Best Darsonval machines for 2024


With the advent of electricity, the quality of human life has increased significantly. This applies not only to electrical appliances, which today are indispensable helpers in many household industries, but also those that care about beauty and health. Such a device is the Darsonval apparatus.

The editors of the site "" have prepared material about what Darsonval devices are, what they are for and their areas of application. And also a review of popular models and a rating of the best manufacturers were made, recommendations for use and advice when choosing were given.

What is the Darsonval apparatus?

First, let's find out how the Darsonval apparatus works. With the help of a special vacuum technology, this device acts on various areas of the skin with short current pulses, thereby increasing blood flow and accelerating metabolic processes. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and the whole organism.

The Darsonval apparatus is named after its creator, French physiologist Arsene D'Arsonval. Back at the end of the 19th century, the scientist became interested in the ability of high-frequency currents to pass through the tissues of the body without irritating the skin, but, on the contrary, causing a positive physiotherapeutic effect. Subsequently, this technique has gained immense popularity, and this procedure has come to be called darsonvalization.

Today, many companies produce Darsonval devices that differ in quality, configuration, scope and other criteria.

Indications for use

  • For facial skin. The use of the device is indicated for oily skin, as well as for the treatment of acne and acne, eliminating expression lines and increasing skin tone. With regular use, it helps to obtain an even and healthy complexion.
  • To improve hair condition. The device is very effective against the threat of baldness, hair loss, dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis. The systematic action of the electrode on the hair follicles awakens them, stimulating hair growth.
  • For body lifting. It is actively used in the fight against cellulite, sagging and sagging body skin.
  • With varicose veins. There is evidence of the effectiveness of the device for varicose veins, however, one should be careful, and be sure to consult a doctor before using.
  • For disinfection and regeneration of damaged skin: wounds, abrasions, bruises.
  • The doctor may prescribe a darsonvalization procedure for the treatment of osteochondrosis, pain syndromes of various origins, and headaches.

It's important to know! Treatment of specific diseases with the Darsonval apparatus must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.


The device must not be used under the following circumstances:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with cardio arrhythmias and other heart diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • with a pacemaker
  • avoid exposure to benign formations;
  • do not use on the face of people wearing braces or other metal structures.

Benefits of using Darsonval:

  • increases skin elasticity;
  • improves blood circulation and enhances microcurrents;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • reduces pores;
  • stimulates the growth of new hair;
  • provides anti-cellulite care with a lifting effect;
  • makes a massage effect;
  • removes small scars and scars;
  • has a bactericidal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • budget price for most models.


  • there are many contraindications;
  • the desired effect appears only after prolonged use;
  • stimulates unwanted facial hair growth.

What are the Darsonval apparatus

Initially, these devices were made only for professional use in physiotherapy, cosmetology, and the like. Nowadays Darsonval household appliances have become very popular. There is no need to go to an expensive spa salon, because every owner of this device has the opportunity to carry out anti-aging procedures at home.

The main difference between professional Darsonvali and household ones is in the capabilities and configuration. Professional models are stationary, have more weight than household ones, but also have more options. The variety of attachments helps to carry out various procedures.

They also differ in current strength and impulse voltage. For prophylactic purposes, a current with a voltage of 2-7 kilovolts is used to lift the skin of the face and prevent mimic wrinkles. To stimulate the scalp and scalp, a voltage of 7-12 kV is required. A higher voltage - 12-15 kV, - is used for a point effect on damaged or inflamed skin areas: wounds, bruises, acne, acne.


A good Darsonval apparatus should have the following types of attachments:

  1. Fungus - used for contact effects on the skin of the face and body.
  2. Comb - an attachment in the form of a hair comb with six or nine teeth.
  3. It is used to affect the scalp.
  4. Drop-shaped - this nozzle is indispensable for more accurate hitting of the face curves: the area around the nose, lips, eyes.
  5. Point - used for non-contact action on problematic skin elements: acne, rashes, small wounds.
  6. In wider configurations, there are several more types of nozzles: T-shaped, cavity, ear.

Places where you can buy the device:

  • at the pharmacy;
  • in a specialized store;
  • on the website of the online market.

How to choose a Darsonval apparatus

You need to look for a good device based on the following selection criteria:

  1. If you are planning to purchase a device for home use, then a household Darsonval will do just fine. For operation in beauty salons and medical centers, you will need a professional who is designed for constant active work.
  2. Pay attention to the duration of use. For devices operating on a battery, the operating time should not be less than 20 minutes before the next recharge. Or choose a network-powered device.
  3. The length of the cord of the device should be optimal for the procedure.
    For many users, the weight and dimensions of the model matter. Choose them according to your preferences.
  4. The number of nozzles also plays a role. The device must have a minimum set of nozzles - 3-4 pieces.
  5. Pay attention to the quality of the case and components. The model of a reliable manufacturer has nozzles made of glass resistant to electrical impulses, and the body is made of high-quality plastic.
  6. Warranty and service life are important criteria when buying a device. The bigger, the better. You also need to make sure that you have a state standard certificate for this product.
  7. And finally, there should be an optimal ratio of price and quality of the product.

How to use the Darsonval apparatus

Darsonvalization can only bring tangible benefits when used correctly. Before using, you need to study the basic rules for using the Darsonval apparatus.

Attention! Never change attachments while the device is on!

  1. Before the procedure, you must take off all metal objects and jewelry: chains, earrings, rings, etc.
  2. If the device is switched on directly from the mains (which is observed in most models), make sure that the nozzle electrode is installed in the device, and only then plug the plug into the outlet. In this case, it is also necessary to set the power regulator to the minimum mode.
  3. The procedure is carried out on clean and dry skin, without using creams, masks, etc.
  4. If your skin is very oily, then you need to apply talcum powder or baby powder.
  5. For a facelift, select the fungus attachment, and at the power indicated in the instructions, smoothly drive with light movements along the massage lines of the face from the center to the edges. The procedure should not cause discomfort - at most, a slight tingling sensation.
  6. After darsonvalization, the face and the treated areas of the body should be lubricated with a moisturizer, since the current pulses cause dry skin.
  7. For spot treatment of acne, acne and inflamed skin areas, use the drop or abdominal attachment. Holding at a distance of 1-2 mm from the skin, produce current pulses, while a spark arises between the surface and the electrode.
  8. The duration of exposure should not exceed 2-3 seconds per area.
  9. Use the comb attachment to improve hair growth. Having chosen the required power, drive in successive movements in the direction of hair growth over the entire surface of the hairline. If the curls are short, point the electrode against the hair growth. The procedure should be carried out on a dry and clean head. The duration of exposure is 10-15 minutes.

Do not use the Darsonval device frequently in areas of unwanted hair growth

Rating of the best Darsonval devices

Darsonvalization is very popular and effective today, so there are enough manufacturers producing their own Darsonval models. Which ones are the best and how much do they cost? What to look for in order to avoid mistakes when choosing? To answer these questions, a rating of high-quality and popular models of the device and their manufacturers was prepared.


Our rating is opened by Darsonval "Korona", which is produced by the Ukrainian company "Novator". With this device, you can carry out all the necessary procedures to improve the condition of the face and hair.

The standard equipment of the device consists of a voltage stabilization unit located on the input plug, the device body itself and three replaceable nozzles. Additionally, you can purchase 3 more electrodes, but complete ones are enough for general procedures.

The weight of the entire device is 850 grams, thus being heavier than analogues.

The operating time is 20 minutes, after which the device turns off automatically. The break between sessions is 10 minutes.

Darsonval "Crown" price - 2500 rubles

Darsonval "Crown"


  • performs the main types of darsonvalization;
  • automatic shutdown system during processing;
  • built-in voltage regulator;
  • power adjustment;
  • acceptable price.


  • few attachments included;
  • bulky block adapter on the device plug;
  • weight is more than average;
  • uncomfortable wide handle-body.

Carat De 212 ULTRA

This Russian-made device is in good demand. Sufficient power for various procedures will help you quickly cope with even purulent acne. Its intensity is regulated by rotating a button installed on the body of the product.

The device is made in the form of a cone-shaped holder, on which glass nozzles-electrodes are attached. Has a universal white body color. A built-in voltage adapter is installed at the end of the plug. According to buyers, this plug is not very convenient when plugged into a wall outlet.

The Darsonval Carat De 212 ULTRA kit comes with 4 replacement attachments:

  • mushroom;
  • cavity nozzle stick;
  • comb attachment;
  • slingshot (T-shaped nozzle).

The electrodes are packed in a cardboard box with the device. A big advantage of the reviews is the reliability of fastening glass nozzles, which are fixed with an additional threaded ring.The weight of the apparatus with an electrode is 500 g.

Approximate price - 2700 rubles

Carat De 212 ULTRA


  • sufficient efficiency of darsonvalization;
  • reliable attachment of replaceable nozzles;
  • power regulator;
  • not too heavy;
  • universal body color.


  • massive block adapter;
  • no storage case for attachments.

Ultratek SD 199

The next in the ranking is the popular model - Ultratek SD 199, produced by the Russian company Euromedservice. It has a state-recognized quality certificate with a 3-year warranty. Full service life - 5 years.

The device is equipped with five replaceable nozzles, and in addition to the standard ones, it has a special electrode for the treatment of ENT diseases.

The device is simple and easy to use. Its weight without an electrode is only 150 grams, which makes it easy to carry out the darsonvalization procedure.

Average price - 2800 rubles

Ultratek SD 199


  • effectiveness confirmed by official clinical trials;
  • 3 year warranty;
  • lightness and compactness;
  • reliable fastening due to the screw chuck;
  • 5 attachments, including ear;
  • voltage regulator.


  • reviews note the inconvenience when changing attachments.


Darsonval Elad made in Russia is used both for home use and for professional purposes. The device effectively copes with darsonvalization of the treated areas of the body.

The compact device allows you to easily carry out the necessary procedures. The slider power regulator has a convenient format. Standard complete set of electrodes: mushroom, cavity, comb. If necessary, you can separately purchase the following types of attachments: rectal, ear, gum, cervical.

The price of Darsonval as standard is 3000 rubles.



  • effectively affects the treated parts of the body;
  • compactness and light weight;
  • the ability to purchase additional attachments;
  • convenient power regulator;
  • up to 20 minutes of continuous operation of the device.


  • a small set of standard attachments.

Gezatone Biolift4 203

Our rating is completed by the apparatus of the famous French brand Gezatone, which has established itself as a reliable and high-quality manufacturer of products for beauty and health.

Darsonval Gezatone Biolift4 203 is distinguished by high functionality, thanks to sufficient power and ergonomic electrode tips. There are 5 of them in a set: fungus, drop, petal, comb, T-shaped. The attachments are made of high quality glass, which are fixed with a screw thread.

It is convenient to store glass electrodes in a special case with a foam inner layer that protects them from accidental damage.

The body is made in two colors: pink and mint. The ergonomic handle has a non-slip silicone grip in the hand. The small weight of the product (400 g) allows you to easily carry out procedures for up to 30 minutes in a row. Convenient power adjustment button allows you to control the intensity of exposure.

Average price - 4000 rubles

Gezatone Biolift4 203


  • has the necessary effect of darsonvalization;
  • 5 attachments;
  • compact and lightweight;
  • fits comfortably in the hand;
  • easy to change attachments;
  • storage case for attachments.


  • no neutral body color;
  • the price is above average.

After reviewing the most popular Darsonval models, we can conclude that, according to the principle of operation, they differ little from each other. Therefore, you should make a choice according to your own preferences, paying attention to ergonomics, guarantees and other criteria. But it should also be remembered that this device is not a panacea, and is effective only with complex therapy.

If you have had such experience, please share your opinion on the use and effectiveness of Darsonval.


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