Best anti vibration gloves for 2024


During some work, personal protective equipment is required to reduce vibration indicators to a safe level. These products are called “anti-vibration gloves”.

Vibration is a formidable enemy for human health, but it is not possible to completely eliminate it. To reduce the degree of negative impact on the body, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of personal protective equipment.

In such gloves, the user should be comfortable, and they are also required to maximize the level of safety when working with special tools. The editors of the site "" have prepared a review of the best anti-vibration gloves for 2024.

Areas of application of anti-vibration gloves

Such a wonderful protection tool is actively used when working with such tools:

  • Jackhammer;
  • Perforator;
  • Drill hammer;
  • Electric drill;
  • Sampling mechanized systems;
  • Pneumatic devices;
  • Hydraulic equipment.

There are several types of anti-vibration gloves that will be the best option for working with a particular tool. For the convenience of users, they are divided into groups.

Types of anti-vibration gloves

These personal protective equipment can protect a person's hands from moisture, cold, contact with industrial oils or petroleum products. Depending on the field of application, they are divided into the following categories:

  • For construction and renovation;
  • For logging and woodworking works;
  • For driving and cycling;
  • For work in the housing and communal sector;
  • For metalworking;
  • For mechanical engineering;
  • For working with a lawn mower;
  • To carry out agricultural activities;
  • For processing and melting metals.

Tensile strength, according to GOST, must be at least 250 Newtons. Improving the safety of using power tools depends entirely on the presence of pads on the gloves, which are additional damping elements. Products of this type must withstand operating temperatures in the range from +5 to +45 degrees. Among the indicators that are subject to normalization, there is:

  • The number of cycles until gloves fail or break;
  • Percentage ratio of the intensity of low-frequency, medium-frequency and high-frequency vibration vibrations;
  • Tear resistance;
  • Piercing strength;
  • Vibration absorption by the base material;
  • The material of the outer part of the product.

How to choose the right anti-vibration gloves

Modern manufacturers offer consumers a huge number of personal protective equipment, but choosing the right products for a particular job can be very difficult. The main parameter when buying anti-vibration gloves is the thickness of the material. Drivers and people working with small tools are advised to select retainers made of thin material with open thumb, middle, and forefinger.Such products are used to work with grinding machines, pneumatic screwdrivers, aircraft riveting hammers, small-sized stripping hammers.

If the work will be carried out in a warm room, it is worth purchasing products from an air-conducting material with a working rubber surface. This will provide excellent grip on the tool, prevent slipping and increase safety. Latex is often used to make such protective products, but this material can provoke allergic reactions. When buying latex products, it is best to opt for gloves that are low in talc and protein.

In industrial enterprises, shockproof anti-vibration protective equipment is used to prevent injuries. Outdoor work or activities in cold rooms require insulated anti-vibration mounts.

When you need to protect your hands during prolonged work in water, you should pay attention to moisture-resistant gloves. Manufacturing plants handling chemicals use models that are resistant to acids and alkalis.

Anti-vibration gloves made of thick material are ideal for industrial activities as they are excellent at damping vibrations. The tactile properties are significantly reduced. Although anti-vibration personal protective equipment comes in a variety of price points, expensive models are not necessarily the best choice for any type of job.

Ranking of quality anti-vibration gloves for 2024

To choose the right products for your needs, you should read the reviews of users and specialists. For these purposes, the editors of "" have prepared a small review, thanks to which it will be convenient and simple to choose anti-vibration gloves.

Most inexpensive

Gross stylish

Lightweight protective gloves from this manufacturer are intended for professional use with certain tools. They reliably protect the surface of the hands from mechanical damage and reduce the impact of vibration on the human body. These products are designed for long-term and aggressive use in severe operating conditions. This protector has rubberized inserts for excellent air exchange and hand protection. A snug fit is provided due to the anatomical cut of the product. This creates additional comfort during operation. There is a plastic reinforcement in the wrist area on the palm side of the gloves. The back is made of polyester and elastane. The weight of such personal protective equipment is 0.110 kg. The cost of the product is 708 rubles.

anti-vibration gloves Gross Stylish


  • Convenience;
  • Suitable for different types of work;
  • Hand safety;
  • Quality;
  • Design;
  • Strength;
  • Air permeability;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Reinforcing inserts;
  • Manufacturing material.


  • Inseam on the index fingers;
  • If moisture gets on the product, you should wait until it dries, since wear resistance will be a big question.

SIBRETECH anti-vibration gloves

Mittens from a Russian manufacturer are made of high quality cotton fabric. They are equipped with a soft foam insert that improves the anti-vibration characteristics of the product. The mittens are sewn with the 2nd reinforced thread. The manufacturer recommends the use of such protective equipment when working with a power tool, where it is required to reduce the damage from vibration when working with a power tool. The bumpy coating provides additional vibration protection. Such products are designed for a day of work with the tool. The next day, it is better to replace the mittens with a new pair. The dimensions of the mittens are 28x15x1.5 cm, and the weight is 0.07 kg. The cost of the product is 57 rubles.

SIBRETECH anti-vibration gloves


  • Cost;
  • Convenience;
  • Hand protection against cuts and low-frequency vibrations;
  • Availability;
  • Material;
  • Air permeability;
  • Safety when working with various power tools.


  • Not recommended for use in wet conditions;
  • Fragility;
  • Hands overheat in the heat.

Middle price segment

Delta Plus

Anti-vibration knitted seamless gloves are very popular among the residents of the Russian Federation. There is a protective pad on the fingers and palms, made in the form of chloroprene rubber cushions. The material for the manufacture of this personal protective equipment was polyester. Gloves provide reliable protection against impact and pinching. Seamlessness of execution allows to ensure the durability of personal protective equipment. Gloves are produced in 2 sizes - 10 and 11. The cost of the product is 1 600 rubles.

anti-vibration gloves Delta Plus


  • Quality;
  • Abrasion resistance;
  • Rubberized pads increase product durability;
  • Adhesion quality;
  • Resistant to tearing;
  • Vibration and shock protection;
  • Suitable for electrical work;
  • Cost;
  • Protects wrist bones from impact.


  • Narrowing at the tips of the fingers;
  • Not the best puncture and razor resistance.

Manipula Specialist Dethrion Sapphire

These gloves are designed to provide shock and cut protection during work. They are distinguished by excellent adhesion to the surface, reliable protection against mechanical stress, and shock load mitigation. The knitting density is 13 stitches. The products are equipped with a double overlock wrist cuff that protects the surface of the hands from dirt and dust. Gloves have proven themselves well when used in wet and dry environments, so they are recommended for use in the coal, oil, oil refining and gas industries, as well as for construction or repair. The polyurethane polymer coating of the work area has successfully passed the test for resistance to petroleum products and oils. The anatomical design of the thermoplastic overlay protects the dorsal region and joints of the hand from shock loads, as evidenced by the results of testing according to GOST EN 13594 2015. Manipula products are marked with the letter "P". These personal protective equipment are produced in one size - 10. The risk class is 1. The cost of the product is 1,757 rubles.

anti-vibration gloves Manipula Specialist Dethrion Sapphire


  • Material;
  • Quality;
  • Convenience;
  • Simplicity of care;
  • Seamless base;
  • Polymer coating;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Safety;
  • High indicators of resistance to cuts level C;
  • Resistant to abrasion and breaking load.


  • Cost.

"Vibro" Protect 005

Vibration-resistant gloves from a Russian manufacturer can reduce the impact of low-frequency and medium-frequency (up to 125 Hz) vibrations when working with power tools. The comfortable use of such products is provided by a vibration-proof soft pad. The basis for the manufacture of this vibration protection was a dense Baltex blended fabric, the density of which is 250 g / m². The working surface is made of STEPOR elastic damping material. This personal protective equipment can be used when working with jackhammers, impact wrenches, drilling machines, concrete grinders, chipping hammers and other tools. The weight of the gloves is 80 g, and the dimensions are 26x1.5 cm. The cost of the product is 1,010 rubles.

anti-vibration gloves "Vibro" Protect 005


  • Cost;
  • Quality;
  • Ease of use;
  • Design;
  • Reliability of protection up to 90% from vibration impact;
  • Elastic band on the wrist;
  • Air permeability;
  • Areas of application.


  • Wear resistance.

Premium class


The Swiss manufacturer's anti-vibration leather gloves have reinforced seams. They are characterized by resistance to abrasion and durability.This model is designed to protect hands from vibration during maintenance work. Natural leather perfectly absorbs a certain part of vibration, creating a comfortable environment for such activities. Personal protective equipment has dimensions of 36.5x15x2.3 cm, and its weight is 0.37 kg. The cost of the product is 8 265 rubles.

anti-vibration gloves TEGERA


  • Durability;
  • Convenience;
  • Reliability of hand protection;
  • Safety;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Manufacturing material;
  • Abrasion resistance;
  • Quality;
  • Density of the material;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Hypoallergenic.


  • Cost.

Amparo Vibrostat

These personal protective equipment from a Russian manufacturer are perfect for reducing the impact of vibration damage, protect hands from mechanical damage, and keep the skin from contact with cooled or hot surfaces. To protect the back of the hand, the product is equipped with foam inserts made of leather material, and the upper part is made of high quality leather. On the palm part inside these gloves, there is a vibration-absorbing insert made of foamed high molecular weight polymer material. All elements of personal protective equipment are stitched with high-strength fire-resistant para-aramid threads. The size range includes the following models: 9,10,11,12. Gloves are designed for use in a wide variety of industries when working with hand tools equipped with an electric, pneumatic or hydraulic drive. The cost of the product is 4,880 rubles.

anti-vibration gloves Amparo Vibrostat


  • Anti-electrostatic properties;
  • Leather inserts;
  • Vibration-absorbing liner;
  • Quality;
  • Design;
  • High degree of hand protection;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Ease of use.


  • Cost.


The original line of gloves from the Russian manufacturer X-MARINA TZ is distinguished by the presence of combined protection against vibration. The products have a leather handheld with vibration-proof pads on the fingers and the back of the hand, made of high-strength rubber. This solution made it possible to provide reliable protection against mechanical damage and shock. Vibration protection elements on the gloves are segmented, which allows for a comfortable grip without additional effort. Kevlar fibers provide cut protection. The elastic cuff with Velcro closure additionally protects the hand in the wrist area from vibration. The antibacterial properties are achieved by the manufacturer through the use of bamboo fibers. The cost of the product is 2 050 rubles.

anti-vibration gloves X-MARINA TZ


  • Antibacterial effect;
  • Quality;
  • Convenience;
  • Fixation;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Design;
  • Durability;
  • Air permeability;
  • Brand.


  • Cost.

This review presented the most popular models of personal protective equipment when working with a specialized professional tool. If you have experience using the anti-vibration gloves described above or products from other manufacturers, share your feedback in the comments. Your recommendations will be useful to other readers.


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