The best hidden wiring detectors for 2024


Indoor wiring can be open or hidden. As a rule, hidden wiring is carried out in panel as well as brick houses. The disadvantage of this type of wiring is that it is very difficult to identify it (to identify the places in the wall where the electrical wiring runs). Therefore, when carrying out repair work, in which it is necessary to drill the walls and make holes in them, there are slight difficulties associated with identifying the location of the wiring. After all, damage during the drilling of the wall of the electrical wire laid in the wall can lead to a short circuit and even electric shock to a specialist who is engaged in repair work and making holes in the walls.

To detect electrical wiring that is located inside the walls (hidden wiring), special hidden wiring detectors are used. These devices are able to accurately determine the location of hidden wiring inside the walls, as well as the presence of fittings or pipes. The editors of the site "" have prepared for your attention an overview of the best, best models of hidden wiring detectors of different types and price categories as of 2024.

Description of the device

Concealed wiring detectors are specially designed devices that allow you to safely search for wiring that is located inside walls made of concrete, wood and other materials. Thanks to the use of such devices, it is possible to detect breaks, where the integrity of telephone, as well as Internet cables or electrical networks is violated.

Depending on the model of the detector, the location of various metal structures can also be precisely located in the wall. According to the principle of operation, there are several types of such detectors. The fact is that there are two ways to find the electrical wire located inside the wall. The first method involves the use of a metal detector, and the second is to search for electromagnetic radiation and static electricity emitted by live wires.

The metal detector is convenient because, thanks to its use, inside the walls, you can find both de-energized wiring and various objects or structures made of metal (nails, fittings, pipes, and so on). However, in very rare cases, metal detectors are used to find hidden wiring that is under constant voltage. For these purposes, as a rule, detectors that react to electromagnetic fields are used.

However, the operation of such detectors is negatively affected by a variety of household devices (mobile phones, microwave ovens, etc.). Therefore, to search for hidden wiring, it is preferable to use testers that, during their work, use two types of search (search for metal products and electromagnetic fields). Concealed wiring detectors differ in the type of signals that they emit when wiring is detected. The indication for these devices is:

  1. Sound. During operation, the device emits signals with different durations and tone.Such detectors, by the type of signal they emit, allow you to accurately determine what is inside the wall.
  2. Light. LEDs are used for this type of indication. As a rule, LEDs are installed in different colors and when different materials are detected in the wall, different groups of LEDs light up.
  3. In the form of a liquid crystal display.

It will not be superfluous to mention that there are models of detectors that are equipped with all three types of indication. However, such devices for finding hidden electrical wiring are very expensive.

On a note! Devices capable of detecting several different types of material inside a wall are usually equipped with an LCD screen. However, such devices are expensive. Therefore, in some cases, it is advisable to use indicators that, during their work, use only one type of search (determination of metal products or electromagnetic fields).

Which company is better to buy

Which company is the best device to buy? There are many manufacturers that produce hidden wiring detectors. The best manufacturers of such devices, according to reviews and advice from most buyers, include:

  1. Rexant. It is a Russian trade mark under which a variety of connectors, consumables, and various Chinese-made tools are produced. This company also produces a variety of measuring instruments and signaling devices that allow you to detect the exact location of hidden wiring located in the walls of buildings. Devices manufactured under this brand carry out their work in automatic mode. Equipped with both digital and sound warning systems.
  2. Precision Mastech Enterprises Co. It is a Hong Kong-based manufacturer that develops measuring equipment for a wide variety of purposes. Testers manufactured under this brand are capable, thanks to the presence of a break detector, to identify the location of even faulty wiring.
  3. Duwi. This is a popular Polish company that produces a variety of measuring instruments and electrical equipment. The versatility of the devices that are produced by this company lies in the fact that they are able to detect live wiring in the walls and to identify the location of various metals. The advantages of the detectors of this company include the fact that they have a good detection depth for hidden wiring (about 30 mm).
  4. Bison. A well-known Russian manufacturer of power tools on the domestic market. It produces a wide variety of models of flush-mounted signaling devices that are able to detect electrical wiring at a depth of 40 mm. Models produced under this brand have an ergonomic shape, light weight, as well as sound and graphic search indication.
  5. Allsun. A well-known Chinese company that produces measuring devices. The detection depth of the finders manufactured by this company is about 50 mm. In addition, devices from this manufacturer are capable of performing their work in a wide range of operating temperatures (from -7 to +40 degrees Celsius). The scanners are capable of searching for cables under AC or DC voltage.
  6. Eltes. It is a Ukrainian scientific and technical center, which, since 2001, has been producing electrical measuring instruments. The signaling devices manufactured by this company have a wide range of sensitivity (1-4 gradations). They are also equipped with a self-monitoring option. The advantage of the devices produced by this Ukrainian manufacturer is that they are able to search for both hidden wiring and the place where the cable was broken.
  7. Bosch. A worldwide popular German manufacturer that produces a wide variety of high quality electrical equipment. The detectors produced under this brand are distinguished by their functionality and ease of control.They are able to indicate the exact location of both hidden wiring and metals located inside the walls. The scanning depth of devices produced by this German manufacturer is up to 7 cm.

In the domestic market, there are many models of hidden wiring detectors from different manufacturers for both household (budget models) and professional use. There are many specialized online stores that sell these devices. For example, you can buy an inexpensive, budgetary detector in China, on the Ali Express website.

Criteria for choosing a hidden wiring detector

How to choose a detector, what to look for, what mistakes to avoid when choosing this device? Before answering the question - which is the best device to buy, you should figure out what criteria should be followed when choosing such a technique. Before purchasing such a device, you should pay attention to:

  1. Detection depth indicator. One of the most important indicators of hidden wiring detectors. The ability to detect electrical wiring inside the wall depends on the depth of detection. As a rule, most manufacturers, in the technical documentation, for their devices. Specify the maximum value for the detection depth of electrical wiring, wood or metals. It is worth noting that the most optimal parameter of the detection depth for such devices, when searching for live wires, is 5 cm. More expensive models of these devices are capable of showing the exact depth of the found wiring or found materials.
  2. Accuracy. In order to minimize damage to walls or ceilings during repair work, when looking for hidden electrical wiring, it is important to know exactly where it is located. The accuracy parameter of professional-type devices allows an error of no more than 5 mm. For household devices, this error parameter is 10 mm.
  3. The ability to accurately identify the materials found. In the wall, in addition to the cable, fittings, various objects made of metals, wood, plastic and so on can be located. Therefore, when searching for wiring, it is important that the device can distinguish the type of object found.
  4. The presence of auto-calibration. This feature will prove to be very useful for novice detector users. A device equipped with this function independently enters data on the type of object detected and the base material, so there is no need to waste time on preparatory work and device calibration.
  5. Auto power off. As a rule, most of the existing models of detectors use batteries as power sources. Therefore, the auto-off function, in case of prolonged inactivity of the device, saves battery power.
  6. Backlighting. The backlight makes it more comfortable to carry out repair work on the wiring in the evening, or in poorly lit places.

The best hidden wiring detectors for 2024

During the compilation of the rating of the best hidden wiring detectors, both customer reviews and technical characteristics, the functionality of the devices were taken into account. The main parameters used to select the detectors are:

  • Maximum scanning depth indicator;
  • Dimensions (size, weight of the device);
  • Ease of use;
  • The ability to scan various types of electrical wiring with constant and / or alternating voltage;
  • Display quality;
  • Availability, quality characteristics of indication (light, sound);
  • The level of sensitivity of the device, as well as the ability to customize, adjust.

In addition, when compiling the rating, special attention was paid to such indicators as the versatility of devices, the ability to search for metals. An important fact that also influenced the choice of devices is their cost (how much they cost), the possibility of professional use, as well as expert advice. It is worth noting that there are models of devices that are capable of detecting plastic pipes. At the same time, they can detect plastic, both filled with water, and find plastic pipes without water.

Reference! There are many schemes on the Internet that give detailed instructions on how to make such a device with your own hands. However, at least half of these circuits require expensive components. Therefore, in this case, instead of homemade products, it would be advisable to purchase an inexpensive device for detecting hidden electrical wiring.

Laserliner MultiFinder Plus 080.965A

A detector that is quite simple in daily use, which can be used both for domestic and professional purposes. Equipped with an LCD screen, and a fairly simple control system. You can turn on different modes of this device using just one button. Able to detect the location of electrical wiring (the detection depth is no more than 40 mm), ferrous metals (the detection depth is no more than 100 mm), non-ferrous metals (the maximum search depth is 50 mm). In addition, this device is capable of searching for timber structures located inside a wall (detection depth 40 mm).

Laserliner MultiFinder Plus 080.965A


  • High-quality display;
  • Functional;
  • Simple controls;
  • The presence of sound and color indication;
  • Automatic shutdown function;
  • Light weight (230 grams).


  • High price (average cost is 7237 rubles);
  • One battery (crown) is used as a power source, which may not be enough for long-term work and operation.

Bosch UniversalDetect

One of the best, according to buyers, search tools, which is perfect for both household, home and professional use. Thanks to its use, it is possible to establish the exact location of both non-ferrous, ferrous metals and electrical wiring. The maximum detection depth for wiring is 50 mm, for ferrous metals - 100 mm. In addition, this device is capable of detecting wooden structures (detection depth 25 mm).

The device uses 4 batteries (AAA) as a power source, and its continuous operation time is about 4 hours. The weight of this wire detection apparatus is 340 grams.

Bosch UniversalDetect


  • Build quality;
  • Working hours;
  • Low weight;
  • Ease of use;
  • Good detection depth.


  • Cost (4977 rubles);
  • It is not able to search for multi-core wiring in which there is no voltage in the "Metal" mode (this information is specified in the device manual).

ADA instruments Wall Scanner 120 PROF

Compact, popular model for daily home and professional use. This device is capable of detecting the location of both electrical wiring and non-ferrous, ferrous metals (the maximum search depth for wiring is 50 mm, ferrous metals - 120 mm, non-ferrous - 80 mm). This device is additionally equipped with special illumination, light, sound indication, and uses one battery (crown) as a power source. The operating time of the device is at least 5 hours. The device weighs 270 grams. It should be noted that the manufacturer closes the holes located inside the indicator ring with plugs, which can be very difficult to pull out.

ADA instruments Wall Scanner 120 PROF


  • Ergonomic body;
  • Functional;
  • Good metal search mode.


  • Cost (the average price of the device is 3590 rubles);
  • Sensitive to noise when the wiring search mode is turned on;
  • The crown is used as a battery;
  • The presence of plugs located in the hole where the sensor is located.

STAYER Master Topelectro

Compact, inexpensive, budget device for household use. Perfect for detecting electrical wiring and ferrous metals during repair and construction work. The detection depth of this device, both electrical wiring and metals, is no more than 50 mm. The weight of this device is only 90 grams.

STAYER Master Topelectro


  • Acceptable cost (RUB 461);
  • Compactness;
  • Low weight;
  • Quite good accuracy in metal search mode.


  • The presence of only one sound indication;
  • No search mode for non-ferrous metal and wood;
  • There is no indication of the exact depth of the object.

Bison Master DX - 350

Popular, inexpensive model of high-quality, functional, easy-to-use scanner. Allows you to search not only for electrical wiring, but also for products made of metal and wood. It carries out its work thanks to ultrasonic echo sounders, due to which the result of errors when searching for objects is reduced to a minimum. The depth of searching for electrical wiring with this device is up to 50 mm, ferrous metals up to 38 mm, and wood up to 19 mm. Equipped with display, backlight and sound indication.

Bison Master DX - 350


  • Availability of automatic calibration;
  • Comfortable, ergonomic shape;
  • Reasonable price (1079 rubles);
  • Multi-colored indicators;
  • When searching for live cables, the signal strength is displayed as a percentage.


  • Weak outgoing signal sound when searching for objects;
  • The display of the device has a small viewing angle.

Comparative characteristics, description of hidden wiring detectors

NameMaximum object detection depth (mm)Weight (gram)Cost (in rubles)
Laserliner MultiFinder Plus 080.965AElectrical wiring - 40
Ferrous metals - 100
Non-ferrous metals - 50
Wood - 40
Bosch UniversalDetect Electrical wiring - 50
Ferrous metals - 100
Wood - 25
ADA instruments Wall Scanner 120 PROFElectrical wiring - 50
Ferrous metals - 120
Non-ferrous metals - 80
STAYER Master TopelectroElectrical wiring - 50
Ferrous metals - 50
Non-ferrous metals - 50
Bison Master DX - 350Electrical wiring - 50
Ferrous metals - 38
Wood - 19
Not indicated1079

Using detectors of hidden electrical wiring, you can quickly find and establish the exact location of wooden parts of structures, find reinforcement located in walls made of concrete or drywall. Also, these devices allow you to establish the location as accurately as possible and search for electrical wiring in the walls. This significantly reduces the risk of injury from electric shock that occurs if accidentally hitting the cable while punching holes in the wall.

Also, determining the exact location of the wiring minimizes losses that occur when walls are destroyed or wiring if it becomes necessary to replace it. If you have experience in using hidden wiring detectors or you use a high-quality device described in our TOP rating, please leave your feedback and recommendations in the comments.


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