Best back applicators for 2024


Back pain occurs in any person at different ages. The reasons are completely different and not similar to each other, but the result is the same. There are not enough medicines for treatment, as this process is long and complex. A sick person should pay attention to physical therapy to improve their health. Massage is an excellent but expensive treatment aid. The applicator for the back is not fully, but can replace the massage procedure.

The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best applicators for the back for 2024.

Applicator, what is it?

An applicator is an object that is a surface with many protruding needles. It is used in home and medical treatments. With its help, both the back and the cervical region are treated.

In 2024, there are many applicators on the market that differ in purpose and type.

Types of back mats

There are 2 main types of needle applicators, which are especially common in patients with a problem in the spine or cervical region. Each of the devices has its own characteristics and application features, so you should be able to distinguish between them by type and purpose.

The popularity of the models is due to the affordable price and high quality of the applicators.

Applicator Kuznetsov

The creator is Nikolai Kuznetsov, a folk healer. Plastic mat with two sides: working and non-working. With the help of a worker, the treatment is carried out, and there are also sharp bumps in which needles are located. The distance between the cusps can be 5 mm or 7.6 mm. Step is the distance between the bumps. 5 mm steps are considered more gentle and softer. The 7.6mm applicator has a rigid structure and type.

Note! The larger the step, the stronger the effect on the human skin is.

The applicator can be in the form of a carpet or a cylinder. Base material - textiles and polyurethane foam filler. The needles are made of plastic. Service life: 2-3 years. Mechanical type of impact. Cost: from 300 to 5000 rubles.

Lyapko applicators

Just like Kuznetsov's applicator, the use of the product is directed to damaged and sore skin areas. The inventor is Nikolai Lyapko, Ph.D., doctor of the highest category, engaged in reflex therapy.

The needle-shaped applicator improves blood circulation and improves the functioning of the body. It looks like a rug or roller. The Lyapko double applicator is the most popular. The material of the needles is varied, their basis is metal. As strange as it may seem, our body needs metal. For example, a mixture of zinc, silver, iron, etc. Each needle on the mat has a stopper that makes the application process safer.

Base material - hypoallergenic and wear-resistant medical rubber. The service life is 7-10 years. It acts by means of galvanic currents and reflexively-mechanically. Cost: from 180 to 7000 rubles depends on the type, width and length.

How is it useful?

The use of a rug will definitely have a good effect on the patient's health. Of course, one should not expect complete cure of diseases of the spine, neck and other body systems. However, when it flares up, it may best relieve the spasm or improve the condition.

When the applicator is applied to active points, a therapeutic effect begins to appear - a reflex one. These points can be located both near the diseased organ and outside it. The zones communicate with the nerve endings of the sore spot.

Important! For maximum benefit, the patient should lie with their back on the mat. The corners in the applicator press against the painful area. As a result, the patient receives an acupressure of the sore back area.

To consult a doctor is the first thing to do before using the device. With a positive answer from the doctor, you can safely go to any pharmacy to buy.

The main advantage is cost. It is low enough for the result that will be obtained. Correct use is the key to success. It is necessary to read the instructions before starting treatment.

When used correctly and as directed, the patient should not feel any pain. The applicator does not cause discomfort. The patient feels a pleasant sensation accompanied by calmness and peace. Perhaps, when applied, a feeling of drowsiness and relaxation of the human body appears.


The applicator is contraindicated in the presence of certain diseases. Some patients can tolerate pain, others cannot - all this is individual.

The main contraindication for use is a blood clotting disorder. In this case, and the presence of other diseases listed below, it is necessary to abandon the use or consult a specialist.

Cannot be used if there is:

  • the presence of ailments of the skin in the area of ​​application of the rug;
  • a large number of moles, warts or papillomas;
  • heart failure;
  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • in an epileptic state;
  • the presence of a predisposition to bleeding;
  • during pregnancy, consult a doctor before use.


There are many types of applicator mat with a variety of needles. In 2024, the pharmacy sells both belts and rollers, as well as insoles, suits, etc. The main principle of each of them is an irritating effect on the skin. Regular application of the applicator is essential. But it is important to remember about contraindications and understand when to use and when not.

Indications for use

In the treatment and prevention of various kinds of diseases, a back applicator is used.

Reasons to use rugs:

  • eliminate back pain;
  • stimulate muscle tone;
  • stabilize mobility;
  • activate blood circulation;
  • reduce cellulite.

The scope depends on the disease

  • Nervous system

With frequent headaches, migraines, radiculitis, neuritis or polyneuropathy.

  • Endocrine system

Prevention of hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction.

  • The cardiovascular system

The applicator mat is suitable for the treatment of angina pectoris or hypertension.

  • Gynecology

Lumbosacral pain syndrome, sexual dysfunction, uterine inflammation, or postpartum recovery.

  • Locomotor apparatus

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, pathology of the spinal column, joint damage.

  • Respiratory system

Helps in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma.

Recommendation! Back and neck applicators cannot be used as the main methods of therapy for the above diseases. They are used for complex, additional impact.

How to use?

The main application is a course of 14 days followed by a 1 week break. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes. Sometimes the break can be up to 4 weeks, it is necessary to consult with specialists.The areas of influence of the applicators depend on the sore spot.

Locations of pain syndromes:

  • joint and muscle pain, pain syndrome with osteochondrosis or radiculitis - apply to the cervical or lumbosacral region;
  • headache - superimposed on the cervical region, the occipital-parietal zone;
  • for the musculoskeletal system and for pain syndromes in the back - apply along the entire spine, while the patient feels the exact fit of the applicator, the duration of this procedure is about half an hour.

They lie on their backs on the applicators, "wrap around" with a roller and capture all parts of the body.

After application, there is an effect on many systems of the human body:

  • elimination of blood stasis;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • helps to get rid of toxins;
  • relaxes the muscles.


Based on the sensations, the patient orientates himself and applies the applicator correctly. Soreness may occur during initial use. After 5 minutes, patients notice a rush of warmth to the massage and applicator zones, and the pain level decreases. In the absence of heat, you need to move a little, relax and contract the muscles.

Sometimes the skin feels tight - this is normal. If a strong feeling of discomfort appears, it is recommended to interrupt the procedure.

Do not continue to apply the needle applicator to the points in case of dizziness, increased sweating, increased heart rate. In this case, it is necessary to shorten the duration of subsequent procedures.

Below is an overview of the rating of the best and most inexpensive devices, their average price and photos.

The main selection criteria are questions that the rating will help to answer:

  • What health applicators are there?
  • How much is?
  • Which company is better?
  • Which one is better to buy?

Rating of quality back applicators for 2024

Kuznetsov's Tibetan Applicator - lumbar roller

The purpose of the medical roller is to perform the massage with needles. Has not very sharp metal needles and magnetic inserts. Cost - from 473 rubles.

Kuznetsov's Tibetan Applicator - lumbar roller


  • the presence of special magnetic inserts;
  • double hole of needles;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • affordable price;
  • relieves pain in lower back pain;
  • effective for chronic prostatitis;
  • used in the presence of erectile dysfunction.


  • when ordering, you need to rely on the manufacturer's dimensional grid and reviews.

Applicator Lyapko AK-248-462

It is used to restore and maintain the health of body systems. Can be used on any area of ​​the body, works best on the abdomen, back, feet. Cost: 3950 rubles.

Applicator Lyapko AK-248-462


  • used to normalize the activity of the organ system in men and women;
  • helps to reduce the time to complete recovery;
  • increases several times the effectiveness of massage, acupuncture, etc .;
  • relieves pain in the spine, joints and muscles;
  • the material of the needles is metal alloys, the metal is necessary for the body.


  • high price;
  • at the beginning of use has a persistent smell of rubber;
  • careless use can cause injury.

Applicator Double Lyapko

Prior is multifunctional, used in the treatment of various diseases. Cost: 2300 rubles.

Applicator Double Lyapko


  • the size allows you to relieve pain in the spine and joints;
  • accelerates the process of recovery or rehabilitation after operations;
  • increases the effectiveness of other medical procedures;
  • helps to improve the quality of sleep or normalize metabolism and vitality;
  • suitable for the treatment of a number of diseases of the genital organs.


  • not found.

Fosta mat + roller F 0107

The applicator and roller kit allows you to treat pain and relieve stress with a combination of both. More suitable for lying down. Fosta is an American company, which indicates the good quality of this rug. The cost is 1900 rubles.

Fosta mat + roller F 0107


  • needles located in a circle perform a relaxing massage that relieves pain and eliminates insomnia;
  • effect on nerve points improves skin condition;
  • buying a set, you can simultaneously influence several body systems;
  • it is convenient to massage hands and feet with a roller;
  • odorless textile coating;
  • the presence of a zipper and Velcro to take off and put on for cleaning or replacement;
  • convenient packaging for storing the set.


  • not found.

Massage mattress Cortin-Medtekhnika

One of the largest applicators available today. It has a strong preventive and curative effect. Dimensions: width - 41 cm, length - 60 cm. The product is presented at a price of 2160 rubles.

Massage mattress Cortin-Medtekhnika


  • the presence of a thick backing that provides a high level of comfort;
  • great for relaxation and toning;
  • nice appearance, made of 100% linen;
  • constant exposure to a magnetic field using magnetic inserts;
  • "Double point" of needles prevents deep penetration of the needle into the skin, thus, the procedure becomes safer and more comfortable;
  • high-quality material of the needles and their firm attachment to the mattress.


  • small size.

Applicator-massager "Help"

Consists of a set of neck and spine applicators. When applied, both massagers are used in combination for a better result. The product is presented in 3 sizes, depending on the height of the buyer. Cost: 2880 rubles.

Applicator-massager "Help"


  • repeats the shape of the correct state of the spine and neck;
  • with long-term use, the spine remembers and restores all the curves, returning the posture to the ideal position;
  • the correct height of the protrusions affects the deep-lying muscles of the back;
  • quickly relieves pain, fatigue and muscle tension in the lumbar and thoracic regions;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • restores muscle tone;
  • relaxes muscles.


  • not found.

Above are the best manufacturers and popular applicator models for use in back pain. All products have almost the same design and dimensions. Manufacturers of all products claim the high quality of their products. They differ only in price.

How to choose? According to buyers, the desired result plays the main role in the choice. The devices have a warming effect with a healing function for the spine and other organs. Reflexotherapy affects the biologically active zone and the nervous center of the body. Acupuncture massage is the main factor for obtaining versatile function.

What to look for? Mistakes when choosing: do not read the description of goods and do not consult with specialists.

Note! Despite the fact that the medical applicator is very effective for the treatment of various diseases, it should be used with caution.

If you have experience with the applicators described in the rating, or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.


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