The skin of babies is very delicate, pliable to various environmental factors and irritants affecting it. The choice of any detergents, detergents should be treated with special trepidation and care so as not to cause irreparable harm to the child's body.
The editors of the site "" offers you an overview of the best children's washing powders of the current year, which differ from others in the most optimal composition, high quality and special demand among many buyers.
Baby washing powders
Washing children's clothes is a responsible homework for every mother, therefore, the ability to thoroughly understand the main types, features, and compositions of detergents will not be superfluous and will help to maintain the child's good health.
Types of detergents
Some washing powders differ from each other and are divided into the following types:
- Gel-like products and powders that do not contain surfactants (surfactants), in other words, they have the property of environmental friendliness. Such powders are made on the basis of natural ingredients, herbal ingredients, potassium, without the content of complex aggressive chemicals. Phosphates in this form of powders are replaced by zeolites, which are very similar in action, but the percentage of harmfulness is much lower and weaker in intensity.
- Washing detergents containing surfactants, chemical elements, phosphates, but their concentration is significantly reduced and is quite acceptable by generally accepted standards (the manufacturer indicates the amount of certain harmful substances on the package, thereby warning buyers, without hiding the true composition of their product). Attention should be paid to the fact that surfactants do not exceed 15%, and preferably their lower content, nonionic surfactants are safer than anionic surfactants. But washing with such powders is very high quality, they cope well with difficult stains, they really bleach white fabrics, while maintaining the softness and strength of woven products. In terms of cost, they almost do not differ from the first type.
In order for the purchased powder to fully suit its functionality, does not contradict the declared characteristics, does not harm the body, while being affordable in price, you need to properly understand its composition. After all, a well-working tool is not always safe and cheap. Therefore, everyone decides for himself what is more important for him, being responsible for the consequences of the chosen product independently.
Manifestation of the harmfulness of powders
Any washing detergent consists of chemical elements, so you want it or not, but powder can cause harm to the body, regardless of the concentration in which it contains them.
So, for example, the indication on the packaging of the mark "Hypoallergenic" cannot give one hundred percent guarantee that an allergy will not arise, everything is by no means individual and directly proceeds from the characteristics of the organism, its responses.
The reasons due to which the powder can have a negative effect on the skin, as well as on the state of human health in general, are in the content of surfactants - surface active substances contained in the composition of conventional detergents. Having absorbed into the fabric, they cannot be completely washed out of the material when rinsing, they remain in it, thereby increasing the risk of irritation of the baby's skin, leading to allergic manifestations and even toxic effects on his body.
Most often, such reactions act as a rash on the skin, in the form of the so-called urticaria, this condition is accompanied by unbearable itching, redness. A complicated form of allergy is mucosal edema, and the most dangerous is laryngeal edema, as a result, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, requiring immediate medical attention (antihistamines, hormonal therapy, hospitalization is possible).
Surfactants can provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, cause a detrimental effect on the respiratory system, causing a dangerous disease - allergic bronchial asthma, requiring further life-long hormonal treatment. In newborns, metabolism, dry skin, mucous membranes and much more can be disturbed.
The presence of bleaches in the composition can negatively affect the child, since they also do not wash out completely from the fabric, and cause allergic irritation and redness of the skin.
Dangerous elements are phosphates - chemical compounds of sulfuric acid with metals. Although their purpose is to soften the water during washing, they are too harmful. The zeolites replacing them are also harmful, they are not washed out of things, can lead to a deterioration in the functions of the organs of the child's body, but their concentration and effect are an order of magnitude weaker than phosphate.
Ordinary powders can contain chlorine - a very highly toxic substance, so it should not be in children's detergents at all.
The choice of powder is a responsible step for parents, because the damage caused to the baby's health sometimes entails grave and irreparable consequences.
Main selection criteria
Any housewife should take a responsible approach to the decision of which powder to choose, so as not to harm the health of the household. Therefore, it is important to learn to understand the main characteristics of the funds, their compositions, to know what types there are, in order to facilitate your further choice, the criteria of which are the main parameters:
room | Parameter | Characteristic |
1 | Manufacturer | You should beware of counterfeits, so it is better to choose powders of well-known brands, paying attention to the price, since counterfeit production can put on sale products with a suspiciously low cost, which is not typical for this company. |
2 | Composition | The most optimal composition of children's detergent is one that does not contain phosphates, but with an acceptable amount of surfactants (no more than 5%). |
3 | Smell | It is good if the powder is completely fragrance-free, but a low-intensity aroma from the use of a quality powder is not excluded. There should be no harsh odors from children's products, all this causes irritation of the mucous membranes, which means the presence of a large number of chemical fragrances in the composition, which negatively affects the skin of children. |
4 | Antiallergenic effect | Required parameter for baby powder. The mark "Hypoallergenic" or "Dermatologically tested" is a sign of quality and an acceptable detergent for washing clothes of the smallest family members. |
5 | Shelf life | When buying, you must pay attention to this line on the package. |
6 | The size | Do not forget that the price directly depends on the size of the package, but if the powder is purchased for the first time, then you do not need to buy huge packs, it is better to test the product, starting with the smallest in weight, so as not to waste money for volume in case of skin irritation baby or any other reason. |
7 | Integrity of packaging | The packaging must be sealed so that the powder contained in it does not lose its original properties. |
8 | The cost | Real quality cannot be very cheap. In order not to harm the health of the child, you can overpay than to treat the injuries caused in the future with cheap detergents. |
It follows that the stated parametric data are the main guidelines for buying a powder, which should be paid special attention to. Depending on the requirements, wishes, budgetary possibilities, everyone is able to find the right tool without being disappointed in its subsequent use.
The best manufacturers of laundry detergents for children
The modern market is rich in various brands of washing powders for children's clothing. Based on customer reviews about the most popular manufacturers that produce the highest quality washing detergents containing natural ingredients and a minimum of chemicals, as a result of the selection, several of the best of them can be distinguished, namely:
- Burti baby;
- BioMio;
- Meine Liebe;
- Tide;
- Chistown ORGANIC;
- Molecola;
- Eared nanny;
- Stork;
- Garden Eco.
Thus, each mother decides on her own which company is better to choose a detergent for cleaning baby's clothes, and which one is not worth spending time and money on.
In any case, you will have to take a risk, try a certain brand for the first time, understand how safe it is and whether it is indisputably suitable for a child. In this matter, everything is completely individual and does not depend on the popularity of powder models, but on the state of the child's body and its reactions.
Rating of the best children's laundry detergents in 2024
This rating was created as a result of a ranking of positive and negative reviews of buyers who had experience washing with powders of any manufacturers and found the best quality option for themselves. Based on the description of detergents, tips, user recommendations, you can learn how to choose the right powder, avoiding unsuccessful attempts, dangerous mistakes that can undermine the already vulnerable children's health.
Garden Eco Kids
Contains silver ions, without fragrances, phosphates and aggressive chemical components of the composition, therefore it is ideal for washing children's fabrics. Performs the function of antibacterial cleaning of linen, as well as bleaching. The manufacturer packs the powder at 1350 grams, the average price per pack is 380 rubles.
- contains more than 30% natural soap;
- without smell;
- non-allergenic version of the detergent;
- environmentally friendly.
- requires preliminary soaking and washing of difficult-to-remove stains from fruit and vegetable purees, blood, herbs, etc.
Created for hand and machine washing of baby clothes, with natural baby soap and enzymes in the composition. Does not contain phosphates, biodegradable, hypoallergenic, no more than 5% APAS, 5% NSAIDs. It has several functionalities: soak diapers and wash by hand, soak things in a typewriter followed by washing, bleaches light-colored linen well, actively copes with various stains on linen, cotton, synthetic fabrics. Packs of 400 grams are sold for 50 rubles, 1800 grams can be purchased for an average of 230 rubles, 1800 grams - for 170 rubles, 2400 grams - 300 rubles.
- contains mild oxygen bleach, silver ions;
- natural ingredients in the composition: aloe vera extract, natural soap;
- keeps the structure of the material, its quality, strength and original appearance longer;
- environmentally friendly;
- permissible surfactant concentration;
- copes well with various types of pollution;
- price.
- can irritate the delicate skin of babies;
- does not always wash difficult stains (blood, grass, puree).
Tide baby
Biodegradable baby powder of a famous foreign manufacturer perfectly washes colored items, as well as light underwear, as it contains bleach, cotton, synthetic fabrics. Hypoallergenic, phosphate-free, but with enzymes.A cardboard box of 400 grams costs an average of 65 rubles, and packages of 2400, 4500, 6000 grams cost from 310 to 810 rubles, depending on the size.
- antiallergenic;
- biodegradable;
- no aggressive harmful phosphates;
- copes even with difficult dirt;
- inexpensive.
- some people smell a strong smell of washed clothes;
- sometimes causes allergies.
Eared nanny
Russian-made laundry detergent, suitable for children's clothes, contains enzymes, bleach. Gently washes both colored items and whites. Packages of various weights (800, 2400, 4500, 6000, 9000 grams). It is produced not only in the form of a powder, but also in a liquid gel-like state. The cost of the powder depends on the size of the package: from 110 to 1220 rubles, and the gel costs around 300 rubles for 1200 ml.
- variety of package sizes;
- does not contain soap;
- effective and careful impact on products;
- rinses well;
- refreshes things;
- without a pungent smell, with a pleasant delicate aroma;
- hypoallergenic;
- budget price.
- the price is reduced for the product due to the content of phosphates in the composition, but in an acceptable amount.
Laundry detergent suitable for various types of washing, colors of baby clothes and fabric composition. Does not contain phosphates, harsh chemical ingredients, fragrances, created on the basis of hypoallergenic substances. It is produced in packs of 1200 gr, sold for 350 rubles on average.
- soft safe composition;
- hypoallergenic effect;
- refreshes well;
- environmentally friendly;
- has no smell;
- price tag.
- fresh stains are difficult to deal with, according to some users.
Burti baby compact
Suitable for washing the clothes of the smallest family members, both by hand and in a machine. Interacts well with synthetic and cotton materials, colored linen. Packs of 900 grams, the manufacturer claims that this amount is enough for 28 washes. At the price, the powder will cost the buyer 500 rubles on average.
- no harsh ingredients;
- phosphate-free;
- does a good job as intended;
- weak perfume.
- small pack;
- although weak, there is an odorant;
- cost.
Chistown Children's
Laundry detergent for baby clothes made of synthetic and cotton fabrics, colored, white and light, and safe for washing underwear. Created on the basis of natural soap, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions of the body, various irritations of the skin. Ideal for newborns as well as for children prone to allergies. Packages are available in 600 grams, they are inexpensive, you can buy them at an average price of about 130 rubles, but they do not last long. There are also packs of 1000 grams and 1500 grams, which will cost 320-420 rubles, respectively.
- without fragrances;
- biodegradable;
- no phosphates;
- anti-allergenic;
- rinses well from fabrics;
- affordable price.
- a small pack ends quickly;
- difficult to remove stains, it is advisable to pre-wash;
- it is better to use it with an air conditioner, since, according to some housewives, after it things get a little stiffness to the touch, rather than after washing with gel.
Meine liebe kids
Powder for children's cotton and synthetic underwear, colored, light, white fabrics, with a bleaching function, since the composition contains bleach. It also contains a concentrate, enzymes, no more than 5% of anionic surfactants, 5% of nonionic surfactants.
Package weighing 1000 grams, inside which a measuring spoon is inserted.
It costs between 380-540 rubles, depending on the rating of the store.
- biodegradable;
- hypoallergenic;
- does not contain phosphates;
- economical packaging;
- washes things well;
- without smell.
- cost.
Concentrated hypoallergenic powder, good for washing white, black / dark, colored items, synthetics and cotton, by hand using an automatic machine. Contains no more than 5% of APAS.Does not contain any fragrances, therefore does not smell, does not irritate the mucous membranes of the nose. In a pack of 1500 grams. Price - 385-550 rubles.
- without smell;
- low content of surfactants;
- no phosphates;
- with enzymes;
- with cotton extract;
- environmentally friendly;
- resistant composition to the occurrence of allergies;
- biodegradable;
- economical in consumption.
- according to several buyers it may not be able to cope with some stains on its own, but this is solved by adding a stain remover.
Burti Hygiene Plus
This washing powder wins the presented rating, thanks to the majority of positive customer reviews, an anti-allergenic composition without harmful components, thereby ideal for babies' clothes. They can be washed by hand, as well as used for machine washing of colored, light-colored items, cotton. Contains acid bleach, enzymes, no more than 15% APAS, 5% NSAIDs. The package contains 1100 gr. The cost varies from 700 to 900 rubles.
- products of this brand are approved by dermatologists;
- as part of the permissible minimum surfactant;
- hypoallergenic;
- antibacterial effect;
- in content with enzymes;
- phosphate-free;
- it washes well white laundry and various stains - according to many users.
- high price.
Thus, thanks to the presented review, you can draw certain conclusions and find the best powder for yourself in 2024, find out how much the most popular one costs, familiarize yourself with its composition, characteristics, and see clearly all the pros and cons.
The question of where and which one is better to buy, most likely, will not arise from any housewife, since washing detergents are sold in every store with a corresponding department, and the proposed rating will help determine the manufacturer.
Rules for choosing a washing powder for a child
You can be guided by the following suggested recommendations when choosing a powder, so as not to make a wrong purchase, wasting money on it:
- you should always pay attention to the presence of a mark on the packaging "Hypoallergenic" or "Dermatologically tested";
- the integrity of the package itself is important, in order to avoid the loss of the effective properties of the contents;
- For the purpose of washing the clothes of newborn children, you should purchase a product marked "0+" - the composition is so softer, more environmentally friendly, antiallergenic, and does not contain harsh chemicals;
- the choice and purchase of powder occurs after the buyer decides on the method of washing: hand or machine, because almost every detergent is designed specifically for one or the other.
Thus, the presented rating describes all the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular models of washing powders among the majority of buyers. This is a good support for those who have not yet been able to find for themselves the very remedy that would suit both the price and quality, without causing any negative consequences on the child's body.
After all, the most precious thing is the baby's health, and in order to preserve it and not harm the child, you need to make the choice of detergents with trembling care, special exactingness.
Children's skin is a very delicate organ that should be protected, carefully guarded from aggressive influences, so every mother knows how important it is to use a powder with an environmentally friendly, gentle composition, a mild effect of its elements on baby clothes.
If you have experience of using children's detergents described in the rating, or any other company, tell us about it in the comments.