Best Magnetic Joint Treatment Machines for 2024


The benefits of magnetotherapy have long been proven. But in order to feel the healing effect, you need to carry out magnetic physiotherapy procedures for a long time. For many, daily trips to the clinic for the sake of one session even become a reason for refusing physiotherapy. Fortunately, purchasing a magnetic device solves this problem.

The editorial staff of the site "" has studied the market of magnetic devices for the treatment of joints, and presents an overview of the most effective of them for 2024. In it the reader will find a description of the models, their technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

How magnetotherapy works

The magnet, due to its natural properties, acts at the molecular level on the cells of the body. More specifically: it accelerates chemical and physical processes in tissues. This happens due to the vibration of water molecules under the influence of electromagnetic pulses. Good. What does this give a person?

This gives him a therapeutic effect, which is expressed in the following processes:

  • blood circulation is stimulated;
  • metabolic processes in joints and cartilage are normalized;
  • swelling, inflammation, soreness decreases;
  • if medication is used, then under the influence of a magnet it is amplified several times;
  • small vessels are restored, which allows oxygen to penetrate deep into the tissues;
  • the elasticity of these vessels also increases;
  • local immunity grows;
  • muscle tone decreases, this helps to remove reflex tension when pain is felt.

In the treatment of diseases, magnetotherapy is the number one assistant, especially in case of joint diseases.

"Doctor, does it hurt?" or what a person feels during magnetotherapy

A person tolerates the process of exposure to a magnetic field well. He doesn't feel any discomfort. Most often, the main sensations are:

  • light vibration;
  • warmly;
  • tingling.

However, each person carries the influence of such devices in their own way. And the presence of sensations depends on the device itself. What are the unpleasant feelings:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

But, as a rule, these reactions arise due to the beginning of the restructuring of processes in the tissues. After a couple of sessions, the discomfort completely disappears, of course, provided that the electromagnetic units are used correctly.

What you need to know before using magnetic devices


The opinions of doctors and the reviews of patients coincide when it comes to the benefits of magnetotherapy for the human musculoskeletal system. But it makes no sense to wait for healing using only hardware medicine without main treatment. Together, they give excellent results. Which one, we will consider on several specific diseases. It makes no sense to analyze the effect on all diseases of the joints, since the effect of a magnet is similar.

Cartilage breakdown in osteochondrosis affects many joints, if not all.The magnetic effect can eliminate the focus of inflammation, improve blood circulation, and block the nerve fiber that transmits pain. In addition, it restores damaged cartilage and tissues, and enhances the main therapy. As a rule, it is drug-induced, therefore, the effect of a drug conductor in the tissue will be observed.

With arthritis, the electromagnetic field is able to regenerate the structure of the ligaments and muscles, due to which the joint becomes more mobile. In parallel, there is a decrease in inflammation, the lymph flow is brought to a normal state. The pain decreases.

In addition to these diseases, magnetotherapy is indicated for:

  • arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • fractures;
  • dislocations;
  • bruises;
  • inflammation of the tendons and ligaments;
  • bursitis;
  • tendinitis;
  • epicondylitis;
  • synovitis.


It is worth abandoning treatment with magnetic devices when:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of therapy;
  • instability of the heart;
  • thrombosis;
  • the presence of pacemakers;
  • mental and neurological diseases;
  • alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • hypertension in 3-4 degrees;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • problems with blood clotting, as well as with menstruation;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • high body temperature.

The instructions of most magnetic devices contain information that metal inserts are not an absolute contraindication to magnetotherapy. A metal implant can interfere with magnet therapy if it moves during the therapy session or contains small particles that can move.

It is also not recommended to use the devices independently without consulting a doctor. A medical professional will be able to choose a device that will have a minimum of contraindications in each specific case. If the use of one device is prohibited under certain conditions, the use of another device may be permitted under the same conditions.

Common patient errors and side effects of magnetotherapy

Side effects of magnetic therapy are extremely rare. Most often, undesirable consequences arise from violations of the operating instructions and doctor's prescriptions.

If the dose of magnetic exposure was significantly exceeded, then the likelihood of hypoxia development increases, and cell membranes begin to suffer.
A side effect can be considered a case when the successful treatment of one disease led to the progression of another disease. This fact once again proves the need to consult a doctor before using a magnetic device.

The most harmless side effect remains the absence of any positive effect. A common mistake of patients is that they choose magnetic therapy as the main therapy. Against the background of the lack of basic treatment, the disease progresses, which is attributed to the harm and ineffectiveness of magnetotherapy.

What to look for: choosing a device for home treatment based only on the price and quality of the device is a big mistake. Selection criteria should be broader. The model can ideally treat a neighbor's sciatica and even chronic osteochondrosis of a colleague at work, but the device can be completely useless (and sometimes even harmful) in your case. The price of the device also does not put an end to the choice. Careful reading of the instructions, the study of the contraindications of a particular product and the advice of a doctor - that is what should be the basis for purchasing the device.Then the selection errors will be minimal.

How to choose a device and not regret buying, read the review of the best magnetic joint treatment devices for 2024. It examines expensive and budget devices.

The best manufacturers of magnetic therapy devices

The rating of high-quality magnetic therapy devices today has been formed by such companies as:

  • The STL company (Modern Technological Lines) is one of the leaders in the production of physiotherapy devices. The company's products: AUZT "Delta", ANMS "Mercury", AMT "Vega", AMT "Vega Plus" and others. We will consider the most popular model (Vega plus) in our review.
  • JSC "Amkodor-Belvar" is one of the first companies in the radio industry of the Republic of. Belarus. Its products are of high quality due to the use of a wide range of technologies.
  • Gorky communication equipment plant named after A.S. Popov. The plant was established in 1916. Now it is the largest industrial enterprise in the field of communication equipment and medical technology. His devices Amnp-01 and ORTOMAG have a high level of demand among buyers.
  • LLC "Solnyshko". The products of this company are popular not only in Russia, but also in the countries of far and near abroad. The company's experience since 1991 allows it to create the best and highest quality devices and equipment.
  • ELAMED is one of the three absolute leaders in the hardware industry and instrument making. Such products as Almag (01/02/03 / +), MAG-30 are on everyone's lips. The devices of this plant are used in the USA, India, Germany, Vietnam and many other countries.

Review of the Best Magnetic Joint Treatment Machines for 2024


Country of origin - Belarus. Inexpensive and reliable device for joint treatment at home. The average price for such a device fluctuates around 2500 rubles. Moreover, the quality of the device is not inferior to more expensive models. The set includes: indicator, power cord combined with an inductor, and a cover. The color of the device is white.

The manufacturer gives a 5-year warranty. Not every device can boast of such a warranty period. Those who used AMT-01 say that they felt tingling and tingling during therapy. The popularity of the models in this series is due to the maximum simplicity and ease of use.



  • safety of use;
  • low price;
  • compact;
  • high build quality;
  • silent.


  • without a retainer;
  • lack of a timer and exposure modes.


The device manufactured at the Elatomsky Instrument Plant has passed a large number of clinical trials. As a result, it was proved that MAG-30 allows using the device to restore health in chronic joint diseases with a long course of therapy. The use of the device significantly improves tissue nutrition, which in turn helps to relieve puffiness and speed up local metabolism.

The device has a plastic case. Action: variable non-uniform field. MAG-30, when mass production started, was included in the rating of the 100 best goods in Russia. Price from 4700 RUR



  • simple control;
  • compact;
  • minimum side effects.


  • the shape is not ergonomic;
  • short cord;
  • not suitable for treatment of large areas.

ELAMED Almag plus

The main action of the device is pulsed radiation. The equipment is designed to treat a wide range of diseases. A special focus on the improvement of the musculoskeletal system. Almag plus, unlike other magnetic therapy devices, is able to stop an exacerbation. The effect of the magnetic field on this device can be switched using the built-in 3 modes:

  • the main mode (which is the only one in the Almag-01 apparatus) with an induction of 20 ± 6 mT;
  • pediatric regimen: designed for the treatment of children aged 1 month and older, induction 8 ± 2 mT;
  • regimen against pain and inflammation: the fight against chronic diseases, as well as the removal of acute pain and inflammation, induction of 6 ± 2 mT.

Another distinctive feature of Almag plus is its ease of use over large areas of the body.The inductor coil can change its configuration (the device looks like a flat square, or in the form of a bending ruler). Dimensions of the device: Block 137 * 60 * 45 mm, Coil 15 * 90 mm.

There are two types of magnetic fields: stationary and running. The presence of a timer and a sound signal (every five minutes) allows taking into account the recommendations for various treatment methods. A therapy session lasts 20 minutes, after which an auto shutdown occurs.

It is difficult to say how much Almag plus costs. Its cost varies between 10 400 - 13 900 rubles. depending on the seller. According to buyers, due to the minimum number of contraindications in Almag Plus, it is worth paying a high price for it.

ELAMED Almag plus


  • a wide range of treatment for diseases;
  • the presence of fasteners;
  • 3 operating modes;
  • long cord (2 m);
  • sound indication;
  • the presence of a timer;
  • 2 options for device configuration;
  • 2 types of magnetic field;
  • modern design;
  • with automatic shutdown.


  • high price.

VEGA plus

This device is more often used in a hospital environment, clinics, sanatoriums, etc. But at home, buyers also often use it. The operation of the device is based on a low-frequency magnetic field. This model has 45 therapy programs. The intensity of the pulse is regulated. There is a built-in memory that stores individual treatment programs. Timer with limits from 1 min. up to 24 hours. Test magnet included. Equipped with LCD display. A large number of positive responses about the effectiveness of Vega plus.

In addition to an extensive list of modes, this model has the functions of partial and almost complete anesthesia, the so-called blockade of sick impulses. You can set the "anti-stress" or sedative mode. With the "anti-stress" function, a person feels relaxation in the muscles with a noticeable release of tone.

The available two channels can simultaneously carry out therapy on paired areas (shoulders, knees, hip joints, etc.). The device has a rather high impact intensity (up to 20 mT) and is lighter than many other models. Of course, the price for such a miracle of technology cannot be low - from 19,600 rubles.

VEGA plus


  • easy;
  • ergonomic;
  • the possibility of using enhanced induction;
  • the presence of a timer;
  • the presence of fasteners;
  • a wide range of programs for therapy;
  • two channels of influence;
  • with screen and buttons.


  • high price;
  • an allergic reaction to the belt material is possible.


Almag 01 is a device consisting of 4 magnetic coils, which are the so-called healers that emit pulses. Given the depth of penetration of the field (and this is from 6 to 8 cm), the device is capable of magnetic penetration deep into the tissue. The small size of the coils allows them to be more directed to the diseased area of ​​the body. The treatment procedure is designed for no more than 40 minutes a day, dividing this action in half. When using this device, the patient will not encounter difficulties in setting up and using it due to its convenient functionality. The price for this device starts from 8200 rubles.



  • compact;
  • energy saving;
  • a wide range of treatments;
  • easy to use;
  • durable.


  • high price;
  • many contraindications.

AMnp-01 from A.S. Popova

Unlike VEGA plus, this device is called "sharpened" for home use. AMnp-01 can be used even with plates and structures. In comparison with other models, Magnion AMnp-01 is a rather weighty invention (0.9 kg), which makes it not so mobile and convenient to use.

Russian-made device. Action in AMnp-01 turns out to be pulsating and alternating magnetic fields. The device can last an average of 8 years. The kit includes two belts 1.5 m and 0.5 m long. The impact can be applied over a large area, which is very convenient for treating large areas. It has four modes with different levels of magnetic induction.

Price range for 2024 for this model of the device: from 2199 rubles. up to RUB 3290

AMnp-01 from A.S. Popova


  • inexpensive;
  • compact;
  • there are modes of exposure;
  • the presence of belts for fastening the device;
  • high service life.


  • short warranty period;
  • heavy;
  • instructions from the manufacturer are not detailed enough.

Magniton AMnp-02 "Solnyshko"

This model is often called the "Sun", as it is produced at the plant of the same name. The device operates with a low-frequency magnetic field. It is one of the most powerful compact magnetic therapy devices available today. This model can operate from power sources (12V), in addition to the standard network (220V). The set includes two belts: 0.5 m and 1.5 m. The price for the "Sun" starts at 3100 rubles.

Magniton AMnp-02 "Solnyshko"


  • compact;
  • the possibility of using batteries;
  • inexpensive;
  • relatively powerful in its price range;
  • selection of the type of influence of the magnet and the intensity of its work.


  • short warranty period.


If we talk about the advantages of expensive models of magnetic therapy, then they can be partially observed in the ORTOMAG device, but at a lower price. The device has 6 impact nodes and 2 working sides. The service life of the device is 8 years. Due to its design in the form of a tape, ORTOMAG is convenient to use for tall people.
The height of the device block is 13 cm, width is 6 cm.

The considered unit has a rectangular pulse shape. Because of which, it is slightly inferior to those models that have a triangular pulse shape (for example, Almag +) - in it, the effect on the body is stronger. The body is made of durable plastic. This model is often compared with the Almag + device because of its similar qualities. And yet, which device is better to buy, everyone decides for himself. The price for ORTOMAG starts from 6100 rubles.



  • easy to use;
  • high build quality;
  • high service life;
  • availability of additional fasteners;
  • long power cord.


  • short warranty period;
  • heavy;
  • increased pain at the beginning of therapy.

Comparative table of technical characteristics of magnetic therapy devices

In the table you can see the technical characteristics of the considered magnetic therapy devices and compare them with each other.

CharacteristicBELVAR AMT-01ELAMED MAG-30Almag +Vega +Almag-01AMnp-01Amnp-02 "Sun"ORTHOMAG   
Weight of the device0.6 kg0.6 kg0.8KG0.43 kg0.62 kg0.9 kg0.75 kg without belts1.5KG
NetAC frequency 50Hz, voltage 220 ± 22 VAC frequency 50Hz, voltage 220 ± 22 VAC frequency 50Hz, voltage 220 ± 10 VAC frequency 50-60 Hz, voltage 220 ± 10 VAC frequency 50 Hz, voltage 220 ± 22 VAC frequency 50 Hz, voltage 220 ± 10 VAC frequency 50-150 Hz, voltage 220 ± 10 VAC frequency 50 Hz, voltage 220 ± 10 V
Powerup to 30 Wup to 50 W110 W100-240 Wfrom 32 VA30 W30 W60 W
Magnetic induction (affects the depth of penetration of the e / m field)(30 +/- 9) mT(30 +/- 9) mTfrom 6 to 20 ± 6 mTfrom 0.5 to 20 ± 6 mT20 ± 6 mTfrom 10 ± 2.5 to 30 ± 7.5 mT55 ± 10 mT20 ± 6 mT
Guarantee5 years5 years5 years2 years2 years1 year1 year1 year
Working hoursover 6 hours: 20 min. work, then a break of 20 minutes. After that, a break of 40 minutes is required.over 6 hours: 20 min. work, then a break of 10 minutes. over 8 hours: 20 min. work, then a break of 10 minutes. individual regimen for the treatment of each disease. 20 minutes. work, break 10 min.4 operating modes lasting 6-20 minutes. 25-30 minutes work, 30 min. breakover 8 hours: 30 minutes. work, 20 min. break

We have reviewed the popular models of magnetic devices. It is impossible to say for sure which company is the best device, because each of them has its own pros and cons. If you have experience in treatment with magnetic devices or simply have something to add to our review, then leave comments on the article. It is customer reviews that make the technique better!


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