Best Children's Vitamins to Boost Immunity for 2024


The human immune system is responsible for the production of antibodies that fight germs and bacteria. But before starting her direct work, she must learn to recognize the enemy by sight. Therefore, do not panic if at a certain age the child starts to get sick. All children are ill. Often this period occurs at the beginning of a visit to kindergarten or school. For many, the peak incidence falls on the transitional age, which smoothly passes into the introductory company and is accompanied by a change in social status. Pharmacists have not yet invented the best universal children's vitamins to boost immunity. The choice of a complex for health improvement depends on many factors.

The basics of the formation of immunity in children

Before heading to the pharmacy for vitamins for kids, it's a good idea to understand how the immune system works. Selection criteria such as inexpensive, on the advice of a friend, in the opinion of buyers or a pharmacist, do not work. In the best case, another review will appear on the manufacturer's website about the complete uselessness of their product. In the worst case, it will end up with an allergic reaction, indigestion or hypervitaminosis.

There are moments in every child's life when his body needs the most attention and support.

  • End of breastfeeding period. Until this moment, his body resisted infections due to the immunoglobulins contained in his mother's milk. Most often, it coincides with the beginning of the baby's activity and the expansion of the circle of communication, and hence the acquaintance with the new microflora. However, doctors do not recommend using vitamin complexes during this period, without urgent need, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction against the background of the introduction of complementary foods.
  • The period from 2 to 4 years, when the immune system has not yet begun to fully produce antibodies. But the child begins to attend kindergarten, development centers and children's activities. During this period, his body needs support. Vitamin complexes should contain vitamins of groups A, C and D. They will help protect the child from respiratory diseases caused by viruses and bacteria new to him.
  • Between 6 and 8 years old. At this time, the immune system enters the final stage of formation. In a healthy child, antibodies are produced almost in full. But, due to a change in social status, stress and due to a change in environment, an increase in anxiety, it often fails. And the child comes to school starts to get sick. To increase immunity, they choose not just vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes, which include trace elements such as iodine, calcium, iron.
  • Between 12 and 15 years old. No longer a child, but not an adult either. It would seem that a fully formed immune system should completely protect the adolescent from respiratory diseases. But no. Often at this age, diseases appear that threaten with a transition to the chronic stage. The nasopharynx, lungs, kidneys, joints are affected. The reason is simple. Hormonal changes in the body against the background of increased psychological and mental stress. Complexes for raising immunity should contain retinols, fatty acids, magnesium, selenium.

That is why children not only should not be given vitamins for adults, but in each case one should focus on the child's age and the clinical picture of his health.

When vitamins are needed

It is impossible to drink vitamin complexes constantly. Although, vitamins and trace elements are not drugs, they should be taken with caution. According to doctors, their reception is justified:

  • with increased fatigue and lethargy of the child;
  • with poor appetite;
  • with high mental and psychological stress;
  • subject to a therapeutic diet, when the intake of vitamins and trace elements in the child's body is limited by the diet;
  • when living in contaminated areas or in cities with a large number of industrial enterprises;
  • when recovering from previous illnesses;
  • with frequent acute respiratory infections.

It is worth remembering that as a prevention of ARVI during a period of seasonal increase in morbidity, vitamin complexes or dietary supplements, you need to drink a course some time before it starts. Doctors recommend drinking vitamins in mid-autumn and early spring to increase immunity. In the first case, the elements will have time to restore the functioning of the immune system, and in the second, they will help the body recover after winter.

By the way, this scheme also works when you first go to kindergarten or school. Do not rely on the miracle pill that was taken on September 1st.

When vitamins won't help

As it is not sad in the case of frequent illnesses, vitamins will become excellent helpers in enhancing immunity, only when carrying out complex therapy. Parents should be alert and undergo additional examination if:

  • the child is sick more than 4-5 times a year;
  • an ordinary runny nose after a couple of days leads to the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis or otitis media;
  • the disease is difficult or drags on for a long time, with a persistent runny nose, cough, discomfort in the throat, periodic rises in temperature;
  • the disease is accompanied by a long recovery period with weakness, lethargy and poor appetite.

It is not worth saying that these vitamins do not help, and grabbing at another bright packaging. You need to find time and visit an immunologist. Which, on the basis of analyzes and immunograms, will prescribe treatment. The doctor can also refer to an allergist. Especially if there are frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, turning into bronchitis and pneumonia, which are difficult to treat with antibiotics.

The treatment will be long. And vitamins will play an important role in enhancing immunity.

How to choose the best vitamins to boost immunity

When choosing a drug for a child, in order to increase immunity and prevent colds, first of all, they pay attention to the content of vitamin C. Namely, it is responsible for the body's resistance to infections. It is also important to have vitamins of group A or retinols, which have a strong antioxidant effect. Then he focuses on the age of the child and the problems that accompany his development. Let's review the popular vitamin and mineral complexes.


Vitamins for the little ones. The gel contains vitamins B, E, D3, C, as well as lecithin and molybdate. As prescribed by a doctor, it can be used for children under 1 year old, for the prevention of rickets, stomatitis, digestive disorders, accompanied by colic. In children from 1 to 7 years old, the effect of the drug is to increase the protective functions of the body, especially during the season of colds.

Biovital-gel for children lecithin


  • Convenient form of release;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Contains no artificial colors, preservatives or sugar;
  • In older children, the drug has a beneficial effect on mental and physical development;
  • It has a pronounced restorative effect, suitable for taking during illness and rehabilitation after antibiotic treatment;
  • Neutralizes the impact of harmful environmental factors.


  • The drug is suitable for preschool children.It can be used further, but the dosage will have to be increased.

The cost of one package: from 250 to 300 rubles.


Vitamins from the well-known company KRKA from Slovenia. They have seven varieties, designed for different ages, starting from 1 year. It is worth noting that they have a more general strengthening effect than they increase immunity. Their reception has a good effect on the mental and physical abilities of the child, increases appetite and helps to cope with the symptoms of increased anxiety or nervousness in children, thanks to the Pikovit Omega 3 complex, which contains saturated acids. Well, a calm, balanced and well-fed child, and there will be less pain.



  • A large selection of complexes designed for different ages;
  • A variety of release forms from syrup and lozenges in the form of bears or bananas to simple pills;
  • The presence in the line of the Pikovit Prebiotic complex for children with digestive problems;
  • Complexes Pikovit D 4+ and Pikovit 7+ do not contain sugar and can be used for diabetes mellitus;
  • Pikovit perfectly fights poor appetite, even during the recovery period after illness.


  • Syrup most often gets complaints from parents. Many people note its unnatural bright color, suggesting the presence of dyes, and a strong citrus aroma that children do not always like;
  • For children over three years old, it is recommended to take vitamins 3 times a day, which is not very convenient if the child is attending kindergarten or school;
  • Side effects include allergic reactions and indigestion.

Depending on the form of release, the Pikovit package will cost from 300 to 450 rubles. ,


The Danish company Ferrosan produces vitamin and mineral complexes in two forms:

  • Immuno-Kids for children under 12 years old;
  • Immuno-Plus for adolescents over 12 years old.

Both preparations contain 13 vitamins, and iron, calcium, iodine, selenium and magnesium are also indispensable for the proper development of the child's body. The latter is necessary in adolescence to maintain the cardiovascular system. It's no secret that the skeleton of modern children develops much faster than the circulatory system. And the presence of calcium and vitamin D in the composition will help to correctly form bone tissue, from an early age to lay the health of teeth, nails and hair.

Multi-Tabs Immuno-Kids


  • The high content of vitamin C, probiotics and lactobacilli make the vitamin complex indispensable for the prevention of colds and intestinal infections;
  • Magnesium and pantothenic acid stimulate the heart muscle;
  • Children who are preparing for exams or olympiads speak especially well of the drug. After all, iodine has a beneficial effect on mental activity, and selenium and vitamin B6 relieve the feeling of nervousness.
  • The optimal dosage, 1 tablet per day, greatly facilitates the administration of the drug.


  • Application from the age of three;
  • Only two forms of release. Immuno Kids in absorbable pastilles and Immuno Plus in capsules;
  • Many doctors talk about some imbalance in the components of the complex for children over 12 years old.

The cost of a monthly course will cost 400-500 rubles for children under 12 years old, and 500-600 rubles for children over this age.


Quite an interesting line of vitamin and mineral complexes for children from two years old. All complexes have a general strengthening effect and compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the child's body. However, there are plenty to choose from:

  • Multi + will serve as an excellent base for the development of the immune and nervous system, as well as the metabolic system of the baby;
  • Bio + with fennel extract and prebiotics will help to improve the functioning of the digestive system, relieving the child of flatulence and constipation;
  • Calcium +, in addition to calcium, contains phosphorus, which will help the proper formation and strengthening of bone tissue and tooth enamel;
  • Focus + with blueberry extract will protect your child's eyesight during school hours;
  • Immuno +, which contains sea buckthorn juice, will serve as an ambulance in the cold season.
Vitamishki Calcium +


  • Large selection of drugs with multidirectional action;
  • An interesting form of release in the form of bears from marmalade based on natural juice;
  • Four flavors: peach, lemon, grape and orange. Even for a very picky baby, you can choose a drug that he will take with pleasure;
  • Natural composition and no artificial colors or preservatives;
  • The dietary supplement not only reduces the risk of acute respiratory diseases, but also significantly speeds up recovery, preventing complications.
  • Ease of administration - 1 time per day.


  • The drug is still designed for children under 7 years old. After this age, the dosage should be doubled.

The drug is available in packs of 30 and 60 gummies. The cost is 380-420 for a package of 30 pieces, and 550-600 rubles for a package of 60 pieces.


One of the many lines of a domestic manufacturer. Designed for children from 1.5 to 18 years old. The composition and content varies by age. There are 4 products available:

  • "Our Baby", the complex is designed for children 1.5 to 3 years old and is aimed specifically at strengthening the child's immunity;
  • "Kindergarten" for preschoolers, which focuses on important micronutrients that help a child to grow healthy and develop well, both mentally and physically "
  • "Schoolboy" list of components is selected in such a way as to help the child to cope with mental stress and stress, and therefore to get sick less.
  • "Teenager", a complex that allows you to go through the difficulties of adolescence without much loss of nerve cells from parents.
Alphabet schoolboy vitamins


  • The composition and dosage of the vitamin and mineral complex is perfectly balanced for every age;
  • Reception is divided into 3 times a day. Moreover, each composition of the drug is different, which allows vitamins and minerals not to mix. This approach greatly enhances the effect of the drug;
  • It is produced in the form of a powder for preparing a solution, lozenges with a sweetish taste and capsules;
  • Contains no preservatives or dyes.


  • According to the parents, the rules of intake are somewhat confusing, although the manufacturer makes the task easier by dividing the morning, afternoon and evening doses with different colors.

A package of 60 doses costs from 160 to 180 rubles. But it is worth remembering that the packaging is designed for 20 days of admission. The course is 1-2 months.

Today the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements for children and adults. Including drugs aimed at increasing immunity to colds and infectious diseases. It is worth remembering that all of them are not a panacea, but just an auxiliary element in the formation of the body. To increase immunity, a whole range of activities is needed, which includes a balanced diet, adherence to the daily regimen, sports, walks in the fresh air and hardening procedures.


  1. Kseniya

    Recently, I am generally skeptical about vitamins for children. For example, I bought vitamins on the recommendation of a pharmacist, and there they are in the composition of GMOs !!! And this is in children's vitamins. For me, this is generally beyond reason.


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