Best Stephen King Books for 2024


Stephen King is a recognized master of horror of the 20th and 21st centuries. It is difficult to find a person who does not know this author, most of us held his books in our hands or watched films based on the writer's works. King's bibliography is huge, with over 50 novels and over 200 short stories. All these works are included in the author's collections, released separately, and constantly re-published. Interest in the talent of Stephen King does not fade over time, but only becomes more and more.

The main genres of the author are thriller and fantasy, and there is also a large share of psychological drama in works of art. Such books are suitable not only for reading at your leisure. Stephen King should be read by people interested in the peculiarities of human psychology, his perception of the world around him. If you also want to plunge into a dark and mysterious world that erases the edges of reality, check out this article. The editors of the site "" have prepared a rating of the best books by Stephen King for 2024.


The famous master of horror was born in 1947 on September 21. Place of birth - Portland, Maine, USA. The first tryout of the young writer took place in 1950, when he wrote the story "Sly Mr. Rabbit". As time went on, King entered the University of Maine. In parallel with this, the writer, together with his brother, started publishing a newspaper. It should be noted that Stephen grew up as a rather sickly child, reading books and writing his own works helped to distract him from health problems.

In addition to studying at the university, the master of horror wrote reviews, stories, publications in magazines and published his own collections of essays. After graduation, King took a job at the school as an English teacher.

If we talk about the beginning of Stephen King's career in the role in which we know him, it is worth noting 1974, when the book "Carrie" was written. This work was filmed twice. Remarkable is the fact that Stephen's wife found the manuscripts in the trash can, if not for her insight, it is quite possible that we would never have discovered the talent of the master of horror.

This was followed by "The Fate of Salem", "The Shining", a cycle called "The Dark Tower". Already in 1990, the name of Stephen King was firmly associated with the genre of horror, the writer by that time occupied a confident position in the literary niche, and his ability to reveal characters and storylines was highly praised by critics.

In 1996, the novel The Green Mile was published. This work touched the hearts of many readers, so the film adaptation was only a matter of time. Next came the novel "Riding a Pool", which stimulated the development of electronic editions of books. he himself was the representative of the electronic publication. Stephen King continued to publish the collections The Dark Tower, The Night Shift, The Bad Dream Shop, and others. At the moment, the master of horror is the author of many novels and short stories, he is one of the leaders in the adaptation of the written works. The writer has a fanbase of millions of people, and his books regularly hit the top bestsellers.

Paper and electronic version

As mentioned above, Stephen King became the pioneer of electronic literature. And now among fans of the genre and books in general, there are often debates in what form it is better to read the book.In this case, it's just a matter of taste. There are people who like to download a work on a small device and read it at any convenient time and in any convenient place. E-books do not take up much space, do not add weight to your luggage, and you can easily find many free books on the Internet. Just before downloading a story or novel, make sure the book is presented in a suitable format.

Also, many users love audiobooks; this way of studying literature does not take much time and allows you to go about your daily activities.

Paper editions of literature also have many fans. What could be nicer than picking up a new book, turning the pages, smelling fresh ink? In addition, the book is still a great gift, especially if it is a collector's edition.

The works of Stephen King can also be gifted both to fans of the genre and to simply reading people. The author's bibliography will allow you to choose the most optimal option among the many stories and novels. Below you can see the best works of the master of horror.

Stephen King's Top Books for 2024

This rating was compiled taking into account the reviews of readers and the opinions of literary critics.


Are you afraid of clowns? If not, then after reading this novel you will definitely begin to fear circus performers. "It" is one of the most famous works of the writer, for this novel the author received a number of awards and prizes, and most of King's admirers single out this masterpiece among their favorites.

The book itself consists of two parts, the plot, respectively, consists of two time intervals. The first part - the main action takes place in the fictional town of Derry, the protagonists are a group of schoolchildren called the "Losers Club". The children had to face a terrible monster and the real embodiment of evil - the clown Pennywise, who lures the kids into his traps. The monster slyly plays on children's fears, trying to subdue a group of children. The children gave their word to save the city and drive the clown out of it; they will have to go through a difficult path full of fears and blood. On this path, they should not wait for help, indifference of adults is also one of the main key points of the book. Apart from the scary monster, children face the cruelty of their peers.

The second part takes us into the experiences of the already grown main characters. Their fears grew into something more, phobias did not disappear anywhere, they just took a different form. And again, the "Losers Club" will have to face in the fight against evil. Everyone will select the main idea of ​​the book for himself, we will only note the fact that often a person contains more darkness and cruelty than in the most terrible, albeit invented, monster. The book was filmed several times - in 1990 and 2017, 2024. All films have been well received by critics.

Guys, fiction is truth hidden in lies, and the truth of fiction is quite simple: magic exists. ©

Stephen King Ono Publishing


  • exciting plot;
  • the work has a hidden meaning;
  • many positive reviews and reviews;
  • the book made it to the list of the 100 best books of the century.


  • features of plotting;
  • the book is a little too long;
  • the book contains a scene that is unacceptable to some people.

The average cost is 500 Russian rubles.

Green Mile

This book takes you to the last refuge for hopeless people who have broken the law. The prison is their home and the place where each of them is waiting for his last hour. The protagonist of the work is a former prison warden, and currently a patient at a nursing home. The story of the former overseer will take us to the events of the distant past.

Why the Green Mile? This name appeared due to the floor in the block for those awaiting execution - it is painted in bright green.Several employees are provided to help the overseer, one of them is an obvious and cowardly sadist who causes only hatred and a feeling of disgust in those around him. One day a black man crosses the threshold of the block, accused of murdering two little girls. The two-meter giant in his demeanor resembles an unintelligent child rather than a cruel killer. With the passage of time, the overseer realizes that he is not a real killer, but a kind and defenseless person with supernatural powers.

The book is permeated through and through with the pain and despair of a person tired of fighting the evil and hatred of others. The work was filmed in 1999, the film made the hearts of not only film critics tremble, but also ordinary people, causing tears even in men.

We are all doomed to die, all without exception, I know that, but oh Lord, sometimes the green mile is so long. ©

Stephen King Green Mile


  • philosophical overtones;
  • interesting story;
  • this book is really worth reading;
  • a worthy film adaptation.


  • sad ending.

The average cost is 300 Russian rubles.

Rita Hayworth or The Shawshank Redemption

Despite the fact that this book was portrayed in an excellent film, many people are not aware that the author of this world bestseller is Stephen King. Of course, there are no monsters and paranormal phenomena in this novel, but the contribution of this work to literature and art in general cannot be denied.

The plot takes us back to prison. The story will be led by a hero named Red. Red was convicted of a triple murder, of course, he is not a positive character, but it is also impossible to attribute him to a negative character. Red's attention is drawn to a convict named Andy Dufrein, also one of the key characters. Unlike Red, Andy is sentenced to life imprisonment by mistake - he is accused of murder, which he did not commit. Throughout the course of action, Andy will be forced to face an aggressive environment, evil people and the need to submit to harsh circumstances.

This book is about struggle, about the desire of a person to maintain his dignity in all situations. The work motivates us to go towards our goal slowly, without haste, only in this case it is possible to implement our plans.

The novel also draws attention to those people who, like Andy Dufrein, are forced to serve two life sentences innocently while a real criminal enjoys freedom. After reading, there is a pleasant aftertaste and slight sadness. This bestseller also raises the ideas of the moral values ​​of humanity, their ability to adapt in a new world for themselves.

There is something inside you that cannot be touched, it is only yours. This is hope. ©

Stephen King Rita Hayworth or The Shawshank Redemption


  • officially recognized world bestseller;
  • the plot is captivating;
  • a worthy film adaptation.


  • absent.

The average cost is 200 Russian rubles.


The film adaptation also did not pass this book by. It is written in the typical King's horror genre. The work from the first minutes plunges the reader into the atmosphere of the most secret fears. As you know, the master of horror is perfectly and masterly able to pull any reader to the surface of the phobia. That is why, when reading the novel, you are guaranteed to get goosebumps.

The main characters are a family with a devout child, the scene of the action is the abandoned mining town of Hopelessness. Traveling, the family will be sucked into a trap set up by a demon-possessed police officer. The characters will have to go through real horrors that will leave the reader on their toes until the last page.

The novel is one of the favorites according to user ratings, in particular due to the competent disclosure of the characters. Stephen King masterfully describes the characters, very soon you will begin to empathize with some and sharply hate others. The book also reveals the question of religion, namely: "If God exists, why does he allow evil to do such things?"

A lie is fiction, fiction is art, which means that all art is a lie. ©

Stephen King Hopeless


  • one of the best representatives of the horror genre;
  • unexpected plot twists;
  • atmospheric;
  • suspense;
  • intriguing performance.


  • to some, the book will seem too gloomy and hopeless.

The average cost is 200 Russian rubles.


Imagine a wealthy town that does not know what hunger and lack of money are. Once, tramps-gypsies come to the city, ready to entertain the crowd for a couple of coins. However, these guests are not so simple, many of them master the rites of black magic and witchcraft. One day, a very successful and self-righteous lawyer knocks down a gypsy old woman. Connections and money do not allow the punishment to come true, and then the camp decides to take revenge on the murderer. It is at this moment that a quiet, well-fed town turns into an abode of evil and horror.

The main question of the work: does a person have the right to make mistakes? Is he worthy of forgiveness if he does not realize his guilt? Stephen King, as always, masterfully reveals all aspects and facets of the human soul. The main idea of ​​the book runs like a red thread - everything in this life will have to be paid in full. In addition, it is worth noting the absence of any boundaries between good and evil, we will never be able to decide who should sympathize with. The lines of positive and negative characters are so closely intertwined that the reader can only enjoy the atmosphere of the work, turning page after page.

The sound of his own quiet laughter frightened: only the crazy laugh alone. This is what makes them nuts. ©

Stephen King Losing Weight


  • keeps in suspense until the end;
  • atmosphere of fear;
  • psychological techniques by Stephen King;
  • finale of the work.


  • an abundance of sometimes unnecessary descriptions.

The average cost is 200 Russian rubles.


A classic of the horror genre. The well-known novel was eventually transferred to the big screen. The book belongs to the "golden" period of the work of King, it is highly recommended for reading to those people who do not know where to start to study the work of the master of horrors. Also, fans of the genre like to regularly re-read this hit of sales.

The main location is the hotel, which is closed for the winter. Naturally, such a large building needs maintenance and protection. For this purpose, Jack Torrance enters the hotel and is hired there as a caretaker. With him comes his wife and little son, Danny, who has extraordinary abilities. Despite the fact that there are no more people in the hotel except for the family, there is a huge number of ghosts that only Danny can see. Over time, the baby's father becomes obsessed with anger and alcohol, ghosts and demons increasingly take possession of his soul. Only Danny's glow can help you get out of this place.

As always, the writer subtly reveals all the characteristic features of the main characters, the psychology of their actions. The author completely immerses us in the atmosphere of a snow-covered hotel, forcing us to empathize and truly fear for the main characters. Naturally, the work pulls out all our hidden fears through the experiences described in the book.

Monsters and ghosts do exist. They live inside us, and sometimes they are the ones who win up. ©

Stephen King The Shining


  • deep meaning;
  • unusual subtext;
  • beautiful style of the author;
  • a worthy film adaptation.


  • somewhat protracted plot;
  • the thriller elements are best revealed only at the end.

The average cost is 300 Russian rubles.

It was the top of the most striking works of Stephen King. These works have survived the test of time and have become even more relevant. Read books, it is they who are able to take you to a new world, give you a lot of impressions and open your eyes to things that you did not notice before.

What's your favorite Stephen King book? Write your feedback in the comments.


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