The best bio fireplaces for an apartment for 2024


Bio fireplaces are a novelty in the domestic market, but this does not prevent them from rapidly gaining popularity. The thing is that biofireplaces are an ideal solution for an apartment - they do not emit carbon dioxide, do not need smoke extraction, and installation of the device is often as simple as possible. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best bio fireplaces for an apartment for 2024.

Fireplaces - features and efficiency

A fireplace is a type of device for heating living quarters. Belongs to the category of heating furnaces.

Historically, fireplaces have been used for a long time - to keep warm in places of residence, cooking, heating water and other household needs.

Currently, fireplaces are used not only for heating, but also as a decorative element in the interior. They are not believed to be effective for heating the whole house. However, this statement is true only for open fireplaces. Closed devices with a built-in firebox are very effective even in large spaces. However, some of them are equipped with fans to enhance the transfer of heat from the device by convection. As a result, the heated room warms up faster and more evenly.

What kind of fireplaces are there?

The classification of heaters implies their division into the following types:

  • in accordance with the type of construction - recessed into a niche (closed or English), open (they are also Swiss and Alpine), half-open type (attached to the wall), with a built-in fireplace insert;
  • in accordance with the fuel used - wood, coal, gas, biofuel, electric, pellet;
  • in accordance with the architectural style - classic, rustic (aka "country"), tiled, hi-tech, bionics.

Fireplace for an apartment - what to choose?

Obviously, the installation of the device has its own nuances. It is necessary to coordinate the installation with certain services and obtain permission from the fire inspection. Sometimes the question arises of redevelopment of housing for the arrangement of a chimney. It follows that the installation of such equipment is not an easy and cheap task, and it is much easier to install a full-fledged fireplace in a private house than in an apartment.

The latter option is sometimes not possible at all. According to fire safety requirements, brick or stone is used for the masonry, which is difficult to implement in urban housing, because the floors will not support such a weight. You should choose the fireplace that can be assembled and installed in the apartment. These structures include electric and gas options, as well as biofireplaces.

Bio fireplaces - what are they?

Bio fireplaces are devices for home heating, the peculiarity of which is to operate on the basis of environmentally friendly fuels (usually ethanol or bioethanol), so there is no smoke and soot. In fact, it is a large alcohol burner that is specially designed.

The working area in the design of such a device is separated from the surrounding space by protective elements. A burner is built inside. The process of heat generation is carried out by burning biofuel in a dedicated compartment - a hearth framed by a portal.

When choosing a suitable model, many buyers are wondering - why is a biofireplace better than an electric one?

First of all, by the fact that it does not need a network connection. Except for those options where automatic ignition is provided in the form of a special heating element or other heating element.

Secondly, the biofireplace produces a live fire, and not an imitation of it, as in an electric one. It is much more comfortable to be near a real flame - it pleasantly warms, calms, gives comfort. It is pleasant to look at the "live" flame, and the atmosphere of the house, where the fire is burning in the hearth, sets you in a peaceful and romantic mood.

Also, the advantages of a biofireplace are that the structure can be installed in almost any part of the room convenient for this, there is no need to tie it to a chimney, exhaust hood or any other engineering networks.

Which biofireplace is better to buy?

In order to understand this issue, first of all, you need to pay attention to the parameters for choosing a heating device.

How to choose?

The criteria for choosing a biofireplace are reduced to the following points - design features, type of installation, fuel, control method, safety, technical characteristics.

Design features

The design of a biofuel-fired heater can be double-sided, island and wall-mounted.

In this case, eco-fireplaces in most cases are arranged in the same way and have the following components:

  • fuel tank - a tank with a porous structure, which is necessary in order to retain liquid;
  • burner - it creates a streak of fire. It comes with a removable lid and a hinged one;
  • portal - biofuel devices can have one or more portals installed directly on the body itself;
  • protective case - this includes grilles, insulating materials, observation glasses;
  • control panel - a zone with touch or mechanical buttons;
  • decorative accessories - logs, sand, coal, stones and other elements that are used to decorate the structure. Sometimes they can perform the function of distributing heat.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows - fuel is poured into the tank, which is absorbed into the porous structure of its walls. Further, the evaporating fuel vapors enter the nozzle and exit through the holes in the burner. After ignition, the vapors ignite and form a flame.

type of instalation

By the type of installation, biofireplaces are divided into:

  • tabletop - portable options in the form of bowls, flasks, cubes;
  • floor - installed horizontally on the floor;
  • wall - mounted vertically on the wall;
  • built-in - located in niches or wall openings;
  • suspended - suspended from the ceiling using special fasteners.

Most often, corner options are purchased for an apartment or those that can be placed on an external wall. The corner heater fits perfectly into a sophisticated and expensive interior design. The wall-mounted unit is suitable for any room.

Built-in appliances are rarely used in multi-apartment housing, because they must be thought out at the initial stage - when building a house.

In a cramped space, you should consider table and floor options that are suitable for zoning space, and will also look spectacular in any interior and will not take up much space.

Portable eco fireplaces are lightweight and easy to carry from place to place, as well as transport if necessary. However, they are significantly inferior in functionality to wall-mounted and built-in models. If mobility of the device is not required, then it is better to choose a structure with a wall mounting.


Bioethanol is most often used as fuel for eco fireplaces. It is an alcohol obtained through the processing of cereals and legumes, as well as sugar beets and potatoes.

It is possible to make bioethanol on your own and at home, but this is a very time consuming process that needs constant monitoring.In addition, the quality of the resulting composition will be very different from the industrial one. As a result, the use of "home" bioethanol can lead to a breakdown of the unit, and a significant amount of money will be spent on repairs.

Control method

To interact with the unit, one of three control methods can be used - mechanical, automatic, semi-automatic.

The mechanical system is used in budget designs, whose functionality is as simple as possible. The strength of the flame is regulated by moving valves on the burner - the channel narrows, and a smaller volume of alcohol vapor enters the surface.

Automatic regulators have branded eco fireplaces. Automatic control provides the owner of the equipment with the widest range of possibilities - voice control mode, synchronization with mobile or PC applications, integration into the “smart home” system. Also, models with an automatic control method are often equipped with a complex system of sensors and indicators, which allows the device to correct the operation of the device if it deviates from the specified operating parameters. If there is a threat of an unsafe situation, the equipment is turned off and the fuel supply is shut off.

The semi-automatic method is an intermediate version of the first two. It has a more complex device than a mechanical one. It can be completed with a simple electronic system, some sensors, display and indicator lights.


Factory options for hearths are equipped with protective covers and panels that prevent the device from igniting and overheating.

A special spark-cutting device is used for ignition. The combustion process is not accompanied by sparks. When combusted, fuels give off water vapor and carbon dioxide (CO2). The latter is present in a quantity that is not hazardous to health, and therefore harmless, provided there is appropriate air exchange in the room.

Eco-fireplaces are in many respects safer than traditional designs, but a real fire burns in them, and therefore, in order to avoid dangerous situations that can lead to catastrophic consequences, it is important to observe safety precautions and recommendations for the operation of heating devices:

  • All flammable objects must be removed from the unit at least one and a half meters. This includes, among other things, curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads, paper wallpaper, etc.
  • If the device is to be mounted on a wall, pictures and photographs should be removed from it.
  • Floor-standing units should not be pushed close to the wall. It is better to leave a gap of about 20-30 cm for air circulation.
  • Do not install the equipment in a draft.
  • The distance from the fireplace to household appliances must be at least one meter.
  • It is important not to forget to clean the equipment from dust, and to use special compounds to clean the glasses. Cleaning should be carried out after the device has completely cooled down. Details on how to care for the unit should be found in the operating instructions.
  • If fuel is spilled during refueling, wipe off the droplets with an absorbent cloth, otherwise the flame may escape from the fire.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bio fireplace


  • Environmentally friendly heating device;
  • Performs an aesthetic function;
  • Has an attractive appearance;
  • It brings a pleasant variety to the interior of the apartment;
  • Technological, as it works without a chimney;
  • Easy to operate;
  • Safe;
  • Reliable and durable, due to the absence of moving elements;
  • Available on the market in a wide range and in various sizes;
  • The functionality of individual models implies control using a remote control, phone or tablet via Wi-Fi.


  • It is necessary to use a certain type of fuel, since the burner of the device runs exclusively on alcohol.
  • The cost of ethanol is quite high. On average, using a biofuel heater costs about 100-150 rubles per hour.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Significant cost, sometimes comparable to the price of electric and traditional heaters.

Main technical characteristics

1Body materialThe body is made of steel, ceramics, glass and other raw materials.
2Portal materialThe device portal can be made of almost any material.
3Burner thicknessThe thickness of the burner depends on its material. Most often, stainless steel or ceramics are used for the manufacture of burners, the optimal thickness of which is from 3 mm or more.
4Focus powerIt is an indicator of heat transfer, as well as the height and saturation of the flame.
A biofireplace of average size is equal in power to an electric heater of 3 kW. Buildings with a capacity of 7 kW are enough to heat a room with an area of ​​70 m2.
5Fuel consumptionVaries depending on the selected operating mode and the type of fuel. If we talk about bioethanol, then on average, from 500 to 700 ml are consumed per hour of work.
6Fuel tank volumeIt characterizes the duration of the device operation at one filling. Sometimes it reaches a volume of 9 liters.
7Average combustion timeDepending on the model, the average combustion time on one fuel filling varies from 2 to 8 hours. Also, this indicator is influenced by the frequency of ventilation of the room and the intensity of the flame.
8AccommodationYou can place a fireplace in any room convenient for this - an apartment, a country house, a hotel, an office, a restaurant, a swimming pool. Some portable models are able to function outdoors, and therefore they can be installed on a terrace, in a gazebo, in a garden, etc.
9ResolutionFor private residential premises, special permits are not required, but for places where large masses of people accumulate, a fire safety certificate will be required.
10ServiceEco fireplaces do not need service and special cleaning.
11How much is For the price, eco-fireplaces differ depending on the type of placement, degree of automation, quality of materials and manufacturer. On average, the cost of a biofuel heater varies from 20 to 25,000 rubles.

Tips for choosing

  • When choosing a capacity, it is important to determine the initial purpose of the unit. What is an eco-fireplace for decoration of a room or for heating? In the first case, it makes no sense to spend money on a device with powerful heating, since in the hot season it will be difficult to use it due to the intense heat.
  • When refueling, you must follow the instructions from the manufacturer, which are contained in the instructions. It is especially important to let the charged bioethanol burn out completely.
  • There are units with double-circuit burners on the market, which are in demand. The popularity of such models is due to the fact that double-circuit designs allow you to collect excess fuel and return it to the fuel tank.
  • Recommended area for installing a bio fireplace in the room - from 20 m2 and more. These instructions do not apply to desktop or wall-mounted designs.
  • Not only the structure itself, but also its lining must be made of heat-resistant materials.

Rating of quality models for 2024

Kratki galina

Manufacturer: Poland.

Average price - 6,500 rubles.

Free-standing ethanol-fired biofireplace with a composite body. The attractiveness of the device lies in the fact that it can be used not only in the apartment, but also in the country - under favorable weather conditions. It will be an excellent decoration for both living quarters and terraces, allowing you to enjoy the view of a living flame and original diversify the interior, while taking up a minimum of space. The steel tank for fuel ensures safe use and eliminates the risk of fire even if the equipment is dropped. The volume of the tank is 0.5 liters. Dimensions (width, height, depth) - 35.4x21.8x18.0 cm.

Kratki galina


  • elegant modern design;
  • does not need complex installation;
  • reliable fuel container;
  • quality materials;
  • compact size;
  • does not require regular maintenance;
  • durable;
  • economical on fuel.


  • minimal functionality;
  • small tank volume.

Kratki tango 2

Manufacturer: Poland.

Average price - 8,000 rubles.

Modern design with an open hearth type, the body of which is made of combined materials - metal and glass. The device can be installed both on the floor and on the table. The way of interaction with the equipment is based on the manual type of control. This model of eco-fireplace will bring a pleasant variety to the interior and will allow you to beautifully arrange the space. The volume of the steel firebox is 0.44 liters. The average burnout time for a full tank is 2.5 hours. Equipment weight - 4.5 kg.

Kratki tango 2


  • free-standing;
  • compact;
  • generates a comfortable amount of heat;
  • with built-in firebox damper;
  • with overheating protection;
  • stable and high burning of fire;
  • safe operation;
  • democratic value.


  • there are no decorative elements;
  • small volume of the fuel tank.

Lux Fire Volcano-M

Manufacturer: Russia.

Average price - 10,500 rubles.

Buildable medium sized model with protective glass screens. By its design, the eco fireplace resembles a volcano, which led to the choice of the name. The steel structure is powder coated. The weight of the device is 4 kg. Burning time at one filling is 4 hours, on average 0.15 liters per hour are consumed. The volume of the stainless steel fuel block is 0.7 liters. The average burning time is 5 hours. The set includes a flame extinguisher, decorative stones, fireplace matches, biofuel (1 l), a funnel, a measuring cup.

Lux Fire Volcano-M


  • with a double body;
  • with protection against fuel leakage;
  • with tempered glass;
  • long burning duration;
  • good equipment;
  • original design solution;
  • affordable price.


  • stripped down functionality.

Silver Smith Mini 3 PREMIUM

Manufacturer: Russia.

Average price - 12,000 rubles.

Floor standing eco-fireplace with one burner 1.5 kW. The structure is powder coated with a 3-D effect and equipped with tempered square glass for safe operation. The volume of the firebox is 0.45 liters. Duration of burning on one filling is equal to 2 hours. The outer shell is made of steel, just like the hearth. The device is designed to fulfill an aesthetic function and is suitable as a gift. Device dimensions (height, width, depth): 30x30x18 cm.

Silver Smith Mini 3 PREMIUM


  • compact size;
  • effective coverage;
  • attractive design;
  • with protective elements;
  • reliable assembly;
  • quality materials;
  • good feedback.


  • limited functionality.

Lux Fire Gemini

Manufacturer: Russia.

The average price is 14,000 rubles.

Bio-fireplace, which will become an effective and functional solution for creating comfortable conditions in the apartment. Equipped with a protective glass shade and decorated with steel elements. The body is powder coated. The model is presented in three color variations and belongs to the series called "Zodiac", which is produced by the Lux Fire brand. A fireplace with the appropriate sign will be an excellent personalized gift. The average burning time on one filling is 3 hours with a fuel consumption of about 200 ml per hour. The volume of the fuel tank is 700 ml. Dimensions - 18x21x18 cm.

НLux Fire Gemini


  • double body;
  • with protection against fuel leakage;
  • with a flame extinguisher;
  • there is no release of harmful impurities;
  • economical consumption of ethanol;
  • safe operation;
  • affordable cost.


  • low power.

Silver Smith Standart Air Black

Manufacturer: Russia.

The average price is 22,000 rubles.

Floor heater with strict shapes. Made in a combined housing, painted with a special heat-resistant paint with a metallic effect. Equipped with tempered glass screen protectors. The volume of the fuel tank is 0.9 ml. Average duration of operation at one gas station is 3 hours. Dimensions: 60 (w) x40 (h) x50 (d) cm.Weight - 12 kg.

Silver Smith Standart Air Black


  • compact;
  • with flame control;
  • with a funnel for fuel;
  • reliable assembly;
  • quality materials;
  • large fuel tank.


  • heavy;
  • without decorative trim.

Lux Fire Consul 2-600

Manufacturer: Russia.

Average price - 25,500 rubles.

Russian-made floor-standing construction, ethanol-fueled with a 30 cm line of fire. Operated with manual switches. The body is made of steel, the fuel tank is made of stainless steel. The structure is fixed with four holders to which the protective glass is attached. The model is great for a city apartment and a country house. Placed on the floor next to the wall. Designed for rooms with an average area of ​​18 m2 and more. The average burning time at one filling is 4 hours. Volume - 860 ml.

Lux Fire Consul 2-600


  • made using laser welding technology;
  • sealed fuel tank;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • easy installation;
  • reliable assembly;
  • with fuel leakage protection function.


  • high price.

Zefire Apolon black

Manufacturer: Russia.

Average price - 49,000 rubles.

Floor-standing model of an eco-fireplace in black with a firebox volume of 3.5 liters. The outer casing is made of combined materials - steel, powder coated and supplemented with glass elements. The line of fire is 60 cm. The device is operated manually. This rectangular model with a beautifully burning flame will provide comfort in the house, and it will require a minimum of space to place it, because the dimensions of the device are 70x100x35 (height, width, depth) cm.

Zefire Apolon black


  • with flame control;
  • laconic design;
  • fire without smoke;
  • simple operation;
  • no complicated installation required;
  • components from quality materials.


  • price.

Planika Simple Commerce

Manufacturer: Poland.

Average price - 59,000 rubles.

Desktop biofireplace, characterized by its laconicism and simplicity, which will be the perfect addition to a modern apartment. The significant duration of the flame burning is ensured by the use of the latest technologies when creating the burner - the ceramic fibers inside it are distinguished by high absorbent properties, which eliminates the possibility of fuel filling. The model is recommended for rooms of 20 m2... Height - 41.8 cm.Weight - 9 kg. The volume of the fuel tank is 1.5 liters. The average burning time is 3 to 4 hours. The kit includes an extended lighter, a fire extinguishing device, an instruction manual.

Planika Simple Commerce


  • design portability;
  • premium class with beautiful burning;
  • manufacturing using Commerce technology;
  • innovative burner;
  • does not need complex maintenance;
  • does not require installation;
  • significant volume of the fuel tank;
  • economical consumption of ethanol;
  • operational safety;
  • can be used outdoors.


  • high price.

Kronco fabe white

Manufacturer: Russia.

Average price - 68,000 rubles.

A wall-mounted biofuel heater with a 50 cm line of fire, which will become the main attraction in the house - a beautifully burning fire enclosed in a case of an unusual but visually pleasing shape will certainly attract the attention of guests and inhabitants of the home. The structure is made of steel with a thickness of 2 mm and is complemented by tempered glass, which reliably protects the flame. The average operating time at one filling is up to 2 hours. The volume of the fuel tank is 1.2 liters. Dimensions: 140 (l) x17 (w) x80 (h) cm.

Kronco fabe white


  • original design in modern style;
  • large flaming line;
  • significant power;
  • easy installation;
  • with fire control;
  • excellent quality materials.


  • high price.

Where can I buy?

In order to avoid mistakes, when choosing, one should not only study all models suitable for the requirements, but also possible ways to purchase a heater.

Before buying a biofireplace for an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the type of its design and available functions. This will allow you to determine in advance the budget and features of the upcoming installation. For example, a desktop version will cost less than a wall-mounted one, and it is easier to install.However, he cannot boast of a large line of fire. It is also important to pay attention to the manufacturer.

All this can be done in a regular or online store.

In the first case, the outlet will have to be visited several times - to get acquainted with the assortment, ask the price, choose the option that you like the most and that suits the technical requirements.

In the second case, all of the above is easy to do quickly and without leaving home, and then immediately order a fireplace online.

However, before making the final purchase, you must make sure that the seller has all the certificates of product quality and safety, as well as carefully study the reviews and product descriptions.

Which company is better?

The best fireplace manufacturers are:

  • König Feuer (Ireland);
  • Vesuvius (Russia);
  • Jotul (Norway);
  • Vermont Castings (Canada);
  • Keddy (Sweden);
  • ZeFire (Russia);
  • EcoFireplace (Russia);
  • META (Russia / Belarus);
  • Ferlux (Spain);
  • La Nordica (Italy);
  • Bestfire (China).

Popular biofuel models, according to buyers, are produced by Silver Smith, Lux Fire, Kratki, Planika, Kronco.

How to install a fireplace?

It is possible to install a biofireplace with your own hands, but the degree of difficulty depends on the type of construction.

Some models are delivered already assembled and all that is required for installation is to carefully remove the device from the packaging, place the firebox inside the case, and then install it in a place you like and meets safety requirements.

Other eco fireplaces need to be collected. As a rule, this process does not require special skills and special tools. The unit comes with an instruction sheet detailing how to assemble the heater.

As an example, consider the assembly of a floor-standing unit made in one of the most popular housing options.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Connect the glass walls of the unit using the screws and washers supplied with the unit. They must be screwed into the existing holes.
  2. Perform the same manipulations with the base.
  3. Attach special pads to the glass walls, which are necessary in order to protect the floor from damage.
  4. Insert the biofuel into the base of the case.
  5. Install a flame regulator over the firebox.
  6. Place the assembled structure in a convenient place in a horizontal position in relation to the floor. There must be at least one meter of free space above the device.

Wall-mounted and pendant models need a more thorough installation, which will take a little longer. It is important to observe the distance from the upper, lower and lateral sides, as well as to take into account the peculiarities of the coatings used in the apartment.

If you have experience of using biofireplaces described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.


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