⚕Best Quartz Lamps for 2024


For more than a dozen years, quartz lamps have been trusted and popular among the population. With their help, wards and operating rooms in hospitals, offices in educational and public organizations are disinfected. People resort to quartzing procedures in their apartments. The editors of the site “best.desigusxpro.com/en/” have prepared for you an overview of proven models, as well as the information necessary to select a quality lamp.

Principle of operation and purpose

The quartz feed is based on a quartz glass bulb. It is housed in a metal casing with reflective elements, so that the emitted ultraviolet light is better diffused. UV rays destroy up to 95-99% of various viruses and fungi.

The main purpose of such irradiators is the treatment of various kinds of diseases and their prevention by air disinfection. The fight against pathogenic bacteria occurs with the help of ultraviolet rays passing through the quartz crystals of a glass bulb. For the treatment of all sorts of dermatological and respiratory diseases, special devices are used that have a local effect.

Quartzing is usually advisable during periods of mass infection with influenza and other infectious diseases. Also, disinfection sessions are used in the treatment of asthmatic bronchitis, eczema and other diseases. To disinfect the air in order to prevent and block the growth of bacteria, it is enough to carefully study the instructions. If the device is used locally for treatment, then all procedures must be carried out strictly in agreement with the doctor. Otherwise, undesirable consequences are not excluded.

Indications and contraindications for use

Quartz can be prescribed in many cases related to the restoration or improvement of the health of adults and children:

  • Prevention in the event of an epidemic or contact with a sick person. During periods of seasonal epidemics, quartzing will help to avoid infection with influenza and other viral diseases. It will be useful to carry out the procedure if there are healthy and sick people in the same room, so the infection will not spread.
  • Relapse prevention. We are talking about diseases of the oral cavity and respiratory tract.
  • Treatment of dermatological diseases. Purified air acts as an antiseptic.
  • Forcing recovery. During treatment, it is important that new bacteria do not enter during respiration. Quartzization provides such sterility of the air.
  • Postoperative recovery period. Air disinfection promotes active cell regeneration and also supports immunity.
  • Elimination of mold fungi indoors.
  • Prevention of childhood rickets.
  • Treatment of joint diseases.

However, as with any treatment or method, quartzing has a number of contraindications. You cannot take sessions of local radiation to patients who have the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypertension II, III degree;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • heart diseases;
  • renal failure.

Also, sometimes there are side effects:

  • The risk of accelerated tumor growth and the appearance of metastases.
  • When treating diseases of the joints, complications of the course of the disease are possible.
  • Ozone poisoning. This problem is solved by airing the room. Or you can use an ozone-free lamp, it has no such disadvantage.
  • Individual intolerance. This applies to those patients who are allergic to UV light. The solution to the problem is to thoroughly ventilate the room after treatment.
  • Local irradiation of dry skin. There is a high probability of overdrying the skin and the appearance of pigmentation.

Types of quartz lamps

When purchasing a quartz irradiator, you should know their types and features. There is a classification according to three criteria:

• by the type of device design;
• by the type of quartz lamps;
• by the method of installation.

By type of device design

  • Closed type. In a closed-type irradiator, the ultraviolet radiation source is located in the housing. Thanks to this, an aggressive effect on the body is excluded. The use of such a lamp at home is permissible, however, there should be no people and animals in the room during processing.
  • Portable lamps. Easy to carry and can be installed anywhere. With the help of them, it is recommended to disinfect rooms where the level of humidity is increased.
  • Open type. These bulbs are the most efficient. As a rule, they are used in operating rooms, dressing rooms and other medical offices and institutions.

By type of quartz lamps

  • Classic. The flask is made of quartz glass. A significant disadvantage of this type of lamp is the generation of a large volume of ozone, which can lead to poisoning. Therefore, the device is not intended for domestic use.
  • Bactericidal. For the production of the flask, uviol glass is used, which reduces the amount of ozone produced. The germicidal lamp destroys up to 85% of bacteria.
  • Ozone-free. Here the flask is treated with a special substance that prevents the production of ozone in the air, while the efficiency level of the device does not decrease. Such models are the most popular among ordinary consumers.

By installation method

  • Stationary or mounted. They are attached to the wall or ceiling, and therefore are not available for carrying from room to room.
  • Outdoor. Suitable for large rooms and premises, because have a high radiation power. This model is usually of medium size and can be easily carried.
  • Tabletop. Such a lamp has a compact size and can be installed anywhere. As a rule, the kit contains several tips for local irradiation.

All modern models have a control panel with which you can set the processing time and the exact dosage of UV rays.

Recommendations for choosing a quartz lamp

In order for home quartzing to be useful, it is important to correctly approach the selection of a device.

The first thing to know is the ozone level generated by the device. This parameter is very important, since a large accumulation of gas negatively affects the human condition. Today manufacturers offer a huge number of models, but the safest in terms of ozone production are ozone-free lamps.

The second important selection criterion is to determine the power of ultraviolet rays. In open-type quartz irradiators, the radiation is powerful. Therefore, they can only handle air and open surfaces in the room. Local application for the treatment of any disease is not permissible.
For local use, closed-type lamps are used. Their radiation power is much lower. But it must be borne in mind that in the case of using the lamp for medical reasons, the radiation power is selected by the attending physician, in accordance with the nature of the disease.

The capabilities of the emitter must be commensurate with the area of ​​the room in which it will be used. It is important to understand that a lamp that is too weak will not cope with its task, but too powerful will contribute to the accumulation of excess radiation, which is harmful to living organisms living in an apartment.

When purchasing a quartz lamp for your home, it is better to pay attention to those that can be carried. So, all the space in the house will be processed if necessary.
Thus, the best option for domestic use would be a portable quartz irradiator with a closed lamp.

TOP 7 best quartz lamps for 2024

Bactericidal irradiator Crystal BNB 01-11-001

The crystal germicidal lamp will easily and quickly disinfect the space in the house. Can also be used in hospitals and community organizations. During periods of mass diseases with viral infections, the device is a must. Since the lamp is open here, you should use it carefully at home. During the operation of the device, the room should be free of people, animals and plants. After processing, the room must be ventilated.

The power of the lamp is designed for processing a room up to 20 sq.m. Effectively destroys such bacteria and viruses as: bacteriophage of E. coli, influenza virus, fungal mold, diphtheria bacillus, yellow sarcinum, Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The instructions describe in detail how long it will take to eliminate a particular microorganism.

Average cost: 1,700 rubles.
Country of origin: Russia.

Bactericidal irradiator Crystal BNB 01-11-001


  • easy;
  • device mobility;
  • the lamp is easy to use;
  • the operating mode is quickly adjusted;
  • time of continuous work - up to 12 hours.


  • when turning on, turning off and setting - eye protection in the form of glasses is required.

Ultraviolet quartz irradiator Solnyshko OUFK-01

The main purpose of the OUFK-01 Solnyshko irradiator is the treatment of certain parts of the body for cosmetic or medical reasons. The procedures can be carried out for adults and children from the age of three. The set includes special attachments, which, together with the low power of the lamp, make the procedure safe, and the beam does not irradiate the entire body. Also, the lamp can disinfect the air in a room up to 12 sq.m.

Quartzing with OUFK-01 helps in the treatment of otitis media, flu, furunculosis, various inflammatory processes, and skin diseases. During periods of virus outbreaks, correct use of the device will help to avoid infection.
The device works quietly and does not create any discomfort during the procedure, so parents should not worry that the child will be frightened. In families with small children, such a device is a must.

The set with the illuminator also contains: three tubes with 5 mm holes (2 pcs.) And 15 mm (1 pc.), An inclined tube with a 15 mm hole, safety glasses, a storage bag, instructions and documents.

Average cost: 2,100 rubles.
Country of origin: Russia.

Ultraviolet quartz irradiator Solnyshko OUFK-01


  • easy;
  • three nozzles included;
  • easy to use;
  • suitable for the whole family;
  • for topical use from the age of three.


  • the need to turn off every 30 minutes of operation.

Bactericidal irradiator SBB-35 Elid, 2x15W, portable

The SBB-35 quartz lamp is one of the most suitable solutions for household use. High efficiency of quartzing is provided due to the operation of two lamps with a power of 15 W each and an open type design. People must not be in the room while the device is in operation. The radiation from the lamp eliminates up to 95% of germs and helps to reduce the incidence of disease. There is enough power for disinfecting spacious rooms, so it is advisable to use it in large houses.

The lamp has a beautiful design and is coated with a special enamel that prevents corrosion. The device is easy to operate. The compact size and weight of 1.5 kg makes it easy to carry.

Average cost: 2,500 rubles.
Country of origin: Russia.

Bactericidal irradiator SBB-35 Elid, 2x15W, portable


  • easy;
  • compact;
  • portable;
  • disinfection up to 95%;
  • anti-corrosion coating;
  • the device is certified;
  • fast processing of large rooms.


  • can not be used in the presence of people and animals.

Bactericidal irradiator Doctor Ultraviolet ECO LIH

The German germicidal irradiator ECO LIH has an open design and is designed to treat areas up to 20 sq. M. Small size and light weight allow you to move the lamp around the house. The installation method is universal, you can put it on the floor or a bedside table, if necessary, attach it to the wall - the mounts are included.

Regular air decontamination helps prevent seasonal outbreaks of viral diseases.

Doctor Ultraviolet is very popular with buyers. The lamp is easy to use. The kit contains detailed instructions, so even an inexperienced user will not be difficult to figure it out.

Ultraviolet radiation destroys most viruses and germs, mold and mildew. For a stable result, the procedure for disinfecting the air for the purpose of prevention is recommended to be done weekly, and during periods of epidemics - daily.

Average cost: 4 100 rubles.
Country of origin: Germany.

Bactericidal irradiator Doctor Ultraviolet ECO LIH


  • cord 2 meters;
  • universal installation;
  • working resource about 9000 hours;
  • bacterial efficiency up to 99%.


  • designed for a small area.

Bactericidal irradiator DEZAR-2

Desar - 2 is necessary for air disinfection in medical institutions, it is also used in non-residential and residential buildings. The lamp is of a closed type, therefore, during the operation of the device, it is permissible to be near people. Radiation is absolutely safe. Labyrinth screens completely block out UV rays.

The electrical safety of the irradiator meets the requirements of GOST R IEC 60601-1-2010, which ensures the protection of personnel. The device has a laconic and modern design that will fit into any interior. And thanks to its compact size, it will not be conspicuous.

The plastic housing is impact and chemical resistant. Sanitization is possible with any disinfectant located in Russia.

Average cost: 9,000 rubles.
Country of origin: Russia.

Bactericidal irradiator DEZAR-2


  • compact;
  • shockproof housing;
  • efficiency 95-99%;
  • safe to use.


  • not a budget price.

Irradiator-recirculator ECOKVARTZ Armed 15M

The closed-type quartz irradiator Armed 15M is completely safe for humans. Thanks to its laconic design, the device will successfully fit into the interior and will not be conspicuous. The lamp is attached to the wall, and with an optional mobile stand it becomes mobile and easy to use.

Effectively destroys viruses and bacteria in rooms up to 20 sq.m. The device is recommended for use in medical and educational institutions, as well as in ordinary apartments.

Average cost: RUB 3,800.
Country of origin: Russia.

Irradiator-recirculator ECOKVARTZ Armed 15M


  • noiselessness;
  • working resource 8000 hours;
  • ease of attachment and mobility.


  • not found.

Bactericidal irradiator OBN-150

The OBN-150 quartz irradiator is very popular. It is installed in institutions for various purposes: in hospitals, schools and kindergartens, as well as in public places and residential buildings. The irradiator has two lamps, one closed, the other open. Thanks to this combination, the device can be used both in the presence of people and in their absence. However, the presence of a person in the room must exceed 15 minutes.

The power of the lamp provides a fairly quick treatment of air and open surfaces - up to 300 cubic meters per hour. Mounts the device to the wall.

Average cost: 5,000 rubles.
Country of origin: Belarus.

Bactericidal irradiator OBN-150


  • versatility;
  • speed of action;
  • two lamps, open and closed at once.


  • not found.

A quartz lamp is an important and serious instrument. Therefore, before buying, you need to consult with your doctor or other specialist. They will help you choose the right option, taking into account all the parameters.

If you have experience using quartz lamps described in the rating, or you know a better model, tell us about it in the comments.


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