Phototherapy (light therapy or phototherapy) is a method of treatment, which means that with the help of special devices that emit visible, ultraviolet or infrared radiation, the patient's body is affected.
The range of applications of phototherapy is wide, and the list of problems that it helps to solve is amazing. How to choose the one among all the devices on the market? The editors of the site "" have compiled a guide to phototherapy, as well as a list of the highest quality models of phototherapy devices.
Types of phototherapy
Three types of radiation are used in light therapy:
- Infrared (650 to 2000 nm);
- Ultraviolet (180 to 400 nm);
- visible (color) radiation (from 400 to 2000 nm).
There is a rule in treatment: each disease has its own rays.
Infrared rays are best of all in regeneration, tissue healing. It works well as a pain reliever.
Ultraviolet rays perfectly disinfect, help to strengthen the immune system.
Visible radiation, depending on its color - white, red, blue, has a different effect on the nervous system. For example, for example, white is best for treating depressive conditions. It relaxes, soothes.
Indications for the procedure
Skin diseases
Phototherapy is often used by dermatologists and cosmetologists. Under the influence of light, metabolic processes are accelerated in the skin. The following reactions are also triggered - more elastin is produced, as well as collagen, which is a building material for new cells. Bilirubin and melanin are destroyed. All this makes it possible to effectively deal with various problems:
- scars, scars;
- various age-related skin changes;
- unwanted skin pigmentation - freckles, vitiligo;
- acne (acne), post-acne, enlarged pores;
- couperosis (spider veins) and other vascular diseases;
- psoriasis;
- neurodermatitis;
- eczema;
- jaundice of newborns.
Mood and sleep disorders
- seasonal depression;
- unseasonal depression;
- late falling asleep syndrome;
- time zone shift.
Infrared therapy
The resorbing and analgesic effect is most pronounced when:
- chronic inflammatory processes;
- neuralgic or muscle pain.
Pronounced regenerative function - well heals wounds and ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus
to enhance metabolic processes in the body: treatment and acceleration of healing of wounds and trophic ulcers in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Ultraviolet therapy
Ultraviolet light acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory in:
- neuralgia;
- arthritis;
- weak immunity;
- ultraviolet deficiency;
- respiratory diseases;
- gynecological problems.
Also, ultraviolet lamps are often used to decontaminate premises in child care facilities and hospitals.
Light therapy is often used as part of a complex treatment in remission for the treatment of tuberculosis.
Light as a desensitizer
Sensitization is a very strong reaction of the body to an allergen. And desensitization is a gradual decrease in this reaction, a decrease in sensitivity.
Light has desensitizing properties, being a natural antihistamine. Therefore, it is indicated to those who are sick:
- bronchial asthma;
- allergies;
- arthritis of allergic origin.
There is an impressive list of contraindications, which includes many diseases, as well as the characteristics of the patient's body or lifestyle. Pay attention to this information, do not self-medicate, it is better to consult a specialist. At a doctor's appointment, do not hesitate to say any information about your body - any little thing can be important.
For whom is light therapy contraindicated? So, refrain from procedures if you have:
- Open tuberculosis. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to an increase in metabolic processes in the body, which, in turn, leads to a deterioration in health, as well as a sharp exacerbation of the disease.
- heart or kidney failure;
- hypertension II, III degree;
- pregnancy;
- depletion of the body - cachexia, anorexia;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- spontaneously arising manias, hypomania, mixed states;
- increased sensitivity to light.
In addition, if you take antibiotics, photosensitizers, dermatoxic (skin damaging) drugs, hormones, cytostatics, immunomodulators, then phototherapy can also harm you. When these types of drugs are taken, the photosensitization of the skin (its sensitivity) increases, which complicates the procedure. In a mild form, it manifests itself in the form of urticaria, in a severe form - a burn, porphyria, lupus.
The list is far from complete, and describes only the most common cases.
Side effects
If the procedure is carried out correctly, with the help of a quality apparatus, under the guidance of an experienced doctor or on his recommendation, side effects of phototherapy are extremely rare.
Let's list the most common symptoms.
Sometimes, when treating seasonal and non-seasonal depressions, as well as late falling asleep syndrome, patients are observed:
- nausea;
- increased excitability, irritability;
- anxiety;
- nervousness;
- tearfulness;
- headaches, migraines;
- increased sensitivity of the eyes, irritation;
- very rarely - exacerbation of manias.
There are also descriptions of cases when phototherapy caused epileptic seizures. It is worth noting that the therapy itself does not cause disease, but the blinking of the light can be a trigger. Now, most manufacturers produce safe devices in which the lamps do not blink and burn with an even light. If you know your diagnosis, then do not forget to inform not only the doctor, but even the cosmetologist about it.
When treating skin diseases, the following effects are often observed:
- nausea;
- sweating;
- anxiety;
- dryness, flaking of the skin;
- headaches and migraines;
- indigestion;
- changes in skin pigmentation;
- hives;
- increased eye fatigue.
Main selection criteria
Phototherapy is used to treat many diseases, and each type of disease has its own type of apparatus. It makes no sense to list the criteria for choosing each of them in a short review article, but we will list the main characteristics of a good physiotherapy device.
So, how to choose the best product and what to look for when choosing a device for your home or salon?
- Manufacturer. For the solution of cosmetic or mental problems, it is worth choosing reliable brands. Products of one-day firms, without reviews, reputation, can become not only disappointment and wasted money, but also harm your health.Therefore, it is better to overpay a little for the brand, but be confident in the quality of the device and safety for your body.
- Quality certificates, patents. Most types of physical therapy equipment are medical devices. Therefore, they must meet the quality standards defined by Roszdravnadzor.
- Ease of use, ergonomics. The device should not only have good performance characteristics, but also an ergonomic design - conveniently located buttons, non-slip handles, intuitive operation. All this should be supplemented by detailed instructions in Russian. Otherwise, you risk spending a lot of time and effort to conquer the device, and the procedures themselves will not bring you positive emotions.
Design features, accessories. The presence of such convenient things as goggles, a case, a bar, fasteners make the process more comfortable.
Selection errors
- Self-medication. If you want to purchase a device and conduct cosmetology or medical sessions at home, it is still recommended to consult a doctor before purchasing. It may turn out that this type of procedure is contraindicated for you or needs to be carried out with special precautions.
- Ignoring the list of contraindications. An inattentive, disregarding approach to one's health can play a cruel joke on the body. And instead of a positive result - gorgeous skin, getting rid of spider veins, age spots, you can, on the contrary, get burns.
- Violation of the treatment regimen.
Top manufacturers
Choosing between two almost identical devices, we compare not only the characteristics, but also the manufacturers. Therefore, the answer to the question is: "Which company to give preference to?" it is also the answer to the questions "How long will this device last?" and "Will it be reliable in operation?"
High-quality devices are produced by the company "Nevoton". The assortment of the brand includes lamps with rays of the visible spectrum - green, red, blue. In addition to the light therapy effect, the devices additionally act on the body with a magnetic field, and also perform a light massage.
Tomsk Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices JSC NIIPP is a domestic manufacturer that has been producing products that meet Russian and international quality standards for more than half a century.
Domestic brands Atmos, Solnyshko, Dyuny, NPP Poljot can also boast of the build quality and efficiency of work.
Among foreign firms, the products of German firms Beurer and Dermalight stand out.
Rating of quality phototherapy machines for 2024
We offer you an overview of the most reliable and high-quality devices in terms of characteristics. The list includes the most popular models of devices in various price categories. Each product is accompanied by a detailed description, as well as pros and cons.
ATMOS Antinasmork (SN-206)
The model is used to treat and prevent:
- nasal congestion;
- cough;
- as well as allergic rhinitis (i.e. runny nose) of various origins.
Treatment is carried out by continuous irradiation of the mucous membrane with red (652 nm) and infrared (940 nm) waves.
Average price: 2500 rubles.
- ergonomic;
- compact;
- stylish;
- easy;
- auto shutdown;
- runs on batteries (crown).
- not.
Dune T
A model for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system, infectious, surgical, proctological, skin, ENT, cardiovascular diseases.
Device action:
- enhances immunity;
- accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
- relieves swelling, inflammation;
- has a regenerating effect on the skin - wounds, cuts, burns heal faster;
- increases blood clotting;
- restores blood circulation in tissues;
- pain relieves.
Average price: 1750 rubles.
- cost;
- long cord;
- powerful;
- high-quality assembly - sturdy plastic case, comfortable to hold;
- manufacturer's warranty - 3 years.
- not.
Reflector (blue lamp) - Clear sun
A blue lamp familiar from childhood. Efficient, easy to operate.
Minin's reflector is used for warming up any parts of the human body with dry heat when:
- various non-suppurative inflammatory processes;
- radiculitis;
- arthritis;
- bruises;
- sprains;
- some skin diseases.
You can use the device during pregnancy, but with some precautions: you must not direct the beams of the lamp to the abdomen or lower back.
Average price: 1129 rub.
- budget;
- long cord;
- build quality;
- glasses included.
- not.
Beurer Light Therapy 3977
The model of the German manufacturer Beurer for phototherapy sessions will help in the fight against various types of depression, sleep disorders, increased fatigue, apathy, lethargy.
Average price: 4657 rub.
- stylish appearance;
- easy to operate - just one button;
- universal stand;
- build quality;
- compact, convenient to use at home, office, travel;
- easy;
- no flicker, ultraviolet radiation.
- gets very hot during operation;
- According to buyers, the use of the device slightly improves mood or does not affect well-being at all, which makes its effect comparable to that of a placebo;
- cost.
Dermalight Ultraviolet lamp 311 UVB
The model is designed for self-administered light therapy for:
- psoriasis;
- eczema;
- acne;
- atopic dermatitis;
- neurodermatitis;
- vitiligo;
- hives;
- scleroderma;
- alopecia areata;
- and other skin diseases.
Average price: 9900 rubles.
- easy to manage;
- comfortable, ergonomic;
- stylish;
- safe;
- glasses;
- patient diary;
- clear instructions;
- effective - the skin restores its healthy appearance, its color is evened out.
- not.
NEVOTON phototherapy apparatus Red lamp
The model is registered with Roszdravnadzor, has passed all the necessary tests and is recommended for the treatment of the following diseases:
- degenerative-dystrophic changes in the tissues of the spine;
- dorsopathy;
- osteochondrosis;
- sprain;
- injury;
- injury;
- chronic fatigue, lack of sleep;
- problems with blood circulation and lymph flow;
- weakened immunity;
- hypotension.
The device heals through a combination of monochrome red radiation (640 to 680 nm), magnetic field and acupressure.
Average price: 1700 rubles.
- inexpensive;
- easy to manage;
- effective;
- build quality.
- not.
Device Mst 01 MASTER (magnetic light therapy, z-d Flight)
The magnetotherapy device is intended for the complex treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, skin, digestive system, joints. Stimulates and strengthens the immune system.
Average price: 4500 rubles.
- complete with carrying case, magnetic field indicator, detailed instructions;
- equipped with a long cord, mains powered;
- compact.
- more expensive than analogues on the market.
We hope that our advice and recommendations will save you from purchasing low-quality products and help you choose a worthy option.
If you have previously used one of the devices described in this review, or you can recommend a device with more interesting functionality, share your impressions in the comments.