The best erotic novels for 2024


When we hear the phrase "erotic novel", first of all, the well-known work "50 shades of gray" comes to mind. A lot of jokes and irony can be made about this book, but this does not detract from her achievements. Active sales, many fans, several film adaptations - all this speaks of the frenzied popularity of the work. But this is not the only scandalous and even more so an erotic novel that deserves the attention of lovers of such literature.

If you want to get acquainted with a large number of such books, we bring to your attention the rating of the best erotic novels, according to the editors of the site "".

A bit of psychology

Of course, the events described in such literature are often far from reality and often cause overestimated expectations from life, partner and relationships in general. However, the demand for such an erotic genre is growing, attracting more and more not the most talented authors. So why do these books attract the reading population?

In answering this question, the main category of reading erotic novels should be clarified. In most cases, these are young and middle-aged women. According to opinion polls, a number of them read such literature, since they do not receive the required emotions in real life. Some of the readers admitted that they did not try to add variety to the relationship with their partner, preferring to draw emotions from fictional scenes.

However, be that as it may, erotic novels written by a professional and talented author often have an addictive and interesting plot. Although the bed scenes are brought to the fore, the book contains descriptions of the main characters, disclosure of characters and a logical outcome. Also, such literature helps to better understand your feelings and desires, diversify your life and just relax.

Paper or electronic version

This item includes only taste preferences. Many readers are embarrassed to read erotic novels in paper form in full view, for example, on the subway or at work. Especially for such cases, there are many versions of books in electronic form, which you can easily download from the Internet to any gadget, including a smartphone.

Rating of the best erotic novels for 2024

Erin Watt "The Paper Princess"

This book deservedly made it to our list, thanks to the fact that it stayed on the top of the bestsellers for over 15 weeks. This literary work is distinguished by a good twisted plot and an abundance of bed scenes.

The storyline is as follows: there was a young 17-year-old orphan girl. To survive, she had to go for a part-time job in a strip club (which is strange, since the heroine is underage). One day she meets a billionaire on her way who is ready to change her life. The reception with a rich man is not new, it is often used in this kind of literature and romance novels, but it always remains relevant.The billionaire's house is home to five of his sons, each of whom keeps his secret desires and vices inside his soul.

There are quite enough bed scenes in the book, as its unambiguous cover hints to us. Many readers have noted a certain clumsy erotic moments, but such scenes are quite readable and digestible. In addition to the above, there is a detective line in the work that dilutes the plot. The main characters throughout the novel not only indulge in love pleasures, but also worry, torment, fear and experience other emotions. This approach of the author will allow us to enjoy reading a full-fledged work, even if it does not claim to be a literary art, but it is fully realized and absolutely not secondary.

The series includes three books, they can be purchased in paper form, or can be downloaded to the electronic library.

Erin Watt "The Paper Princess"


  • interesting storyline;
  • the book has a light, a bit mysterious atmosphere;
  • intriguing ending;
  • pleasant style of the author;
  • revealed characters.


  • the book is a little too long;
  • some bed scenes border on vulgarity;
  • stereotypes and banal clichés.

This family will ruin you ...

Belle De Jour "Secret Diary of a Call Girl"

This work takes its origins from the scandalous and sensational blog of the author of the same name. On the pages of the work, you will discover all the secrets of an elite call girl, namely: how she got into this sphere, how much you can get in one night, what kind of girls do men prefer, and what dangers you have to face.

According to authoritative sources, this blog became the best, the issue was not limited to publishing the book - a series based on the described plot was soon released. Readers speak positively about the author's writing style: the syllable is light, the whole work is read in one breath, intimate details are described quite acceptable. A separate plus is worth noting the writer's sense of humor - it is subtle, sharp, moderately present with black humor. To sum up, the book is easy to read, it allows you to broaden your horizons, get rid of the constraints and understand your desires.

Belle De Jour "Secret Diary of a Call Girl"


  • many positive reviews;
  • several books in the series;
  • based on real events;
  • written with humor.


  • there is no plot;
  • the character is not revealed.

The end of this connection was written earlier than its beginning.

Wee Keeland "Oh my boss!"

If you are looking for a work similar to the not unknown "50 shades of gray" or, conversely, you want something similar, but in a less romantic way, then we advise you to pay attention to this work.

The plot is simple, as in most cases: a young girl went on a date, which was unfortunate for her. Fortunately, for our heroine, she was saved by a young and impudent handsome man and also her new boss. Over time, the connection of the characters outgrows the boundaries of "subordinate-boss" and reaches a new level, replete with erotica and bed scenes. Each character is characterized by the presence of their own personal secrets and skeletons in the closet. For lovers of humor, there will be something to laugh at; for those who like unexpected endings, an unusual plot twist will be a pleasant bonus.

The work is easy and quick to read, the author's style is simple, in most cases, readers respond positively.

Wee Keeland "Oh my boss!"


  • written with humor;
  • there is an intriguing plot;
  • erotic scenes are not vulgar;
  • easy to read;
  • interesting dialogues.


  • banal scenes.

Don't get hung up on "what if". Focus on “what is” ...

Irene Kao "I'm looking at you"

An exciting light book is thoroughly imbued with the spirit of Italy, in addition to a good storyline, the reader will be able to learn the secrets of Italian cuisine, which are mentioned albeit in passing, but this is quite enough to expand the horizons.

In the center of the story is a young girl-restorer, it is worth noting the author's good knowledge of art. Thanks to this, your acquaintance with this bestseller will be doubly useful. In addition, Venice is very beautifully described in the work, the reader is literally immediately immersed in the atmosphere of a romantic city. The main character's lust is a seductive cook. It is with him that bed scenes will unfold, which, by the way, are described delicately, aesthetically, but you will not learn anything new and original from them. The novel lacks long and drawn-out meaningless dialogues, there are no uninteresting descriptions of secondary characters and details. Events develop quickly enough, there is a sentimental ending, someone can even draw certain conclusions for themselves.

The series of books is represented by a trilogy, of course, this is due to the wave of success of "50 OS".

Irene Kao "I'm looking at you"


  • quick start and climax;
  • the book is well translated;
  • beautiful descriptions of landscapes;
  • can be read in one evening.


  • ordinary bed scenes;
  • characters are not sufficiently revealed;
  • there are bloopers and errors.

Just one rule. Don't fall in love. Never.

John Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Comfort

If you do not like modern literature and prefer authors of past centuries, then we bring to your attention the following work. In the 18th century, this novel made a lot of noise, causing a resonance in society. For the next hundred years, the book was published illegally, reading it was a shameful occupation due to the abundance of scenes balancing on the verge of eroticism and pornography. Demanding modern readers can also enjoy reading this work.

What is the plot about? The young lady went in search of a better life. To do this, she came to a big city and got a job in an elite expensive brothel. The heroine was not at all bored and did not have a complex, she met her love for a fun pastime. The novel is striking in its frankness even today, but the bed scenes retain their aesthetics and delicacy.

John Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Comfort


  • not bad syllable of the author;
  • the book is of constant interest to readers;
  • the plot contains beautiful descriptions.


  • banal dialogues and actions of the main characters.

It is incomprehensible to the mind with what little things a human being is comforted in the greatest grief.

Pascal Brueckner "Bitter Moon"

It is impossible not to mention this poignant, daring work, which will amaze you not so much with the variety of bed scenes as with the cruelty of human actions and the selfishness of lovers. With all this, the novel is saturated with passion and lust, there are frank and beautiful bed scenes, and there are moments balancing on the verge of perversion.

The plot of the work is not banal, this is not a standard love story about a handsome billionaire and a young shy virgin. At the center of the narrative are two pairs. One represents a man and his companion, 10 years younger. The second pair is a modest, intelligent European couple. In the process of their communication, the reader learns the dirty secrets of the first couple, watching the formation and destruction of their love relationship. At the same time, erotic scenes are described in detail, some of them shock the most sophisticated lover of eroticism. There is also a clear psychologism in the book. You will be able to draw ambiguous conclusions for yourself and get literary pleasure from reading a quality novel.

For movie lovers, the film adaptation of the novel will be a pleasant plus. The talented Roman Polanski had a hand in the film. The film not only did not spoil the impression of what was written, to some extent it even surpassed the original source, arousing even more intense interest in the book.

Pascal Brueckner "Bitter Moon"


  • an interesting unfinished plot;
  • the book is a mixture of eroticism, drama, thriller;
  • many positive reviews.


  • sadism can be traced;
  • some of the scenes are really shocking.

From passion to sadism, one step ...

Anna Todd "After"

Not a bad, albeit not at all original, book about the relationship of two opposites. At the center of the story is a quiet, modest girl and, of course, a bad cheeky guy. Throughout the novel, the couple will try to build a relationship, not entirely successfully, I must say.

Most readers note the secondary nature of the work, the drawn-out dialogues and descriptions. The presentation of information and plot twists is quite commonplace, but at the same time, the dynamism of the plot is observed. The author's attempts to reveal the characters did not allow all readers to understand the logic of their actions, but, nevertheless, this work found its fans. In most cases, these are romantic young ladies who believe that they can pacify and subdue the bad guy. The book is easy to read, in one breath you can master it in one evening, it has a relatively good film adaptation.

As a result, this is a softer version of "50 shades", albeit not shining with plot twists and deep psychologism.

Anna Todd "After"


  • pleasant style of the author;
  • non-standard ending;
  • published as a series of books.


  • boring descriptions;
  • secondary;
  • insufficiently disclosed main characters.

… Being different is sometimes necessary. It's good when you have something to argue about.

Elizabeth McNeill "9 and a half weeks"

We could not do without a cult novel, which, perhaps, everyone knows about. The book on which the film of the same name was filmed, which also became a very popular and illustrative work not only in the genre of eroticism, but also in the field of cinematography.

Let us remind you of the main storylines. A young lady meets a fatal seducer who destroys her immaculate world and draws her into the cycle of passion, vice, unusual sexual pleasures. For the sake of her beloved, the heroine must abandon her previous moral principles and principles. As you can see, nothing new. So what made the novel so famous that it still confidently occupies a leading position in the top collections of specific literature?

Firstly, it is a deep philosophical and psychological background of the work. Let here you do not find explicit bed scenes with their colorful descriptions. But you can see how a confident girl becomes a completely submissive slave. Secondly, this is an unusual way of revealing the heroes. There are no names in the book, there is only "he" and "she". You can learn about character traits from the description of the interiors and clothing of the characters and from other seemingly insignificant details.

Thirdly, it is an indelible impression that the read leaves behind. It is this novel that is capable of destroying the rosy concept of submission and BDSM. Here you can see the complete destruction of a person's personality by a sadist and manipulator. In general, if you like psychological novels with a touch of eroticism, we recommend that you read this book.

By the way, the film of the same name has little to do with the original source. Only the main parts of the plot and bed scenes are taken as a basis. The film is a beautiful picture. The book is a terrible reality, since everything written is based on real events.

Elizabeth McNeill "9 and a half weeks"


  • has a hidden meaning;
  • based on events in life;
  • easy to read.


  • a lot of unnecessary descriptions.

There is such a relationship between us: while you are with me, you do what I tell you.

Maya Banks "Burn"

Our rating ends with a book with BDSM elements, which has been so popular in recent years. The plot is simple and predictable: a millionaire, accustomed to changing women, persuading them to complete submission and never falling in love, meets “the one”.The passion of the heroic hero is in no hurry to reciprocate, and the "hunt" begins for her.

This work is the final part of the trilogy, it contains many explicit scenes, described quite delicately and beautifully. The author's syllable is pleasant, the book reads quickly, but the picky reader will be upset because of the lack of intrigue and a protracted plot.

Maya Banks "Burn"


  • best book in a trilogy;
  • nice and well-developed characters.


  • unrealism of what is happening;
  • disposable book - you won't want to re-read it.

Shivering erotic ...

If you have read the books described in the rating, write your reviews in the comments.


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