Best frisbees for 2024


Summer is the time for vacations, out-of-town picnics, trips to the dacha, to the sea, or at least delightful walks in the park. Having fun together with family, loved ones or friends will help joint games. But to carry or carry with you any sports equipment for outdoor activities is a tedious process. And in this case, if the selection criteria are compactness, versatility of use, then a frisbee flying saucer would be an excellent choice. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best frisbee plates for 2024.

A bit of history

The origin of flying saucers is interesting and American-style intricate. Immediately after the end of the American Civil War, William Russell Frisbie opened the Frisbie Pie Company bakery chain. In addition to bread, the bakery sold traditional American packaged pies. It was this package that Yale students threw to each other with a warning cry - Frisbee. Until the middle of the last century, such fun remained only at the amateur level. Two entrepreneurs, Fred Morrison and Warren Francioni, decided to develop the idea to an industrial scale. They, trying to play up the theme of alien flying saucers, released stylized toys. But since the functionality of the toys was minimal, such plates were not particularly popular. The partners decide to sell the license to the famous toy corporation Wham-O. The corporation, in turn, fearing legal action from the Frisbie bakery, released the plates under the Frisbee name.

Almost twenty years later, Jared Cass decided to develop the popular fun into a sports game. Jared Cass owns the name of the game - Ultimate sports experience and a set of rules. There are so many admirers of the sports component of this toy that the flying saucer was registered as an Olympic sport, the first competitions in which should be held in 2024.

Types of plates

So what types of frisbees are there ?! The types are distinguished by its application. The main application of LT is:

  1. Amateur or professional sports;
  2. Outdoor entertainment with friends, children;
  3. Training, playing with the dog.

Sports are of three kinds;

  • Disc Golf - As the name suggests, this sport is a form of golf, but instead of a ball being sent into the holes, LT is used. And instead of holes - a special basket shape. The competitor must reach the basket for the minimum number of throws. A special field of competition is not required, you can use the usual landscape of a city park or suburban area with natural obstacles.
  • Ultimate sports experience or Ultimate City is the most popular type of competition. Unlike everyone else, he is commanding. Some of the competition rules are taken from baseball, some from American football. However, contacts between the players of two teams, as in American football, are excluded, and unlike baseball, the gameplay is continuous, which gives it a special dynamic.Another attractive feature of Ultimate is the lack of a clear division of players according to a specific specialization (striker, defender).
  • Freestyle is another individual type of competition where an athlete demonstrates his frisbee skills. Due to the fact that the sports equipment is capable of hovering at various angles, up to returning like a boomerang, the athlete has access to tricks, feints of rotation with a disc. These can be both individual numbers and group ligaments, pirouettes. The advantage of this sport is that training, competitions can take place in a confined space, for example, on the street or on a school playground. There is also a pair type of freestyle dog plus owner.

Thus, plates can be of different weights, colors and sizes according to their intended use. A standard frisbee has a diameter of 20 to 25 centimeters, rounded edges, a convex surface, and is usually made of plastic. Children's models are lighter, smaller, bright in color. Professional, sports models weighing up to 175 grams, diameter - 27.5 cm, freestyle - up to 165 grams. Dog plates are also subdivided by age into standard ones, for adult dogs up to 22 cm and for puppies or small breeds up to 18 cm. Discs for dogs also differ in material of manufacture. First of all, they should not burst, break, crumble, so that the dog does not choke on a piece of material. According to the rigidity of the body, the throwing disc is chosen for the dog so that it is as comfortable as possible for it to clamp it with its jaws. For example, for breeds whose jaws have strong pressure, impact-resistant, hard plastic is suitable. If the pet does not have a strong grip, or we are talking about a puppy, an older dog, then a soft material is preferable.

The precautions are taken with the same care when choosing discs for children. In addition to the fact that they should instill a love for mobile types of games, that is, be bright, interesting, the most important component is the safety of handling the plate. So the material of manufacture must be made at the highest environmental level, as well as the paint used for drawing. In order to avoid possible injuries, a plastic disc is preferred with a light weight or made of heavy-duty rubber that is not capable of causing injury. The designs on the plate range from classic, branded logos to cartoon characters for kids. It will be interesting to be able to apply a picture or logo to order, for example, for corporate, sports games.

Which company is better to buy a frisbee

Since most toys are inexpensive for hobbyists, many neglect the 'origin' factor. Therefore, the models of unknown, mostly Chinese, manufacturers "live" little, falling apart after a short time. It is also natural that only a branded product will ensure not only durability, but also the safety of handling it. The best toy manufacturers today are:

  • HyperFlex - Dog handlers are well aware of the company's products, whose soft throwing plates are so fond of dogs just starting to train. HyperFlex products are easy to find both in pet stores and in an online sports store.
  • Discraft Sky-Styler is a popular manufacturer of freestyle sports equipment, ultimate competition. The products of the company have a pleasant appearance, classical shape, three-dimensional patterns on the surface, which satisfy the taste preferences of adults and children.
  • Nite Ize is an American brand with offices all over the world, including Russia. The company's products are gadgets, plastic devices, using innovative technologies. Accordingly, the discs of the company contain innovations that are not used by other manufacturers;
  • Aerocker is a Russian-made product. The popularity of the models of this company is ensured by the applied modern technologies, adequate pricing policy and a wide dealer network.

How to choose the best toy and what to look for?

Of course, you can get the first model that comes along in the wreck or in a small non-specialized store. At the same time, there is no need to expect special durability or safety from such a purchase. Therefore, the question of where to buy comes first, determining the further quality of the device. Specialized stores, where all products are certified and presented by well-known brands, will help to avoid mistakes when choosing a gadget. Such branded plates are easily recognizable by packaging made of cardboard with handles, a clear drawing of the pattern and the presence of an inscription in Russian about the manufacturer, the composition of the material used. A similar product in packaging and its description is a guarantee of a long, safe operation of the toy.

Classic frisbee design, convex surface and curved edges, varying to change flight characteristics, flight path. However, it will be impossible to predict exactly how the parameters of LT will be reflected before its use. That is, buying a free-form frisbee, it is simply impossible to predict the quality of the flight. Therefore, experienced athletes do not recommend such equipment as a first purchase. Also controversial is a flying projectile with a backlight function. Due to the internal filling, it is heavier than usual, which is why it does not fly over long distances and is potentially traumatic. At the same time, a toy of this kind will not get lost during intense fun, for example, with a dog in the evening.

Rating of quality frisbees for 2024


Discraft ultra-star

A classic sports equipment officially recommended by international sports associations as sports equipment for Ultimate City, Golf competitions. The peculiarities of the device have such popularity, the diameter is 27.3 mm, the standard weight is 175 grams and the shape of its body part. The ergonomics of the device deserve the best reviews, the ribbed edges make the device comfortable to hold, without slipping in the hand. This functionality allows you to throw the saucer over long distances without fear that the wind will change its flight path.

frisbee Discraft Ultra-Star


  • Wear-resistant plastic;
  • High level planning;
  • Colorful, three-dimensional pattern on the surface.


  • Price.

Nite Ize Flashflight Ultimate Disc (Red-White)

The review of sports equipment continues the model, which is more affordable than the previous one, but has the same high data. The characteristics of the device: diameter - 26.7 millimeters, weight - 175 grams, thickness of the middle part 1-, 5 millimeters, make its use equally suitable for training and professional competitions. The model is interesting from an aesthetic point of view, glossy surface, bright red-white three-dimensional pattern make it, according to buyers, memorable at first sight. At the same time, the drawing, the surface of the plastic itself, serve for a long time, are not subject to breaking, cracking.

Frisbee Nite Ize Flashflight Ultimate Disc (Red-White)


  • Average price;
  • Nice appearance;
  • Good aerodynamic properties;
  • Versatility for purpose.


  • Not suitable for beginners.

Aerocker One "Matrioshka"

A flying sports saucer belonging to the budget category, while having all the data necessary for serious sports competitions. Technical data of the model: weight, size are standardized, meeting the requirements of the federations of disco sports. "Matryoshka", named after the picture depicted on it, will last a long time, as it is made of shock-resistant, wear-resistant synthetic material. Frisbee is suitable for both novice athletes and those who are just taking their first steps in this sport. The predictability of the flight will be ensured by specially weighted edges of the model.

frisbee Aerocker One "Matrioshka"


  • Good flight data;
  • Adequate price;
  • Original design.


  • Not.


Zume Games OD0012W

The device is a combination of a classic shape, weighted sides, a typical size and an original innovation in the form of a round hole in the middle. This combination makes it easy to start the device without much effort.It is good to play with the toy in the evening, when it gets dark, because it has a bright glow. This feature makes it an excellent entertainment in the country, outside the city, where there is little lighting.

frisbee Zume Games OD0012W


  • Stable flight;
  • Tactilely pleasant feeling of plastic;
  • Ease of operation;
  • Backlight.


  • Price.

Fyle mini

Fyle Mini is not just a LT, it is a complex consisting of two discs, two elastic balls. Thus, the user has the opportunity to launch the cymbals as ordinary toys or arrange pair competitions. The latter are arranged according to the badminton principle, since the central part of the discs is thinner and more elastic. It is also possible a variant of darts, where one of the discs or both will be used as a flying target.

frisbee Fyle Mini


  • Application safety;
  • Several use cases;
  • Colorful coloring.


  • There is no cardboard case;
  • It is sometimes difficult to order online through an online store.

Flying frisbee saucer with light element

Almost all popular models of entertainment discs have an original shape, or backlight. But this device combines an interesting shape (a hole in the middle where the propeller is mounted) with backlighting. As a result, after being thrown, the LT resembles a real alien ship. Such fun will be loved by both adults and children, especially considering the good flight range of the device. It is enough to look at the photo of this "UFO" to understand how interesting it is.

Flying frisbee saucer with light element


  • Affordable price category;
  • The sides are easy to grip even for a child;
  • Original design;
  • Flight speed.


  • Cracks appear with strong impacts.

For dogs

Air Dash Zogoflex

The novelties of the world of "joys of dogs" are presented in the form of a double-use toy. Thick, rounded edges of the device will not damage, scratch the gums of a four-legged pet. Therefore, Air Dash Zogoflex can be used as a “chew” that your dog will chew from time to time, for example, if a puppy is teething. On the other hand, the shape of the device allows you to launch it over long distances, training the pet's physical data. The manufacturer guarantees the absence of harmful, carcinogenic substances in the plastic, which makes handling the plate safe. If you are wondering which one is better to buy a device for a four-legged friend in order to improve his physical condition, then pay attention to this model.

frisbee Air Dash Zogoflex


  • Multifunctionality;
  • Floats on the water surface;
  • Compliance with safety standards;
  • Suitable for large and small dogs.


  • Price.

Jaws Glow in the Dark

The premium device of the world of dog frisbee discs. There are two sizes, 18 centimeters and 22 centimeters, which makes it possible to choose a model for the specific needs of the dog handler. The wear-resistant surface, the absence of a quickly abrading pattern, will make the disc a favorite entertainment of the dog for many years. The backlight of the gadget is safe, so the pet is not in danger even with daily use. Therefore, given all of the listed advantages, Jaws Glow in the Dark deservedly gets into our TOP. If the question of how much it costs is not so urgent for you, then this model will be a good choice.

frisbee Jaws Glow in the Dark,


  • Operational safety;
  • Professional flying qualities;
  • Earned the recommendation of experienced dog handlers.


  • Price.


Completing the rating of dog gadgets, a model designed, as a rule, for small breeds or puppies. This is due to the small, 100 grams, weight of the device, its size. A four-legged friend can be taught with the help of a projectile to perform the simplest commands, train the muscles of the paws, jaws, and just have a nice time. Don't worry about the safety of the toy. Wear-resistant plastic is capable of glowing, which will allow you to find it in any situation.

frisbee rurri


  • No effort required to run;
  • Refers to the category of inexpensive toys;
  • Versatile in operation;
  • Has a backlight;
  • Environmentally friendly material.


  • Not for large breeds.


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