Best coagulants for pool water purification for 2024


Owners of country houses, the plots of which are equipped with artificial reservoirsoften face the problem of gradual pollution or clouding water, as well as the formation of an unpleasant plaque on the walls structures. This creates a rather unattractive look, so many people think about eliminating such a nuisance. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best coagulants for purifying pool water ..

The principle of operation of drugs for cleaning artificial reservoirs

Coagulants are distinguished by the possibility of combining microscopic elements of various pollutants, particles of biological species, heavy metals or other garbage wastes into a bulky jelly-like consistency, which is subsequently transformed into flakes. The suspension seeping through the filtration system will be retained by the mesh, ceasing to circulate in the aquatic environment of the pool. When processing with coagulants, the top film is removed with a net, and the bottom and contaminated surfaces additionally need to be cleaned. The use of such reagents for the treatment of the aquatic environment in artificial reservoirs makes it possible to keep the pool in proper condition, in accordance with hygienic and technical standards.

When should you use coagulants?

Among the reasons that often become the reason for the need to use coagulants, it is worth highlighting:

  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • Turbidity of the aquatic environment;
  • Eye irritation during or after bathing;
  • Feeling of tightness after swimming in the pool.

When such factors arise, it is worth resorting to the help of coagulants. They are used to clarify effluents, purify drinking water, treat industrial wastewater, and purify artificial reservoirs.

How can you deal with harmful elements in the pool?

Pool pollution control methods can be divided into the following types:

  • Chemical;
  • Mechanical;
  • Innovative.

Using these funds, you can achieve considerable results, but the best results were shown by coagulants. The advantages of such funds are:

  • Reducing the frequency of cleaning an artificial reservoir;
  • Efficiency;
  • Using fewer reagents;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Rapid flocculation;
  • Versatility of application;
  • There is high-quality water purification even at low temperature conditions;
  • Reduction of the plaque settling period.

Water effluents are a stable aggressive medium, the destruction of which is provided by coagulants, forming large elements in order to further remove them using filtration.

The use of coagulants is not without its disadvantages, which include:

  • Labor intensity of establishing a water purification process;
  • Exact adherence to dosage;
  • As a result of the use of coagulants, there is a lot of secondary waste that needs additional filtration.

Coagulants can be produced on the basis of chlorides, sulfates or metal-based polyoxysulfates:

  • Magnesium;
  • Aluminum;
  • Titan;
  • Gland.

Benefits of organic and inorganic coagulants

All products used to treat dirty or cloudy water can be divided into organic and inorganic. The benefits of organic coagulants include:

  • Long-term effect;
  • High quality coagulation;
  • Reducing the residual content of salt components;
  • Low residual metal content;
  • The speed of flaking.

Once in the soil, such a reagent does not cause disturbances in the structure of the environment. Due to the convenience and speed of dissolution of such substances, prolonged mixing is not required. Additional means of protection are not required when using organic coagulants, but it is better to protect hands and eyes when working with reagents.

Popular inorganic reagents used include:

  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Aluminum sulfate;
  • Ferrous sulfate.

The first option is distinguished by the highest cleaning efficiency of the aquatic environment. It has a strong bactericidal effect. The preparation based on this active substance can be used without preliminary water chlorination. Titanium dioxide reduces the settling time, which compares favorably with other compounds. The high cost of this tool makes it less popular among our compatriots. After using a preparation based on this reagent, the water becomes potable, which in most cases is unsuitable for swimming pools. Residents of country cottages prefer budget options.

Aluminum sulfate can be diluted in water without the use of long settling, and its cost is much lower than the previous type of cleaner. Preparations based on this reagent are sensitive to the presence of alkaline or acidic components in water. It is not recommended to use the preparation for water purification at low temperature conditions.

The best option in the price segment and water purification efficiency is ferrous sulfate. The use of preparations based on it allows you to eliminate oily stains, an unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide and reduce the content of heavy metals in the aquatic environment. The disadvantage of such a tool will be its incomplete dissolution. A small percentage of reagent sediment may remain in the water.

The best coagulants for artificial reservoirs

To determine the choice of a cleansing agent, it is worth considering in more detail the preparations that have already gained immense popularity among our compatriots.

Coagulant for the pool "Equital"

This purifier allows you to quickly and effectively remove the cloudiness of the aquatic environment in the pool, regardless of the temperature regime and water care methods. The cellular structure of this agent for cleaning artificial reservoirs allows you to cope with impurities in 3-12 hours. The agent must be slowly poured into the skimmer with the circulating pump running. After 15 minutes, the pump can be switched off. When the use of this active substance has not completely eliminated the turbidity of the water, the filter is thoroughly washed and the aqueous medium is re-treated. Such a preparation can be dissolved only with the help of Intexart 28000 skimmer.

It is not recommended to add the agent directly to the pool water. Water purification when using this drug is much more efficient if you use a sand, rather than a cartridge pump filter. The water purifier comes in powder form, packed in water-permeable dosage bags. The cost of a coagulant for the Equital pool in a 2 kg container is 620 rubles per 2 kg.


  • Aluminum polyoxychloride;
  • The main active ingredient.

Coagulant for the pool "Equital"


  • Makes water clear and clear;
  • Copes with the task effectively;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Convenient dosage;
  • Sealed packaging;
  • Clarifies water;
  • Removes dirt.


  • Leaves sediment to be removed;
  • There are restrictions on the storage of the drug;
  • Doesn't always do it the first time.

Aquatics Liquid Pool Coagulant

This product for water purification is characterized by a transparent or slightly cloudy yellow tint. It is great for industrial water supply, drinking water supply and swimming pools. The product contains an aqueous solution of aluminum sulfate. The preparation to cleanse the aqueous medium must be injected with a dosing device through a spray device into the water supply system, which supplies water to the sand filter.

Depending on the contamination of the aquatic environment, the dosage of the purifier can be from 10 to 40 ml / m3. Having typed the required amount of liquid, you can turn on filtration. The water in the pool must be allowed to stand for at least 20-30 minutes. The formed layers of flakes can be easily removed with a water vacuum cleaner. After that, you can filter the water in an artificial reservoir. If the turbidity or unpleasant odor is not completely eliminated, the water treatment must be repeated. The cost of a liquid coagulant for the Aquatics pool is 1,600 rubles per 30 liters.

Aquatics Liquid Pool Coagulant


  • Copes with the destruction of algae in the pool;
  • Acceptable price;
  • The water becomes crystal clear;
  • Compatible with any filtration unit;
  • Large volume;
  • Does not affect the water pH level;
  • Perfectly compatible with disinfectants or processing aids;
  • Convenient dispenser.


  • Not always copes with the task the first time.

Liquid coagulant Aqualeon

Such a remedy will perfectly cope with water cloudiness and shock chlorination. Thanks to him, the smallest suspended particles of impurities are bound into flakes, after which they can be easily removed from the bottom with a water vacuum cleaner. The amount of means for cleaning artificial reservoirs is selected experimentally, depending on the turbidity of the water. The drug is made on the basis of an aqueous solution of polyoxychloride aluminum. If the pool is very dirty, the amount of the injected drug can be up to 200 ml per 10 m3. The cost of Aqualeon liquid coagulant is 199 rubles per 1.1 liters.

35 liters
Liquid coagulant Aqualeon


  • Domestic manufacturer;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Efficiency;
  • Collect even the smallest particles into flakes.


  • Store away from sunlight;
  • Cannot be mixed with other chemicals;
  • The need to use at least once a week;
  • The possibility of sediment formation.

Coagulant Fast BP-KO

This tool should be used if the water becomes cloudy in an artificial reservoir. The drug is designed for a long-term result, when the rest of the compounds were powerless. The cleaning agent is diluted in a separate container with water in a ratio of 1: 5 or 1:10. The resulting composition is placed in a watering can, after which the solution is poured along the perimeter of the artificial reservoir. The purifier should remain in the chief for about 12 hours. The flocculant must not be passed through the filtration system when the filter is on diatomaceous earth or cartridges. In addition, it is necessary to work with the drug with gloves and goggles. The cost of the coagulant Fast BP-KO is 400 rubles per 250 ml.

Coagulant Fast BP-KO


  • Acceptable cost;
  • Domestic manufacturer;
  • High efficiency;
  • Moderate consumption;
  • The drug is enough for a long time;
  • Copes where other drugs have failed.


  • Care must be taken when applying;
  • Aggressive agent.

Rapid acting coagulant RAPIDFLOC

This drug is based on aluminum polychlorosulfate. It is used to clarify turbid water in an artificial reservoir. It is worth using the product only when the filter is on. Using an artificial reservoir cleaner is completely safe for people, animals or the environment.The drug will be effective at any pH level of water, but it can only be used with sand filters. To clean the reservoir, it is necessary, following the dosage, to dissolve the drug in water, and then, with the help of a watering can, add a coagulant around the entire perimeter of the pool. Usually overnight is enough to complete the process and achieve significant results. Settled dirt can be collected with a vacuum cleaner. The cost of the fast-acting coagulant RAPIDFLOC is 547 rubles per liter.

Rapid acting coagulant RAPIDFLOC


  • Improves filtration;
  • Clarifies muddy water;
  • Making the water cloudy, particles settle to the bottom of the pool;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • High efficiency;
  • Do not foam;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Convenient packaging.


  • Sometimes the pool cleaning procedure needs to be repeated.

Quickflock Liquid Coagulant

This liquid coagulant belongs to the category of flocculants. It is designed to clarify water in an artificial reservoir by binding microscopic suspended particles into large flakes. Subsequently, they are removed using a filtration system. This agent belongs to highly alkaline pre-hydrolyzed solutions. Such a substance can even be used to purify drinking water. The cost of Quickflock liquid coagulant is 2,800 rubles per 20 liters.

Quickflock Liquid Coagulant


  • Gives water transparency;
  • Perfectly binds even the smallest dirt into flakes;
  • The sand filters are reinforced;
  • Efficiency;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Convenient dispenser.


  • High price;
  • Using paper filters, you need to be prepared for the additional hassle of removing sediment;
  • Complete cleansing is not always achieved with a single application;
  • Cannot be mixed with other chemicals.

Means for the pool "Markopul Longafor"

"Markopul Longafor" is a highly effective flocculating agent based on polyaluminium hydrochloride. It improves the filtering properties of gravel filters, and also copes with the difficult-to-remove turbidity of an artificial reservoir. Flakes, after using this tool, take on an even shape, and their strength is quite high. This medication is available in liquid and tablet form. It can be used in outdoor artificial ponds or indoor pools. The cost of the tablets for the pool "Markopul Longafor" is 690 rubles per 1 kg.

Means for the pool "Markopul Longafor"


  • Disinfects water;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Efficiency;
  • Long-term action;
  • Ergonomics;
  • High dirt absorption capacity;
  • Prevents the formation of deposits;
  • Copes with its functions even at temperatures below 10 degrees.


  • Discolorates the pool itself;
  • Potentially toxic to the environment;
  • High price;
  • Unsafe packaging;
  • A stabilizer can reduce efficiency to zero;
  • Not the first time it gets rid of algae and clouding.

Liquid coagulant NTN

This drug is used to clarify turbid water. Its action is aimed at settling particles that make cloudy water on the bottom of an artificial reservoir. The tool is based on aluminum polychlorosulfate. The water purifier and clarifier is compatible with any sand filters. It practically does not change the pH level of the treated aqueous medium. This drug must be stored and transported very carefully, without damaging the original packaging. Transportation of the product is possible only in an upright position at a temperature of +5 degrees. It is important to take into account that the container with the drug is placed in special baths in order to avoid depressurization of the container. During storage, avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the packaging with the substance. The cost of liquid coagulant NTN is 975 rubles per 1 liter.

Liquid coagulant NTN


  • Do not foam;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Large volume;
  • Efficiency;
  • Does not change the pH of the water;
  • Non-toxic
  • Doesn't harm the environment;
  • Ease of use;
  • A liquid preparation is much simpler and more convenient than a powder one;
  • Affordable price.


  • Sometimes reprocessing is required to achieve the desired effect.

Coagulant AquaDoctor Superflock

This coagulating agent, characterized by a long duration of action, is designed to get rid of unfiltered water pollution. When flushing the filter does not give a tangible result, and the water in the pool remains cloudy, this tool will come to the rescue. Moderate solubility of the drug provides a long-term and stable effect. One cartridge should be enough to treat 50 m3 of water. Each of them consists of 5 tablets 25 grams each. If after using the drug the water does not become transparent, then the pollution may be organic. In this case, shock treatment with chlorine-containing preparations will help. The pool owner must completely avoid contact of the coagulant with acids. The cost of long-acting coagulant AquaDoctor Superflock is 4,000 rubles per 1 kg.

Coagulant AquaDoctor Superflock


  • Does not require specific knowledge to apply;
  • Efficiency;
  • Long-lasting effect;
  • It is possible to process an artificial reservoir under any conditions;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Large volume.


  • High price;
  • Cannot be mixed with other chemicals.

We examined the drugs that are most often used to purify turbid water in artificial reservoirs. If you have experience using coagulants to treat pool water, share your opinion on the effectiveness in the comments.


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