⚕Best car first aid kits for 2024


Each vehicle must have a car first aid kit. And this is not at all a whim of the traffic police, but a tool that may be needed at the most unexpected moment. None of us can be completely sure that it will not come in handy. On the modern market, there is a huge assortment of first-aid kits, which differ from each other in cost, quality of materials for medical devices, as well as a case, which can be made in different shapes, capacity. Among such a variety, it is not easy for a motorist to make a choice. That is why the editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" decided to devote today's review to car first-aid kits, which, according to experts and reviews of motorists, are considered the best for 2024.

Shelf life

Previously, the boxing consisted of drugs. But everything is changing rapidly and in accordance with the new standards, modern kits include only dressings and hemostatic agents.

If desired, the motorist can independently supplement the kit with the medicines he needs. In this case, it is prohibited to remove mandatory medical supplies from the contents.

Each first aid kit has its own expiration date, which the car owner must carefully monitor. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the shelf life of the case, which is 4.5 years. After this period, the owner must replace the kit. For this, according to the law, 6 months are given.

Motorists must be extremely responsible about the content, systematically check the expiration date and, if necessary, replace the funds. This should not be neglected, since human life may be at stake.

Leading manufacturers of car first aid kits

Today, many manufacturers offer ready-made first aid kits. But, despite the variety, not all options presented today are of good quality. When choosing, it is recommended to pay special attention to the manufacturer, since the quality and reliability depend on him.

Currently, the following companies have won the most positive reviews:

  1. VitalFarm is a domestic manufacturer of medical devices. The company was founded in 1999. It is engaged in the production of a wide range of quality medical products.
  2. FEST - the company develops and manufactures quality products for first aid. It manufactures more than fifty types of specialized first aid kits designed for first aid in production, in various organizations, institutions and in transport, as well as medical products for civil defense and emergency situations.
  3. MITSAR - the company offers a full range of medical devices and solutions. Automotive first-aid kits from this manufacturer are very popular. Buyers note the high quality of all components and a reasonable price.
  4. Appolo is one of the largest national manufacturers and traders of first aid products.

These are not all manufacturers of first aid kits. We have collected for you only the most popular and demanded ones. It is still impossible to name an unambiguous leader of the top, since the products of each company have certain advantages and disadvantages.

The best car first aid kits in a hard case

Hard case car cases are in high demand. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the driver does not need to worry that the contents may be damaged by something.

First aid kit automobile "Monsoon"

Despite the fact that this option is somewhat more expensive than identical products, the cost is fully justified. The manufacturer packed all the funds in a high-quality case with convenient latches, which are made of opaque plastic. Thanks to this, the products are reliably protected from all kinds of damage. Since the sun's rays do not penetrate into the case, it is possible to store medicines in it, with which a motorist can independently supplement a first-aid kit.

The case does not have attachments, so it is possible to put a certain amount of additional drugs there. In addition to standard non-medicinal products, brilliant green and iodine are present in the composition. Funds are used to treat wounds and abrasions. Additionally, the manufacturer has equipped the kit with validol and nitroglycerin tablets, which are indispensable for people suffering from heart failure. There is also an ammonia solution that is used if a person loses consciousness and faints. The shelf life is also shorter compared to other first aid kits due to the fact that medications are still present here.

Average cost: 371 rubles.

First aid kit automobile "Monsoon"


  • good equipment;
  • high quality case;
  • compactness;
  • strong packaging made of durable plastic.


  • is more expensive than analogues;
  • shorter shelf life.

Vitalpharm first aid kit

A practical, high-quality, spacious first-aid kit that will suit any motorist. The composition contains everything you need that may be needed to provide first aid in case of emergency situations. A capacious case allows you to supplement the kit with the necessary tools at the discretion of the owner. Thanks to its convenient and compact size, the case can be stored not only in the trunk, but also under the seat.
Average cost: 380 rubles.

first-aid kit automobile First-aid kit Vitalpharm


  • all content is of good quality;
  • high-quality and reliable fastener;
  • additional space for basic necessities on an individual basis.


  • does not fit everywhere, due to its large size.


Almost every car owner is familiar with the first aid kit produced by the manufacturer FEST. Currently, this brand presents three models that are identical in composition. Their only difference is that they have different cases. All options, regardless of packaging, differ in quality and comply with legal requirements. The sets are in great demand.

Average cost: 280 rubles.

first-aid kit automobile FEST


  • convenience;
  • meets all legal norms;
  • compact;
  • easy.


  • many do not like the quality of the dressing.

KRAFT KT- 830100

Car first aid kit case KRAFT KT 830100 fully complies with the requirements of the traffic police and provides the necessary set of medical supplies.

The kit is supplied in a sturdy plastic case for safe transportation. This eliminates damage to the contents during regular transportation of goods.
Average cost: 417 rubles.

car first aid kit KRAFT KT- 830100


  • improved quality products;
  • there is space for additional medicines.


  • there is no carrying handle.

ZEUS Miral-N

A first aid kit from a leading manufacturer has everything you need on the road. With this model, you can, if necessary, stop bleeding and save a person's life until the ambulance arrives. The manufacturer included a hemostatic tourniquet necessary to stop arterial bleeding, a device for artificial respiration. Among other things, the components are enough to simultaneously provide medical assistance to several people at once.

The kit meets all the requirements stated today, buyers in reviews confirm its quality, reliability and efficiency, as well as safety of use.

As for the configuration of this first aid kit, it is quite standard. The manufacturer has equipped the kit with sterile medical gloves with a special coating. Thanks to him, they fit snugly to the skin and absolutely do not slip. Scissors included, as noted by motorists, are quite sharp. They are convenient for working with bandages and plaster. There is enough space inside the case to add pills or products at the request of the owner.

Average cost: 480 rubles.

first-aid kit automobile ZEUS Miral-N


  • reliability;
  • compactness;
  • complies with Russian regulatory documents;
  • contains everything you need.


  • the tourniquet is a strip of ordinary elastic.

The best car first aid kits in a soft case

A soft case with a zipper, as practice has shown, is an excellent solution. Content doesn't roll or rattle like a hard case does. In addition, it turned out that such a first-aid kit fits into the driver's door pocket and is considered one of the most convenient.


The presented model is considered one of the cheapest. But, despite its low cost, it is equipped with everything you need to provide first aid. She meets all the requirements. The manufacturer has equipped the kit in such a way that the funds included in it will be enough to provide medical care to several people at once.

Average cost: 266 rubles.

car kit Vitalpharm in a soft case


  • decent quality of all medicines;
  • acceptable cost;
  • spaciousness.


  • not found.

FEST in a soft case

The Russian company FEST produces a wide range of goods for primary health care. One of the best is considered a car set in a soft case. Its contents are in compliance with the regulations and contain a standard set of medicines for stopping bleeding and dressing wounds.
Average cost: 428 rubles.

first-aid kit automobile FEST in a soft case


  • convenient case made of durable fabric with rigid sides and bottom;
  • roomy wardrobe trunk that allows you to put additional medicines;
  • strong locks;
  • light weight;
  • affordable cost.


  • blunt scissors.

The best waterproof car first aid kits

If you are worried about the safety of the first-aid kit, then in this case we recommend that you purchase the funds that are placed in a case made of waterproof material.


If you are looking for an inexpensive yet high-quality automotive first aid kit, then this is an option you should definitely consider. In addition to the excellent configuration, the presented model is distinguished by a case made of black waterproof raincoat fabric. The design of the bag is carefully thought out, which makes the first aid kit very comfortable, roomy and functional. In order to take the necessary medication, you just need to unfasten the zipper and flip the lid.

Average cost: 311 rubles.

first-aid kit automobile GLAVDOR GL-24


  • compactness;
  • spaciousness;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the convenience of use;
  • good quality medical supplies.


  • not found.

First aid kit automobile Airline AM-01

The presented model is of high quality and is in great demand.All medical devices are packed in a waterproof textile case. The first-aid kit is equipped with a full set of medical supplies that meet the requirements of the traffic police.

All medicines are packed in a high-quality fabric case, the shape of which resembles a ladies' cosmetic bag, which is especially popular with modern women. Packing color - orange. As for the quality, it is very high. The clasp is comfortable and reliable, and the space inside makes it possible to complement the kit at your discretion.

Average cost: 430 rubles.

First aid kit automobile Airline AM-0


  • comfortable zipper;
  • small size and weight;
  • bright colors make the model visible;
  • long service life of a car first aid kit in a textile case Airline AM-01.


  • not a single drug is provided, even for headaches.

Automotive first aid kit price

Not so long ago, car kits with medicines cost quite impressive money. The cost was explained by the fact that they included mandatory medicines, the cost of which is quite high. Today, a motorist will need to spend an average of about 350 rubles to purchase a first-aid kit.

The cost of such a car kit has decreased due to the fact that some drugs have been eliminated. Despite the fact that first-aid kits are sold today even at a fairly low price, we do not recommend purchasing the cheapest options, since they may contain low-quality and counterfeit products that do not meet sanitary standards.

Be sure to allocate storage space after purchase. It will not be superfluous to issue it with a special sign that will notify you of the presence of a first aid kit in the car. It is systematically recommended to check the safety and shelf life of the products contained in the medical kit.

You can buy a car first aid kit at any car store or gas station. It is not recommended to ignore this requirement of traffic police officers, since the presence of first aid equipment in the car may be needed at the most unpredictable moment and sometimes even save a person's life.

Absence penalty

In accordance with the law, each vehicle must be equipped with a car first aid kit. The driver or passengers can always provide medical assistance with its help.

In the absence of such a case in the vehicle, the traffic police can issue a fine, the amount of which is 500 rubles. Exactly the same punishment awaits the driver if the kit is understaffed.

But, nevertheless, it is necessary to have a first-aid kit in the car not only in order to avoid a fine, but for safety reasons. After all, sometimes she can really save someone's life. Each of us should take care of our health and before going on the road in our car without a first aid kit, think about the fact that its presence can save someone's life on the road, maybe the driver himself and his passengers.

If you use one of the automotive first-aid kits presented in our rating or prefer other options, share your opinion with us in the comments.


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