Best summer showers for summer cottages for 2024


Summer is a time when some people take a vacation and go not to another country, but to a summer residence. Despite the rapid development and technological progress, sometimes you want to take off the burden of a modern person and immerse yourself in village life.

After several hours in the garden, the first thing a person thinks about is: "We need to wash." However, not all users install a luxury bathtub because the plumbing system in remote areas is different from the urban one. Then a summer cottage shower comes to the rescue, this is a good tool that will help keep your body clean.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best models of a summer cottage shower for 2024.

How to choose a seat?

The presence of a country shower is the property of any country house. After a hard day's work, the hunt to plunge into invigorating cool water and wash off the dirt, recharge with additional energy. Showers are best suited for such purposes, and the owners understand this. Often, the structure is installed even earlier than the construction of the house ends, so it is important to pay attention to its choice.

When building or choosing a shower in a store, it is important to take into account every little thing: external design, special features, type of coverage, heating and practicality. The type of construction is able to complement the general design of the site, but one of the main roles is played by the material from which the structure is built, in addition, the owner needs to resolve the issue with the sewage system so that the remaining water does not accumulate, but flows into a safe area. Therefore, a separate role is given to the choice of location and a person must take into account the features of the relief and construction.

The choice of location is also influenced by the type of construction used. For example, if a person buys and builds a product without a heating element, then it is necessary to place the tank on the sunny side so that the rays heat the water throughout the day. Then the owner will not freeze and enjoy the process of washing. The connection of the sewage system is also taken into account, which should be located separately from the pond or river so as not to pollute water bodies.

Some experts recommend installing a shower on the lawn grass, as it can absorb all the liquid and moisture that forms after taking water procedures. In addition, this option is useful in that it prevents the formation of mud flows, which is an additional advantage and a practical solution.

Shower types

There are dozens of varieties of this product on the market today. Some differ structurally, others - technical capabilities. The choice in favor of one or another option determines the functionality of the device. Despite the variety of models, professionals distinguish only three main types:

  • Shower cubicle. The structure is being built separately from the house. The main advantage is the presence of three walls and a door. Such structures are made of various materials, but wood and plastic are in special demand. Some owners build metal structures.It is important to understand that if you install such models on the sunny side and do not open the doors, then a steam room will form inside, which may not please some people.
  • The second option is a shower rack. The product is sold as a ready-made module in every hardware store. This is a simple model that will allow you to build a structure at each site.
  • The shower panel is a more expensive option and is installed on a vertical surface. The design itself is practically no different from the rack, but it has a number of additional features that will simplify operation.

Can you save money?

Most people aren't willing to spend a lot of money on showers. Therefore, they are looking for opportunities to save some money. The complex design can be easily dispensed with, for example using a hose and a watering can. This is the easiest and most practical way to freshen up, but it should be understood that the water will come in cold and using such a shower at 15-20 degrees is not recommended.

The second way is to do it yourself. If a person has basic welding skills, and also has extra sheets of metal, then it will not be difficult to build a tank. The approximate volume should be 150-200 liters, which is enough for a small family. Consumables, such as a watering can, can be bought at any store for 200-300 rubles. Further, it is fixed on a metal pipe or welded to the tank. This is the easiest but most effective way to build.

If a person does not want to take a shower in the open, and he needs walls, then there are two options left: buy a finished building or do it yourself. The latter option is suitable for DIYers who have a few unused metal sheets. Having built a simple frame from unnecessary steel pipes, this element is connected to the walls by welding. The door is also made from unnecessary sheet, for this you need to have ordinary hinges, a handle and a latch (optional). If a person does not have material or lacks it, then it can be easily bought.

The estimated cost of a shower cabin built from scratch is 8,042 rubles, where 3,200 is the cost of a plastic tank per 100 liters, 4,600 rubles are 0.5 mm thick galvanized steel sheets and shaped pipes, 220 rubles are reliable hinges and 22 rubles. - standard handle-clip. This is an approximate price, as in the regions it may differ up or down. Despite this, such a solution is several times cheaper than buying ready-made models, where a person pays for production, delivery and installation.

Water heating

With the choice of this parameter, everything is easier, since only two varieties are known:

  • Energy of the sun's rays. This is a free heating method that is used in many areas. The main thing is to install the shower in an open area where the rays will not collide with various obstacles. For greater effect, it is recommended to select tanks made in black. Since they contribute to rapid heating. The only drawback is dependence on the weather.
  • With the help of electrical energy. A great way for those who have good access to electricity in the country. This option is good because it will allow you to take a shower even at sub-zero temperatures. The cost of tanks with built-in heating is different, it all depends on the volume of water. There is an easier way to heat with electricity - use an immersion heater. The option is more suitable for people who built a shower on their own.

Buying a shower

Not all users are willing to spend time and effort building their own soul. For some, it is easier to purchase ready-made solutions in specialized stores, where all work is carried out by professionals, and there will be at least some kind of guarantee. There are a lot of ready-made models, so choosing the right solution is not difficult.

The cost of the product directly depends on the type of construction, the material used, as well as the functional features of the device.Cheaper models are made from environmentally friendly plastic. Also, products are sold where the presence of a changing room is provided, and there are options that have high power and are manufactured according to modern standards.

The rack is the main structural element, without it full functioning is impossible. To choose the right model, you need to focus on the capabilities of the water supply system, because some people use an autonomous system. The head of such a solution will be small, especially if a medium electric pump is installed.

Also, the rack is used for watering plants that are on the site. Most often it is installed on the wall of a house or fence. Due to the fact that water is evenly splashed, a person gets the opportunity to refresh every part of his body.

For other people who do not like the presence of drafts, a ready-made shower stall is suitable, which you can buy in an online store or a construction hypermarket. This design ensures human safety. At the top of the building is a tank with a capacity of up to 20 buckets. This amount is enough for the whole family to take water procedures. Such products are made from plastic, wood and metal.

If the owners are looking for a cheap way to wash on the street, then the modern market offers an excellent solution - a treadmill shower. This is the perfect option for most people. Its design is simple: two pedals, a mat and hoses. In order for the shower to start delivering water, a person needs to place the hoses in buckets of cold and hot water and step from foot to foot creating pressure that will pump water.

The nuances of creating a shower at their summer cottage

When a person designs a structure, the first thing to consider is the dimensions of the product. Devices with a height of 2.5 meters and a width of 100 cm are considered the best option.This decision is due to the fact that most of the finished tanks are sold specifically for these sizes. This saves money on roof equipment.

When a person creates a frame made of wood, the places where the boards come into contact with the ground should be treated with resin. Since this will increase the service life of the structure and maintain a beautiful appearance. Some people recommend mixing this with polyethylene for a strong and reliable mixture.

The frame is made of shaped metal pipes. For greater stability, the base must be concreted. Therefore, before proceeding with the fastening of the sheets, it is important that the solution is completely dry, this will exclude distortions. The connection of metal structures is carried out by welding, this method is durable and reliable. To prevent excess water from accumulating, it is recommended to dig a place to install a wooden or metal pallet.

Water is supplied in two ways: manual or convenient. In the first case, a person will have to fill the tank with buckets, which is not a very practical solution and will take a lot of time and effort. The second option involves using a hose, which simplifies the task and saves energy. Some generally create automatic systems where filling occurs by pressing a button or install special sensors that monitor the water level. Which way to choose - everyone decides based on their imagination and skills.

Rating of the best ready-made shower cabins

EcoGroup ECOGR Standard

A premium solution for those with a large family. The product is completely protected from penetration of drafts, and also has a built-in heater, the power of which reaches 1.5 kW. Just 30-40 minutes and a person will receive 200 liters of hot water. The set includes a shower head, as well as a siphon, which ensures high-quality drainage of water.

The average price is 23,600 rubles.

shower "EcoGroup" Standard ECOGR


  • Autonomy;
  • Profitability;
  • Benefit, since it does not require the arrangement and work of a master;
  • High-speed heating.


  • Price.

ElBET with EVBO-55

A practical and affordable solution for two people.The sturdy metal frame provides high stability and rigidity. The product will not break even in strong gusts of wind. A minimum of effort and knowledge is required to assemble the product. Special tools and welding fade into the background because installation is carried out using the standard kit. In addition, the shower is easy to transport in the car. The length of the frame is 210 cm, while the width is 80 cm. Together with the booth, the kit includes a water tank with a capacity of 55 liters. Electric power - 1250 W.

The average price is 4,990 rubles.

Dacha shower Chistyulya with Elbet 55 l tank


  • Low cost;
  • Thermostat;
  • Simple assembly;
  • Stability.


  • Small volume.

"Aquatex" dacha SHOWER (anticorrosive tank with EVN)

The frame is made of a reliable profile pipe, which gives the product additional stability and reliability. The tank is covered with a special paint that contributes to better heating from the sun's rays. To prevent the formation of corrosion, the inside of the tank is covered with a protective galvanic layer. The curtain is made of water-resistant material; for greater convenience, there is a magnetic latch.

The average price is 6 400 rubles.

"Aquatex" dacha shower


  • There is a water heater;
  • Capacity (volume 128 liters);
  • EVN power - 2 kW;
  • Curtain made of water-repellent material.


  • Not found.

Country shower cabin "Rostok"

The shower cubicle is made of a metal frame and water-repellent curtains. Below is a high-quality wooden pallet, which is treated with a special solution, which prevents swelling and deformation. Product weight - 25.4 kg.

Sold at a price of 10 360 rubles.

Country shower cabin "Rostok"


  • Material;
  • Eco-friendly pallet;
  • Easy installation;
  • There is a mesh that allows air to pass through.


  • Tank sold separately.

Rating of the best shower tank models

Polymer-Group Rosa R 100 l

Reliable device suitable for installation in various designs. It is made of polyethylene, which provides the owner with strength and durability throughout the entire period of operation. The product is sold in black for fast and efficient heating. At the bottom of the device is a watering can mount. The tank capacity is 100 liters.

Sold at a price of 3,280 rubles.

shower Polymer-Group Rosa R 100 l


  • Long service life;
  • Watering can included;
  • Volume 100 liters;
  • Will fit most designs.


  • Not found.

Tank "CONVENIENT" Lux of 250 l.

Made of durable food grade plastic, which makes the product safe for everyone. Thanks to its unusual design, the heater is always located under water. For added convenience, there is a built-in thermometer that simplifies temperature control. The capacity is 250 liters, which is enough for the whole family.

The average cost is 6,900 rubles.

Tank "CONVENIENT" Lux of 250 l.


  • Durability;
  • Built-in thermometer;
  • Heating element power - 2 kW.


  • Not found.

Rodlex 150 l

The product works well in temperatures ranging from -30 to 60 degrees, which is suitable for most regions. The body is made of food grade polyethylene. Due to the shape of the structure and the black color, heating occurs evenly.

It is sold at a price of 5 750 rubles.

shower Rodlex 150 l


  • Light weight (10.6 kg);
  • Withstands temperatures up to -30 degrees;
  • Made of food grade polyethylene;
  • Uniform heating;
  • Long service life.


  • Not found.


Make a summer cottage shower with your own hands or buy a finished product - everyone decides for himself. The main thing to remember is that you cannot save on the main elements, since the durability of the building depends on them. If you have experience using the models described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, share your opinion in the comments.


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