Best Time Management Books for 2024


Time management (or time management) is planning and organizing to improve the efficiency of any activity. Includes planning and allocation, goal setting, delegation, time analysis, monitoring, organization and proper prioritization. Initially, the need arose for time management in work activities, and then it spread to the personal sphere. Therefore, everyone is interested. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best books on time management for 2024.

How to choose and read time management books

Determine your level. Who you are? Beginner, advanced reader, professional, school student, etc. How many books have you read on this topic?

You only need to select and read what is interesting at the moment. Books written in an easy and understandable style of presentation close to you. Like with or without illustrations and photographs.

Time management books don't read quickly. You need to take notes, conclusions. Many of these books contain assignments. The practice is not done in one day. It will take months, possibly years, to translate the advice into practice. These are not the books that can be read in public transport, not the same genre (with all due respect to other literature).

Saving time is like a philosophy of life, it is necessary for everyone. Therefore, there are books not only for leaders and entrepreneurs, but also for women, mothers and even children. A book like this would be a great gift idea.

Everyone chooses for himself which book is best for him, chooses according to his needs. Much intuitive. Looking at the cover and content. By analyzing reviews and recommendations from other readers. Estimating how much it costs. And whether the choice was correct becomes clear much later.

A selection of the best time management books for 2024

“Time Management by Brian Tracy. How to make time work for you "

  • Alpina Publisher;
  • Pages: 302;
  • Year of publication: 2016;
  • The cover is hard.

Tracy is one of the best consultants in the world. He wrote many brilliant works on business and personal self-development. They all became bestsellers in different countries. His thoughts on time management have become the foundation of world time management. He is one of its founders, a guru. How to Make Time Work for You has been published and reprinted countless times. The circulation increases with each new edition. It is difficult to call it a novelty, but it remains relevant today. Essential for those who have just started interested in time management issues. This book will lay the foundations of knowledge, provide basic techniques, and help develop a personal time management strategy. You just need to look for the most recent revised edition.

Time Management by Brian Tracy. How to make time work for you


  • good translation and clear structure of the text, conclusions at the end of chapters;
  • instills hope and motivates for immediate action;
  • contains tasks to be completed;
  • a real hit, a foundation, a quality book.


  • does not fit the Russian realities very much, you have to think about how to adapt to our life;
  • some of the material is not directly related to time management, although it is useful for general self-development.

"Time management. The art of planning and managing your time and your life "

  • Dobraya Kniga Publishing House;
  • Year of publication: 2024;
  • Pages: 248;
  • The cover is soft.

Reading for women. It is her principle of saving time "from the inside out", according to readers, is understandable and suitable for a female audience. The author's works are included in the top world books on time management. The Tools for Highly Effective Living series includes three books by Julia Morgenstern. They are all about personal self-organization and leadership of your own life. The last one was published in 2024 and is one of the best new products of this year.

Time management. The art of planning and managing your time and your life


  • world bestseller;
  • reads easily, in one breath, despite the fact that it is quite voluminous;
  • with practical advice;
  • reveals where to start time management.


  • many examples fit American conditions;
  • mostly for beginners, time-savvy people find nothing interesting.

“Corporate time management. Encyclopedia of solutions "

  • Alpina Publisher;
  • Year of publication: 2018;
  • Pages: 211;
  • Hardcover cover.

Gleb Alekseevich Arkhangelsky is a candidate of economic sciences, the founder of the Russian time management system. Implemented time management in such companies as Sberbank, Gazpromtrans, etc. He has written many books on this topic, conducts lectures and trainings.

The proposed book has been popular for a long time, it was first published in 2008. Then it was supplemented thanks to the practical activities of the author. Therefore, the latest edition of 2018 is the most informative. The book deals with the standards of time management, the culture of time management, and its automation. This is a guide for applying theory in practice, the author reveals the tools and methods in detail. Designed primarily for executives, entrepreneurs and managers, not for the general public.

Corporate time management. Encyclopedia of solutions


  • bestseller among domestic books in the category of management;
  • contains practical ways to free up time;
  • interesting excursions into history;
  • helps to develop a time management strategy.


  • a lot of advertising to promote the author's trainings;
  • little useful for the average person, more suitable for directors.

"Time Drive: How to Keep Life and Work"

  • Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber";
  • Year of publication: 2017;
  • Pages: 272;
  • Hardcover cover.

Unlike the previous one, this book is suitable for all people. The author is passionate about the topic, and it is noticeable. The book contains useful tools and tips for managing time in different areas of life, useful for both work and family. Great motivator. Everything that is written in foreign books on time management is summed up under Russian conditions. It has become almost a classic, the most famous Russian book in its category. The author has created a whole ideology, the foundation for the life of any person. The issue of time allocation is relevant for everyone. People often say that they are not doing anything. And this "nothing" for everyone, depends on the scale of the individual, the number of plans for the future, on hobbies, the number of children and workload. But everyone does not have time to do something. This book does not sound like a textbook with strict rules, it helps you to take a fresh look at your life and make time management a necessary part of it.

Time Drive: How to keep up with living and working


  • informative and meaningful, with interesting examples;
  • material is structured in an accessible way;
  • methods can begin to be applied even before reading the book to the end;
  • written by an expert;
  • "Russified" time management.


  • many readers believe that the author copied ideas and techniques from Western time management and personal growth gurus;
  • plenty of water.

"Diary dated" Method of Gleb Arkhangelsky "A5 for 2024"

  • Alpina Publisher;
  • Year of publication: 2024;
  • Pages: 344;
  • The cover is hard.

At the time of preparation of the rating, a new work by G. Arkhangelsky went on sale. This is an average between a book and a diary, it helps to plan using the author's methods. There is no sufficient information and feedback yet.

Diary dated "Method of Gleb Arkhangelsky" A5 for 2024


  • looks like a way to immediately connect theory with practice.


  • high price.

“Tomato time management. How to concentrate on one thing for at least 25 minutes "

  • Alpina Publisher;
  • Pages: 245;
  • Year of publication: 2024;
  • Hard glossy cover.

The method described in the book has long been known and is very simple. All you need to do is stop distractions and focus on an activity for only 25 minutes. The result will exceed expectations. The art of concentration certainly helps save time. "Tomato" looks like this: write a list of tasks for the day, turn on the timer, for example, the author Neteberg S. turned on the kitchen, decorated in the form of a tomato, set it to 25 minutes. It's time for work. Then 5 minutes of rest. Continue at the same rhythm, over the same task or over a new one. The first part of the book explains the strengths of the technique and why it functions well. Our brain loves rhythm. The second part is about attention management, which, together with time management, produces powerful results. In the third part about the practice, how to apply in a meeting, in a group, in pairs, etc.

Time management for a tomato. How to concentrate on one thing for at least 25 minutes


  • easy to read, contains mind maps in each chapter, this allows you to quickly generalize and remember the main thoughts;
  • a lot of valuable information, interesting little things, without water;
  • useful for both beginners and experienced users of the tomato method, since the scope of its application is limitless, extends to all spheres of life;
  • one of the best books by foreign authors.


  • in fact contains only one method of time management;
  • the author of the book is an IT specialist and many examples will be interesting and understandable only to programmers.

"Do not do it. Time management for creative people "

  • Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber";
  • Year of publication: 2018;
  • Pages: 160;
  • The cover is soft.

The author is a typographer, designer and lecturer at the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts. He makes titles for films, fonts, interfaces for smartphones. He also created his own time management system and applications for smartphones for time management.

The book is divided into 3 parts. Life: make a plan. Work: set a routine. Projects: give up unnecessary things. It covers everything from defining life goals, to writing a proposal, to five sentences and to ... exclusion from the project. Whether you are a student or a professional, this book will save you time. Thanks to this book, everything will be sorted out in my head and time management methods will seem to be self-evident. Most importantly, you will learn to say no. An invaluable skill. And the point.

Do not do it. Time management for creative people


  • complete systematization of the theory and practice of time management;
  • presentation of material through pictures;
  • the book is supplemented with the application for smartphones to save time ToDon'tList;
  • actual and modern, examples are not outdated.


  • high price;
  • sometimes the same thoughts are repeated.


  • Resource publishing house;
  • Year: 2018;
  • Pages: 184;
  • The cover is soft.

Author Ksenia Andreeva, mother of three children, business woman, has been running the NWComm marketing agency for over 10 years, vice-miss of the Mrs. Russia 2018 competition, author of numerous books, the feature of which is the description of personal experience.

"Mom-Management" was written after the birth of her third child, its need arose because the woman did not want to lose her work and creative interests, despite the number of children. The book is an example of the experience of a successful and happy woman. It started out as a day-to-day diary, which has gradually evolved into a discussion of time management and academic performance. But not only. The book teaches women to take care of themselves, be able to relax, delegate their responsibilities, attract help from others, and engage in hobbies that energize.

Mom-management Ksenia Andreeva


  • a large number of positive reviews;
  • there are really a lot of life hacks and useful tips in the book;
  • simple and witty presentation, easy to read;
  • teaches you to set priorities in a new way in relation to yourself and to children;
  • not only about saving time, including psychological advice or how to quickly regain physical shape after pregnancy.


  • is more suitable for expectant mothers, experienced mothers find the book mediocre and they are already familiar with all the advice;
  • some metaphors and humor are not clear to everyone;
  • a lot of personal opinion, not all readers share it.

"Time management for a student: How Fedya Zabyvakin learned to manage time"

  • Alpina Publisher Publishing House;
  • Year: 2018;
  • Pages: 178;
  • The cover is hard.

This is the last of a whole line of books by M. Lukashenko about Fedya Zabyvakin. It is focused specifically on children, adults can explain something, help complete tasks, check them, but it is the child who is recommended to read the book. The syllable is clear and interesting for schoolchildren of 8-15 years old. According to readers' reviews on the Internet, parents noticed the effective effect of the book, children begin to plan their time, give themselves stars for completed tasks, etc.

Time management for a student: How Fedya Zabyvakin learned to manage time


  • funny, interesting, instructive and useful;
  • helps teach the child to build relationships over time, not to run too fast, but also to keep up;
  • tasks develop imagination and willpower;
  • an engaging, illustrated tutorial;
  • recommended by teachers.


  • small print, large margins.

“Plan it your way. 14 secrets of personal time management "

  • Phoenix Publishing House;
  • Year of publication: 2024;
  • Pages: 160;
  • The cover is hard.

The book was written by Russian professional psychologists in the field of personal efficiency N. Spekhova and A. Moroz. One of the most anticipated novelties, since the authors believe that the foundations of time management do not exist, there can be no unified methods in this area. Everyone is the master of his time. Tailored individually for each personality. Helps to build a personal time management system.

Plan your way. 14 secrets of personal time management


  • written by practitioners in the field of personal self-development;
  • there are still few reviews on the network, but those that are there are positive;
  • this book is for those who want to achieve goals and results, personal heights;
  • many exciting practical tasks.


  • small circulation;
  • not easy to find on sale.


As you study time management, you realize how easy it is to waste time on nonsense, you learn to plan, cultivate willpower, and ... suddenly you notice that a call from a loved one is annoying, as it takes up precious time, that a walk with the dog a little longer than usual , - is also an obstacle in building a successful day, that unexpected guests are generally force majeure. Using every minute effectively, planning the day strictly, sticking to a schedule to achieve a big goal is not for everyone. But in order to understand this and find your personal balance, build your relationship with time, you probably need to read at least one of the books listed above and try at least one time-saving technique.(Or not read such books. It will also save you time).

If you have experience using the time management methods described in the books listed in the ranking, or a more interesting book, tell us about it in the comments.


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