The best brands of nail cutters for 2024


Apparatus manicure provides a significant reduction in the time required for processing the nail plates and cuticles, contributes to the achievement of a neat and perfect appearance. At the same time, manufacturers offer cutters with various thicknesses, shapes, and levels of abrasiveness. This allows each area of ​​the nail to receive the desired degree of sanding and polishing.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best brands of nail cutters for 2024.


Manufacturing material

Depending on what material is used in the manufacture, the following types of cutters are distinguished:

  1. Carbide and steel. The first ones are used exclusively for working with extended nails, since for natural nails this nozzle will be more traumatic. Steel is used to remove the weakened nail layer, as well as to work on hardened skin.
  2. Ceramic. They consist of corundum particles. They have a very small size, so they are best suited for small jobs. In addition, they have the unique property of self-healing and are excellent for people prone to allergies without causing negative effects. In most cases, they are used to treat pterygium and cuticles.
  3. Corundum. For their manufacture, ceramic chips of synthetic nature are used, resembling acrylic. Due to this, the cutter acquires a non-rigid structure with a complete absence of corners. They are used for the delicate removal of sensitive skin. Leave no scratches.
  4. Diamond. They are considered a fairly versatile variety, since they contain diamond dust. This nozzle allows you to act on the skin with a high or medium degree of hardness.
  5. Combined. Silicon carbide cutters, which at first seem a little rough due to the materials of manufacture. However, they provide a delicate effect on the hardened skin without causing discomfort.
  6. Silicone. Made of silicone with the addition of abrasive particles. In most cases, they are used to work with extended nails, when it becomes necessary to remove a layer of gloss.
  7. Pomegranate. Pomegranate crumbs are used for their manufacture. They are used to carry out work related to the processing of a thin cuticle.

The form

In terms of shape, manicure cutters are also presented in several variations:

  1. Flame. Provides invaluable assistance in the treatment of the lateral ridges of the skin, as well as the elimination of cracks.
  2. Needle. With its help, the cuticle is lifted for the subsequent elimination of the dry part, the pterygium is cleaned, as well as the processing of the lateral ridges.
  3. Ball. It is used for the gentle removal of excess skin, as well as hardened skin in hard-to-reach places.
  4. Cylinder. It is used to carry out corrective work related to the shape of the nails, as well as to give them the same length.
  5. Rounded cylinder. Provides high-quality processing, grinding and leveling of the nail surface.
  6. Corn. It is used to remove artificial materials for building, as well as to form the length of the nail.

Hardness and color

In most cases, nail cutters are not painted in a specific color, as this does not play any role. The situation is completely different with the ring located at the base of the nozzle - it always has a certain color, indicating the degree of rigidity:

YellowExtra smallFor working with thin skin, correction
thinned nails
RedSmallTo improve the side bolsters and
nails of medium density
The blackSuper largeTo work out hardened areas
on the fingers (mainly for pedicure)
Helps to shorten tight nails and
eliminate calluses

Helpful hints

In order to choose a high-quality manicure cutter that will allow you to perform a beautiful and neat manicure, you should follow a number of useful recommendations:

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you need a cutter - to perform manicure or pedicure work. This largely determines what kind of material and with what characteristics it is worth giving preference.

You should also determine in what conditions the procedures will be carried out - at home or in the salon. The salon requires the purchase of a larger number of cutters, while their quality must be at a high level. After all, the device will have to be used quite often, and the purchase of consumables is not a cheap pleasure.

In addition, cutters should be selected for a specific device. This is due to the fact that the power is different for everyone, the machine itself can produce revolutions of 1500 or more (the wear of the cutters will depend on this). For home use, cutters can be used from a set, while replacement may not be carried out for a sufficiently long period.

You should also pay special attention to the cutter diameter. Small cutters should work at high speeds, and large cutters at low speeds.

On some types of attachments, you can see the letter "T". This means that the element is coated with a cutting agent. Therefore, you should also pay attention to this.

Each action with the nail, plate, cuticle and skin around the nail requires the use of a separate attachment. Using it for other purposes not only will not bring the desired result, but can also cause damage to the nail, both in terms of aesthetics and in physical terms.

Rating of the best brands

Most inexpensive


A Chinese manufacturer that has been in the nail industry for over 15 years and has proven itself from the very best side. Cutters are present in a fairly wide range, so everyone is able to choose the right option for themselves. The company even offers unique varieties made from special mineral rocks that cannot be found anywhere else. Consumer reviews about cutters are extremely positive, only silicone products are capable of disappointing, which are prone to faster grinding and loss of the original processing quality.

JessNail Manicure Cutter


  • a wide range of;
  • providing unique products.


  • insufficient quality of silicone cutters.

TNL Professional

For more than ten years of experience, the company has managed to significantly improve the quality of its products and take a leading position in the market, overtaking most of its competitors. The brand's products are marked by a decent level of quality, long service life, and a low price segment. The assortment is represented by a wide variety of cutters made of various materials.

Nail cutter TNL Professional


  • easy to purchase from profiled stores;
  • full range;
  • the use of practical materials of manufacture;
  • low cost.


  • not detected.


It is a subsidiary of the best distributor of manicure and pedicure tools Myslitsky Nail.Product reviews are extremely positive, consumers note the long operational life of the cutters. The assortment is quite extensive: you can find both ceramic and corundum cutters, as well as steel.

The shapes of the cutters are also pleasing with their diversity, and the material of manufacture is of excellent quality, significantly surpassing its competitors.

Cutter for manicure HDFreza


  • wide choose;
  • decent quality level;
  • versatility of sizes;
  • low cost.


  • rare availability for free sale.

Magic bits

A young brand from Russia that has existed since 2015 and provides an integrated, balanced and elementary technology for nail treatment at home and in the salon. The assortment consists of products made from steel, corundum and garnet. The cutters are quite practical in operation, do not require any special habits, and most importantly, they show excellent wear resistance. For convenience, the cutters are marked with colored notches and engraved by the brand itself - this distinctive feature is the "highlight" of the company in comparison with competitors. In general, the entire range is divided into 2 categories: for use in the salon and at home. The latter are distinguished by more delicate heads, which provides the greatest safety when used by novice craftsmen.

Magic Bits Manicure Cutter


  • high-quality materials of manufacture;
  • the presence of colored notches;
  • full range of products;
  • the presence of engraving;
  • low cost.


  • not detected.

Middle price segment


Brand of the Russian company "Alliance". The range is represented by trendy cutters made of heat-resistant high-alloy steel. Thanks to this, the smooth running of the product during operation, as well as wear resistance, is achieved. In addition, they are perfect for all manicure devices, tolerate sterilization well, and show resistance to chemical disinfecting procedures.

Yoko nail cutter


  • high quality materials of manufacture;
  • versatility of sizes and shapes;
  • can be used both at home and in the salon.


  • the cost of production is slightly above average.


The company has been on the market for over 15 years and has been able to create an extensive range of milling cutters from soft, hard and practical materials. In addition, she timely identifies fashion trends in the field of nail modeling, develops new products that instantly become hits.

RuNail manicure cutter


  • wide choose;
  • high degree of hardness and wear resistance;
  • middle price segment;
  • can be bought at any store.


  • not detected.

Patrisa nail

A rich line of manicure devices of this brand is represented by carbide and ceramic options. True, the assortment contains only basic types of nozzles used in the implementation of hardware manicure and designed to process the nail plate and skin. But at the same time, the quality of products remains at a fairly high level. You can mainly buy products only via the Internet at a fairly reasonable price.

Cutter for manicure Patrisa Nail


  • convenience of shapes and sizes;
  • high quality level;
  • affordable cost.


  • narrow assortment;
  • difficult to find on the open market.



The range of cutters of this company is small, production is carried out in Russia, the USA, Germany. In this case, the products belong to the middle price segment. On sale you can find a variety of options for products made of various materials and having the required shape, size and degree of rigidity.

In'Garden manicure cutter


  • great quality;
  • the presence of colored notches;
  • middle price segment.


  • narrow assortment.

Irisk Professional


Manufacturer from Russia, occupying a leading position in the nail business since 2005.The company cooperates exclusively with the best factories in the USA, England, Pakistan, China and Russia. All products are made from high quality and durable materials. Most of them are presented in pink colors, which will undoubtedly appeal to the fair sex.

Manicure cutter Irisk Professional


  • wide choose;
  • nice pink color;
  • middle price segment;
  • can be purchased at any specialty store.


  • with frequent use, the nozzles are quickly ground off.

Barrel Ball

The brand from the USA, which appeared relatively recently, but has already gained trust among avid craftsmen as a reliable manufacturer. Currently, the company is spread mainly in narrow circles. There are also some difficulties with the purchase of products, since they are mainly offered only by online stores. The range is represented by all existing types of cutters that are resistant to fast abrasion. Craftsmen also note a distinctive feature of the product - a slightly unusual size. That is why it will take some time to get used to them, especially for beginners. In addition, such cutters are suitable for salon use; for work at home, they will not be entirely convenient.

Barrel Ball nail cutter


  • wide range of products;
  • long service life of the abrasive;
  • middle price segment.


  • due to the narrow distribution, it can be difficult to find on sale.

Premium class

Planet Nails


A brand that has been present in the nail business market for over 20 years. According to numerous consumer reviews, the company is famous for its incomparable quality and approach to product manufacturing. The only drawback is the high price segment, the cost of products is much higher than that of competitors. The assortment of cutters is represented by sets (diamond, ceramic, carbide). In addition, the products have colored notches for ease of selection and subsequent work.

Planet Nails Manicure Cutter


  • high quality level;
  • wide choose;
  • the presence of colored notches.


  • can be difficult to find in profiled stores;
  • overpriced.


The brand belongs to the long-lived Saeshin company. The assortment is represented by constructively universal manicure cutters, ideally suited for any model of the device for nail service due to the standard shank. In the process of their creation, computer control is used, which makes it possible to make a perfectly smooth and completely safe product in operation.

Strong manicure cutter


  • constructively versatile products;
  • suitable for any equipment;
  • security guarantee.


  • high price.


Thus, choosing the most suitable cutter for hardware manicure will not be difficult. The main thing is to give preference only to trusted manufacturers who have earned the trust of users. And, of course, be guided by the advice and recommendations of experienced professionals.

If you have experience using the manicure cutters presented in this rating, or other alternative options, share your opinion in the comments.


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