Best gymnastics rings for 2024


Gymnastic rings have long been known to amateurs of artistic gymnastics, as the most difficult apparatus, since they are mounted, i.e. do not have a fixed position in space. Most lovers of this sport enjoy watching the performances of their idols. However, few people know what these simple devices are for an ordinary athlete, how they can replace expensive and bulky exercise equipment, what simple exercises with these objects are available for beginners who want to maintain their sports form at a high level. The editorial staff of the site "" presents an overview of the best gymnastic rings for 2024 ", compiled according to the opinions of buyers and experts.

History of origin

Gymnastics as a kind of sports activities has been known since the time of ancient Greece. True, in those days, athletes competed in the disciplines that we see today in athletics competitions and in the boxing ring:

  • run;
  • javelin-throwing;
  • long jump (with dumbbells);
  • fist fights.

Such a complex of competitions developed at that time in connection with the need to make warriors out of young men.

Interesting! There are two versions of the origin of the name "Gymnastics". The first one says that the name of this sport comes from the Greek word "gymnaso" i.e. "I exercise". According to another version, from the Greek word "hymnos" - "naked".

The rapid development of artistic gymnastics in the form in which we know it took place in the middle of the 19th century. The father of modern gymnastics is considered to be a German teacher, Professor Friedrich Ludwig Jan, the founder of the first gymnastics school in Europe.

By the middle of the century, the German, Swedish and French schools were the strongest. Later they were joined by the Czech. The Seversk and Japanese gymnasts "broke" into artistic gymnastics in the second half of the 20th century.

What are the rings

There is no need to explain to anyone what it is. Therefore, we will begin our acquaintance with this type of sports equipment with the materials that are used in their manufacture.

Mankind at that time widely used metal products, but sports equipment of that time was made of wood. This material was more accessible, easier to process, and cheaper. In addition, the contact of the palm with a well-finished wood surface was more pleasant. From wood of various species were made:

  • bars;
  • crossbar;
  • log;
  • horse;
  • Swedish wall.

Plastic products became popular only at the beginning of the XXI century. The impetus was the booming development of CrossFit.

Interesting! CrossFit is a physical training system founded by the American Greg Glassman and his wife Lauren Jenay, registered as a trademark of CrossFit, Inc.

It combines the elements: weightlifting, gymnastics, kettlebell lifting and powerlifting.

This trend became so popular that training grounds began to multiply at a hurricane rate. The intensity of training in the CrossFit gyms is such that wooden samples do not last long.Someone (history hides his name from us) came up with the idea to make plastic inventory with a grooved surface to improve tactile sensations and ease of use. In addition, their durability is not comparable to other materials.

Since many sites are located in the open air, plastic products are easier to tolerate than wooden ones. And this is one of the reasons for the popularity of polymer material.

How to choose gymnastic rings

Let's consider the main criteria for choosing this sports equipment.

Material selection

It is very important to decide on the material of your machine. There are options here:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • multi-layer plywood.

Each option deserves a separate consideration.


If the training room is set up indoors or in an apartment, it is better to stay with wood. It has a good grip on the palms and pleases the eye with a beautiful texture, is quite durable. For the manufacture of such equipment, hardwood is used:

  • Birch;
  • oak;
  • beech;
  • hornbeam.

Manufacturers usually do not cover their products with varnish or stain. Thorough, fine grinding is enough.

Plywood products

The same wood, characterized by increased strength, since the parts are made of multilayer material. The sanded surface of plywood products is not inferior to the quality of wooden counterparts. Such a design is easy to make with your own hands.


The best option for outdoor areas is ABS plastic products.
On a note! ABS plastic is an impact-resistant thermoplastic resin, in the production of which the starting material is a copolymer consisting of: acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene with the content of the former in the range from 5 to 30%, the other two - in the amount of 40-60%.

They will withstand everything: autumn slush, summer heat and even winter cold, if the thermometer does not drop below -40 ° C. Plastic products have one drawback - the outer diameter. All manufacturers put on sale products with a diameter of 28 mm. And although this is the standard diameter used in international competitions, for some this section seems insufficient. Manufacturers of wooden specimens produce products with a section of 30 and 32 mm.

Homemade simulator

To make such a simulator at home, you need square blanks from moisture-resistant plywood glued from birch veneer. The inner diameter of the projectile is 180 mm, the outer diameter is 28 or 30 mm. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Internal holes are cut with a jigsaw in all workpieces.
  2. The resulting parts are covered with Moment - joiner glue.
  3. The glued blanks are folded together, clamped with clamps and left until the glue is finally hardened.
  4. After 24 hours, the resulting part is processed with a rasp, achieving the desired shape and size.
  5. Finally, the surfaces are sanded with sandpaper.

The inventory is ready. It remains to make slings and hang your creation in the right place. We hope that the step-by-step instructions provided here will help you make these simple products yourself.

Rings - trainers

Developed by CrossFit trainers. These are products of a traditional shape, the surface of which in the lower third is made flat in order to put on special overlays that increase the section in the grip area. The meaning of the focus is that it will be easier for novice athletes who master the power output on such an unstable apparatus with a wider support. When the movement is mastered, these transformers can be replaced with standard inventory.

Today, fitness rooms are equipped with plastic and wood products in almost equal proportions. Wooden ones are considered to be more prestigious.

What to look for


This parameter has already been mentioned in passing. Let's get acquainted with it in more detail. According to the existing GOST, the inner diameter of the product should be 170 - 180 mm. The cross section ranges from 16 to 28 mm.Accordingly, the outer diameter will be equal to the sum of the inner + two sections. These sizes are approved by the Artistic Gymnastics Federation and comply with IOC requirements.

However, options are possible. For adult athletes, the 28mm thickness meets the requirements of the standard and can suit professionals. However, gymnasts were never distinguished by gigantic stature and powerful proportions. For all their "inflatedness", the height of 165 cm and weight of 55 kg are considered optimal for them. However, among ordinary people who want to keep fit, there are enough "large specimens" with wider palms than the average master of sports in artistic gymnastics. For them, wooden samples are produced with a section of 30 and 32 mm.

Children's rings

They start doing gymnastics at a young age. A variety of exercises will help children develop strength, agility and endurance, and turn classes into exciting games. Standard inventory sizes are not suitable for a child. Some manufacturers produce exclusively children's equipment of a smaller size and section, the shape of which may differ from the classic type.

Choice of lines

The rings are unique in that, unlike the crossbar, bars or horse, they are not fixed in space. Due to this feature, exercises on them contribute to a deep study of muscles - stabilizers, which are difficult to develop on other apparatus. Therefore, when choosing a suitable training device, special attention should be paid to the harness system, which consists of cables, locks and fasteners.

According to existing rules, the height of the attachment point of the lines is 5.75 m. Above the floor, they are located at a height of 2.75 m, half a meter from each other.
5.67 meters is a fairly high altitude. To meet the requirements of the federation, you need to purchase special suspensions, the cost of which will cost at least several thousand rubles. The purchase of an Olympic-class suspension system will have to spend at least 100,000 rubles.

For home workouts, this luxury is useless. You can and should choose something simple and convenient, but at the same time strong and reliable, easy to use. Most rings are sold with pendants. These are popular models of lightweight and durable nylon webbing with spring locks. They can carry loads up to 350 kg and are easily suspended. Thanks to the spring locks, the height of the simulator can be easily adjusted with them. The main thing is to properly tuck the sling into the clamp to avoid slipping.

Do not choose hangers with plastic locks. They often break and do not provide a secure fit for the belts. Metal spring locks are the best, though not the cheapest option.

To save money, you can use home-made devices made of multi-layer plywood, and use ordinary ropes as suspensions, tying them with sea knots.

The rope must be capable of supporting more than the athlete's own weight. Ideally 150 kg. This is sufficient to ensure the safety of your workouts.

In any case, before choosing a material and size, it is worth trying to work out on samples of various types.

Top manufacturers

To enjoy fitness, you should purchase equipment from trusted manufacturers. Petty savings lead to ineffective spending.

Interesting! Even Baron Rothschild, head of the richest banking house in Europe, considered himself not rich enough to buy cheap goods.

In addition, cheap Chinese crafts do not provide safety for the athlete. Therefore, gymnastic apparatus should be purchased from the best manufacturers. Let's get to know them better.


Japanese company. On the Russian market since 2013. Customers highly appreciate the popular models of children's sports complexes for the home, in addition to which the company produces gymnastic rings. Sports equipment for children must ensure the safety of young athletes. Midzumi products are proof of this.In addition, the company constantly pleases customers by releasing new designer items for babies.


Sports goods from China, decent quality at an affordable price.


German brand. The popularity of the Kettler strength training machine is attributed to many years of impeccable product development. The company began its activity in 1949 as a manufacturer of goods for children. Today it is one of the largest manufacturers of fitness products in Europe.

Original fittools

Russian brand with workshops in China. Produces popular products for fitness, crossfit, aerobics, yoga enthusiasts. Affordable products are not inferior to the quality of European brands.

Live UP

Brand from Ukraine. The direction of activity is the production of sports goods of high quality exercise equipment at an affordable price. The products of the company are enjoyed by boxers, gymnasts, citizens who are fond of Yoga and fitness.

Perfetto Sport

Company from Palermo (Italy). Founded by Andrea Giannini. Initially, it was engaged in the production of children's sports complexes. Today, many athletes enjoy exercising on trampolines, mats and Perfetto Sport machines.


Russian company. Founded at the end of 2010 as an online sporting goods store. Over time, the company organized its own production of some samples that are in constant demand among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The quality is decent, the prices are reasonable.


Russian brand. Wooden children's gymnastic rings of its production are distinguished by decent quality and affordable prices, they are suitable as additional equipment for any children's sports complex.


One of the world's largest manufacturers of exercise equipment and sports equipment headquartered in Chicago (Illinois, USA). High quality at a solid price.

The list goes on for a long time. Which ring company is better to buy is up to you. Before buying, it is advisable to carefully read the description of the product, listen to the advice and recommendations of experienced users, sellers-consultants of sports goods. Before making a final decision, it is advisable to practice on wooden and plastic samples in order to choose between metal and plastic, and at the same time navigate the price.

Where can I buy

If there is a sporting goods store nearby with a decent assortment, you don't need a better one. You can see and touch the product with your own hands, check the availability of the manufacturer's guarantees. If this is not possible, visit the Yandex Market website. You can get comprehensive information there:

  1. Get acquainted with the appearance and characteristics of the goods.
  2. Find out how much this or that model costs.
  3. Clarify its dimensions and other characteristics.
  4. Order goods online in the online store.

What exercises are performed on the rings

We will not describe the basic set of elements of artistic gymnastics for this apparatus. Professionals know him better than we do, and not everyone can master swing, static or dynamic elements on their own. An experienced coach is needed. We are talking about simple exercises available to anyone involved in fitness.
First you need to hang our inventory just above the floor level. In this position, perform:

  1. Squats. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, grab the rings and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. In this position, you can lock, i.e. perform a static approach, or return to the starting position and sit down two dozen times. Such training reduces the stress on the joints and helps to maintain correct posture. It will be especially useful for overweight people. The workout can be diversified by changing the position of the legs: spread them wider or even squat on one leg.
  2. Lunges. The starting position is the same as in the squat. We grab the shells, step back once with one leg and bend both so that the thigh of the front leg and the lower leg of the back are parallel to the platform. We return to the starting position and change the legs. We perform ten approaches.In this case, it is advisable to "fall out" back, not forward. So the gluteal muscles are loaded more. You can also do lunges to the sides, in three approaches ten times, working out the inner surface of the thigh.
  3. Bottom pull-up. Lay under the rings, grab them with your hands and pull yourself up to them with your chest, keeping your back and legs straight. The muscles of the chest and shoulders are being worked out. Three sets of ten times will be enough.
  4. The rest of the hands in the rings, followed by pulling one or the other leg to the chest. The exercise resembles the movements of a climber climbing a mountain, and has the same name. Twenty movements are performed in three approaches.

Performing this combination twice a week will provide you with a lean, toned figure with prominent muscles.

Rating of quality gymnastic rings

Since our review deals with wooden and plastic shells, let's split it into two parts.

Quality plastic gymnastic rings

5. Midzumi

Children's version from a Japanese manufacturer. Strictly speaking, these cannot be called rings. But the model is quite suitable for the complex physical development of a child. A set of exercises consisting of squats, lunges, and pull-ups is performed on these products in the same way as on full rings. The size for the grip (you can't call it a diameter) is 116 cm. Made of plastic.

The set includes two-meter cords of 10 mm thickness. There are no locks to the cords, so the owner will have to master the art of knitting. The permissible load must not exceed 100 kg. Consequently, classes with these devices are available not only for children, but also for adults who are not overweight. The average cost of the kit is 380 rubles.

gymnastic rings Midzumi


  • durable plastic;
  • cords included;
  • maximum user weight up to 100 kg;
  • affordable price.


  • small inner size.

4. Live Up

Universal products of the popular Ukrainian brand. Suitable for gyms and outdoor playgrounds. Made of impact-resistant ABS plastic, they can easily withstand temperature extremes. Suitable for training professional athletes and fitness. The inner diameter of the projectile is 180 mm, the cross section is 28 mm, in full compliance with the requirements of the Olympic standard. Sold complete with reinforced nylon hangers and spring locks. The average cost will be 1,790 rubles.

gymnastic rings Live Up


  • standard sizes;
  • nice yellow color;
  • durable plastic;
  • strong belts and locks;
  • affordable price.


  • small cut for users with wide palms.

3. Workout K1

Black pair of durable ABS - plastic from a Russian brand, made in China. Equally suitable for gyms and courtyards, professional gymnasts and amateurs. Standard sizes: inner diameter - 180 mm, grip section - 28 mm. They perfectly withstand the vagaries of the weather: snow, rain, summer heat and ultraviolet rays. The average cost for a pair is 2700 rubles. The company has developed and launched production of reinforced nylon belts and spring locks for them. They are purchased separately, at a price of 1100 rubles per pair.

gymnastic rings Workout K1


  • durable plastic;
  • standard Olympic sizes;
  • suitable for professionals and amateurs;
  • affordable price.


  • suspension straps are not included.

2. CrossFit Indigo 97654 IR B

A set from a Russian brand. Dimensions and cross-section meet the requirements of the Olympic Committee. The inner diameter is 180 mm, the section is 28 mm. The material for the production was durable ABS - plastic that can work in an environment with temperatures ranging from -40 ° C to + 90 ° C. Equally good for professional gymnasts and crossfit athletes and those who just want to keep fit. Capable of withstanding loads up to 90 kg. Supplied with nylon hangers with spring locks. The average cost of the kit is 2600 rubles.

gymnastic rings Crossfit Indigo 97654 IR B


  • durable non-slip material;
  • show themselves well on street grounds;
  • strong slings, high quality locks;
  • the length of the lines is 6 meters.


  • not identified.

1. UFC Ultimate Training

The kit of a famous American brand receives the best reviews in this section of the review. Product dimensions are standard: inner diameter 180 mm, section 22.5 mm. Material - ABS plastic. Includes reinforced nylon belts, 5 m long, 30.8 mm wide. The average cost is 3390 rubles.

rings gymnastic UFC Ultimate Training


  • quality material;
  • reinforced belts;
  • reliable locks.


  • the grip section is not large enough.

Quality gymnastic rings made of wood

5. KMS-Sport

Low-cost wooden products from the Russian brand KMS. Coated with varnish to protect against atmospheric precipitation, if used in an open area. This model is intended for use as additional equipment for children's sports complexes. Designed to work with a maximum weight of 50 kg. Equipped with ropes for hanging on the DSK crossbar. No spring locks are provided. The ropes are fastened with sea knots. The average cost does not exceed 370 rubles.

gymnastic rings KMS-Sport


  • wooden;
  • inexpensive;
  • complete with rope suspensions.


  • intended for children only;
  • the varnish coating is short-lived;
  • hangers without locks do not provide reliable attachment to the crossbar.

4. Proxima PRG - 2403 WD

A set of wooden rings made in Taiwan. Inner diameter is standard, 180 mm. The 30 mm section is more comfortable to grip than rubber products. The surface is carefully sanded and does not require protective coatings. The set is completed with 5m nylon webbing slings with spring locks. The average cost is 1,490 rubles.

gymnastic rings Proxima PRG - 2403 WD


  • universal size;
  • suitable for gymnastics and fitness;
  • long and strong belts with secure locks;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

3. Worlout K2 Super Monster

A set of wood, from a Russian brand already known to us. The sizes are slightly different from the Olympic standard. With an inner diameter of 170 mm, the outer diameter is 250 mm. Simple calculations will show that the cross section of the ring is 40mm. These are the thickest rings of all presented in the review. They are too wide for training in classical artistic gymnastics. But they are perfect for crossfit and fitness lovers. The larger footprint provides a more comfortable working environment. The average price of 1800 rubles, at first glance, is quite affordable. However, it should be borne in mind that the delivery does not include suspensions.

gymnastic rings Worlout K2 Super Monster


  • high quality material;
  • fine surface grinding;
  • large section;
  • comfortable grip.


  • there are no suspensions included.

2. Sproots SPR Rings

A set from a Russian manufacturer. The cross-section of birch rings is 32 mm. Convenient size for individual CrossFit workouts. Suitable for training in the gym and at home. A simple and reliable attachment of the suspensions allows the use of shells in open courtyards, provided they are removed at the end of the training. The set includes strong nylon 4-meter belts, 40 mm wide, with carabiners. The average cost of the kit is 1,870 rubles. According to gymnasts - excellent value for money.

rings gymnastic Sproots SPR Rings [


  • large section;
  • universal for the hall and at home.


  • not.

1.TRXSport Innstar

The first place and the best reviews goes to the sample of the American brand known for the production of the versatile trainer known as the "TRX loops".
The material is natural birch wood. The product has a cross section of 32mm. The working part (grip area) is covered with leather, which adds comfort when doing fitness or crossfit. Supplied with strong nylon straps, 4.5 m long, with spring locks and anchor bolts for fixing to the ceiling. The average cost is 3990 rubles.

gymnastic rings TRXSport Innstar


  • high quality material;
  • leather grip cover;
  • strong belts;
  • reliable locks.


  • not identified.

The purchase of gymnastic rings will be a difficult task for those who have not previously encountered these equipment. The editors of the site hope that this review will answer many questions related to solving this problem and will allow novice athletes not to make mistakes when choosing a worthy option.


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