The best books by Boris Akunin for 2024


From a reader's review: “I love Akunin, a simple correct combination of entertainment with unknown facts makes you read again, and not look at the cover. His writing style is unique and highly intelligent. His love for his own characters is contagious. This is beyond the ordinary. Akunin is a novelist and excellent. " The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best books by Boris Akunin for 2024. The rating is based on subjective reviews of readers on the Internet, not advertising, not a buying guide, only a generalization of impressions about the writer's work.

short biography

Boris Akunin is a Russian writer of Georgian origin. Born in Soviet Georgia in 1956, from the age of two he lived in Moscow. He was educated in the history of the East, was especially interested in the land of the rising sun, became a Japanese scholar. Has done many translations of Japanese writers. He speaks English, also made many translations.

The nickname means "evil person", "intruder" in Japanese. In addition, the name recalls Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin, a prominent Russian revolutionary and philosopher, one of the founders of anarchism.

The author did not limit himself to one pseudonym. Anton Brusnikin and Anna Borisova - this is also him, and the real name is Grigory Chkhartishvili.

Some books are published under their own name, especially critical and documentary ones.

The bibliography is diverse and numerous. A book review shows that it is difficult to clearly define the genre. For example, each of the parts of the saga about Fandorin is written in a different style, the register, the narrator, and the form change. The central theme is always crime, but at least a couple of the books can hardly be called a detective. Akunin specially created a series of books "Genres", in which he experiments, each new story writes in a new style.

Creativity is distinguished by a special sensitivity to history in general and to specific periods in particular. First of all, it is a background that allows the writer to experiment in various genres, activating contact with readers, which are a fundamental element of his work, a fulcrum. Akunin, by his own admission, seeks to fill the gap, creating literature that is qualitatively new for Russia: entertaining, light, but professionally written.

From filmography the most popular work was "Turkish Gambit". No less successfully filmed "The State Counselor" in 2005 with the original title and "Spy Romance" in 2012 under the title "The Spy". The film "Decorator" is almost ready. Foreign filming of the series about Fandorin continues.

The writer has received many awards in the field of literature, Russian and international, as well as many nominations. At the same time, Boris Akunin is actively criticized, and his critics are not shy in expressions. Readers have diverse opinions, and that's okay.

In 2012, Chkhartishvili participated in the founding of the public and political organization "League of Voters", created with the aim of observing the electoral rights of citizens. In general, he is known for his harsh statements against the Russian authorities.

He married twice, the first time to a Japanese woman, and the second to a compatriot, with whom he has been living in the UK since 2014. Have no children.

Popular books

In the late nineties, he created the characteristic character of Erast Petrovich Fandorin, a Russian investigator. This is an adorable character like no other in fantasy detective stories. Managed to sell 4 million copies. It was a hit. Translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Besides Fandorin, Akunin is the "father" of Pelagia, an investigating nun. The list of stories is small, only three books. Many liked the heroine, fans are expecting a sequel.

The monumental series "History of the Russian State" consists of historical and artistic volumes. The popularity of books is due to the ease with which complex material is presented to the average person. According to readers, Akunin writes a stunningly interesting story, full of bright colorful characters, almost fantasy, but the real world does not disappear for a second. After reading, there is a desire to deepen the knowledge of history acquired at school.

The author is active on social networks. He discusses the novelties with the readers, asks what to write about, together with them he created the project "Photo as a hokku", which includes photographs and stories of ordinary people. The most anticipated books of 2024 came out in accordance with the wishes of the fans. This is another book of the historical series "Alexander the Blessed and Nikolai the Unforgettable", the fictional volume "The Good Deeds and Reasoning of Lucius Katina" and "Tresorium".

The best books by Boris Akunin for 2024

Which book is the best? In the series "History of the Russian State" each part is brilliant. It is difficult to single out a separate one from the saga about Fandorin, the line is rich in masterpieces. New editions are also entertaining and recommended for reading. Therefore, the rating of high-quality includes one book from different Akunin's projects.

Turkish gambit

Fandorin's character has indelible features: tall, handsome, surprising with a slight stutter. Grief is to underestimate him, he is motivated, endowed with an iron character, his mind, agile, flexible and open, allows him to see what eludes others. Moreover, he possesses mysterious luck.

Why is the Turkish Gambit in the ranking? This is a bestseller, the name is heard. Partly also because it was successfully filmed.

Beautiful spy story. In 1877, the Russian-Turkish war was going on in the Balkans, the main character was entrusted with a delicate task: to accompany a young attractive compatriot Varya, who was determined to join her fiancé on the Bulgarian front. The detective is soon put to the test because he will have to free someone from espionage charges.

A very convincing, well-written book. Akunin's skill is to hide the truth and characteristics of the protagonist in the war story that is the basis of the novel, and to place so many characters that seem important, but in the end, they are false targets. As in a nesting doll, in each chapter the story turns out to be different from what it seemed in the previous part, and reveals a new fragment and a new detail, leading to the ending with continuous twists, in which the heroes discover brick by brick of the real criminal.

Fandorin, as always, turns out to be a true mind, which understood everything before others.

B. Akunin Turkish Gambit


  • Modern hit, easy to read;
  • The story is brilliant in its simplicity;
  • A cleverly constructed novel in the style of Arthur Conan Doyle;
  • It was a great movie.


  • Not detected.

Pelagia and the red rooster

The work represents a journey through Russia in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, and then visits to Palestine and Jerusalem. This book intertwines religion and mysticism with a plot. So much so that it sometimes confuses readers.

It is difficult to say if this is the last book about the nun Pelagia, as the ending remains (intentionally) vague and open. All characters are worked out in detail, even secondary ones, the author makes the reader close to many people who live on the pages, waiting for the continuation.

It is recommended that you first read the early books on Pelagia's adventures.But even if you start with the last part, you are guaranteed to have fun reading. A whimsical thriller, an ironic but accurate description of Russian culture of the early 20th century, will not leave you indifferent.

B. Akunin Pelagia and the red rooster


  • Pelagia is no less colorful character than Fandorin, and readers like it;
  • An absurdly artistic interesting story, surreal, comic;
  • Several parts, but each of them is perceived as independent;
  • Suitable for reading on public transport, excellent distraction from the environment.


  • Not detected.

Good deeds and reasoning Lucius Catina

This is the latest book in the History of the Russian State line. Fiction volume. Year of publication 2024.

As usual, intrigues, philosophy, history intertwined. For readers, more storytelling than adventure. The plot is not very twisted, without excess blood, rather calm, reasonable. Some are disappointed. But they praise the magnificent language, wise arguments about serf slavery and law.

Katine evokes conflicting emotions. Refusal of violence, decency, complacency are certainly positive qualities, but by the middle of the book they start to get very annoying. Children's maximalism is off scale.

The result is again incomprehensible. Who does Russia need. But the readers are supportive, they love Akunin not because the author answers the questions, but because he dares to raise them.

Inside the book is a secret, another additional book, the so-called "improved", it is activated by the smartphone by downloading the application for free, as a result, audio and video content opens.

B. Akunin Good deeds and reasoning of Lucius Katina


  • A boring novelty;
  • A pleasant romance, not annoying, attracts, retains attention;
  • Additional audio and video content.


  • Not detected.

Children's book

The first year of publication - 2005. It is included in the "Genres" series. About time travel. The book is positioned as a children's book, but interesting for adults as well. Who prefers books with pictures, there is an edition with illustrations by Denis Gordeev, published in 2017.

The sixth-grader Eraser Fandorin performs a feat to save the world, going back in time through the "chrono-hole". An exciting book that is read in one breath. History, humor and adventure, three in one.

The work received an unexpected continuation. Gloria Mu, together with Akunin, wrote "Children's Book for Girls". About the exploits of Geli Fandorina.

B. Akunin Children's book


  • For children and adults, suitable for reading together;
  • Historical facts in simple language, encourages further study of the eras;
  • Easy to read;
  • There are editions with pictures.


  • Indistinct end, many buyers were left at a loss.

Altyn-Tolobas or Secret Manuscript

The first book from the series "The Adventures of the Master". The English version is called The Secret Manuscript.

Akunin invented Fandorin's great-grandson Nicholas, who lives in modern Europe. He is a British citizen, a professional historian, despite his young age, has already received the title of baronet for his studies. Unlike his great-uncle, he lacks courage and intuitive abilities, but he is helped by physical data, he is one meter ninety-nine centimeters tall.

Among family documents, he finds a half of a will, drawn up by hand in Old Russian and dating back to 1600. The character of the researcher takes him to Moscow. He begins an investigation in order to understand the mysterious words of his ancestor, is faced with arrogance, speculation, corruption of new Russians who are difficult to put up with. Of the fake assistants, the one who really helps is the journalist Altyn, a bundle of nerves and intelligence.

The description of two different eras alternates, between which there are not so many differences. One plot will be spread over different times with a difference of three hundred years, 17th and 20th centuries.

A detective story, historical adventures, searches for secrets, killers, pursuits, parallel plots, colorful characters, romantic notes, there is everything.The writer also conveys subtle humor and irony through a book, when reading which the reader smiles more than once, or even laughs out loud.

B. Akunin Altyn-tolobas


  • Gripping storyline, sometimes it is difficult to understand the motives of the characters;
  • A pleasant pastime, vivid emotions are provided;
  • An ingenious witty book, the author seems to mock, reaching the middle, no one is able to stop until he reads to the last line;
  • Rave reviews, positive reviews.


  • Not detected.

Photo like hokku

An experimental work. With stories from real people. With photos. Each person is represented in different periods of life: at the beginning, in its prime, at the end. The result is a collection of human destinies.

Where to begin? Carefully study the pictures, try to guess the fate of the person depicted. Then read his story. Useful for testing and training your intuition.

It is noteworthy that the book was created jointly with readers. Akunin turned to social networks with a request to fans to send three photographs of loved ones and a description of the life of the person depicted. There are recent photos, there are very old, pre-revolutionary ones, but they are united by one thing - sincerity.

On the Internet, it is easy to find reviews of people who participated in the experiment. They are infinitely grateful that Akunin's idea prompted them to keep in the memory of their loved ones, relatives, loved ones; write down, clarify, sort, put in order the family archive.

The author claims that the stories have not been edited. This further increases the value and touching of the publication. Akunin immediately clarified that this was not his idea. However, fans are grateful to him for the practical implementation, for that he is a writer.

B. Akunin Photo as hokku


  • Non-fictional biographies;
  • Original format;
  • The reviews are very good.


  • The selection of photographs is technical work, not literary.


Game, maze, riddle, test. The first part in a single version. The reader then makes the choice to continue. There are two of them. Reads on and on again the dilemma. As a result, the book has eight different endings. Which ending to come to depends only on you. Very vital.

Many out of curiosity tend to read a few parts or even all. They come to the conclusion that the first option is the best option. Surprisingly, the intuitive first choice leads to the most interesting outcome for a particular person. Entertaining psychology.

"Sulazhin" opened a new series "Octopus". Fans are waiting for new combinations of books and computer toys.

B. Akunin Sulazhin


  • There is a psychological element, it helps to study oneself;
  • Addictive, fun, excitement;
  • Unique personalized book;
  • Reads quickly, easy to handle in a couple of hours;
  • With illustrations, with a paid application.


  • More likely a commercial project than a literary one. The app can be downloaded for free, and you have to pay for each choice. The characters are not interesting, the book is not endowed with a special meaning, the author's skill is not visible.


Boris Akunin is a prolific writer and an outstanding novelist. His many books are loved for interesting backgrounds, original descriptions of the environment and plot twists. Which one is better to buy? If any work fascinated you, advise, share your opinion in the comments. Maybe his best book hasn't come out yet. He continues to actively create. And he can still bewitch!


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