the ear.
The third factor is the age of the baby. In children under 2 years of age, inflammation can cause severe and unwanted complications. It is for this reason that the doctor may immediately prescribe an antibiotic.
Only the attending physician can make a decision about taking medications, who will consider the entire set of factors.
In some cases, wait and see tactics are adopted. Which allows you to observe the child for about two days and watch the reaction of his body. In about 80% of cases, after two days, there is a positive trend, which excludes the use of antibiotics.
Usually, after 2 years, the body is already able to cope with the infection itself. However, in medicine there is a wide range of drugs that help cope with otitis media.
Otitis media therapy may include the following medications:
- Antihistamines
Such medications make it possible to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and auditory tube. This has an effect on pain and hearing quality.
- Vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose
They give an opportunity to relieve swelling, reduce the amount of mucus and can relieve painful sensations.
- Ear drops
There are anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They cannot be used if there is discharge from the ear canal.
- Ointments / compresses
Compresses can be performed. To do this, it is enough to place a cotton swab dipped in the drug in the ear. The use of ointments allows you to relieve swelling and relieve pain.
It is worth remembering that you should not prescribe treatment for yourself, since everyone has individual characteristics. And what suits someone of your acquaintances is not a fact that suits you.
Antibiotic treatment in children
In the event that the complex treatment did not entail the removal of the symptoms of otitis media, then the attending physician will prescribe antibiotics. Most often, the causative agent of the disease is staphylococcal infection or Haemophilus influenzae. If prescribed correctly, the effect of the drug taken will be more noticeable.
The most common are amoxicillin preparations. Their cost is quite affordable, and the release forms allow you to choose the drug that is right for your child.
Rating of antibiotics for external use
In third place are Polydex ear drops. They are produced in France. The drops themselves have an anti-inflammatory effect and also have an antibacterial effect. This is achieved due to the fact that the composition contains two antibiotics - polymyxin and neomycin. The joint work of these components allows you to influence many microorganisms.
Drops are often used for external otitis media. It is forbidden to use them in the case when there is damage to the membrane.
The doctor should prescribe such drops to children very carefully, since they have a rather strong effect. It is also not recommended to prescribe a long course of treatment for such remedies for a woman in position. Since there may be a risk of ototoxic effects on the fetus.
Only a doctor can prescribe such a drug, since if prescribed incorrectly, there may be negative consequences. Plus, they cannot be combined with certain medications.
The average cost of a pack is 270 rubles.
- Anti-inflammatory effect;
- Fast acting;
- Affordable cost.
- There are a number of contraindications;
- Cannot be combined with some drugs.
The second line is also occupied by a drug from France - Otofa. It is considered, perhaps, the most common remedy in the treatment of ENT problems. It is a topical antibiotic that shows high efficiency.
Due to the fact that it is safe, it can be used even with a damaged eardrum. The main substance in the composition is an antibiotic of the rifamycin group, which have good characteristics in the fight against microorganisms that lead to otitis media.
Since these are drops, they are easy to apply. You just need to drop it into the sore ear and that's it. Due to the fact that the drug is safe, it can be safely used in children. As for the contraindications, it is only one.This is a direct intolerance to rifamycin.
Drops do not cause side effects and discomfort.
The average cost is 180 rubles.
- Safety;
- Efficiency;
- Availability.
- Bright color, can stain bedding.
The leader of the rating is Anauran. It is a drop from the common cold. It is also used for allergies in children and adults.
Thanks to their combined properties, the drops have both antibacterial and anesthetic effects. This drug copes well with inflammation and infection that has appeared. And the bonus is the analgesic property.
It should be used only with a doctor's prescription, and follow the recommendations in the instructions.
It contains several components that are perfectly combined with each other and enhance the properties of each other. Almost immediately after using the drops, there is a positive trend and the removal of painful symptoms.
As with the previous means, it is quite easy to apply them, you just need to drip into the ear canal. It can be prescribed for acute or chronic otitis media, as well as for inflammation associated with otitis media or sinusitis.
May be prescribed during recovery from eardrum surgery.
The average cost is 260 rubles
- Affordable cost;
- High efficiency.
- Not found.
Oral drug rating
The third in the ranking is the Russian-made antibiotic, which belongs to the antibiotics of the penicillin series. They are considered to be more effective against microorganisms that cause otitis media. Also, these antibiotics are safe to use. Such medicines should not be used if the components are intolerant. Usually, this remedy is prescribed to adults, since it has the strongest effect on their bodies during treatment. For children under 12, it is not recommended to take it. Many side effects can appear for the child's body, and the child's body's tolerance for this antibiotic is not very good.
Release form - tablets of 250 and 500 mg in dosage. In the case of a severe course of the disease in the first few days, the drug can be administered in the form of intramuscular injections. And after that, the treatment should be continued with pills. The course of treatment is maximum 14 days.
The average cost per pack is 225 rubles.
- Effective for adults;
- Safe;
- Affordable cost;
- Reduces the risk of complications.
- Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
We also give the second place to the Russian drug - azithromycin. Tablets are not always used for a disease such as otitis media, but they become a lifesaver in cases where the patient is intolerant to penicillin. This antibiotic is effective against many microorganisms. Among its advantages, one can note a pronounced bactericidal effect on the body, due to the fact that it is concentrated in inflammatory foci.
Improvements can be observed from the second day of taking the drug. This remedy has shown itself well in the fight against otitis media, as well as in case of damage to the upper respiratory tract. Its use is almost imperceptible to be transferred, however, like many antibiotics, it affects the intestinal microflora. May in some cases cause dysbiosis. Therefore, doctors recommend taking a supportive probiotic.
It can only be used by adults, for children under 12 years old, it is completely contraindicated. there are also a number of contraindications for taking it inside.
The average cost is 210 rubles.
- Affordable cost;
- Visible effect on day 2.
- There are contraindications;
- Causes dysbiosis.
The leader of the rating is a remedy from Slovenia - amoxiclav.Very often, the doctor prescribes its reception for children, since it has minimal negative effects on the body, and it is well tolerated. It can be attributed to the safest remedies for otitis media.
It contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, which enhances the effect of the antibiotic. Due to the fact that amoxiclav has a fairly wide range of effects, it copes well with many types of bacteria.
It is precisely due to the fact that its use is wide enough, and its effect is safe, that it is very often prescribed by pediatricians for inflammatory diseases and otitis media.
Despite its safety, the antibiotic has a number of contraindications that should be studied before taking it. It should be taken according to the dosage.
The average cost is 375 rubles per package.
- High security;
- A wide range of effects.
- Not found.
The recovery process after taking antibiotics
According to statistics, about 20% of all cases of otitis media require antibiotic treatment. In the event that you belong to this category, then you should minimize the negative effect associated with taking them.
It should be noted that the course of antibiotic treatment should include restorative drugs. For example, probiotics, which are supposed to resume the work of microflora. These can be products such as Enterojermina, Linex and many other supplements. Because after taking antibiotics, the weakest point is the intestines.
Such remedies should be included in all treatments with strong drugs, not just otitis media.
Due to the fact that children's antibiotics have a wide range of effects, they also destroy beneficial microorganisms. It is for this reason that children must use restorative agents so that later they do not have to deal with stomach upsets.
To help your child cope with the disease easier, it is better to exclude fried and fatty foods from his diet. Sweet, spicy, and salty foods are best removed to avoid problems such as bloating or gas. It is best to introduce cereals, boiled vegetables or meat, as well as kefir and yogurt into the diet.
Additionally, you can give a vitamin complex, which will avoid anemia.
For or against antibiotics
Whether or not to take such potent drugs in childhood, doctors have not yet decided. Because of the many side effects, their use can be completely useless.
However, there are cases when it is simply impossible to do without their reception. This is necessary if the child is still very young. At 2 years of age, many ENTs adhere to a wait-and-see tactic, since the body is able to cope with infections itself as soon as possible.
You should not take potent drugs even in cases where only one ear is affected and the disease is mild, and there is no high temperature or intoxication of the body.
Taking medications may be useless if the otitis media was not caused by a fungus, but is a consequence of a viral infection. In this case, antibiotics will not bring a tangible effect.
Be vigilant with your body and do not self-medicate.