A debit card is a good tool that simplifies life and contributes to the accumulation of funds, and the cashback technology increases its popularity every year and covers more and more segments of the population. On its basis, many financial companies have already managed to create their own products and are ready to provide them to both new and existing clients. In search of an advantageous offer, the editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you an overview of the best debit cards with cashback.
What are debit cards?
A debit card means a bank payment instrument that has a plastic format and is used by the owner to make payments, settle for goods and services, and withdraw cash through an ATM. The main difference between a debit card and a credit card is that the first one makes it possible to manage only your own financial resources, which are on the personal account, to which the plastic is directly tied. In turn, the credit card grants the right to dispose of a certain amount of money belonging to the bank for a limited period of time on an interest-free or interest-free basis (depending on the tariff) with the subsequent obligation to return the amount spent to the owner, that is, to the bank.
The so-called salary cards are a type of debit cards and are opened by banks for their clients as part of a special project, through which the employer makes payments with his employees.
Banks generally charge fees for servicing and dealing with debit cards. Most often, this is a small amount, the amount of which depends on the conditions set forth by the financial institution, as well as the package of services provided. However, there are also free ones.
The main task of the debit means of payment comes down to replacing paper money and gradually ousting it from financial circulation in order to transfer all payments to a non-cash plane.
Cashback on the card - what is it?
Cash back is translated from English as "money back" and in fact is a service for the return of a set percentage of the cost of a number of products and services paid for with a specific plastic. Thus, cashback is a subtype of the discount that the customer receives after the purchase, and not before or during the purchase.
Why are banks introducing the cash back system? In order to expand the base of loyal customers. The average interest returned by the bank varies from 1 to 10%.
Typically, the refund amount depends on the product category. Different payment directions have different interest rates on refunds - there is plastic with an increased cashback for paying for taxi rides, for purchasing drugs in a pharmacy, for groceries, and so on. And there is also a general cashback, which applies to all purchases without exception. So, each person can choose for himself such a cashback system that will be the most optimal and beneficial for him.
Next, we will consider the main selection criteria that will help you make a comparison and decide which card is better.
How to choose a cashback debit card?
In order to avoid mistakes when choosing and to approach this issue correctly, you should first of all pay attention to the following parameters:
- Type of cash back payments - each financial institution offers its own type of refund, which can be expressed in the form of bonuses, points, rubles, etc. There may be other types, which is especially important to take into account, since, for example, not everyone needs flight miles, and some people will not be able to use them at all;
- The amount of payment is the percentage that is set by each bank independently, taking into account the existing trends in the market. It can be either 10% or 30%;
- Exchange of returned funds - each bank has its own conditions for converting savings. With bonuses and points, you cannot do everything you want or spend at your own discretion. The best suggestions on how to realize the returned funds are a purchase in a partner store (the category of goods may be limited), compensation for one of the purchases already made, replenishment of a mobile phone account, as well as a discount at a gas station, in a cafe, when purchasing air tickets, etc. .;
- Service price - it is imperative to clarify this information with the bank, since if you do not plan to use plastic often, then it is better to choose a card with free service or with a low rate. Otherwise, the cost for providing the service may exceed the benefits of using it.
Advantages and disadvantages
- Convenience. Any, even the largest amount will always be at hand.
- Long term of validity.
- Freedom of manipulation. You can pay with a debit card in shops, in transport (on buses, metro, taxis), in clinics, in hotels and restaurants.
- Saving time. Payment for orders via the Internet, fines, taxes and utility bills - all this can be done without leaving home, only by transferring the required amount from your account to the recipient's account.
- Reliable protection. Most modern means of payment are equipped with special chips and are connected to the notification system, with the help of which all transactions with available money are controlled. And in case of loss or detection of dangerous activity, plastic is quickly blocked after contacting the bank's hotline or using a personal account on the official website.
- The benefit is the ability to use the cashback system. Some organizations may offer programs with double cashback.
- Unlimited use. Large banks allow you to pay with their cards and withdraw cash from them, including in foreign countries.
- Fast and simple registration. As a rule, the procedure for opening a debit payment method takes a minimum of time and effort. Some banks provide registration services via the Internet, you just need to leave an application on an electronic resource.
- Small outlets do not always accept debit cards.
- The bank may charge a certain amount for processing a payment method with the cashback system.
- The amount of money returned has its limits. There are limits on the amount of returns available at the end of the month. Thus, it does not matter how much the client spends, since he still cannot get more than the set mark.
- A delay in payment for service can lead to the bank withdrawing all accumulated funds and turning off cashback.
Main characteristics
room | Recommendations | Specifications |
1 | How much does the issue cost | For the price, the release of plastic can be paid with the subsequent opportunity to compensate for the costs by participating in a special promotion or bonus program, or free. The average price for receiving a debit payment instrument varies between 250-500 rubles, depending on the bank and the selected tariff. |
2 | Service cost | It happens on a free or paid basis.The first option, as a rule, is possible if the conditions specified in the agreement are fulfilled - maintaining the balance on the card in the form of a certain amount, performing transactions (sometimes in a specified amount), having a deposit in a financial institution, etc. |
3 | Percentage on balance | Cards with the function of calculating interest on the balance are also called profitable and are an alternative to deposits, since they imply a similar monthly interest charge on the balance of money on the account. The standard offer is the “On Demand” program at a rate of 0.01% per annum. The main condition is that there must always be a certain amount on the account tied to the plastic, called the irreducible balance. If at least one of the days on the account was less than the tariff set, interest for the entire reporting period is not charged. And the larger the minimum balance, the higher the interest rate. |
4 | Cashback | This is a system for returning money spent on purchases and services, which comes to the client in a certain amount and format. Most often, cashback is carried out in the form of rubles or points, which are later converted into rubles. With the received bonuses, as a rule, you can either compensate for an already made purchase, or pay for a new one. |
5 | Cash withdrawal from ATM | Most credit institutions that issue debit cards allow you to withdraw cash from their own and third-party ATMs. Some cards allow you to make a withdrawal operation for free (but there may be a limit on the amount of money or the number of withdrawals), others charge a commission. |
6 | Card2Card service | This is the name of the technology of transferring money from card to card. Only the number is needed. Most debit payment methods allow you to withdraw funds from yourself for free in order to replenish third-party cards. other banks have a special transfer rate. |
7 | Replenishment | All cards (with the exception of Megafon) are replenished using bank transfers. Many banks also allow you to deposit money into your account through partners - communication salons, ATMs, bank branches. Or they offer to use ATMs and terminals of their company. |
8 | SMS informing | It can be paid or free. Depends on the bank and tariff. The fee for sending messages about manipulations made with funds can be reduced or even withdrawn if certain conditions are met, for example, installing a mobile application. |
9 | Non-use | Most often, there are requirements for regular use of "plastics" in order to receive cashback. |
Rating of high-quality debit cards with cashback in Russia for 2024
Tinkoff black
Issued by: "Tinkoff Bank"
Chipped means of payment designated on the company's official website as a dual-income debit card. Recognized as one of the leaders among debit payment programs with cashback and interest on the balance.
It is serviced without payment if one of the stated conditions is fulfilled - opening a deposit in this bank for an amount of 50,000 rubles or more, issuing a similar loan or maintaining a stable amount of at least 30,000 RUB on the account in the form of a non-withdrawable balance. If these conditions are not met, the organization will charge a service fee of 99 rubles per month. The application is submitted online, and the finished card will be delivered to any place and time convenient for the client.
In addition to Tinkoff Black, the company gives the opportunity to open an additional 5 cards, for which no payment for issuance and maintenance will be charged, and the bank undertakes to reissue for any reason without commission. Interest on the balance (up to 300,000 RUB) is charged daily at a rate of 6% per annum, but only when making purchases using Tinkoff Black. The minimum amount of spending is 3,000 rubles for the specified period. But not all purchases count. The list of exceptions for which cashback is not credited is short enough and can be found on the website.
The popularity of debit plastic from Tinkoff Bank is due to the fact that it provides for a refund of 5% in three favorite categories (selected once a quarter out of six offered by the bank at its discretion) and 1% for all others.
Also available is the Tinkoff Target program, which allows you to get an additional 30% cashback for purchasing goods in partner stores. The monthly limit for Tinkoff Black is 3000 bonuses, for Tinkoff Target - 6000 bonuses.
- budgetary terms of service;
- simple decoration;
- quick decision from the bank;
- delivery;
- interest accrual on the balance;
- cashback up to 30% when buying goods and services in partner stores (Yandex.Taxi, Kari, Wildberries, Lamoda, Burger King, etc.);
- bonuses are credited in rubles to the account on the date of issue;
- free cash withdrawal from 3,000 rubles at any ATM and any amount at Tinkoff ATMs;
- free interbank, allowing outgoing bank transfers by account number without charging a commission;
- convenient replenishment through Tinkoff ATMs, Card2Card system (VISA, MasterCard, MIR) and cash from partners (Svyaznoy, Euroset, etc.);
- free outgoing C2C transfers;
- connecting multicurrency by linking additional foreign currency accounts;
- profitable conversion, adhering to the most humane course;
- Convenient savings accounts with a percentage that is calculated regardless of whether purchases were made or not;
- the possibility of remote opening of "SmartVklad" for a period of 12 months at 7.5% with a monthly payment or capitalization;
- convenient mobile application and internet banking;
- the ability to set limits on the amount of purchases per month and restrictions on cash withdrawals;
- you can stop using without damage;
- Tinkoff Black can be made payroll;
- supports modern smartphone payment technologies;
- connects to the MIR system;
- there is "Tinkoff Travel" with an additional cashback for the purchase of air tickets and hotel reservations.
- cashback is credited only if the main account is issued in rubles, dollars, euros or pounds;
- there are no bank branches, and the only office is in Moscow;
- all issues are resolved exclusively online or via the hotline;
- paid SMS-informing;
- the company can unilaterally change any originally indicated limits at the client's tariff;
- unification of deposits;
- the agreement with the bank contains clauses indicating the bank's right to request documents, refuse to carry out operations and disconnect from RBS;
- according to the agreement, the bank has the right to withhold a commission (5% of the amount of any replenishment and / or 10% of the amount withdrawn) if signs of doubtful and / or transit transactions in which there is no economic sense were found.
Rocket card
Issued by: JSC "Qiwi Bank"
A debit card from the Rocketbank brand, previously issued by Commercial Bank Interkommerts LLC, then by the financial institution Otkritie, and now an organization that is part of the QIWI Group, which has a license from the Bank of Russia and, therefore, client funds are insured by the DIA.
This means of payment is part of the Master Card World system and after receiving ruble plastic, you can open the same ones, but only in dollars and euros. Both Russian citizens and foreigners can receive the Rocket, for which it is required to provide a passport and a document permitting stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.
There are several tariff plans - free "Cozy Cosmos" and paid "Open Space". The second differs from the first by increased limits on withdrawing funds and transfers, as well as rather strict criteria for making purchases and maintaining an account balance.
Rocketbank is distinguished by its remote service. The application is left online, and after registration "Rocket" will be delivered free of charge to any of twenty-nine major Russian cities.
Interest on the daily balance: 5.5% per annum on the ruble account, 0.1% on the dollar account, and 0.01% on the euro account.There is no limit, nor is there a requirement for spending.
You can maintain the Rocket balance by free replenishment through cash desks and ATMs of Otkrytie (RUB), through MKB terminals, C2C transfers via a mobile application (from 5,000 rubles).
With "Rocket" you can make outgoing money transfers to other credit institutions using the account number. The monthly limit is 1,000,000 RUB. For everything above, a commission of 50 rubles is taken.
For all purchases paid with Rocket (and foreign currency as well), a cashback of 1% is charged, expressed in Rocket rubles. In particular, the organization gives the opportunity to monthly choose favorite places for which there is an increased reward - from 2 to 10%. These can be supermarkets, cafeterias, gas stations.
In the future, using rocket rubles, you can compensate for the purchase price (from 3,000 RUB), which was made no earlier than 30 days before the withdrawal of bonuses. There is also the possibility of exchanging the accumulated points for souvenirs in the "Rocket Shop". The list of restrictions for which rocket rubles are not charged is very short and is available for review on the official website. There are restrictions on remuneration. The maximum amount of rocket rubles that can be accumulated is no more than 10 thousand.
It is possible to open safe accounts through the Rocketbank mobile application. There is no access to them from plastic, but the interest on them is the same as on the balance. At the same time, the material resources stored in such accounts are more secure than usual.
- free release and service without observing any additional conditions;
- free shipping;
- interest on the balance;
- convenient replenishment;
- accessible interbank;
- withdrawing funds without commission (up to 150 thousand rubles / month) at any ATM;
- cashback from 1 to 10%;
- you can accumulate points;
- a single conversion rate for all transactions linked to the exchange rate;
- with the function of opening savings accounts and deposits;
- convenient mobile application, which is also available for PC;
- additional bonus promotions;
- support for modern smartphone payment technologies;
- free push notifications.
- you cannot replenish a foreign currency account;
- monthly restrictions on cashback;
- there are no bank branches, and the service is carried out remotely;
- SMS-informing is paid (50 rubles per month);
- paper versions of all certificates are paid (350 RUB per document);
- a commission is charged for inactivity (100 RUB for every 90 days of no operations);
- customer reviews indicate that a financial institution sets limits on various transactions on an individual basis;
- the use of law 115-FZ according to which the bank can refuse to carry out the operation, as well as block the plastic or request the client's documents - but this dubious drawback positively characterizes the credit organization itself.
Issued by: Home Credit
The previous means of payment from this organization - the Kosmos debit card - was the leader in its segment. After the marketing specialists of Home Credit decided to remove a successful product from the line of offers, Benefit came to replace it. The peculiarity of this event lies in the fact that the holders of "Cosmos" still have the opportunity to use "Cosmos", but only "Benefit" is available for new clients.
"Benefit" is included in the VISA system and has free access to Pay Wave contactless payment technology. An application for "Benefit" can be left online or by visiting the office of a banking institution. In many large cities, there is a delivery service to the specified address.
The terms of use of the "Benefit" are as follows - in the first and second billing periods, the service fee is not taken. Further, you either need to spend at least 5,000 RUB per month, or maintain a minimum balance of at least 10,000 rubles. In case of non-compliance with the conditions, a commission of 99 RUB / month will be charged.
You can additionally issue two cards to the "Benefit", the cost of each will be 200 rubles.
With regard to interest on the daily balance (up to 300,000 RUB), the bank offers 7% per annum when making purchases in the settlement period for an amount of 5,000 RUB and above.
The bonus program of the same name, operating in Home Credit, implies a cashback of 3% for expenses in the categories “Gas stations”, “Cafes and restaurants”, “Pharmacies”, as well as 1% for all other purchases. The monthly limit is 2000 points. You can connect additional categories for a refund - but for a reason. The cost of each of the lists "Home and Repair", "Leisure and Entertainment", "Pets", "Health and Beauty", "Baby Products" is 99 points / month. For "Clothes and Shoes", as well as "Electronics" will have to pay extra 199 points per month. All connected additional categories will be automatically renewed if there are enough points on the bonus account to pay for them and there was no cancellation of auto-renewal.
There are also promotional points (10% cashback), which are accrued for goods purchased in partner stores (ALBA, OBI, M-Video, etc.), but to receive them, you need to go to the partner's website from the personal account "Benefits "And pay for the purchase with it.
Points for all operations are credited on the very next day after the operation, transferred to rubles through the personal account "Benefits" according to the system 1 point = 1 RUB and credited to the card, however, for the transfer, you must first accumulate at least 100 points.
Unused points will be canceled after 12 months. But with promotions it is more and more difficult, they can "go" within 70 days. According to buyers who leave their reviews online, the system with promotional cashback is not fully developed, since problems often arise with it. There have been cases when promotional bonuses were not paid. The advice of experienced users boils down to the fact that all issues must be resolved by visiting the organization's office and filing a formal complaint.
"Benefit" is replenished through the Internet banking services of third-party banks and a mobile application. The limit for С2С is within 300,000 RUB per month.
- issue free of charge;
- inexpensive service rates;
- delivery;
- the first reissue is free of charge;
- interest accrual on the balance;
- almost all operations are included in the required turnover of spending;
- bonus program;
- a short list of cashback exceptions;
- conversion of points into rubles;
- cash withdrawal from any ATM without commission up to 5 times a month;
- convenient replenishment;
- cheap interbank is available (10 RUB);
- free donor;
- there is an expenditure-replenishing two-month deposit "Savings account" with a rate of 5.5% per annum;
- you can set limits on the amount of transactions and cash withdrawals;
- support for smartphone payment technologies.
- rounding the cashback down to an integer value;
- anti-transit restrictions, consisting in the need to keep funds in the account for 10 days with non-cash receipt;
- SMS-informing is paid;
- imposing additional services;
- lack of a free hotline.
Issued by: PJSC Sovcombank
The description on the official website of the organization positions "Halva" as a card with interest-free installments, with the help of which purchases are available in partner stores using credit funds on an interest-free basis. In fact, "Halva" is a universal debit and credit program. Its principle of operation is similar to the functionality of "Conscience" from "Qiwi Bank". The point is that such a scheme is beneficial for all three parties: the client gets the opportunity to use an interest-free installment plan, the bank receives remuneration from partner stores, and the stores directly increase revenue by attracting new customers.
"Halva" is not personalized, it is equipped with Pay Pass technology (contactless payments). The revolving credit limit reaches 350,000 RUB and within its framework you can purchase goods in installments. The loan is repaid in equal installments in accordance with the established rules. Failure to pay the minimum mandatory payment will result in a fine and a forfeit payment.
The installment plan is valid exclusively in partner stores, in all other retail outlets only your own funds can be written off from Halva. The list of partners is individual for each city and is indicated on the official website.
Refunds on "Halva" are provided only when paying for goods with their own funds. The plastic operating mode is selected manually in the mobile application or in the browser version.
Cashback works as follows: when making a purchase in partner stores for your own money using smartphone payment technologies, 6% is charged, when paying with plastic - 2%, for all other purchases - 1%. Increased cashback when paying at partner points with a smartphone, but it is not provided via the Internet.
The list of partners of "Halva" is very wide and there is practically every category of goods and services.
To receive a reward, you must make at least 5 purchases for the reporting period for an amount of 10,000 RUB or more. Cashback is expressed in the form of points accrued to a separate bonus account within ten days after the end of the reporting period. The maximum amount of points is 5,000 / month. Further, with the accumulated points (1 bonus = 1 RUB), you can compensate in full or in part the cost of goods from a partner outlet, but only purchased during the last 2 reporting periods. Bonuses are valid for 12 months and then expire.
"Halva" is replenished with the help of ATMs and terminals of "Sovcombank", as well as free of charge from plastic of other credit organizations through a personal account or a mobile application.
With "Halva" you can cash out funds at third-party ATMs without charging a commission. The monthly limit is 100,000 RUB.
SMS-informing is carried out free of charge if the following conditions are met: if the client is 50 or more years old, if the client has installed the Halva application and visited it at least 3 times during the reporting period (or entered the personal account on the site), if not debts, if there were no transactions with plastic.
Interest on the daily balance of own money (up to 500,000 RUB) in the amount of 7.5% per annum is accrued if 5 or more expenses were made on Halva for an amount of 10,000 rubles for the reporting period, and over a specified amount - up to 6% annual.
- no issue or service fees are charged;
- "Halva" can be obtained at a bank branch or by courier;
- Sovcombank has branches in 68 constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
- interest-free installments;
- cashback up to 6%;
- supports smartphone payment technologies;
- simple conversion of bonuses into rubles;
- convenient replenishment;
- own money can be withdrawn and transferred;
- SMS-informing;
- interest on the balance;
- convenient application;
- promotions and special offers;
- pay favorably abroad;
- the exchange rate is pegged to the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation + 1%;
- the opportunity to increase the term of the installment plan (cost from 900 to 3900 RUB).
- receipt is not always approved and there are conditions for registration;
- "Halva" increases the loan burden;
- the credit limit is set individually and can be changed;
- points for cashback are rounded down to the nearest whole number;
- it is necessary to check the list of partner stores before each purchase, since Sovcombank does not inform about changes in the partner network;
- non-cash receipts must remain in the account 30 days before withdrawal;
- plastic is canceled if it is not used for more than 6 months;
- By issuing "Halva", the client automatically gives his consent to receive spam from the bank and all its partners;
- penalty for not informing when personal data changes;
- when choosing a promotional product in a partner store, payment by Halva in installments may not be accepted;
- the organization reserves the right to change the terms of the contract and transfer its rights under the contract to third parties.
Issued by: "Opening"
The Opencard payment instrument, equipped with a chip and contactless payment technology, will initially cost RUB 500, but after the total amount of purchases on the card reaches RUB 10,000, 500 open bonuses will be credited to the bonus account, which are converted at the rate of 1 open bonus to 1 RUB.New users, who were not previously registered as Otkrytie's clients, can also receive 500 points as part of the Bring a Friend promotion.
You can issue 5 additional cards to Opencard, each of which will cost 500 RUB.
Opencard can be not only in rubles, but also in currency format, the bonus programs for which remain the same. The dollar issue has a cost of $ 8, the euro issue - 7 €.
Opencard cashback is credited as points to a separate account. For the calendar month in which plastic was issued and replenished, a refund will be charged in the amount of 3% for all purchases or 11% for the selected categories. The latter depend on the observance of the following conditions: when making purchases in the amount of 5,000 rubles or more - 1%, while maintaining the balance of 100,000 rubles or more, where all the money on the client's accounts with the Otkritie Bank is taken into account - an additional 5%, when paying for services for the reporting month in the amount of 1,000 rubles or more through a mobile application or Internet bank - an additional 5%. The maximum limit for increased monthly returns in the selected categories is 3 thousand points.
The limit on the number of points that can be awarded per month is 15 thousand bonuses. Also, in the reporting period, non-cash payments should not exceed 300,000 rubles for the most popular groups of goods. The list is available for review on the official resource.
For the rest of the categories (for each separately) non-cash transactions should not exceed 150,000 RUB / month for the accrual of cashback.
Also, conditions have been set under which no more than 5 purchases can be made at one outlet in one day using Opencard. Starting from the 6th, there will be no cashback.
With the accumulated money, you can fully compensate for a purchase made not earlier than 30 days in the amount of 3,000 rubles or more. The compensation will be returned to the main account. Open bonuses “live” for 2 years.
Opencard can be topped up from third-party cards using IB and MB.
- free issue;
- no annual maintenance fee;
- delivery at the expense of the company to 36 cities of the Russian Federation;
- cashback 3-11%;
- there is no cashback rounding down;
- a small list of transactions for which no refund is made;
- cashing out without commission at any ATM within the limit (500,000 RUB);
- free interbank and С2С;
- change of PIN-code free of charge;
- support for smartphone payment technology;
- favorable currency exchange rate in the mobile application and Internet bank.
- Paid balance inquiry at third-party ATMs - 60 RUB;
- there is no interest on the balance, and as an alternative the savings account "My piggy bank" is offered;
- paid SMS-informing (first two months - 0 RUB, then - 59 RUB / month);
- high penalties for technical overdraft;
- it is impossible to set limits on online transactions, a visit to the branch is required;
- reissue costs 650 RUB;
- there is no understanding of the cross-border ruble.
Which bank is better?
Summing up, we can say that today there are many different bank offers, each of which is beneficial in its own way, and therefore it is not easy to make a choice. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the best debit programs are available from Tinkoff Bank, Rocketbank, Home Credit, Sovcombank, Otkritie Bank.
However, the above-mentioned rating did not include some popular cards, which also have attractive conditions. For example:
- Alfa-card with benefits and interest from Alfa-Bank - free service, cashback up to 3% for all purchased services and goods, withdrawing money from any ATM and up to 6% for non-withdrawable balance;
- "# Everything is Possible" from Rosbank - up to 10% cashback (in a certain list of categories and in compliance with the established turnover of spending per month) and 1% for all other purchases;
- Virtual card from Megafon - up to 20% return when servicing partners, up to 8% per annum on the account balance, free registration and maintenance;
- "Your cashback" from Promsvyazbank - up to 5% cashback in 3 selected categories, 5% on the balance in cashback points, 1% refund on all purchases, service without commission;
- Profitable card No. 1 from Bank Vostochny - up to 7% per annum for a non-withdrawable balance, cashback of 5% for goods in certain categories and up to 40% when paying from partners via the Internet, servicing and withdrawing from ATMs without payment;
- Payment card from Beeline - 6% for residual funds, 1% cashback for all purchases and 5% for three selected categories, free service and cash withdrawals;
- Multicard from VTB - 6% per annum on a non-withdrawable balance, 7 options for remuneration for paying for goods using non-cash technology, withdrawing cash from any ATM without commission.
If you have experience using debit cards with cashback described in the rating or a more interesting option, tell us about it in the comments.