"A person with a good book in their hands can never be lonely."
Carlo Goldoni
Books are the source of the wisdom and experience of past generations. Thanks to them, a person can go on a trip around the world across the expanses of the Universe or the globe. It all depends on the imagination of the author. But not everyone likes science fiction, some prefer other genres that show the life of past centuries or the heroism of historical figures.
Today there are 130 million books and the number is increasing every year. No one will have enough time to read such a volume, and 70% of the works will not suit a wide range of readers. Therefore, the editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you a rating of the best books of classical literature for 2024.
- 1 Foreign classics of the 16-17 centuries
- 2 Rating of foreign works of the 18th century
- 3 TOP of the best foreign books of the 19-20 century
- 3.1 Oscar Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray"
- 3.2 Jack London "Martin Eden"
- 3.3 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "The Lost World"
- 3.4 Somerset Maugham "Razor's Edge"
- 3.5 Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451"
- 3.6 Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon"
- 3.7 Erich Maria Remarque "All Quiet on the Western Front"
- 3.8 Brave New World Aldous Huxley
- 4 Rating of the best Russian books of the 18th century
- 5 TOP of the best works of the 19th century
- 6 Rating of the best works of Russian literature of the 20th century
- 7 Finally
Foreign classics of the 16-17 centuries
Erasmus of Rotterdam "Praise of Folly"
A satirical work that will always be relevant. Stupidity accompanies a person throughout the entire period of his existence. She pushes the heroes to commit reckless acts or mistakes that end in tragedy.
This book does not criticize power or individuals, but all of humanity as a whole. But there is no negative, every statement brings a smile and involuntary agreement with the author's thoughts.
The medieval writing style does not interfere with comfortable reading. The entire text can be mastered in one day, because the main ideas are set out in 100 pages. There is no water. Brief, interesting and curious.
The average cost is 100 rubles.
- Low price;
- Convenient to read;
- Nice style;
- No negativity;
- Relevant in the 21st century.
- Not.
Niccolo Machiavelli "Sovereign"
If a person wants to know at least a fraction of how the state apparatus works, the "Emperor" is required to read. It is impossible to call this creative work artistic, although there are corresponding elements. The "Sovereign" reveals the author's feelings about his country, which was once decisive and unshakable.
Of course, you won't be able to agree with everything while reading the book, but the main concept is described in an accessible and understandable way. Most of the quotes will be relevant in the modern capitalist world.Yes, today there are no titles and crowned personalities, but this does not affect the meaning of what is written.
The average cost is 115 rubles.
- Understandable language;
- Affordable price;
- No excess water.
- Not found.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra "Don Quixote"
A popular novel that both adults and children know about. Don Quixote's reckless adventures evoke delight and laughter. The wandering knight always gets into different adventures, from which it is not always possible to emerge victorious. The caricature of the characters pokes fun at most of the genres that were popular during the era.
Despite the fact that Don Quixote is still held in elementary school, it is worth re-reading it in adulthood. A person will see not funny and ironic travels, but the personal tragedy of the protagonist.
One of the key characters is Dulcinea, but was she really, or was it just a muse that prompted the knight to "deeds". When the novel is read again, a new veil is revealed that has not been explored until then.
The average cost is 110 rubles.
- An exciting piece;
- Written easily and easily;
- There is a share of humor;
- Well thought out image of Sancho Panza and Don Quixote.
- Not found.
William Shakespeare "The Merchant of Venice"
From this author, there are dozens of popular comedies, tragedies and dramas. Each one is interesting and grabs the reader's attention. If everyone has heard about "Othello" and "Romeo and Juliet", "The Merchant of Venice" is often bypassed.
Each image described in the play is thought out, and there are no unnecessary characters. Everything is in harmony. Although everything is written in a comedy genre, as the story progresses, the reader will think about many things, including the loyalty of friends and justice. ...
The average cost is 200 rubles.
- A good play with a high-quality Russian translation;
- Captivating storytelling;
- Makes me think.
- Not everyone will love the storyline.
Rating of foreign works of the 18th century
Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"
An extraordinary story of a man who was able to adapt to life even on a desert island. The book is interesting to read, both in adolescence and adulthood. Robinson's resourcefulness and ingenuity show the reader that you should never despair, it is better to look for benefits even in difficult situations. The entire novel is read quickly and with great pleasure.
The average cost is 120 rubles.
- Good hero;
- Thoughtful history;
- Nice plot twists.
- Not found.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau "Confession"
It is an autobiographical novel by one of the most popular thinkers of the era. "Confession" was admired not only by foreign writers, but also by domestic ones, for example, L.N. Tolstoy. The book is not recommended for reading by persons under 18 years of age. And you shouldn't start your adventure in the world of literature only with this novel.
There are many controversial points that may not be understood by a wide range of readers, but the philosophical concept makes you think about many things. Having gone all the way of the author, a person will hardly agree with him at the end of the work, but Jean-Jacques Rousseau himself did not want this.
The average cost is 120 rubles.
- The work is presented in an accessible language;
- Low price of the book.
- Not suitable for everyone;
- Difficult to read at times.
Ludwig Teak "Blond Eckbert"
Classics of German literature. For the Russian reader, this work will cause some contradictions. Some will like it, while others will see only a tasteless love story. Like the previous book, this one cannot be read by people who are used to accessibility and morality at the end.
Here it is necessary to think about every action and motive that prompted action. Plus, one shouldn't forget about allegories. There is a meaning, but not everyone is able to find it.However, if a person is confident in his abilities and wants not just to read, but to understand this story, then this is a suitable novel.
The average cost is 210 rubles.
- Good story;
- Easy to read;
- Classics of German Romanticism.
- Not suitable for beginners.
TOP of the best foreign books of the 19-20 century
Oscar Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray"
This book contains everything: mysticism, drama, an interesting plot and a great ending. The work has a deep meaning that every reader will find if he ponders the sentences he read.
In the modern world, hedonism is spreading, but the teaching itself is not so new. And the novel shows the downside that every follower will face. Is it worth putting only yourself in the center of the whole world, and is selfishness useful? All these questions are answered by Dorian Gray, who will take an unusual path. It is impossible to describe the work in more detail, since there is a possibility of revealing the storyline.
The average cost is 100 rubles.
- Easy to read;
- Thoughtful heroes;
- Many philosophical questions;
- Affordable price.
- Not found.
Jack London "Martin Eden"
A good and interesting work, which once again shows that it is not the achievement itself that is important, but the path to it. Martin Eden is an aspiring writer who has never read a book in his life and has problems with spelling. However, he is a former sailor and knows hundreds of interesting stories. But who wants to publish an unknown author who just yesterday mastered the basics of literate writing.
The average cost is 110 rubles.
- An exciting and motivating piece;
- The fate of the character;
- Low cost;
- Easy to read.
- Not found.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "The Lost World"
Most of the readers associate this author only with Sherlock Holmes. Yes, this hero turned out to be colorful and extraordinary. But the writer is known not only for detectives. The Lost World is a fantasy, but without various flying ships and unknown inventions and aliens. The ending is unpredictable and interesting, which will appeal to every teenager. Everything is written in an understandable and easy-to-read language, for which thanks to the professional translators. The heroes and their actions are thought out to the smallest detail.
The average cost is 100 rubles.
- An interesting and easy piece;
- Unusual plot;
- An unpredictable ending.
- Not found.
Somerset Maugham "Razor's Edge"
The book grabs all the attention of the reader from the first pages and does not let go until the climax. The work is written in understandable language, so it is easy to read it, even without any knowledge of foreign culture.
This is a story about finding oneself in a difficult post-war period. One of the questions of the novel: what should come first in a person, luxury or knowledge? In the course of the narrative, ambiguous answers will be given to it, so the meaning should be sought only at the end of the reading.
The average cost is 160 rubles.
- The atmosphere of the era is well conveyed;
- Unusual thoughts;
- Vivid characters;
- Easy reading.
- Not found.
Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451"
The 20th century will be remembered by many readers for unusual utopian and dystopian novels. One of the most popular is "451about Fahrenheit ". A philosophical work that most people love.
Written in simple and understandable language, which is why it is read in one breath. There are no complicated characters or highly moral heroes, everything described is as close to reality as possible. It was this novel that brought popularity to the writer and became his main brainchild.
The average cost is 150 rubles.
- Interesting philosophical thoughts;
- Written in a simple and understandable style;
- Vivid characters;
- Nice plot.
- Not found.
Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon"
Charlie Gordon is a mentally retarded person who works as a cleaner in a bakery and dreams of becoming a chef assistant. He has loyal friends who always laugh with him, and he is only glad that he brings them happiness. But is everything really so good? This is what the reader is about to find out. The character agrees to take part in one scientific experiment that will forever change his life and reveal interesting facts that he had previously overlooked.
The average cost is 150 rubles.
- Interesting writing style;
- Easy reading;
- Emotions on reading.
- Not found.
Erich Maria Remarque "All Quiet on the Western Front"
If a person has never read Remarque, then the acquaintance should start with this book. This is an interesting and exciting work about war and its essence. The novel is emotional and strong. Will not let the reader's attention go to the end of the work. It is impossible to tell in more detail, since the meaning of reading will be lost, and it is impossible to do it better than the author himself.
The average cost is 160 rubles.
- Emotional story;
- Exciting plot;
- Thoughtful characters;
- Easy to read.
- Not found.
Brave New World Aldous Huxley
What's scarier: ubiquitous control or abundance and "freedom"? This is the question the book answers. But in order to answer it more accurately, it is best to familiarize yourself with the novel "1984" by J. Orwell before reading. The world described by Aldous Huxley is far from us, but its responses are observed in modern times. Of course, control is bad, but excessive freedom is even worse.
The average price is 135 rubles.
- Unusual plot;
- Detailed description of the company;
- Interesting thoughts;
- Easy to read.
- Not found.
Rating of the best Russian books of the 18th century
Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin "Minor"
A good comedy that happens in high school, but not everyone reads it. Although the short plot is familiar to everyone, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the work in full. This is an interesting and high-quality play, which is written in an understandable and easy syllable. It makes you think about the purpose of life and shows that education is important for every person.
The average price is 80 rubles.
- An interesting and easy piece;
- Nice syllable;
- Low price.
- Not found.
N. M. Karamzin "Poor Liza"
Popular prose by Karamzin, which, although it seems familiar and simple to everyone, is relevant at all times. It is written in an understandable syllable, reads in one breath and evokes only positive emotions.
Yes, the book is full of sentimentality, but that was the trend at the time. If you have free time and a desire to read something domestic and light, then you should get acquainted with Poor Lisa.
The average price is 160 rubles.
- Nice description of various phenomena;
- Simple language;
- Easy to read.
- Simplicity.
Alexander Radishchev "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow"
The first thing a person will encounter while reading a book is the wealth of the Russian language. The entire work is written competently and acquaints the user with the life of that era. Many social ideologies and the immorality of the highest ranks are ridiculed here. You can read it in one day, since the book has only 230 pages.
The average price is 110 rubles.
- Easy to read;
- Rich Russian;
- Captivates.
- Not found.
TOP of the best works of the 19th century
Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
Fedor Mikhailovich writes hard, and not everyone likes his style, but this does not make his literature simple and mediocre. Deep philosophical thoughts are embedded in each work. The tragic fate of the poor student Raskolnikov is familiar to every student, but few of those who decided to understand what his true crime is. Because the old lady is just a turning point.
Dostoevsky shows the reader what it means to take the life of another person, and also what consequences await him. Torment of conscience and strange dreams. The main character is faced with this, will he be able to lead a normal life after what he has done? The answer to this question is hidden in the book itself.
The average cost is 110 rubles.
- Fascination;
- It is written, though difficult, but easy to read;
- Deep meaning.
- Not for teens.
Alexander Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"
And who are the judges? - Chatsky's monologue is familiar to every person. It's an interesting comedy worth spending your time on and rereading it again in a few years. The characters are lively and vibrant. Many of the questions asked by the author are still relevant today. This is what makes the piece a classic.
The average cost is 110 rubles.
- Interesting story;
- Reads quickly;
- Nice characters.
- Not found.
Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov"
An interesting Russian novel that remains relevant in the 21st century. Everyone wants to stop and rest at one moment, to dream, but not everyone after that gets out of their usual image and are not ready to change their comfort.
"Oblomov" touches upon many human and everyday issues, and in the character a person can easily recognize himself or his acquaintances. The novel is easy to read, written in good and understandable language.
The average price is 160 rubles.
- Characters;
- Relevance;
- Easy to read.
- Not found.
Nikolay Gogol "Portrait"
No literature rating is complete without this writer. Yes, at times you come across depressing and complex works, but this contemporary of Pushkin surprises with each new book.
Despite the fact that the story is short, it touches on all the main issues. Consists of two parts that are interconnected. If a person has never read "Portrait" before, then today is the right time to fill this gap.
Available for free download in some libraries.
- Read in one breath;
- Total 112 pages;
- Fascinating plot.
- Not found.
Rating of the best works of Russian literature of the 20th century
Maxim Gorky "Mother"
A deep and tragic book that should not be taken as agitation. Because it would be wrong in relation to the author who described the life of that time. Of course, Maxim Gorky was a Soviet man, but at that time almost everyone was. There are two main characters in the work, which are interesting to follow and I want to empathize. The plot does not let the reader go until the last pages.
The average cost is 100 rubles.
- An interesting piece;
- Written in accessible language;
- Thoughtful characters.
[/ advantages]
- Not found.
Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov “12 chairs. Golden Calf (collection) "
An excellent satirical and humorous book that everyone will love. The great strategist Ostap Bender conquers the reader with charisma and charm. There seems to be no obstacle to stop him. He is always several steps ahead and knows how to get out of any situation.
The average cost is 190 rubles.
- Easy to read;
- Fascinating plot;
- Causes only positive emotions.
- Not found.
Nikolay Ostrovsky "How the Steel Was Tempered"
Many criticize this novel for excessive propaganda in favor of the USSR. However, there is nothing wrong with that. The main character, Pavka Korchagin, surprises with his firmness and faith in a righteous idea. He is able to inspire young people and help others on pain of death.
The novel shows at what cost the USSR was built, how much senseless death, cruelty and betrayal, even from close people, was. “How the Steel Was Tempered” was censored, but the truth is still greater than in “The Gulag Archipelago”.
It's interesting to follow the story, you constantly empathize with the character and his tragedy, and also wonder at his heroism and dedication.
The average cost is 100 rubles.
- Despite the large volumes, you can read it in 2-3 days, since everything is written simply and clearly;
- Thoughtful character and plot;
- Low price.
- Not.
There are hundreds more interesting books and great authors, but every one is impossible to describe. If you have read the books described in the rating, or you have more interesting works, tell us about it in the comments.