Best water filter jugs for 2024


Despite all the treatment plants, water quality may not always be safe to drink. Here, a variety of household filtering devices come to the rescue, which rid water of chlorine, mechanical and chemical particles, as well as viruses and bacteria. Among the popular are jug-shaped devices.

The editors of the site "" have prepared a rating of the best filter jugs for 2024.

Varieties of filters

Everyone who cares about their health and the health of their loved ones has repeatedly faced the problem of choosing a decent water filter. Which would be of high quality, meet the requirements and be affordable. In order not to make mistakes when choosing a product, you need to know at least a minimum of information about it.

So, filters can be divided according to the degree of purification and the method of purification.

Household filters are divided according to the degree of purification into:

  • protozoa;
  • medium;
  • the highest degree.

By the method of cleaning, filters are:

  1. Mechanical. Such filters are installed at the entrance to the water supply system. First of all, they purify water from insoluble organic and inorganic impurities. They provide coarse, fine or ultrafine water purification (depending on the size of the filtered particles). In turn, they are divided into: mesh, disc, filling, cartridge.
  2. Ion exchange - they help to soften water, that is, they filter out calcium and magnesium salts. Using ion exchange resins.
  3. Reverse osmosis. This filtration method is purification from impurities using a special solution and a membrane.
  4. Biological - a filter designed for wastewater treatment. It is a special container with a double bottom. At the bottom there is a coarse-grained material, for example slag. When water slowly passes through it, a microbiological film of fungi and bacteria forms on the surface. They also oxidize biological pollution.
  5. Physicochemical. This method is used to remove dissolved impurities and oxidizable substances.
  6. Electrical. Such filters generate ozone under the influence of current, which is the main purification element. Therefore, it is used to filter elements susceptible to oxidation: chlorine, manganese, iron, hydrogen sulfide, oil products, heavy metal salts, organochlorine compounds.

The filters of the highest degree include reverse osmosis household filters, the simplest ones are jugs and nozzles.

Filter jugs are the most popular among household filters. They are compact and easy to use. Quite effective, despite the rather low price. And also, they fit perfectly into all living quarters.

How the filter works, care

The filter jug ​​is a container with a special reservoir and a filter cartridge. It is usually made of plastic, less often of glass.

Water is poured into a special compartment (reservoir or funnel), then passes through the filter cartridge and enters the main tank. The whole system is collapsible. This is convenient when cleaning the jug.

Cartridge device

Carbon mixture and polypropylene fiber are the main elements of the cleaning cartridge. It adsorbs water and removes various mechanical elements from it.

Sometimes manufacturers install nylon mesh instead of polypropylene. This option is reusable, but also more expensive.

The filter element can also include functions such as water softening and mineralization, which greatly improves its smell and taste.

For this, there are cassettes that contain:

  • fluorine;
  • ion exchange resins;
  • sodium and calcium salts, useful trace elements.

After filtration, the ion-exchange resin may turn greenish, which indicates that the cartridge retains organic elements well. (Mechanical particles give a brownish color.)

The filter cartridge must be replaced as recommended. the average resource of replaceable modules ranges from 100 to 750 liters.

We must not forget about this, because during the service, bacteria and harmful substances accumulate in them.

If the filter is not used for some time, then when the filtration is resumed, the first 2 times the purified water must be drained.

Purified water is suitable for drinking within 12 hours after filtration. The cartridge removes chlorine from the water, as a result of which it becomes a favorable breeding ground for bacteria. After the specified time, for consumption, the water must be boiled.


  • ease of use;
  • compactness;
  • cleaning level;
  • affordable price.


  • small volume;
  • frequent change of cleaning cartridges.

Rules for choosing water filter jugs

When choosing a jug, you need to pay attention to criteria such as:

  1. The volume of the container. This parameter is individual and depends on the number of family members. For a large family, of course, a volume of at least 4 liters is required.
  2. Filtration rate. It must be remembered that not everyone is patient, and if the volume of the jug is large, then purification can be expected for a long time.
  3. Dense material of the filter jug. This is especially true for devices with large volumes.
  4. All components must be tightly fastened and sealed. In some models, it is necessary to wait until the end of the filtration of all the water poured into the funnel, otherwise it will mix with the untreated water when pouring.
  5. Convenient design. I mean more the shape and volume of the handle. If it is not comfortable enough, using the jug will be uncomfortable.
  6. The replacement filter cassette must be selected according to the specificity of the water.

The best jugs according to buyers


For cooking, you should take filters for hard water. The module is designed for 350 liters. The storage tank holds 2 liters of water, with a total volume of 4.2 liters. Cleans the filter at a rate of 0.3 l / min.

Dimensions: 26x28x14cm.

Price: 855 rub.



  • volume;
  • convenient indicator for changing cassettes;
  • strong handle;
  • good filtration;
  • water is quickly filtered.


  • indicator pointers in English.

Siberia-Zeo Aquarius pitcher

Coal-zeolite cartridges with a resource - 600 liters. The total volume of the jug is 4 liters, of which 1.6 liters is a storage tank. Productivity - 0.9 l / min. A distinctive feature is the ability to filter water from 4 ° to 50 °.

Dimensions: 14x29x28.5 cm.

Weight: 1.2 kg.

Price: 1920 rub.

Siberia-Zeo Aquarius pitcher


  • easy to use;
  • filter module replacement calendar;
  • long resource of cartridges;
  • modern design.


  • the plastic grows cloudy over time.

Aquaphor Ultra

The total volume of the jug is 2.5 liters. The filter module used is B100-5, B100-6, B100-7, B100-8. Module resource - 300 liters.

Price: 930 rub.

Aquaphor Ultra


  • flip flop cover;
  • comfortable handle;
  • compact;
  • affordable price;
  • replacement cartridges at a low price.


  • small amount of water;
  • ineffective cartridge fastening;
  • fragile plastic;
  • the spout is not tightly covered.

Aquaphor Orleans

The total volume of the jug is 4.2 liters, the volume of the funnel is 2 liters, the filtration rate is 0.2 l / min. The service life of a standard filter module is 350 liters. Standard module - A5, also suitable for B5, B6, B7.A5

Dimensions: 27.5 x 19.0 x 18.5 cm.

Price: 880 rub.

Aquaphor Orleans


  • economical with regard to replaceable cartridges;
  • large volume of water;
  • retains rust and chlorine;
  • water meter on the lid.


  • often the cartridge becomes clogged with air bubbles.

Aquaphor Gratis

The total volume is 2.8 liters, the volume of the funnel is 1.4 liters. Module resource - 300 liters, filtration rate - 0.2 l / min.

Dimensions: 25.3 x 11.7 x 25.5 cm.

Price: 440 rub.

Aquaphor Gratis


  • design;
  • filter module replacement calendar;
  • compact;
  • quality of plastic;
  • affordable price;
  • easy to use;
  • affordable price


  • slow filtration;
  • the handle is not very comfortable;
  • the cartridge clogs up quickly;
  • the cover is not fixed well;
  • if you do not wait until the end of filtration, filtered and unfiltered water are mixed when pouring into the kettle.

Aquaphor Real

The total volume is 2.9 liters, the volume of the funnel is 0.8 liters. Suitable cartridges: B16, B16, A100. Module resource - 170 liters. Filtration rate - 0.3 l / min. Hinged cover.

Dimensions: 26.7 x 10.2 x 26.7 cm.

Price: 785 rub.

Aquaphor Real


  • high quality plastic;
  • filters quickly;
  • affordable price of replaceable modules;
  • holds the cartridge tightly;
  • design.


  • small volume.

Aquaphor Premium

Cleans from organic compounds, bacteria and other impurities. Coal cleaning. The standard filtration resource of the module is 300 liters. Total volume - 4.8 liters, filter funnel - 3.8. Replaceable filter module B100 - 5.

Price: 500 rub.

Aquaphor Premium


  • design;
  • fast filtration.


  • resource of cartridges does not correspond to the declared one;
  • fragile plastic;
  • there is no module replacement calendar.

Aquaphor Agate

The resource of a standard filter module is 170 liters. Filtration rate - 0.2 l / min. The storage capacity is 3.8 liters, the volume of the funnel is 1.7 liters.

Dimensions: 28.2 x 13.5 x 25.8 cm.

Price: 1080 rub.

Aquaphor Agate


  • ease of use;
  • volume;
  • design;
  • good quality plastic;
  • high degree of filtration of impurities.


  • only one module is suitable - B100 - 25.

Aquaphor Atlant

The total volume is 4 liters, the volume of the funnel is 2.4. Module resource - 300 liters.

Dimensions: 26.0 x 13.2 x 25.9 cm.

Price: 600 rub.

Aquaphor Atlant


  • large volume;
  • user-friendly design;
  • convenient flip flop cover;
  • long service life.


  • slow filtration.

Aquaphor Triumph

The total volume of the jug is 3.5, the volume of the funnel is 1.4 liters. Filter module resource - 300 liters. Filtration rate - 0.2 l / min.

Dimensions: 25.3 x 11.7 x 25.5 cm.

Price: 1120 rub.

Aquaphor Triumph


  • compact;
  • fast water purification;
  • high quality plastic;
  • includes 2 replaceable modules;
  • design;
  • supports modules of different types.


  • not found.

Basically, all of the above filters have similarities in some criteria. All filters are designed to purify cold water, but only a few can filter warm and hot.

The flask is made of high quality food grade plastic, always transparent.

The carbon cartridge of these filters effectively cleans from active chlorine, organic substances, lead, heavy metals, colloidal iron, and also softens water.

Comparison table

Filter jugVolume, l.Module resource, l.price, rub.
Barrier Grand NEO4.2350855
Siberia-Zeo Aquarius46001920
Aquaphor Ultra2.5300930
Aquaphor Orleans4.2350880
Aquaphor Gratis3.5300440
Aquaphor Real2.9170785
Aquaphor Premium4.8300500
Aquaphor Agate3.81701080
Aquaphor Atlant4300600
Aquaphor Triumph3.53001120

Ranking of the best filter jugs in 2024

Barrier Tango

The total volume is 2.5 liters, the volume of the funnel is 1.1 liters. Dimensions: 29.5 x 26.5 x 11.8 cm.

Price: 360 rub.

Barrier Tango


  • compact;
  • high quality plastic;
  • Beautiful design.


  • not found.

Brita aluna cool

Has 4 stages of cleaning. There is no replaceable module in the kit. The inlet water temperature can reach 40 degrees. The total volume is 2.4, the funnel is 1.4 liters. Filtration rate - 0.2 l / min. Filter element resource - 150 liters.

Dimensions: 9.9x25.6x24.9 cm.

Price: 2200 rub.

Brita aluna cool


  • high-quality filtration;
  • user-friendly design.


  • if the funnel is washed under warm water, it ceases to hold the cartridge;
  • price;
  • small volume.

Aquaphor Smile

Filter module resource - 350 liters. The total volume is 2.4 liters, the volume of the funnel is 1.4 liters. Filtration rate - 0.2 l / min. Suitable modules: B100 - 5, B100 - 6, B100 - 8.

Dimensions: 26.7 x 10.2 x 26.7 cm.

Price: 490 rub.

Aquaphor Smile


  • compact;
  • comfortable handle;
  • flip cover - flop;
  • affordable price;
  • high-quality cleaning;
  • many options for replaceable modules.


  • no cartridge life counter.

Bwt penguin

Enriches water with magnesium, mineralizes and removes iron. There is a function to eliminate odors. The resource of a standard filter module is 120 liters. Filtration rate - 0.3 l / min. The total volume is 2.7 liters, the funnel is 1.5 liters.

Dimensions: 11.3x27.8x25.2 cm.

Price: 1280 rub.

Bwt penguin


  • high-quality filtration;
  • fast cleaning.


  • there is no water level mark.

Winnie's barrier

Cleans bacteria. You can pour in water up to a temperature of 35 degrees. Filtration rate - 0.05 l / min. Filter module resource - 100 liters. Total volume - 2.6 liters, funnels - 1 liter. Includes a set of themed stickers. Designed for toddlers.

Dimensions: 26.5x26x10.4 cm.

Price: 2930 rub.

Winnie's barrier


  • interesting design;
  • there is a calendar for the replacement of modules;
  • high-quality filtration;
  • compact.


  • slow filtration;
  • high price.

Rating of budget filter jugs

Aquaphor Line

Convenient filter with removable cover. The total volume is 2.8 liters, the funnel is 1.2 liters. Filter element resource - 170 l.

Filtration rate - 0.2 l / min.

Dimensions: 26.7 x 10.6 x 25.8 cm.

Price: 225 rub.

Aquaphor Line


  • high quality food grade plastic;
  • compact;
  • high-quality cleaning;
  • affordable price.


  • low resource of a replaceable cartridge.

Barrier Extra

Equipped with an automatically opening funnel. Eliminates odors. The maximum inlet water temperature is 40 degrees. The total volume of the filter is 2.5 liters, the volume of the funnel is 1 liter, the cleaning speed is 0.2 l / min.

Module resource - 200 liters.

Dimensions: 17x25x20 cm.

Price: 250 rub.

Barrier Extra


  • affordable price;
  • compact;
  • easy;
  • convenient.


  • small volume.

Aquaphor ART

Reduces water hardness. The total volume is 2.8 liters, the funnel is 1.4 liters. Filtration module resource - 300 l.

Filtration rate - 0.17 l / min.

Price: 255 rub.

Aquaphor ART


  • design;
  • several replaceable modules are suitable;
  • narrow;
  • price;
  • comfortable handle.


  • small volume.

Mini geyser

Eliminates odors and mineralizes water. Filtration of water up to 40 degrees is possible.

The total volume of the jug is 2.5 liters, the funnel is 1.5 liters. Filter element resource - 250 l.

Cleaning speed - 05 l / min.

Dimensions: 10x25.5x24 cm.

Price: 260 rub.

filter jug ​​geyser mini


  • price.


  • small volume;
  • thin plastic.

Aquaphor Real

The volume of the jug is 2.4 liters, the funnel is 0.8 liters. Filter cartridge resource - 170 l.

Filtration rate - 0.3 l / min.

Compatible with cartridges B16, A100.

Dimensions: 26.7x10.2x26.7 cm.

Price: 265 rub.


  • high quality plastic;
  • comfortable handle;
  • fast filtration;
  • design;
  • compact.


  • the lid covers the spout.

Eco barrier

The total volume of the jug is 2.6 liters, the funnel is 1.2 liters. filtration rate - 0.3 l / min.

The maximum inlet water temperature is 40 degrees.

Cartridge resource - 350 l.

Dimensions: 25.8x24.5x10.9 cm.

Price: 270 rub.


  • design;
  • comfortable handle.


  • uncomfortable nose;
  • the cover is not fixed;
  • small volume.

Geyser Alpha

The total volume of the jug is 2.5 liters, the funnel is 1.6 liters.

Filter element resource - 300 l.

Filtration rate - 0.3 l / min.

The maximum water temperature is 40 degrees.

Dimensions: 25x24x10 cm.

Price: 280 rub.


  • high-quality filtration;
  • quick cleaning;
  • high quality plastic.


  • small volume.

Barrier Classic

The total volume of the jug is 3.2 liters, the funnel is 1.3 liters. Module resource - 200 liters.

Filtration rate - 0.2 l / min.

The maximum water temperature is 40 degrees.

Dimensions: 25.5x21.1x15.3 cm.

Price: 300 rub.


  • fast filtration;
  • quality of plastic.


  • unreliable handle;
  • small volume.

Aquaphor standard

The total volume of the jug is 2.5 liters, the funnel is 1.2 liters. Compatible filter module - B100 - 15. Resource of the cartridge - 170 l.

Dimensions: 24.3x12x25.8 cm.

Price: 295 rub.


  • filtration quality;
  • design.


  • low resource of cartridges;
  • volume;
  • the lid does not close tightly.

Barrier Tango

The volume of the jug is 2.5 liters, the funnel is 1.1 liters. Cartridge resource - 200 l. The maximum water temperature is 40 degrees.

Dimensions: 29.5x26.5x11.8 cm.

Price: 305 rub.


  • design;
  • compact;
  • high quality plastic.


  • not identified.

The range of such filters is huge, everyone can find the best option for themselves, corresponding to the taste preferences of the consumer and the composition of the water.

If you used other models that are not listed in the ratings, add information in the comments.


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