Best lingonberry sauces for 2024


Marinade gives fish or meat a rich and bright taste. However, it must be properly prepared. The balance must be fully respected for everything to be in harmony. But standard solutions quickly get bored and you want to try something new. Then the person starts experimenting with different sauces. One of the best solutions is the use of lingonberries, but not whole berries, but in a milled form.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of brands of the best lingonberry sauce for 2024.

Benefit or harm

Lingonberry is considered a healthy berry that promotes health. But besides this, a person gets an unusual taste. After harvesting, it can be stored for a long time and not deteriorate, since it contains benzoic acid inside, which prevents this process. The berry contains dozens of useful components and vitamins, for example, potassium, tannins, ascorbic acid. All of them only benefit the body.

Lingonberries are prescribed by doctors to patients who have vitamin deficiency. It must be consumed exclusively in the form of juice or tinctures. The benefits of berries are known not only to modern people, but also to past generations. Previously, lingonberry juice was used as an antiseptic. They were treated with various wounds, while the product coped with its task by 5 points.

In everyday life, lingonberries are not used so often, since they have a bitter taste, which many do not like. However, chefs have always looked for something unusual, and their resourcefulness has resulted in a great dressing that can be used for a variety of purposes, including as a marinade for fish, poultry or meat. The culinary specialists managed to preserve the benefits and use the specific taste as a highlight. This is how the lingonberry sauce appeared, which you can buy ready-made or make yourself.

Due to the fact that such a dish has a bright color and unusual taste, it can be used in the preparation of various products. Some use it as a decoration, while others use it as a marinade. The product is able to add spice and sophistication to fish, fruits, poultry, pork and even vegetables.

The popularity of the sauce

Lingonberry sauce was first introduced in Sweden. A fragrant gravy with a well-balanced taste adorned the tables of the nobility. Over time, the recipe reached ordinary citizens. It began to be used in the preparation of most dishes: from simple casseroles to the aromatic dishes that are served in expensive restaurants today.

To give this sauce an original and unique taste, alcoholic beverages are often added to the composition, for example, wine, cognac, and in some cases vodka. However, this is only found with self-cooking. These ingredients are not available in store versions. Sugar and natural honey are also added. To give a unique aroma, it is customary to use spices and herbs.

There is nothing complicated in making lingonberry sauce at home.This will require a minimum of ingredients and time consuming. First, the berries are boiled down to a soft state, after which they must be thoroughly rubbed until smooth. Further, other ingredients are added inside the resulting mixture. To make the sauce thick, like sour cream, it is best to pour in starch diluted with cold water, after which everything is mixed.

But it is not necessary to follow certain recipes, each housewife can experiment on her own. Everyone has their own secrets that make dishes unique, aromatic and effective. For example, to get a bright and rich taste from frozen lingonberries, you must completely defrost them before boiling, and not immediately throw them into water.

Despite the fact that the product can be used for various dishes, most of them prefer to use it exclusively with pork. The combination of such meat and sauce will add spice to the finished dish. If a person uses lingonberry sauce for serving, it is important to remember one rule - it should always be cold.

How to make lingonberry sauce at home

As mentioned above, there is nothing difficult in preparing this sauce.

For cooking, it is best to buy fresh berries, but frozen ones are also suitable. The difference between the latter option is that a person will need a little more actions during cooking, otherwise it is impossible to get a high-quality product.

  1. The first thing to do is rinse the berries thoroughly. Pour into a deep saucepan, where water is already present, and put on fire.
  2. After boiling, sugar and cinnamon are added. All this is done to taste, if strong bitterness is felt, it is better to add sugar to stabilize everything. However, you cannot overdo it with this sweet component, otherwise you will get jam. Once all the ingredients are inside, the sauce is cooked for another 3 minutes.
  3. After this time, the container is removed from the stove. For uniformity, use a blender. During this process, you can add alcoholic beverage to taste. Chefs prefer to use red wine. Next, the container is again installed on the stove, where it languishes for two minutes.
  4. While the languor is taking place, a thickener should be prepared. To accomplish this, the starch is diluted with cold water. It is poured in a thin stream, you must constantly stir the contents so that there are no lumps. Also, we must not forget about the temperature regime. The fire should be minimal and the gravy should not boil.
  5. As soon as a person has felt a spicy aroma and sufficient thickness, the resulting sauce is removed from the stove and infused.

The best combination

The above recipe is considered universal by many chefs. It goes well with liver and meat, as well as fish and dessert. If the user wants to add not only flavor, but decorate his dish, whole lingonberries should be added. This must be done at the end of cooking. Thanks to this solution, an unforgettable appearance of the product will be created.

Most often, lingonberry sauce is used for lamb ribs or beef / pork steaks. In this case, it can be used both as an addition to a dish and as a complete marinade. With such a seasoning, no meat will become boring and ordinary, but will acquire an explosive taste.

Don't limit yourself to just two additional ingredients when making the sauce. Do not forget about other spices, for example, some French chefs use garlic, ginger, nutmeg, etc. To give the product unique flavors, you should use oregano, basil, but if this is not the case, parsley and dill will do. All of these ingredients, when balanced correctly, will have a positive effect on the taste.

But sauce is used not only for meat. Some people use it as a filling for pancakes or eat it with sweet curd mass. However, the standard recipe will not work in this case. To prepare the dessert version, you should use vanilla, juice, sugar.Wine is not used; grape juice is added instead.

Rating of the best sauces up to 120 rubles

Astoria lingonberry, 200 g

Delicious sauce sold in a doy pack. The composition did not reveal the content of substances hazardous to the body. Perfect for serving meat dishes. Manufactured in Russia. Some people use this product as a marinade for pork or chicken. According to reviews, the products turned out to be unusual and tasty. Serve cold. This is the only way to achieve a good combination with a hot dish.

The average cost is 65 rubles.

Astoria lingonberry, 200 g


  • Bright and rich color;
  • Pleasant taste with a slight bitterness;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Optimal price;
  • Thick.


  • Not found.

Heinz Lingonberry, 230 g

A good sweet and sour product that goes well with meat or salad. The creamy consistency allows you to conveniently apply the mixture to any dish. Weight 230 g. The composition does not contain E-additives. Thanks to him, a person will be able to supplement every product fried in a pan or grill.

A dessert version from the same company is on sale. Vinegar is practically not felt there, which makes it possible to use sauce for pancakes or pancakes. Light acidity reveals the taste of food, making it unique and original.

The average cost is 80 rubles.

Heinz Lingonberry, 230 g


  • Does not contain harmful additives;
  • It goes well with meat dishes;
  • Slight sourness;
  • Optimal consistency;
  • Convenient packaging with a dispenser;
  • Stored for 6 months;
  • Unusual taste.


  • Not found.

SP Mirny Lingonberry sauce

A unique product that goes well with meat, fish and chicken. It is completely unsharp. There is a slight sourness. The lingonberry taste is bright and rich, which makes it possible to use it as a marinade.

Does not contain artificial colors and GMOs, which makes the product safe for humans. The liquid consistency may not appeal to some users, but it does not affect the taste. On the contrary, this solution makes it easier to glaze the meat. Manufactured in Russia. The shelf life is 720 days, after opening it decreases.

The average cost is 120 rubles.

SP Mirny Lingonberry sow


  • Good consistency;
  • Suitable for marinade;
  • Universal use;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Expiration date - 720 days;
  • Affordable cost.


  • Not found.

Rating of the best sauces in the middle price segment

Uni Dan Lingonberry 270g

A great option that most users recommend. Suitable for both meat dishes, where he complements them with sourness and light sweetness, and for fish. The external design is thought out completely, which makes the buyer pay attention to this jar almost immediately.

All the main information is placed on a paper label, which is attached to the container with a small amount of glue.

The product is based solely on lingonberry, and not its substitutes or additives, as in some models. Manufactured in Russia. The product is sealed with a standard tin lid that opens with a slight sound like a cotton.

The consistency is pleasant, despite the fact that water is in the first place in the composition, it cannot be called liquid, on the contrary, it is very thick. Also a nice bonus are the berries that are present inside. The aroma is pleasant, you can feel not the additives imitating lingonberries, but real berries. Additionally, nutmeg lends a spicy touch.

The average cost is 145 rubles.

Uni Dan Lingonberry 270g


  • Convenient packaging;
  • Low consumption;
  • Large berries;
  • Does not contain GMOs;
  • Spicy aroma;
  • Easy to apply to the product;
  • Unusual taste.


  • There are no significant ones.

Lingonberry sava with pear and chili

Unusual option for meat and poultry. Sold in a handy glass jar that is easy to open. The consistency is standard, pleasant, somewhat reminiscent of jam. After opening the package, you can feel the bright aroma of lingonberry and pear.

Weight - 100 grams, which may not be enough for frequent use. However, if a person plans to make an unforgettable evening with original dishes, it is best to use this product. It is suitable for both baking and serving. In the latter case, it is best to refrigerate it to give it an unusual taste.

The average cost is 140 rubles.

Lingonberry sava with pear and chili


  • The fruit is felt;
  • Rich taste;
  • Good consistency;
  • Convenient use;
  • Good shelf life;
  • Does not contain harmful additives;
  • There is a slight sourness.


  • Not found.

Village Podnovye Lingonberry 290 g

A popular Russian-made product that will perfectly complement every dish. Manufactured according to modern technologies. The berry flavor is felt by 5 points. Good consistency, easy to apply to steaks. The composition contains only natural ingredients, no auxiliary additives have been identified. The minimum storage temperature is 5 degrees. Served cold.

The average price is 160 rubles.

Village Podnovye Lingonberry 290 g


  • Unusual aroma;
  • Feels like milled fruit puree;
  • Does not contain harmful components;
  • It is carried out according to modern standards.


  • Not found.

Rating of expensive lingonberry sauces

Lingonberry campfire

One of the popular options for meat. Supplied in a plastic bottle with a convenient dispenser. The composition does not contain flavor enhancers, which is an advantage. The volume is 250 ml. In addition to lingonberries, cherry juice and applesauce are present, which create a unique taste. The thick consistency makes the sauce easy to use.

The average cost is 180 rubles.

Lingonberry Kostrovok sauce


  • Natural product;
  • Moderately thick;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Suitable for both beef and pork;
  • Convenient packaging.


  • Not found.

KINTO Lingonberry Four peppers

A good product to be used with chicken and pork. Sold in a convenient glass packaging that closes tightly. The composition contains lingonberries, including whole berries, sugar, water, a mixture of peppers and a thickener. There is also nutmeg to add a spicy flavor. Weight - 320 grams. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives, making it safe.

Sold at a price of 200 rubles.

KINTO Lingonberry Four peppers


  • Nice colour;
  • Unusual aroma;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Suitable for pork;
  • Easy to apply.


  • Not found.

Wildly delicious Lingonberry with cinnamon

An expensive dressing designed to serve with various dishes. The composition contains only natural ingredients. There are no artificial colors. Sold in a sturdy glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. The shelf life is 24 months. The consistency is dense, thick, which makes it easy to apply the sauce to various surfaces. Also suitable for decoration, it will make food original and unique.

The average cost is 300 rubles.

Wildly delicious Lingonberry with cinnamon


  • Saturation;
  • Good consistency;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Convenient bank;
  • Natural composition.


  • High price.


Finding a good sauce is not an easy task, each manufacturer strives not only to improve the product, but also to make it accessible to everyone, which can deteriorate the quality. Therefore, it is always necessary to carefully study the composition. If you have experience of using the products described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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