🍺Best beer brands on the Russian market in 2024


According to Rosstat, beer is a popular drink among citizens over 18 years old. Russia ranks 4th in terms of sales, leaving the UK and Germany far behind, but why is it so popular and how to find a quality brand The editorial staff of the “best.desigusxpro.com/en/” website offers you an overview of the best beer producers for 2024.

What is beer and can it be made at home

The peculiarity of the drink is a pleasant intoxicating aroma and a refreshing bitter aftertaste. For making, 4 ingredients are required, the quality of which will determine the taste: barley, water, hops, yeast. Most Russian companies buy staple products abroad, which makes the drink unique and aromatic.

Cooking consists of 7 stages:

  • It all starts with the production of malt. For its preparation, barley is selected, which is easily processed. After processing, it is soaked until the grains germinate. Drying and refining takes place, the result is malt, which needs to rest for a month so that it can fully mature. To reduce the cost, 30% of producers use oats, potato flour, corn and other cheap ingredients instead of barley. This greatly affects the quality. Because of this, in a number of European countries, this drink is not considered beer.
  • Obtaining beer wort. As soon as the malt reaches maturity, the next stage begins: it is polished, crushed, then mixed with water and gradually heated. The most important thing in this process is soft water, then the product turns out to be rich and aromatic, if the water is hard, additional processing is necessary.
  • Fermentation. To add originality to the drink, the malt is boiled with hops for about 2 hours. Thus, the manufacturer increases the storage stability. After boiling, the resulting wort is filtered and cooled, first to 60 degrees, then to 5-6 degrees. Next, yeast is added to the wort and fermented for a week.
  • Maturation. Fermentation is carried out in metal containers and takes from 4 to 6 months (the period depends on the brand). During this process, the product is saturated with carbon dioxide and fully reveals its hues.
  • Filtration and spillage. As soon as the drink is completely infused, it must be carefully filtered in order to exclude the proportion of fermentation products and give it a light hue, the taste does not change from this. After performing the previous operations, the beer begins to be bottled, for this it is pre-pasteurized (if the bottling will be carried out in plastic containers) or antioxidants and preservatives are added (cans are used for bottling).


In the light version, lightly toasted malt is used during cooking. In the dark, cooking is carried out from smoked malt or well-fried and burnt sugar is added to it.

Beer is divided into two types: lager, which is made from bottom-fermented yeast, and ale, which is made from top-fermented yeast. The first type occupies about 90% of the market, as it turns out to be soft and weak, which people like.Unlike ale, the lager fermentation process is somewhat slow and takes place at a temperature of 5-10 degrees, while ale ferments quickly and at a higher temperature of 15-20 degrees.

Answering the question whether it is possible to brew beer at home, the answer is "Yes, you can." However, this process is long and energy consuming. All stages are the same as in production, only on a smaller scale. The products you need are exactly the same: hops, water (distilled or boiled), brewer's yeast and barley (fried or regular - depends on preference). A big plus when cooking at home is product quality control, that is, a person himself determines how high-quality the ingredients are and monitors the fermentation process. Having at least a little experience in cooking, the drink turns out to be much tastier and richer than the store version. It should be remembered that beer wort is a favorable breeding ground for various bacteria, so the dishes must be clean. Also, a food thermometer is needed for cooking, otherwise it will be impossible to determine the temperature of the water.

Several manuals of choice

Each person has his own views and preferences, and what is the standard for one, for another can be a disappointment. However, there are some simple tips that everyone will follow to find a brand to their liking.

Find your product

Amateurs always have several brands that differ in stability and quality, more often they are large manufacturers. However, the beer industry has grown to such an extent that there are drinks on the shelves that differ in both design and quality. Therefore, so that beer does not leave a negative experience, it is necessary to increase beer literacy.

The main thing in the drink is color and composition. A person must find his niche, because someone likes a sweet aftertaste, someone cannot imagine beer without good bitterness, etc. Once the buyer finds a taste, choosing a brand becomes easy.

Examine density and strength

The main selection parameters are density and strength. The trend is as follows: light, low-alcohol varieties have a density of 10-12%, and stronger drinks - only 5% to 8%. Some brands have a new indicator - IBU, which is deciphered and translated as “calculated beer bitterness”. Regular lager has a value of 10-15 units, which tells a person about the content of light bitterness, but this figure can also go up to 80-100 units, usually this applies to heavily hopped varieties.

Constantly read the composition

The product contains many interesting and repulsive items. For example, a person knows that 4 ingredients are needed for cooking, but on the label he sees hop products, extracts, incomprehensible flavors, etc. The latter do not affect the taste, they are added for technical reasons, but what about the rest. It's simple, the hop product is a different form of ordinary hops, the difference is that it is granular, the same applies to the rest of the extracts. Therefore, this ingredient is completely natural. Maltose syrup's job is to ferment the sugar, which adds strength, but it can make it taste bad.

Also, it is worth knowing that beer drinks may contain natural herbal or fruit additives and this will immediately catch the eye of a person.

Glass, tin can or plastic bottle

Some naively assume that flavor, foam, etc. depend on the container, but this is a mistake. There is no difference from which bottle to drink, the variety was invented for convenience, so if a person needs to take a lot of beer, then it is worth buying it in kegs and plastic bottles, and for small holidays glass bottles and jars are an excellent option.

Rating of popular beer brands

Kozel light

The very first product from this brand was made in 1874 and quickly gained popularity. The beverage production plant survived two world wars, often passed from one owner to another, but did not lose its quality. Made according to traditional Czech recipes.

Most buyers like this drink, a small strength, which is only 4%. Travelers note that in the Czech Republic beer is served for dinner.The peculiarity of the original drink is a light, almost imperceptible bitterness, which is achieved due to жatec hops and caramel malt. However, in order to try it, you need to go to the Czech Republic, since not all requirements are met in Russia.

The average cost is 50 rubles.

Kozel light


  • Made according to ancient recipes;
  • Softness;
  • Design;
  • Fortress.


  • Overpriced in some stores;
  • The quality is inferior to the original Czech beer;
  • Some people report intense bitterness.

Amstel Premium Pilsener

The brand belongs to a large company in the Netherlands, founded in 1870. However, 80% of the products sold on the market by this company are counterfeit. Nothing remains of the original recipe.

Amstel has an impressive sales figure of approximately 40 million per year. In Russia, the product is just beginning to gain its popularity due to sponsorship agreements and advertising, and a few years ago no one heard of such a brand, and finding it in a store was a whole quest. Suitable for people who love light taste and sweet aftertaste. However, the product is not deprived of negative aspects as well, as its aroma is weak, there is no malt sensation, and the foam can interrupt all perception. The brand took first place in the rating of Roskachestvo.

The average cost is 70 rubles.

Amstel Premium Pilsener


  • Ease;
  • Not strong, drinks quickly;
  • There is no strong bitterness;
  • Hops feel good;
  • Low in calories.


  • Weak aroma;
  • Lots of foam.

Note! In supermarkets you can see the same beer, but at different prices. The reason is the different country of origin. The drink produced in the country of the brand is more expensive, but much better in taste.

Baltika No. 6 "Porter"

It was difficult and impossible to find this option two years ago, but now it is available in almost every store. But the majority still bypass him. Although beer has drawbacks, they are not as pronounced as, for example, in Baltika 3. To give originality, it is infused by the method of cold fermentation, from which the taste is fully revealed.

It is sold in glass containers and has a noir design: from color combinations to ergonomics. Contains 7% alcohol, from which there is an unpleasant alcohol shade. The aroma has bright coffee notes, which also gives it a sophistication. The beer cap falls off within a minute, the color of the drink is hopelessly dark. It is drunk quite easily, without causing any contradictory sensations. The aftertaste is pleasant, prunes are felt.

Average cost: from 60 rubles.

Baltika No. 6 "Porter"


  • Balance;
  • No excessive saturation;
  • Aroma;
  • Hop bitterness;
  • Design.


  • Not found in small towns;
  • Fortress.

Hoegaarden unfiltered

Belgian unfiltered beer Hoegaarden is a popular brand in Russia and a number of CIS countries. Production began in the 15th century and continues to this day. Over a long period, it has not lost its aroma and quality, which is noted by all Europeans. In Russia, the taste is very different from the original, so you can find reviews that it was better before. However, this did not stop manufacturers from charging high prices.

The taste is soft and rich, with a slight bitterness. The product is dense, with a strength of 4.9%. Due to the fact that the drink is unfiltered, it is not worth drinking with salty foods and meat, since they strongly interrupt the sensation, it is best to use pizza, crayfish, fried suluguni, feta cheese or shrimp as a snack. But in order to fully reveal all its versatility, it is better to use it without everything, but this is for gourmets.

The cost is 90 rubles, it can go up to 110 and more, depending on the region and the store.

Hoegaarden unfiltered


  • Fruity aroma;
  • Saturation;
  • Quality;
  • Small fortress;
  • No bitterness;
  • Composition.


  • Cost;
  • Strongly different from the original.

Ochakovo "Halzan"

Welded in compliance with all technical norms and standards.When buying this product, the first thing that is important to pay attention to is the composition, where high-quality and natural products are indicated, without the addition of shock absorbers, etc. The alcohol content does not exceed 4.5%, which affects the taste. When opening the bottle, the first thing that a person will feel is a pleasant and delicate aroma with subtle notes of malt. When poured into a glass, it does not foam much. When consumed, alcohol is practically not felt. It has a bright taste that is not interrupted by any meat or salty snacks.

The bottle has an attractive design, the photo shows an eagle man standing against a background of mountains, which makes the label original and noticeable. A separate advantage is the cost of the goods, which is only 40-50 rubles. According to the manufacturer, this price is due not to poor quality, but to savings on advertising. It is sold in three versions: a can (0.5 l), glass (0.5 l) and a PET bottle of 1.5 liters. Buyers note that the beer has a natural taste and aftertaste.

Ochakovo "Halzan"


  • Refreshes;
  • Natural composition;
  • Intense aroma;
  • Low alcohol content;
  • Cost;
  • There is no strong bitterness.


  • Not found.

Franziskaner unfiltered

One of the high quality and popular brands in Russia and Europe is Franziskaner. For several years now, this brand has taken prizes in almost every top. The peculiarity of the product is that it is not produced in Russia, therefore, the store only has original beer with a characteristic German quality. Several types can be found today, but the one sold is unfiltered.

It has a low strength, which is only 5 degrees and softness with a fresh bread aftertaste. Made by top fermentation. This product is a benchmark among Russian and foreign manufacturers, almost every company tries to achieve the heights of quality that the product has set.

Average cost: from 192 rubles.

Franziskaner unfiltered


  • Aroma;
  • Rich taste;
  • No bitterness;
  • Quality;
  • Unique label.


  • High price.

Khamovniki Vienna

This is a lager that will change the way people think about the beer industry. For its preparation, the company used natural ingredients. The amber color of the product will sink into the heart of every esthete, even the fastidious.

The taste of the drink will make you buy it again. A bright aroma will spread throughout the room, like in an expensive advertisement, a caramel aftertaste with a slight bitterness will become a delight. Also, many people note the amazing external performance, which resembles an old bottle.

The product is sold in large stores at a price of 42-50 rubles per 0.5 liter.

Khamovniki Vienna


  • Aftertaste;
  • Aroma;
  • Foam falls off in a minute;
  • Design;
  • Ingredients;
  • Price and quality.


  • Not found.

Anderson valley

This option is suitable for people who are ready to pay extra for quality. The product is manufactured in the USA, California. When cooking, secret recipes are used that are still unknown. The type of fermentation is top fermentation, which is evident from the strength of the product (5.8%). Estimated bitterness is 16 IBU.

Crystal Anderson Valley malt has a deep amber hue with a light caramel sweetness. The taste is balanced, bitterness and acidity are not felt. The only drawback is that it is difficult to find in stores, since it is sold out almost on the day of delivery.

The average cost is 190-250 rubles.

Anderson valley


  • Tint;
  • Taste;
  • No bitterness;
  • Sweet aftertaste;
  • Balance.


  • Difficult to find;
  • Price.

"Gulden Draak" 9000

A premium option for true connoisseurs. Production is carried out in Belgium at the Van Steenberg Brewery (founded in 1784). Cooking is carried out using secondary fermentation technology, which gives the product an unforgettable taste.

At the first sip, you will feel the bright taste of chocolate and coffee with subtle notes of caramel. The aroma is fruity. Fortress - 7.5%

Average cost for 0.33 - 275 rubles.

"Gulden Draak" 9000


  • Unusual;
  • Indescribable taste;
  • Design;
  • Aroma;
  • Colour;
  • Quality.


  • Price


The rating includes the most prominent representatives of the beer industry. There is no unequivocal answer to the question "which company is better", because everyone has different tastes, but one thing is worth remembering: excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is harmful to health. If you drank drinks from brands described in the rating, or you have interesting suggestions, tell us about it in the comments.


  1. Michael

    I don't like Khamovniki, the taste has deteriorated.

  2. Andy

    Halzan - I did not like it, I do not recommend it.

  3. Alexander

    Batlitica 6, a rare phenomenon but truly tasty, you can add amstel and hoegaarden to it to your liking, of course for everyone, but after trying many types of beer, I judge according to my taste and experience (I think I've tried a lot in 25 years) either Baltika or Bud , the kind of taste of color is not for everybody.


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