Best interactive globes for 2024


Are you wondering how to captivate a child with geography? Or does he himself show interest in this science, and you want to help him? Then give him an interactive globe. Studying geography is much more fun with this modern device. And the editors of the site “” have prepared for you an overview of the best models of interactive globes for 2024.

Useful gadget or mischief?

An interactive globe is an electronic device. The top looks like a classic study guide, while the base has a mini-computer. The computer unit is programmed and has a connection with the surface of the ball using a special pen. By pressing the pen on a country, city, river or other object of interest on the globe, you can find out detailed information about it.

Depending on the model, interactive globes are equipped with many features. Information can be presented in different languages, it is possible to update the training material via the Internet, the presence of backlighting and much more. Besides the surface of the Earth, there are models on the market for studying the starry sky.

Reasons to buy an interactive device

There are at least five reasons to buy an interactive globe for your child or as a present for your brother, sister or nephews.

Firstly. The information is presented in an interesting way. The child will not be bored. In addition, children love various gadgets, so let it be a learning device rather than a tablet with toys.

Secondly. Manufacturers take into account the fact that information needs to be presented in different ways for young children and adolescents. Therefore, many models provide for the availability of training material in accordance with several age categories. Thanks to this, there is no need to buy two different gadgets if there are children with a large age difference in the house.

Thirdly. With the help of the globe, you can learn foreign languages. Many manufacturers record training materials in different languages. Therefore, having listened to and memorized information in Russian, you can again listen to it in a foreign language, while memorizing new words and their pronunciation.

Fourth. Studying geography with a globe trains visual memory and broadens your worldview.

Fifth. Some globes provide the ability to update information using a PC. The materials will always be relevant and you will not have to double-check and search for them yourself.

TOP best interactive globes for 2024

Globe political interactive Oregon Scientific SG268R Adventure AR

Oregon Scientific SG268R Adventure AR is a whole geographical encyclopedia for children from 5 years old. The device will tell thousands of interesting facts about countries and cities, about the number of people living in a particular place, about what languages ​​are spoken in different countries. The child learns a lot of new things. The names of capitals, rivers, lakes, mountains - now all this will be familiar to the young explorer.

All materials are voiced in two languages ​​- Russian and English. And in order to make the training even more interesting, there are 19 different games. For example, during the game, you can compare two countries.So knowledge will be better assimilated, and the child will additionally master the comparative analysis.

The controls are intuitive and the student will be able to cope independently. Interaction with the device takes place using a smart pen. You just need to touch it to the globe or platform to get information about the selected location. The platform shows an enlarged view of the country for which a specific batch of devices was made. This approach helps to focus on a detailed study of the native land and its closest neighbors.

Power is supplied with three AAA batteries, which allows you to freely carry the gadget. Also, the device has its own application that opens the world of augmented reality for users.

Average cost: 6 989 rubles.
Brand country: USA.

Globe political interactive Oregon Scientific SG268R Adventure AR


  • easy;
  • stable;
  • age from 5 years;
  • material about 220 countries;
  • 4000 educational topics;
  • information update function;
  • 19 games for learning and entertainment;
  • all materials are presented in two languages.


  • not found.

Oregon Scientific SG338R ExplorerAR

The Oregon Scientific SG338R ExplorerAR is one of the best models of political interactive globes. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it opens up. By opening the ball, users will see the internal structure of the Earth on one side, and the solar system on the other. Like the outside of the ball, the inside is also interactive. Thus, the child has the opportunity to study not only the surface of the Earth, but also its bowels, as well as the surrounding planets.

And by installing the application on a smartphone or tablet, a young researcher gets another cool bonus - augmented reality. This function works very simply, just scan the selected location and its landscapes, fauna and attractions will appear on the screen.

To diversify the learning experience, Oregon Scientific has equipped the globe with educational games. And given that information is perceived differently depending on the age of the child, the method of presenting materials is divided into 3 age groups.

The device requires three AAA batteries. The kit includes instructions in Russian. Suitable for classes with children from 5 years old.

Average cost: 12,990 rubles.
Brand country: USA.

Oregon Scientific SG338R ExplorerAR


  • easy;
  • over 20,000 facts;
  • supports 6 languages;
  • suitable for children from 5 years old;
  • 42 games for interesting learning;
  • there are three age groups;
  • it is possible to update information via the Internet.


  • high price.

Oregon Scientific SG18-11 Starry Sky Model

Oregon Scientific SG18-11 is a great option for those who want one device to have the most functions. Model SG 18-11 is simultaneously two globes in one: planet Earth and the starry sky.

How it works? If there is lighting on the globe, a map of the world is shown, and in the dark, you can turn on the backlight and then the starry sky is displayed on the ball. The star map shows 88 constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union. When a special application is installed on a tablet or smartphone, users receive augmented reality function. In this mode, the smart globe will acquaint the young explorer with the flora and fauna of various places, with the sights of cities and their climate.

The educational gadget is suitable for children of all ages, starting from 5 years old. Focusing on a wide audience, manufacturers have equipped this model with information in different formats: fascinating tales and stories about stars and constellations, many interesting materials about the planet Earth. Also in the teaching format, 30 games were used, from which children learn about time zones, continents, countries, their rulers, about world languages, and many other amazing facts and discoveries.

With the Oregon Scientific SG18-11 Globe, parents will no longer have the trouble of keeping their kids busy.

Average cost: 11,790 rubles.
Brand country: USA.

Oregon Scientific SG18-11 Starry Sky Model


  • 30 educational games;
  • there is a built-in memory of 64 megabytes;
  • map of the world and the starry sky in one device;
  • the ability to update information via the Internet.


  • not found.


The Globe World company has developed an interactive augmented reality political globe with VR glasses. After installing a special application on a tablet or smartphone and opening it, the user sees three sections: space, travel and oceans. Each section has its own virtual hero, who accompanies the researcher into the world in space, distant countries and the depths of the sea.

But the main advantage of this device is virtual reality glasses. With the help of them, various natural phenomena and objects are visualized. For example, through the application, you can select any landmark and put on VR glasses to carefully examine it from all sides.

According to buyers, this model is one of the best in its price category. And thanks to the presentation of information in a playful way, children are happy to study and study geography.

The wooden leg ensures that the device stays firmly on the table. The backlight requires battery power. The device is packed in a beautiful and bright cardboard packaging, and will be an excellent gift for a child for any occasion.

Average cost: 2,280 rubles.
Brand country: Russia.



  • backlight;
  • wooden stable stand;
  • presentation of information in a playful way;
  • virtual reality glasses included.


  • not found.

Globe physical-political Globen 320 mm

With Globen 320 mm, you can start studying geography from the age of three. The presentation of information is playful and very exciting. By installing a special application on the tablet, parents will need to help the kids a little not to get lost on the way to knowledge. Well, the older guys will quickly figure it out on their own.

In the application, young users will meet virtual heroes who will tell amazing stories about life on earth and under water. Their stories contain a lot of information not only about modern life, but also about distant times, when there was no man on our planet. Young researchers will learn a lot of interesting things about the sights of different countries, about why nothing grows in the deserts, and about why dinosaurs became extinct. And many more interesting things about life on Earth.

The diameter of the sphere is 32 cm, and its surface is relief and corresponds to real landscapes. The stand is stable. There is also a bright backlight that requires mains power and changes the physical map to a political one.

Average cost: 1,355 rubles.
Brand country: Russia.

Globe physical-political Globen 320 mm


  • raised;
  • diameter 32 cm;
  • there is a backlight;
  • augmented reality;
  • A lot of information;
  • game form of information presentation;
  • can be used as a night light.


  • not found.

Oregon Scientific Interactive Augmented Reality MYTH Globe

A universal gadget that shows a map of the world during the day, and 88 constellations of the night sky in the evening with the backlight on. Using an augmented reality application, parents have the opportunity to show their kids the world's attractions, as well as the flora and fauna of a particular region.

You can even see dinosaurs and other long-extinct animals in the video. And learn a lot of new facts about the past and present of our planet. In addition, in a playful way, children will learn what language they speak in a particular country, what money their residents use and what food they eat.

And at night, turning on the backlight, you can enjoy looking at the night sky, and while children fall asleep, use the globe as a night light.

Average cost: 3,999 rubles.
Brand country: USA.

Oregon Scientific Interactive Augmented Reality MYTH Globe


  • there is a backlight;
  • augmented reality;
  • information in 11 languages;
  • large amount of information;
  • 10 fairy tales for the little ones.


  • not found.

Edu-Toys Interactive Globe G2828

An interesting idea for the development of preschool children. Young travelers armed with special markers and stickers can realize all their fantasies on the balloon. Here you can settle animals on the continents by sticking stickers with the corresponding images. Draw a route around the world with your own hand, put the names of all rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. And a lot more ... And then erase it all and start your journey from the very beginning.

This game will appeal to both children and their parents. The interactive form will help not only to captivate the kids, but also create conditions for better memorization of the knowledge gained.

Average cost: 3 260 rubles.
Brand country: China.

Edu-Toys Interactive Globe G2828


  • ball diameter 28 cm;
  • 6 erasable markers;
  • stickers with animals and country flags included;
  • a fascinating form of learning and entertainment.


  • not found.

Globus Shifu Orboot v 2.0

Despite the fact that the globe is made in a game format - there are no borders, no names of countries and continents - it will perfectly help parents in the development of children from 5 years old. At this age, children are very curious and want to know everything. Globus Shifu Orboot v 2.0 together with the Orboot Globe application will take the kid into an amazing and diverse world.

Augmented reality allows you to view animals and attractions corresponding to a particular location. You can also not only view the object, but also listen to facts and fascinating information about the countries of the world. About how people live there, what culinary dishes they cook, what traditions they observe. The application will tell you about famous inventors who once lived in different countries and much more.

Also included is a passport for a young traveler, a border guard stamp. Thus, you can diversify the game and teach the child to additional search for information. For example, having chosen a country, together with the child, find as much information as possible about it, and then “go there” by putting the border guard's stamp on the required page in the passport.

Average cost: 2,999 rubles.
Brand country: China.

Globus Shifu Orboot v 2.0


  • bright card;
  • For children from 5 years old;
  • augmented reality;
  • does not require power supply;
  • more than 1000 facts about planet Earth;
  • information is broken down into 6 categories.


  • no voice support.

Globus VTECH 80-065226 Training

The manufacturers of this toy are sure that you can start learning science at any age. That is why they created the VTech 80-065226 educational Earth model for kids from three years old. This educational toy will take a still very small, but already such an inquisitive person into a wonderful world called geography.

The toy planet Earth is made in bright colors and will certainly arouse the interest of the kid. The bright contours will give him the first idea of ​​the location of the continents and will not be difficult to remember.

It will be easy for parents to tell the little one about the countries and their main attractions. And in order to make the training even more interesting, there is an airplane with a magnifying glass on the globe, which is controlled by a special joystick. You can "fly" on it in all directions. The kid will be delighted with such a trip!

The toy is safe and made from quality materials. It stands firmly on a flat surface and has sufficient weight so that the child does not turn it over.

Average cost: 4 310 rubles.
Brand country: China.

Globus VTECH 80-065226 Training


  • bright;
  • stable;
  • age group 3+;
  • develops logical thinking;
  • useful for the development of fine motor skills;
  • quality materials are used.


  • not found.

Having made such a gift to a child, you automatically give him the opportunity to study not only geography, but also foreign languages ​​in a fun way. Even the laziest student will start learning with this device.

If you have experience of using interactive globes described in the rating, or you know a more interesting and functional model, tell us about it in the comments.


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