The best factories of cabinet furniture in Russia for 2024


The purchase of quality furniture is a question that faces almost every family. The range of products on the market for this product by manufacturers is rich and varied. Case models are very popular, among which you can even find vintage-style options. At the same time, the Russian market can offer the buyer worthy models. How to choose the right cabinet furniture, which company is better, what you should pay attention to in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, the editorial staff of the site "" will tell in this article.

What is cabinet furniture

The name "cabinet furniture" is often found, but many do not know what this concept means, and what is the peculiarity of such options. Models of this type are also called modular. They differ in that the body is assembled from several parts: from the side walls and the back wall. The convenience of such structures in their easy movement and the possibility of using both as part of a headset and as an independent piece of furniture.


The following types of cabinet furniture can be distinguished:

Modular system

Special features of this variant follow from the name of the species. Such products consist of independent modules that the customer can choose and combine as they wish.

This is a convenient and practical option that helps to create a cozy interior. At the same time, modular systems have an affordable price range with good quality.


The difference between the headset and the previous version is that each detail is an integral part of a ready-made kit already created by the manufacturer in a certain style. The advantage of this choice is that the elements of the headset are perfectly combined with each other and complement each other. At the same time, it will be difficult to make changes to the headset picture without disturbing the balance, because innovations may not be in harmony with the previously created interior.

To order

The most expensive, but no less popular type of case models. This option allows you to embody the wishes of the consumer, taking into account the area and characteristics of the room, and to equip it most harmoniously. At the request of the buyer, a project is created, approved by the customer and implemented at the factory.

Furniture recommendations

Having decided on the type of case model, before choosing a manufacturer, it is necessary to come to an understanding of what other requirements for the product are.


There are 3 main materials used for the manufacture of cabinet furniture:

  1. Solid wood. Manufacturers produce models from solid oak, pine, alder, birch, beech. Wood products have the best reviews, because it is a natural high quality product. The disadvantage of the wooden version is its high cost.
  2. Chipboard / chipboard with veneer coating. Most of the popular models are created from this material.Such a product is distinguished not only by good performance characteristics, but also by a reasonable cost.
  3. MDF. In terms of properties, the material is close to the previous version with the only drawback - the use of formaldehyde in the manufacture of products. At the same time, models from MDF do not lose their popularity.


The second parameter worth paying attention to. The dimensions depend on the dimensions of the room, the design and arrangement of furniture, as well as the purpose of its acquisition. In some cases, you can use the standard offers of the manufacturer, and in some you need an individual approach.


Of course, the purchased product must harmoniously fit into the interior being created.


This is not only the material that was considered as an independent selection criterion. But also the build quality, fasteners, accessories. For example, plastic parts made from high quality plastic will last longer than fittings made from cheap material. We recommend asking the seller for documents confirming the quality and declared characteristics.


Pay attention not only to the appearance of the product, but also with what functions you plan to purchase the product. Issues such as the sufficiency of storage space and the convenience of the arrangement of storage sections matter.

Manufacturer selection criteria

Requirements for the selection of furniture are one of the criteria for choosing a manufacturer. Having decided on them, you can start studying the manufacturers' market. In this case, it is also advisable to pay attention to the following parameters.


Having decided on the requirements for furniture, it is possible to limit the range of manufacturers who can offer options that meet the characteristics declared by the buyer.


Reliable sellers sell the goods with the necessary documentation, which provides the opportunity, if necessary, to contact, including the manufacturer.


Be sure to pay attention to this criterion. And not only for the warranty period, which should not be less than 1 year, but also for its conditions. The latter should clearly indicate which cases are considered warranty and which are included in the exclusions. The terms of warranty service are specified in the contract. They can also be indicated in a separate coupon or check.

Availability of certificates

Check the safety of the material from which the product is made, the quality of the fittings and fasteners.

The popularity of the manufacturer

The largest and most popular firms have more experience and the ability to attract highly qualified specialists to create their products.

Manufacturer country

The modern market for case options is represented by models of factories of both foreign production and Russian. As a rule, the options of foreign companies have a higher cost, while the products of domestic production are often not inferior in quality. Therefore, in this article, we will consider specifically the products of Russian companies.

The best factories of cabinet furniture in Russia for 2024

The rating of companies producing high-quality cabinet furniture in Russia is quite wide. According to a consumer opinion survey, the following manufacturers are included.

Furniture Holding

The company has been operating on the market for over 20 years. The number of product names of this company is more than 700. At the same time, the assortment of goods is updated regularly, its quality meets the required standards, and the price range allows everyone to choose the option that suits him. In the catalog of cabinet furniture of this company:

  • bedrooms;
  • hallways;
  • beds;
  • tables: coffee tables, computer tables, book tables;
  • chests of drawers, cabinets and galoshes;
  • walls (including children's);
  • racks and shelves;
  • cabinets;
  • sofas;
  • home accessories.
cabinet furniture holding


  • value for money;
  • a wide range of;
  • efficiency of manufacturing.


  • late delivery;
  • incompetence of measurers (noted by some users).


A well-known manufacturer of cabinet furniture in Russia. The products of this company are represented by a diverse assortment. The buyer can choose, including: kitchen sets, children's rooms, hallways, wardrobes. Users note the high quality, interesting product design and prompt order execution time. The advantage is also the fact that the manufacturer accepts orders for manufacturing according to individual projects. The duration of the warranty period should also be noted - it is 1.5 years.

cabinet Soyuz-Furniture


  • guarantee period;
  • wide choose;
  • price range;
  • the ability to purchase accessories for the home.


  • quality of service;
  • the quality of the product (noted by some buyers).

Shatura furniture

As the name suggests, the factory is located in the city of Shatura, Moscow Region. Production has been carried out since 1961. Today the company uses modern technologies, automatic production lines produced by foreign partners, a control system has been introduced. The company's website provides an opportunity to select furniture by parameters. You can choose the style of the collection, the color of the body and the facade. For use in an apartment or in the country, in the range:

  • bedroom furniture;
  • hallways;
  • living rooms;
  • kitchen sets;
  • options for children and youth.

It is also possible to purchase individual sections, modules or racks.

wardrobe Shatura-furniture


  • quality;
  • rich assortment.


  • some users report problems with delivery and assembly;
  • cost (in the absence of a discount).


A manufacturer that confidently occupies one of the leading positions in the furniture manufacturing market. The use of modern equipment, environmentally friendly raw materials, high quality of goods and optimal prices - all this makes the products of this company attractive to consumers. And more recently, you can also order TriYa products online, using the services of the official online store. In the list of products presented to the choice of buyers, including:

  • living rooms;
  • children's;
  • bedrooms;
  • hallways;
  • kitchens;
  • office models.
wardrobe TriYa


  • rich assortment;
  • system of discounts;
  • the possibility of purchasing products in the online store of the factory.


  • terms of manufacture and delivery;
  • product quality (noted by some users);
  • difficulties with refunds when delivering defective goods;
  • service.


Nizhny Novgorod company that has been carrying out its detailing for over 25 years. Today the products of this manufacturer are presented in all regions of Russia. Customers note interesting design solutions, high quality and a wide range of products. The cabinet furniture catalog contains:

  • sets for the nursery;
  • living rooms;
  • sleeping sets;
  • interior beds;
  • wardrobe groups, wardrobes and sliding wardrobes.
Silva wardrobe


  • design;
  • quality;
  • cost.


  • possible incompleteness.

Lapis lazuli

The network of this company is considered one of the largest in the sale of upholstered and cabinet furniture. The history of the factory is more than 20 years old, and its products have been highly appreciated by international experts many times. Today, a wide range of high-quality models is presented to the attention of consumers, not only for country houses or apartments, but also for offices, as well as hotels. In the list of products, including:

  • bedrooms;
  • kits for the kitchen;
  • living rooms;
  • hallways;
  • children's;
  • office kits;
  • wardrobes;
  • beds;
  • chests of drawers and cabinets;
  • tables;
  • home accessories.
wardrobe Lapis


  • design;
  • service;
  • terms of production and delivery.


  • high price;
  • quality.


The company was founded in 1999.Despite the use of modern equipment and environmentally friendly materials in the production, high quality products and annual renewal of the range, the case models of this factory can be attributed to inexpensive products. In production:

  • kitchen and bedroom sets;
  • living room sets;
  • options for compositions in the hallway;
  • children's rooms and modules;
  • suggestions for giving;
  • beds;
  • office options;
  • home accessories.
cabinet Stolplit


  • affordable prices;
  • design;
  • functionality.


  • logistics;
  • some buyers report unsatisfactory quality;
  • service.


Factory Courage is a constant participant in international exhibitions, where the quality of the manufactured goods is noted. The manufacturer pays attention to production, modernizing equipment and using new technologies. Customers note the stylish design, modern materials of the products and the possibility of choosing a budget option. The manufacturer offers collections:

  • bedrooms;
  • living rooms;
  • hallways.
wardrobe courage


  • design;
  • affordable cost;
  • production and delivery time.


  • service;
  • undercomplete (noted by some users).


One of the leading factories in the Russian market. The company's products are of European quality and are sold in many countries around the world. Buyers can purchase:

  • living room furniture;
  • sleeping sets;
  • sets for a nursery or youth room;
  • hallways.

The company also sells sleep accessories and mattresses.

An international team of professionals is involved in product development, while taking into account domestic specifics.

Dyatkovo wardrobe


  • quality;
  • design.


  • terms of manufacture and delivery;
  • service;
  • cost.

Glazkovskaya furniture factory

One of the oldest furniture manufacturing companies on the Russian market, operating for about 80 years, and despite the absence of its own brand stores, the models of this Glazkovskaya factory are popular. Buyers can choose not only the style of the purchased option, but also the color. The catalog contains:

  • living rooms;
  • sleeping sets;
  • hallways;
  • kits for the children's room;
  • kitchens;
  • libraries;
  • cabinets.
wardrobe Glazkovskaya furniture factory


  • design;
  • quality;
  • affordable price;
  • current sale.


  • unpleasant smell for some time after installation (noted by some users);
  • delivery terms;
  • service.

Where can I buy

Today, the purchase of any product, incl. furniture is not difficult. The question is in individual preferences and understanding of how much an acceptable option costs. You can make a choice and place a purchase in:

  1. Furniture hypermarkets. A convenient option, because models from many manufacturers are presented, at different prices. Quite often, various systems of discounts operate, it is possible to compare and choose the best option. In addition, the variety of products presented allows you to find options even in vintage style.
  2. Retail stores. At the same time, sellers can sell products of several manufacturers, which allows you to choose a product at the best average price, or they can be official dealers of one manufacturer. Branded retail stores that operate directly from the factory are also possible.
  3. Online stores. The sites contain product catalogs by which you can choose the products of interest and order it. When choosing this option, some buyers are advised to inquire about a similar model in retail stores or hypermarkets and order if the quality and functionality meet their needs.

Convenience and modernized solutions for body options offered by Russian manufacturers allow finding a solution to implement almost any idea of ​​creating an interior. If you have experience in purchasing cabinet furniture from a domestic factory, share it in the comments. Perhaps this will help readers decide which factory to buy products from.


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