Best Chemistry Books and Textbooks for 2024


Schoolchildren begin to study chemistry from grade 8. Excellent knowledge of this subject will be useful not only for obtaining a school certificate, but also for admission to technological, medical and other universities of natural sciences. In order to understand the huge variety of manuals on the market, the editorial staff of the site "" has prepared a rating of the best textbooks and books on chemistry for 2024.

How do you find the best fit? Main selection criteria

The correct chemistry textbook should help students learn the school curriculum effectively and efficiently. A good book can be recognized by several signs:

  1. Availability of the information provided. It should be described in understandable and relatively simple language, designed for students and their level of information perception.
  2. Sequence of topics. The textbook should begin with introductory material, explain what chemistry is, what it studies, its meaning, history, etc. Elementary, fundamental themes follow. The study of each subsequent chapter is based on the knowledge acquired earlier. All information should be structured according to a logical principle: from simple to complex.
  3. Accuracy of wording and definitions.
  4. A combination of theory and practice. For effective assimilation and consolidation of the studied material, after the presentation of the basics, tasks and examples of laboratory work follow.
  5. The presence of exercises and tests of different difficulty levels. They allow you to work through the topics studied and test your knowledge.
  6. Inclusion in the set of additional educational materials: a workbook, a problem book, a book for laboratory research, a reference book, etc. This will help to further work on important or hard to remember topics.

The main topics that must be reflected in the textbook (based on working curricula)

8th grade:

  • What is chemistry, the subject of its study;
  • Chemically an element and forms of its existence in nature (atoms, isotopes, etc.);
  • Basic compounds: oxides, salts, acids;
  • Features of the structure of matter;
  • Reactions, their nature and classification.
  • Experimental Foundations of Science;
  • The history of chemistry, its significance for humanity.

Grade 9:

  • Revisiting key questions from the past year;
  • Metals: structure, properties, compounds, production methods;
  • Non-metals: general characteristics, physical properties, main features, types of joints;
  • Organic matter: general structure, methane, ethylene esters, fats, proteins, carbohydrates;
  • Summarizing the material studied.

Grade 10-11:

  • The subject and objectives of organic chemistry;
  • Organic compounds: structure, types, interaction with other substances;
  • Varieties of reactions between organic compounds;
  • Hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes;
  • Carboxylic acids, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, amines, vitamins:
  • Atoms and structure of matter;
  • The nature of the reactions;
  • Practical application of chemistry in everyday life.

Ranking of the best chemistry textbooks for grade 8

NOT. Kuznetsova, I.M. Titova, N.A. Gara. Chemistry grade 8

One of the most famous school textbooks for the first year of studying a subject. Suitable for educational institutions. The author is a candidate of pedagogical sciences. The material is presented in a scientific language understandable for children. The book reflects sections of organic chemistry, modern scientific methodology, presents tasks, laboratory and practical experiments. Average price: about 750-800 rubles.

NOT. Kuznetsova, I.M. Titova, N.A. Gara. Chemistry grade 8


  • Complies with the requirements of GOST of basic general education;
  • Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;
  • An easy-to-understand presentation of the theory;
  • A large number of tasks, including creative ones;
  • There is empirical research;
  • Tasks of varying degrees of difficulty.


  • There are typos;
  • A lot of information unnecessary for 8th grade students.

Main characteristics:

AuthorsNOT. Kuznetsova, I.M. Titova, N.A. Gara.
Name Chemistry
The year of publishing 2020
PublisherVentana - Count
Number of pages224

Zhilin D.M. Chemistry grade 8

A full-fledged educational and methodological complex, which includes not only a textbook, but laboratory journals, didactic materials for teachers, additional materials on disk and links to electronic resources. This edition focuses on practical experience and its relationship to theory, first reactions, and problem solving. In 2011, the textbook was awarded in the category "Best educational book". Average cost: 930 rubles.

Zhilin D.M. Chemistry grade 8


  • Complies with GOST for general secondary education;
  • A large number of additional materials, including electronic and Internet resources;
  • There are descriptions of chemical experiments;
  • The material is presented in an accessible, understandable language.


  • High price.

Main characteristics:

AuthorZhilin D.M.
Name Chemistry
The year of publishing 2012
PublisherBinomial. Knowledge laboratory
Number of pages268

Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry textbook for grade 8

This manual is often used in modern schools and has received a lot of positive feedback from teachers. The author has the status of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. Contents: the subject and tasks of chemistry, atoms of chemical elements, simple substances, compounds of elements, changes in substances, dissolutions, solutions, ion exchange reactions, two workshops on the simplest operations with a substance and the properties of electrolytes. Price: from 480 to 560 rubles.

Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry textbook for grade 8


  • Complies with the State Standard of the Russian Federation in the field of education;
  • A large number of vivid illustrations;
  • Many interesting tasks;
  • The set includes a workbook and an electronic application;
  • There are descriptions of experiments and experiments.


  • Many formulations and tasks do not correspond to the age of 13-14;
  • Complex and concise material feed;
  • There are no test items to check and fix topics.

Main characteristics:

AuthorGabrielyan O.S.
Name Chemistry textbook
The year of publishing 2018
Number of pages288

Review of popular chemistry textbooks for grade 9

L.S. Guzei, V.V. Sorokin, R.P. Surovtseva. Chemistry grade 9

One of the most beloved by school teachers and tutors, the book is perfect for those who are just starting to study chemistry, or those whose knowledge of this subject leaves much to be desired.It is a full-fledged educational - methodological complex with workbooks, materials for teachers, etc. Contains exercises for the advanced level. Helps to smoothly move from theory to practical understanding of the material received. Contains information on the structure of a substance, electrolytes, metals and non-metals. Average price: 550 rubles.

L.S. Guzei, V.V. Sorokin, R.P. Surovtseva. Chemistry grade 9


  • Written in simple and accessible language;
  • The information presented is based on the latest scientific research and achievements;
  • There are several levels of difficulty: for beginner, intermediate, advanced;
  • The set includes a workbook, problem book, reference book;
  • The tutorial begins with a brief review of the topics of the past year;
  • Most of the material is easy to understand and does not require rote learning;
  • There is a description of laboratory experiments.


  • High price.

Main characteristics:

AuthorsL.S. Guzei, V.V. Sorokin, R.P. Surovtseva
Name Chemistry
The year of publishing 2000

N. Kuzmenko, V. Eremin, A. Drozdov, V. Lunin. Chemistry grade 9

This edition is perfect for schools and classes with in-depth study of natural science subjects. The author is a lecturer at the Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University. Lomonosov. In addition to 5 main chapters, the book contains a workshop, fun experiences and a bibliography for self-study. Price: from 560 to 1200 rubles

N. Kuzmenko, V. Eremin, A. Drozdov, V. Lunin. Chemistry grade 9


  • Complies with State standards in the field of education;
  • Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Simplicity of presentation;
  • A large number of illustrations;
  • All facts presented are based on the latest scientific research;
  • There is a description of experiments and experiments.


  • High price.

Main characteristics:

AuthorsN. Kuzmenko, V. Eremin, A. Drozdov, V. Lunin
Name Chemistry
The year of publishing 2020
Number of pages288

TOP famous chemistry textbooks for high school

Novoshinskiy I.I., Novoshinskaya N.S. Chemistry 10 (11) class. Advanced level

One of the best guides for successful preparation for the exam. The presented material is clearly structured and presented in an understandable language accessible to a teenager. Suitable for specialized classes and students studying the subject additionally. One of the main tasks of this textbook is to review and deepen the knowledge gained in the two previous years of study. The following topics are thoroughly considered here: the structure of the atom, chemical bonds, chemical reactions and the peculiarities of their course, chemical reactions in aqueous solutions, reactions with changes in the oxidation state, the main classes of inorganic compounds, non-metals, metals and their compounds, chemical technologies. Average price: 800 rubles.

Novoshinskiy I.I., Novoshinskaya N.S. Chemistry 10 (11) class. Advanced level


  • An understandable and engaging presentation of the material;
  • Helps to consolidate and assimilate previously studied theoretical aspects;
  • Based on the latest research and scientific advances;
  • An effective method of preparing for the exam;
  • A large number of visual illustrations;
  • There are tasks for each topic;
  • Nice design.


  • High price

Main characteristics:

AuthorsNovoshinskiy I.I., Novoshinskaya N.S.
Name Chemistry
The year of publishing 2018
PublisherRussian word
Number of pages440

L. Tsvetkov. Organic chemistry. 10-11 grades. FGOS textbook

A traditional textbook for high school, published in our country more than 20 times. Meets all the requirements of the Ministry of Education. Here, the most important and necessary aspects of organic chemistry are discussed in a simple and detailed manner. One of the main features is the system of multilevel study of the subject. To master the mandatory minimum, you need to study the text located across the entire width of the page, and for specialized classes there is additional material shifted to the right side.The book is conditionally divided into the following topics: the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds, saturated, unsaturated, aromatic hydrocarbons, natural sources of hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, esters, fats, carbohydrates, amines, amino acids, nitrogen-containing compounds, proteins, nucleic acids acids, synthetic macromolecular substances. Textbook cost: 585 - 800 rubles.

L. Tsvetkov. Organic chemistry. 10-11 grades. FGOS textbook


  • Availability of presentation of the material;
  • Complies with the State Standard for the Study of Chemistry;
  • Clearly structured chapter and paragraph structure;
  • Has different levels of study: for specialized and regular classes:
  • For clarity, there are pictures and diagrams;
  • Suitable for preparation for a higher educational institution.


  • Some topics are covered too briefly.

Main characteristics:

AuthorL. Tsvetkov
Name Organic chemistry
The year of publishing 2013
Number of pages272

Ranking of the best publications for higher education institutions and manuals for applicants

Analytical chemistry. Problems and approaches. In 2 volumes. Edited by R. Kellner, J.-M. Merme, M. Otto

One of the best-known best textbooks for technology universities and university natural science departments. Suitable for preparation and familiarization for everyone who wants to connect their lives with modern science. Written by a professional team of renowned scientists. The book deals with physicochemical methods of analysis, chemometrics methods, integrated analytical systems, the relationship with computer technology, features of the process control. Cost: about 3300 rubles.

Analytical chemistry. Problems and approaches. In 2 volumes. Edited by R. Kellner, J.-M. Merme, M. Otto


  • Developed by renowned scientists from major European universities;
  • Key theoretical aspects of chemical analysis are considered;
  • A large amount of reference material;
  • Easy to find and download online.


  • High price;
  • Difficult language of presentation.

Main characteristics:

Name Analytical chemistry. Problems and approaches
Number of volumes2
The year of publishing 2004
Number of pages1336

Negrebetsky V, Belavin I.Yu., Besova E.A. 100 points in chemistry. Complete course for university applicants. Tutorial

One of the most famous and popular aids for preparing for the Unified State Exam. It is a brief summary of the material for all the years of schooling. After repeating the topic from the program, there are analyzes of typical problems, and then tasks for independent solution. The publication covers the main chapters from the course of general chemistry, chemistry of elements, organic chemistry, provides the necessary reference materials. The cost varies from 500 to 729 rubles.

Negrebetsky V, Belavin I.Yu., Besova E.A. 100 points in chemistry. Complete course for university applicants. Tutorial


  • Contains all the material for four years of study in a concise form;
  • There are analyzes of typical USE tasks;
  • The opportunity to try your hand at solving examples and problems on your own;
  • Availability of reference material.


  • Designed for subject-savvy students and not suitable for beginners;
  • The information is presented in a language that is difficult to understand.

Main characteristics:

AuthorsNegrebetsky V, Belavin I.Yu., Besova E.A.
Name 100 points in chemistry. Complete course for university applicants
The year of publishing 2020
PublisherKnowledge laboratory
Number of pages480

Smith M. Organic Chemistry March. Reaction, mechanisms, structure. Volume 4

A modern version of the time-tested textbook on organic chemistry for university students, teachers and all employees related to this topic. The publication is distinguished by a wide range of issues under consideration, which makes it similar to a popular science publication or an encyclopedia. The following topics are covered here: elimination reactions, rearrangements, oxidation and reduction reactions, additional information. Cost: from 750 to 1300 rubles.

Smith M.Organic Chemistry March. Reaction, mechanisms, structure. Volume 4


  • Clear and competent presentation of theoretical issues;
  • Strict, understandable structure of presentation;
  • Contains a list of additional literature;
  • There are useful supplements with reference information: a classification of reactions by the type of compound synthesized and an index of named reactions.


  • The book is incomprehensible to people who are not well versed in the subject.

Main characteristics:

AuthorSmith M.
Name Organic Chemistry March. Reaction, mechanisms, structure
The year of publishing 2020
PublisherKnowledge laboratory
Number of pages511

In this article, we reviewed the most famous and useful publications on chemistry for schoolchildren, students and those entering higher educational institutions.


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