Modern methods of treatment are based on evidence-based medicine, when all research and treatment of diseases are confirmed by medical standards. However, everyone has heard about the ancient Chinese methods of treating diseases with acupuncture.
There is a category of patients who only adhere to traditional medicine. But it often happens that a sick person, having lost faith in modern medicine, seeks help in non-traditional methods of diagnosing and treating the disease.
The editors of the site "" will tell you about the ancient method of treatment called acupuncture, introduce you to modern physiotherapy devices that are used in acupuncture. We will provide you with an overview of the best devices with recommendations and feedback from grateful users, we will consider which company is the best equipment to buy.
It is believed by scientists that acupuncture with a sharpened stone was carried out back in the Neolithic
Acupuncture is one of the oldest methods of treatment in the East, which appeared more than two thousand years ago. Adherents of this method believe that the vital energy qi circulates in the human body. Chinese philosophy refers to it any substance that supports vital processes - blood, air, water, bile. When a person falls ill, the circulation of this energy is disturbed. To restore it, you need to stimulate specific points on the body with special thin needles. During such sessions, the body's energy flow is harmonized and balanced, as a result of which a person recovers.
Acupuncture is defined as a needle plus injection. This word has come down to us from France. Although the real Chinese name sounds like acupuncture, treatment. At the end of the twentieth century, this area became very popular in the West, now it is considered an unconventional method and an alternative to traditional medicine.
Acupuncture is still subject to criticism by modern doctors, since according to evidence-based medicine, all therapeutic and preventive activities are applicable after scientifically proven research confirming the effectiveness of examination or treatment. However, despite this trend, interest in acupuncture is constantly growing.
The essence of the method lies in the introduction of thin long needles to certain points of the body. At the same time, endorphin is released into the blood, which has analgesic and healing properties. In addition to traditional needle pricking, acupressure (a type of acupuncture) is used. It consists of rubbing, moxibustion, massage of certain areas, application of metal plates. Chinese experts suggest that in the puncture from the needle, an outlet opens for the disease, which is killed by moxibustion.
The entire population is familiar with the medical term "reflexology".It means a positive effect on local areas of the human body with hands, needles, and other special objects. Earlier this method was called acupuncture, or acupuncture.
Reflexology and acupuncture are a variety of oriental practices. They differ in the instrumentation and method of action on the active points of the body, which, according to the philosophical teachings of Eastern medicine, are located along the path of the meridian channels. Living chi energy flows through them.
It is believed that qi moves through the human body, piercing the entire universe. It is assumed that there are points on the channels of different depths through which the connection with qi energy occurs.
Physiotherapists working according to this technique suggest that with a certain effect on these points, it is possible to adjust the flow of qi energy of each patient to get rid of various diseases.
Reflectologists consider the human body as a single system, and therefore they approach health improvement in a complex manner. Competent acupuncturists try not only to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, they assess the condition of the whole organism so as not to provoke other diseases.
Acupuncture technique
Acupuncture is considered a physiotherapeutic method, when the healing process occurs by introducing a large number of long, finely pointed metal needles into the subcutaneous tissue, which are used at certain points.
Sterile surgical stainless steel needles are currently used. If necessary, acupuncture can be combined with electrical stimulation or laser therapy.
Such a procedure is carried out by a physician physiotherapist independently, or with the help of electrical devices.
Acupuncture relieves pain well for:
- trauma;
- arthritis;
- radiculitis;
- migraine;
- nervous overstrain.
Acupuncture is widespread, since this method is based on the principle of not curing a disease, but on establishing stability and balancing the processes that occur in the body. That is, for harmonization.
The International Health Organization recommends acupuncture treatment for the following diseases:
- Respiratory: sinusitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis of various forms, colds.
- Ophthalmic: cataracts, various forms of conjunctivitis, myopias, retinopathies.
- Dental: inflammation of the gums, pain in the teeth, pharyngitis.
- Traumatological: sciatica, low back pain, radiation and shoulder bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis.
- Gastrointestinal: gastritis of various forms, ulcers, colitis, constipation, diarrhea.
- Neurological: headaches, facial paralysis, migraines, neuralgia, poliomyelitis.
What are the types of acupuncture and what are they treated with?
Acupuncture is corporal and auricular:
- In case of corporal action, the points on the body are affected.
- With auricular, reflex zones are used, which are located on the auricles.
Some experts oppose these methods, although ideally each of them is obliged to own all the methods for a single course of healing the body.
Different types of needles are used for different areas of influence in acupuncture. The corporal needle is made of high quality metal, the auricular needle is made of surgical steel. Products are both disposable and reusable. There are needles with gold and silver plated. In other techniques, an electric current can be delivered through the needle.
They also use methods with moxibustion, heating, pressure on the active point, an irritant and other similar effects are used.
These methods do not apply to acupuncture, although they have a similar principle.
Chinese acupuncturists claim that more than 250 diseases are treated with their methods. It is no secret that many people consider acupuncture the "last resort". They turn to her when modern medical care no longer brings the desired effect.However, such an approach is absolutely not correct, because the greatest effect is achieved when patients turn to at an early stage of the disease, when there are no functional disorders in the body that lead to organic changes.
Scientists in China argued that diseases that appear in the body are the result of psychological or emotional disorders that have occurred over the years. Only they can be harbingers or the first signs of a disease. Therefore, in the early stages of the disease, acupuncture can be very effective and can prevent further illness and damage to internal organs. The opinion of doctors:
disease is better prevented than cured
Rules and contraindications
Acupuncture is not used if the body temperature is elevated or there are various infections. Do not use it for acute surgical diseases (appendicitis, pancreatitis, trauma, fracture). Here the help of surgeons - residents is needed. Only after the patient has recovered during the rehabilitation period can one turn to specialist acupuncturists.
Skilled professionals present acupuncture as a valuable cure, even if the patient has functional disorders. However, with insufficient qualifications, this method may be useless, or even harm the body. You can get an infection when the needle was not sterile or used to treat different patients. In addition, it is important to be able to correctly select the points in the process of acupuncture, otherwise the effect from it will be zero and the patient may get damaged vessels and nerves.
For effective treatment, you need to follow these rules:
- Correctly establish the diagnosis, choose the right acupuncture scheme.
- Have an accurate knowledge of human anatomy and know how all 1,700 points are located.
- To be able to combine acupuncture points that will act on at a particular moment.
In addition to being highly qualified, a specialist must have devices that will help him in providing medical care for patients.
Modern technologies have developed numerous devices that replace manual insertion of needles under the skin with automatic treatment using physiotherapeutic methods.
Consider the devices with which acupuncture will be modern, effective and reliable, as well as which can be used both in medical clinics and at home.
Rating of the best devices for acupuncture, acupuncture
We will provide an overview of the best acupuncture devices that are used for painless medical care for patients. Let's consider the popular models of the best manufacturers, and indicate what you need to pay attention to when buying the best devices.
Quantum therapy apparatus "Vityaz"
This Russian-made device is intended for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. It is based on the effect on tissues, cells, acupuncture points of the body with magnetic and electromagnetic fields of quantum radiation by waves of visible ranges.
Together with this device, you can use several nozzles, with which radiation is directed into the organ cavity. At the exit, each of them creates an optimal power density.
The device is used in the treatment of diseases of the following medical field:
- therapeutic;
- traumatological;
- dermatological;
- otolaryngological;
- dental;
- gynecological;
- reflex.
The device is widely used in:
- conditions of hospitals and sanatoriums;
- physiotherapy room;
- beauty salon;
- at home.
The device is small and easy to use. It independently monitors its performance using an installed automatic microprocessor that controls the operating mode and is accompanied by light and sound indicators. A certain pitch of needles has been established, which act on the acupuncture points.
Characteristics that have a physical effect on the human body:
- constant radiation of a laser beam (650 nm) with a red spectrum (power up to 5 mW);
- pulse (high frequency up to 130,000 Hz), infrared (850 nm), laser radiation (power up to 5 mW);
- magnetic field with fluctuations up to 50 mT.
The device turns on in operation within five seconds.
Its dimensions are 240x45x64 mm.
The power consumed by the device is not more than 10 watts.
Power is supplied from an electric current of 230 V.
Manufacturer: Vityaz, Russia.
The price of the device is 4298 rubles.
- wide functionality;
- small size;
- painlessness of procedures;
- high quality.
- work from alternating current 230 V.
Acupuncture kit "ECO"
The set, which includes a rug, pillow and bag, was made by Bradex (Israel, Haifa). It contains high-quality, natural materials coated with linen and cotton fabrics, environmentally friendly HIPS-plastic.
The basis of the procedure is the ancient Chinese method, in which all active points are affected by needle massage. It is designed to improve performance, help in relaxation and relaxation.
The set is very functional. Its products are convenient to use and move. The spikes located on the mat have an unusual shape that allows you to get convenience and comfort during massage.
Acupuncture massage for the whole body, excellent for relaxation or meditation, can be done daily for 15 to 30 minutes. This is an excellent remedy that has a beneficial effect on the body when:
- sleep disorders;
- headache;
- overwork;
- after active sports or physical activity.
It helps for:
- activation and improvement of metabolic processes in the body;
- improves blood circulation;
- normalizes the muscles of the body after exertion;
- restores working capacity.
The set has eco-friendly fillings made from buckwheat and coconut fibers. It must be an item for individual use.
Before the start of the procedure, massage plastic needles are treated with an antiseptic.
The size of the rug is 72x44x2 cm.
Set price: 5700 rubles.
- made from natural materials;
- convenient when moving;
- placed in a large, handy bag;
- multifunctional.
- personal use;
- high price.
Orion laser device step
The new model of the device is designed for people without medical education to treat the consequences of diseases or the disease itself at home. The basis of the device's functions is to activate microcirculation, improve metabolic processes in the cell, tissue, restore oxygen balance and stimulate bioenergetic processes.
It has a high effect in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, relieving pain syndromes, kidney and liver diseases. Has pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects.
Orion is an advanced model with built-in rechargeable batteries. The device is very compact and easy to use. It is equipped with two nozzles (mirror and mirror-magnetic), which are convenient to use, since only one hand is occupied during the procedure. An improved technique has been developed for the user, which allows the device to be used by any person who does not have special medical skills and education.
There is no preparatory period for work, since the device is ready to carry out procedures immediately after switching on.
The device can treat up to 150 diseases, some of them:
- vascular diseases of the legs and their complications;
- diseases of the joints, spine (arthrosis, osteochondrosis);
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, ischemia);
- neuralgic diseases;
- traumatological diseases;
- skin diseases;
- diseases of internal organs.
The duration of one session is from one to five minutes.
Machine weight: 300 grams.
The warranty period is up to two years.
Product price: 14,700 rubles.
- stylish design;
- ergonomics;
- wide functionality;
- availability.
- limited battery life;
- low service life.
Roller applicator acupuncture "NIRVANA"
The core of the Nirvana product line is made up of devices that work according to ancient Chinese techniques. It is based on the use of needle massage by acting on the active points of the human body. Narrow, pointed acupuncture spines have a positive effect on increasing muscle tone, improving the body's performance, getting relaxation.
The product is in great demand among the population, it is often ordered in online stores or orders are made to buy from AliExpress.
The roller is shaped to be ideal for massaging the neck, scalp, lumbar back, or for needle pricking in the feet and palms. It has a positive effect on skin tissue:
- helps to improve blood circulation;
- activates metabolic processes;
- restores strength at the end of a busy work week.
Roller material - 100% cotton and polyurethane foam.
It has a small size 37x15x10 cm.
Fits in a removable case with a zipper.
Has a modern eco-style.
Product from China.
The price is 899 rubles.
- natural eco-materials;
- wide range of uses;
- compact size.
- absent.
Hand Point Treatment Device
In the device of the Chinese brand - Dahan, a completely new acupuncture technology based on intensive laser technologies is implemented.
The device consists of a low-power laser that emits radiation in the red region of the spectrum. The device has six adjustable modes that allow you to carry out impulse massages based on the best acupuncture technologies. The user gets the desired result from the use of the latest modern technologies.
The device has an automatic shutdown function after half an hour of operation. It is powered by two AAA batteries.
Its features:
- Implementation of the principles of traditional methods of Chinese medicine to maintain and maintain health through reflexology (impact on the points of the hands).
- Application of modern biotechnology.
- There is no skin piercing during treatment.
- Easy to operate, portable.
- Ideal for both home and office use.
The device is intended for local therapy and quick relief of pain symptoms. It has a direct effect on the points of the body through:
- the formation of low-frequency stimulation;
- relief of the sympathetic nervous system;
- expansion of blood cells;
- increased circulation of blood flows.
It is used for acute pain in the back, lower back, shoulder, waist, feet, knees, as well as for muscle pain and neuralgia.
The device serves as an additional tool for adjuvant therapy for narrow musculoskeletal diseases.
The product has a size of 17.6 x 2.9 x 2.4 cm,
Its weight: 100 gr.
The price is 6000 rubles.
- no side effects;
- six steps of the operating mode;
- availability of use for the whole family;
- safety and efficiency in use.
- frequent battery replacement.
Headband with acupuncture massage
The surface of the head and neck has multiple acupuncture points that, when applied, can improve health and well-being.
For these purposes, the Chinese trading company BRADEX has developed a special bandage consisting of a cotton tape and plastic needle attachments inside it. They perform acupuncture massage of the head and neck, have an effect on areas inaccessible to massage pillows or rollers.
The principle of operation is very simple - you need to put on a bandage on your head or neck. The effect of the first sessions is from 5 to 10 minutes. In the future, it must be extended to 30 minutes.
This bandage belongs to the applicator type of massagers, it is made of natural cotton and ABS plastic, has a size of 70 × 7 x 1.5 cm.
The price is 317 rubles.
- ease of use;
- availability;
- efficiency;
- low price.
- unreliability of attachment attachments.
In this review, we talked about modern acupuncture devices, indicated what characteristics these products have and what you need to pay attention to so that there is no mistake when choosing them. Shown both expensive and budget options for models. All of these devices, according to buyers, have a high trust rating.
The buyer only has to make his choice and purchase a good device for improving health.
If you have already used similar devices and among them there are those that are included in our rating, the editors will be grateful for your comment on the best modern product for acupuncture and acupuncture.