The best cast iron bathtubs for 2024


Today the bathtub is made of acrylic or steel. But several centuries ago, cast iron was the main material for manufacturing. Even now, it remains in demand among consumers.

Therefore, the editors of the site "" have prepared recommendations for choosing cast iron bathtubs that will help you decide on the purchase of a suitable product.

What are they?

A bathtub made of any material will last at least 10 years. Bowls can be crafted from a variety of materials. Everything here is based on how you will operate the purchased device. Below, as an example, are the types of bathtubs that consumers often purchase.

Cast iron

This material is able to retain heat for a long time. Water poured inside will keep warm for a long period.

The disadvantages include weight. The thickness of the thin cast-iron coating is 5 mm, and the mass of the bath is 120-130 kg.

Such baths, according to buyers, are of high quality production. Many manufactures come with additional equipment in the form of adjustable legs. They can be both Russian-made and foreign-made.


The type of such baths can be assembled both from individual spare parts and through pressing, from a large steel sheet.

These models are five times lighter than cast iron structures. Steel tubs weigh 25-30 kg. They are also cheaper than other similar products.

The disadvantage is poor temperature retention. Noise is emitted when water jets hit the walls or bottom. Even the neighbors on the ground floor hear it. Also, the equipment has to be additionally fixed.

To make a place for support, it is worth laying out bricks. The slots are filled with polyurethane foam. But before you do this, put a heavy load inside the bathroom. The foam will dry without causing unnecessary problems.

Steel bathtubs are popular due to their cheap price. Almost half as cheap as cast iron material.

They also differ in the thickness of the enamel. Steel are coated three times narrower. This is more of a positive quality, because the thicker the enamel, the faster cracks appear.


These are light baths. The maximum weight is 25 kg. They keep warm well. No noise during filling.

Breakdowns are easily repaired. The kit includes tools that allow you to repair defects. Small scratches can be easily removed with sandpaper.

The disadvantages include instability to high temperatures. If you pour boiling water there, thermal deformation will begin. The material can also react to solvents. Therefore, it is not recommended to pour a powder solution there.

Acrylic bathtubs deteriorate after contact with gasoline or thinner. You need to know this property of acrylic.

These baths are made by pressing the polymer under the influence of high temperature. To strengthen the product, use a metal mesh.

People love this material because it keeps warm. Hot water cools more slowly. This is not a metal surface that takes a long time to heat up. You can jump right in and fill the bowl without waiting.


A strange name. But this is an innovative material that is a mixture of acrylic and quartz. The product is aesthetic, well-used. They hold a blow, do not make unnecessary noise and keep the water temperature. Hygiene at the highest level, can take different forms.

The quartz sand present in the quaril makes the bathtub heavier than acrylic, but lighter than cast iron. Also, do not pour high temperature water into the bowl, because the product will begin to deform.

Wall thickness - 1 cm. Painted in light colors. Models with black, blue or green colors can be caught.

Quaril baths have unusual functionality. Most models have radio, hydro and air massage.

Easy to clean. It is worth rinsing regularly, sometimes treating the surface with disinfectants. Paints must be selected carefully so that they practically do not appear.


This material guarantees heat preservation, sound insulation, corrosion protection. They serve for a long time. The disadvantages are the price, high weight and fragility. Such models are usually made to order or for the interior.

Natural stone (marble) and unnatural material can be used for manufacturing. Artificial is a variety of ceramic bathtubs, it has the same custom characteristics.

The artificial substance used to make the product consists of clay and dyes, helping to give the product the desired color.

Models made of synthetic stone are called exclusive because they are expensive. Usually they are installed in the country or in a private house.

What is the difference between cast iron and acrylic?

Cast iron bathtubs muffle the sound as they do not vibrate. When hitting the surface, you will not see resonance. Cast iron conducts heat for a long time and weakly. Having collected water there, it will cool down to room temperature for a long hour and a half (the temperature drops by 10 ° C / hour). There are also no pores, making it easy to clean the surface. The enamel shines. The entire product is covered with it.

Acrylics are more expensive. People with financial problems can afford a cheap cast iron bathtub. But the price is not the only advantage. It is a strong and durable material.

How to choose?

The cast iron bathtub is made of durable material and lasts a long time. During filling, it does not make loud sounds. It is easy to look after her. But not every model is so perfect. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing a product, you need to know what to look for.

Select by size

First you need to look at the dimensions. You need to know that a product made of iron and carbon will only have oval or rectangular shapes. Therefore, the sizes will also be limited:


Models can be from one to two meters in length. 1-1.2 m are considered compact. This bowl can be placed even in the most impassable room. But only children can fit there.

Long constructions are called 1.7-1.8 m. They are created for large premises.

The ideal option is considered 1.5-1.6 m.An adult can easily lie down here.


It can be different, but the maximum size is small, only 0.7-1 m. A good product is ± 5-10 cm with a margin, given the width of the body of the largest person who will visit the bathroom.

When buying, specify that the width should be on the outside and the inside should be smaller than usual. Do not forget to find out the volume of the bath in liters.


In most cases, 0.7 m is the maximum. But people who live with the elderly or young children should find a bathtub with low sides.

Also pay attention to the depth of the bowl, which varies between 0.3-0.5 m. The deeper, the more the body is immersed in the water. But this consumes a considerable amount of water.

It is easier to climb into a low bowl, but water will not fit much. Deep tubs are harder to get inside, but they have a large capacity.

Surface quality

You are buying a product that should last at least one decade. Therefore, it is important to make sure that it is of quality production.

The next step is to inspect the surface.

back side

Start with an internal inspection. Cast iron should have good casting, surface - without dips and bumps. There should be no cracks or scratches. To protect the metal from rusting, it can be powder coated.

The optimal wall thickness is 5-6 mm, otherwise the water pressure will begin to bend them. Another thing to consider is weight. The minimum is 70-100 kg, and the maximum sometimes reaches 200-300 kg.


The outer side should be almost perfect: shine, be smooth, have a good structure and color. You cannot buy a product if a scratch or crack catches your eye. Because after the appearance of the first crack, it will be impossible to return the previous performance of the structure. The chip will begin to grow.

It is not recommended to choose a cheap bath. The enamel was likely to be applied quickly and the model was not designed for long-term use.

Additional functions

When you need to choose between an acrylic and cast iron bathtub, it is worth considering that the former usually equip their product with various functions. But if the product is bought for basic purposes, then cast iron will perfectly cope with its tasks:

Adjustment feet

They help to adjust the lift height during installation. You can also buy legs with a beautiful design for a specific style of interior.

With handles

Mounted on the sides of the bathroom, it is convenient to get up from a slippery surface. They will help the elderly and those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

You can also purchase a headrest, which will add a little more comfort to using the bath.

Anti-slip bottom coating

Located at the bottom of the bowl, will not allow a person to slip. Buying such a rug will help those who have small or elderly people in the house. Or you just love to take a standing shower.

Hydro and air massage

Almost all products that have massage functions are made of acrylic material, with intensive massage adjustment. But cast iron can also be found. This will give you a new shower experience.

True, the price of such a device rises several times.

Rating of the best cast iron baths 2024

Here are the best, cheapest and most popular product models for 2024. The features of the models are described, their advantages and disadvantages are considered.

Roca akira

The model has a rectangular shape, there is a drain and overflow control, which are located in the center of the equipment. Therefore, it will be convenient to swim both lying down and sitting. The enamel surface will not slip. Safety while taking a shower is guaranteed.

The set includes handles. You need to buy legs separately. But they are not always required because the tub is heavy and can be placed directly on the base.

The enamel is strong, not afraid of mechanical damage, it is not necessary to care for it. The width of the sides is quite comfortable, which makes it easy to get out of the bath.

Roca akira


  • Created for several people;
  • The drain is in the center;
  • The coating is non-slip;
  • Convenient sides;
  • Can be wall-mounted or placed directly on the floor.


  • Curved sides. If the bathtub needs to be placed near the wall, then this brings temporary inconvenience.

Novial Archimed

Heaviest model. Its weight is approximately 190 kg. To install such a structure, it is necessary to hire assistants.

The bathtub has a regular rectangular shape. It holds 284 liters of water. Suitable for those who do not need extra functions.

Covering of vitreous enamel with the addition of titanium. Several layers applied. The device is not afraid of chemical influences. Enamel thickness - 1.8 mm.

Additionally, legs are provided with the ability to adjust the height. The depth is 50 cm. Hydromassage can be connected. Width - 80 cm. The product fits only into a large room.

Novial Archimed


  • Good coating that will last a long time;
  • Resistance to chemical reactions;
  • Smooth coverage;
  • No gaps;
  • Large volume;
  • Nice design.


  • High price;
  • Heavy.

Station wagon VCh-1500 Nostalgia

Compact and popular model in the Russian market. It is small in size and fits perfectly into the interior. Length and width - 150x70 cm. The maximum volume of the placed water is 196 liters. Weighs 96 kg. Despite the small size, even an adult will be comfortable.

The classic style bathtub is covered with enamel, which is applied in layers. This protects the surface from damage. Many users are accustomed to installing it against a wall. The product has good sound insulation.

Station wagon VCh-1500 Nostalgia


  • Compactness;
  • Perfect spaciousness;
  • Great depth;
  • Enamel retains color;
  • Normal size side.


  • Slippery bottom.

Roca continental

The product has a good value for money.

Experts note the presence of an anti-slip coating. This will help families with small children or elderly people. It is not necessary to care for the enamel. The only caveat is that you cannot use harsh cleaning agents.

The dimensions are small, weighs 73 kg, and holds 160 liters. Has a low center of gravity, which allows the product to be placed on the floor without legs.

Strong enamel, difficult to damage the surface. You can even bathe animals. Does not turn yellow, has a white and bright color. Bumpers allow you to slightly increase the volume. Thick walls to dampen noise.

Roca continental


  • Average price;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • The coating protects against slipping;
  • Convenient bottom shape.


  • The legs only adjust the height level;
  • Short warranty period - 10 years.

Jacob Delafon Parallel E2947

Spacious, contemporary design. The structure is simple, with strict lines. Has a white color, rectangular shape. The main distinguishing quality is the integrated headrest and backrests. It will be comfortable for tall people. The material is able to withstand heavy weight and shock loads.

The enamel is durable, does not react to detergents. Dimensions are 170x70x45 cm, holds 129 liters. The model is fixed to the wall. There is an anti-slip coating. It is comfortable to swim and lie in the bath.

Jacob Delafon Parallel E2947


  • Reliable;
  • Not the most expensive for the price;
  • Great depth;
  • Universal;
  • Strong enamel;
  • Anti-slip coating will prevent you from falling to the floor;
  • Ergonomic.


  • Narrow sides.


This was a review of the best quality cast iron bathtubs in 2024. The editorial board gives advice and guides you on the choice of quality material. We have selected low-cost products, compared the popularity of models, analyzed customer reviews that have interesting features and should delight the consumer.

Here are collected the main characteristics of the models in order to make it easier to determine the right product and purchase it. Which company is a better product - only the client decides. It is important to evaluate all the recommended selection criteria when selecting a product.


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