Domestic cats have long accompanied a person, giving him their love and care. The owner provided housing and balanced meals in return. An equally important aspect of the relationship is taking care of the pet's health. It includes parasite control. To understand which drug is better to buy, you need to find out the type of pest.
Those who are faced with such a problem, a lot of questions arise: which company's remedy is better, how much does the medicine for parasites cost, what are the best manufacturers and popular models The editors of the site "" answered all the questions, finding out what parasites are what to look for in order to avoid mistakes when choosing a medicine. And I picked up the TOP drugs that have good reviews among pet owners.
Types of parasites
Pests are divided into two large groups depending on their location.
Parasites are:
- internal,
- external.
External include:
- lice whose habitat is animal hair;
- fleas also settle in wool;
- ear mites or otodectosis;
- ixodid ticks, dangerous in that they can cause tularemia or hemobartonellosis.
The internal ones inhabit the gastrointestinal tract, they are called helminths. A cat can pick up eggs of worms anywhere: in grass or earth, water or air. Raw meat or fish is the habitat of helminths. Even if the pet is not in the mood for walking and spends all the time at home, there is a chance to catch the disease. Therefore, timely treatment and prevention are important.
Types of helminths
Currently, there are over 30 types of worms.
Flat worms include:
- fluke or fluke, in the body of a cat, like a person, opisthorchiasis lives;
- cestode or tapeworm;
- tapeworm;
- tapeworm.
Round ones include:
- nematodes,
- roundworm,
- toxocars;
- hookworms.
All these types of pests can inhabit the pet's body. But the most common are the following round and tapeworms:
- Nematodes are small, thin worms. Its body length does not exceed 2 centimeters. Infection occurs through contact with an animal infected with nematodes or its faeces. A cat can be awarded with worms while breastfeeding. Pests attach to the walls of organs and drink the blood of the animal. Very dangerous to health, especially kittens. Can be transmitted to humans.
- Cestode is a flat tapeworm. Its length varies from 10 to 80 centimeters. The body is divided into segments or segments. Infection occurs when a cat eats fleas or rodents, which act as an intermediate host.
- Roundworm, roundworm - looks like spaghetti. Its length is rarely more than 5 centimeters. The waste products of parasites are toxic and pose a great danger to the health and life of kittens and adults.
- Toxocar is a five-centimeter round worm whose habitat is the esophagus, gallbladder, liver or intestines. It is transmitted orally or in utero. Especially dangerous for kittens. Helminthic invasion leads to rupture of the intestine.
- Cucumber tapeworm - chooses fleas or lice (ectoparasites) as temporary housing. Body length can exceed 30 centimeters. The chain that lives in a person reaches a meter. The worm is equipped with sharp spines, due to which it attaches to the intestinal walls and infects the mucous membrane.
- Wide tapeworm - the size reaches, and sometimes exceeds 2 meters. In humans, the tapeworm can grow up to 11 meters. The parasite's favorite habitat is raw fish from rivers and lakes.
What is the danger of parasites
Many parasites are dangerous to the health and life of not only cats, but also their owners. These include fleas or helminths. Skin scales, secretions of the sebaceous glands, blood become food for pests. The animal is in pain, becomes restless. Severe cases cause anemia or anemia. Blood-sucking inhabitants can cause a dangerous disease - infectious anemia. Fleas provoke skin inflammation, helminths lower immunity.
In case of infection, it is very important to start treatment promptly. Drugs that are universal or, for example, only from intestinal parasites, will help. The doctor should prescribe treatment, and the pet owner should follow all his recommendations.
The reasons for the appearance of parasites
There are many reasons for infection by external and internal pests. They are equally dangerous for all animals: outdoor and domestic.
The reasons for the development of worms
The larvae of helminths enter the house with shoes. Then it enters the animal's body when it cleans its paws or fur.
Other reasons:
- the larvae travel on fleas or lice;
- raw fish;
- communication with infected animals;
- intrauterine infection.
Raw meat carries disease even after being frozen and washed. Most often, helminths settle in river fish, its body is most favorable for their ripening.
The fact that worms have settled in a pet can be recognized by various symptoms. Their character and manifestation is influenced by the degree of infection and the type of parasite.
Main features:
- upset stomach and intestines;
- with ascaris in cats, a coughing fit is noted;
- the liver increases, the mucous membranes are yellow;
- anemia, especially in small pets;
- hair begins to fall out, it looks tousled;
- itching and small rash;
- pus affects the eyes and nose;
- blood in feces;
- in advanced forms, paralysis of the hind limbs is possible;
- helminthic invasion is the cause of premature birth;
- enlargement of the abdomen;
- kittens begin to lag behind in development.
Sometimes the signs are similar to the symptoms of diseases in the background of a virus. Deworming in these cases can lead to deterioration and death of the animal. Therefore, it is better to contact a veterinary clinic so that the doctor can establish that the cause of the ailment was precisely the helminthic invasion.
Fighting worms
Infected pets are prescribed broad-spectrum drugs that kill all worms. Narrow-spectrum drugs are aimed at combating certain types of parasites. Modern drugs are not toxic, but it is important to adhere to the dosage and pay attention to contraindications.
Remedies for helminths are:
- in tablets;
- in the form of suspensions;
- as liquids to be dripped onto the withers.
Effective treatment:
- drontal;
- professional;
- milbemx;
- stronghold;
- pyrantel;
- kaniquantel;
- prazicide, etc.
Self-treatment can worsen your cat's condition. The drugs must be prescribed by a specialist.
Worms multiply in the body quickly, and therefore the treatment must be prompt.
It is very important, before you start giving a remedy for internal parasites, to rid the animal of external ones. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective. There are medicines that get rid of both internal and external pests.
You should also make sure that the cat swallows the pill. She can refuse the "treat".
Methods of drug administration:
- grind the tablet into crumbs and mix with your favorite pâté or mousse;
- purchase a piller - a mechanism similar to a syringe with a rubber tip that places the pill closer to the larynx, while the owner stimulates swallowing by stroking the larynx;
- dissolve the pill in liquid and inject it into the cat's mouth with a syringe.
Convenient to use suspensions. The kit includes a syringe with which a semi-liquid substance in the required amount is injected into the mouth. To make the treatment for worms most effective, the procedure is repeated two weeks later. Severe stages of the disease require longer treatment.
You can not carry out deworming if:
- the individual is emaciated or weakened;
- a pet with an infection or virus;
- the female is pregnant or feeding offspring;
- kittens younger than the age specified in the instructions as a limitation.
Rating of quality medicines for parasites for cats for 2024
The review includes the best products, according to buyers. The rating contains drugs of different prices: both budget drugs and expensive ones.
From skin parasites
Inspector Total K
Drops are suitable for adult pets, the weight of which varies from 4 to 8 kg. You can give kittens from 7 weeks, it is better to consult a doctor who observes the cat.
Average price: 421 rubles.
Specifications | Description |
Product type | Drops |
Suitable for the treatment of helminths | Yes |
Ampoule volume | 0.8 ml. |
Valid for | 60 days |
Elements that have a healing effect | Fipronil, moxidectin |
Indications for use | Treatment and prevention of entomoses, demodicosis, otodectosis, sarcaptosis, acarosis (from ixodid ticks), nematosis. Prevention of dirofilariasis. |
Composition | 10% fipronil, 2.5% moxidectin. As auxiliary substances: isopropyl alcohol, dimethyl sulfoxide, polyethylene glycol. |
Mode of application | How to handle: break off the ampoule and apply to the withers. |
Contraindications | It is contraindicated for kittens under 7 weeks old, do not handle animals weighing less than 1 kg., Consult a specialist before treating pregnant and lactating cats. |
Expiration date and storage method | 3 years, suitable for storage in a dry, dark, cool place. |
- versatility;
- convenient to use;
- long shelf life;
- long period of action;
- helps fight a wide range of diseases.
- relatively high cost;
- give with caution to pregnant and lactating women;
- do not handle animals weighing less than 1 kg.
"Lawyer", Bayer
Drops for combating scabies, fleas and helminths. Suitable for cats weighing more than 4 kg. The box contains 3 pipettes. Can be given from 9 weeks of age. An effective tool, according to buyers.
Average price: 975 rubles.
Specifications | Description |
Product type | Drops |
Suitable for the treatment of helminths | Yes |
Ampoule volume | 0.8 ml. |
Valid for | 28 days |
Elements that have a healing effect | Imidacloprid, moxidectin. |
The death of insects occurs due to a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses during the interaction of the drug with the acetylcholine receptors of arthropods. Ectoparasites and nematodes are killed by the active substance moxidectin. It interacts with postsynaptic receptors and contributes to the disruption of muscle innervation. | |
Indications for use | Treatment and prevention of otodectosis, entomoses, sarcaptosis, intestinal nematosis, sexually mature and immature phases of development of Toxocara cati and Ancylostoma tubaeforme. Prevention of dirofilariasis. |
Composition | 10% fipronil, 2.5% moxidectin. As auxiliary substances: isopropyl alcohol, dimethyl sulfoxide, polyethylene glycol. |
Mode of application | How to handle: break off the ampoule and apply to the withers. |
Contraindications | If the weight is less than 1 kg., It is necessary to treat under the supervision of a veterinarian. |
Expiration date and storage method | 36 months, suitable for storage in a dry, dark, cool place. |
- indicated for the treatment of a wide range of diseases;
- long shelf life;
- convenient to use;
- many positive reviews on the Internet;
- suitable not only for cats but also for dogs.
- high price;
- not as long as the previous drug.
From ixodid ticks
Drops "Bars"
Destroys fleas, ixodid and scabies mites, lice, lice, etc. Release form: three dropper pipettes, sold one by one.
Average price: 185 rubles - one pipette (a pack of three - on average 555 rubles).
Specifications | Description |
Product type | Drops |
Volume | 1 ml. in a pipette |
Elements that have a healing effect | Contains 10 mg / ml fipronil, 1 mg / ml diflubenzuron, 1 mg / ml dicarboximide. |
Indications for use | Suitable for cats over 8 weeks old. It is used for the treatment and prevention of entomoses, infection with ixodid ticks, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis, otodectosis. |
Mechanism of action | Fipronil blocks GABA-dependent receptors of ectoparasites, disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses, resulting in paralysis and death of pests. Diflubenzuron disrupts egg-laying, and the population stops replenishing. Dicarboximide is toxic to parasites. |
Mode of application | How to handle: break off the ampoule and apply to the withers. |
Contraindications | Cannot be used only with individual intolerance to the components. In case of overdose, wash the cat with detergent and drink with an antihistamine. |
Expiration date and storage method | 2 years, suitable for storage in a dry, dark, cool place. |
- no side effects, safe for the feline body;
- the possibility of purchasing one pipette.
- shorter shelf life;
- only works on fleas and ticks.
From internal parasites
Elanco Milbemax
Universal flavored tablets for cats with anti-nematodal, anti-cestodial action.
Average price: 540 rubles.
Specifications | Description |
Product type | Pills |
Elements that have a healing effect | One tablet contains 40 mg. praziquantel and 16 mg. milbemycin oxime. |
Indications for use | Treatment and prevention of nematode infections, cestosis, mixed nematodocestodosis invasions. Do not give kittens under 6 weeks old, the weight of the animal must exceed 0.5 kg. |
Mode of application | One tablet is added to a small amount of feed during the morning feed. If the pet does not eat it with food, it is forced into the root of the tongue. For 1 kg. masses are calculated as 2 mg. milbemycin oxime and 5 mg. praziquantel. |
Contraindications | Not recommended for use during the first two periods of pregnancy. During lactation, medication can be given 2-3 weeks after lambing. You can not use the remedy if the pet is severely emaciated or sick with infectious diseases, has impaired renal or liver function. |
Storage method | A dry, dark, cool place is suitable for storage. |
- according to customer reviews, many animals independently eat the pill with food;
- sold in any pet store;
- efficiency.
- relatively high cost.
Helmintal Drops spot-on
Drops on the withers against helminths, there is a drug for pets weighing less than 4 kg. and from 4 to 10 kg. It has anti-nematodic and protivocestodozny effect.
Average price: 208 rubles.
Specifications | Description |
Product type | Drops |
Elements that have a healing effect | Contains 40 mg. praziquantel, 10 mg. moxidectin, excipients. |
Indications for use | Treatment and prevention of intestinal nematodes, cestodes, entomoses, otodectoses, notoedrosis. It is used as a prophylactic measure for dirofilariasis. |
Mode of application | It is applied to dry, intact skin in areas where the cat cannot lick the medicine off. |
Contraindications | Do not use the product if the pet is severely emaciated or has infectious diseases. A specialist consultation is needed if the weight of the animal does not exceed 1 kg. |
Expiration date and storage method | 3 years, suitable for storage in a dry, dark, cool place. |
- long shelf life;
- versatility: suitable for puppies too;
- low cost.
- specialist advice is needed if the weight of the animal does not exceed 1 kg.
When choosing drops, follow strict instructions, and be sure to consult a veterinarian.