Best home weather stations for 2024


When going to work, making plans for the weekend, going on a fishing trip or a family picnic, it is important for us to know what surprises to expect from the weather, how to dress ourselves and what to dress the child in. Hunters and fishermen, retirees and summer residents - all make their plans depending on weather conditions: air temperature, wind direction and strength, heavy rain or hot summer heat. Information on this topic comes to us from television sets, radio channels and the Internet. However, the accuracy and completeness of such predictions, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. Home weather stations from different manufacturers will help you get the necessary information: expensive and budget, multifunctional and simple. The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the best weather stations for home for 2024, based on feedback from buyers and experts.

How did the weather station begin?

The weather vane and barometer were the first instruments to help humans predict the weather. The first indicated the direction of the wind, the second warned of an approaching storm. The craftsmen gave them a very attractive appearance. Medieval weathercocks still adorn the roofs of European cities. Later, a barometer, thermometer, hygrometer and anemometer were added to them, which form the basis of any weather station.

Part of the equipment


This device has been measuring atmospheric pressure for several centuries. The first barometer was created by the famous Florentine Torricelli, who in 1644 assembled a device from a plate of mercury and a hollow tube with a scale immersed in it. A column of mercury rose or fell in the tube depending on the atmospheric pressure. Two hundred years later, the barometer was improved by the Frenchman Lucien Vidi. Its main part was a thin-walled metal box with air pumped out of it. The dimensions of this box varied with changes in pressure. The vibrations of the box wall were transmitted to a spring connected to a movable arrow sliding along the scale. Since no liquid was used in this case, the word aneroid was added to the name of the barometer (aneros, in Greek - not containing moisture). The aneroid barometer is used in analog weather stations even now.


It is used to measure the moisture content of gases and air, which is known to be a mixture of gases. The degree of saturation of the air with moisture determines how comfortable you will feel on hot summer or frosty winter days. An increase in this parameter in summer means exhausting stuffiness, in winter - chilling to the bone. The lack of moisture in the air of the home adversely affects the health of residents. There are several types of hygrometers:

  1. Volosova The principle of operation is based on changing the length of a fat-free human hair stretched on a metal frame, depending on the humidity of the air. The values ​​are determined by the indication of the arrow on the scale.The device is simple and cheap, but fragile and not very accurate.
  2. Film. Works on the same principle as hair. Instead of hair, an organic film is used, attached to the arrow. The arrow is equipped with a weight. In conditions of increased dampness, the film is stretched under the influence of the load, from which the arrow moves along the scale. As the moisture content in the air decreases, the film contracts, dragging the arrow along in the opposite direction. The advantages and disadvantages of a film moisture meter are the same as that of a hair moisture meter.
  3. Weighted. It is a U-shaped tube filled with hygroscopic composition. To determine the humidity of the air, a certain amount of it is driven through the device by a special pump. The percentage is calculated from the difference in the weight of the hygroscopic filler before and after air pumping, according to a special formula. The downside is the need for mathematical calculations to obtain the required information. This is a long journey that not every user can do.
  4. Ceramic. It works on the principle of determining the difference in electrical resistance of a ceramic insert.
  5. Electrolytic. The principle is the same as in the previous version. The resistance of the electrolyte is measured, which changes depending on the amount of moisture in the air.
  6. Condensing. Gives the most accurate readings. The amount of condensate falling on the mirror surface after forced cooling is analyzed. The relative value is determined by an electronic thermometer located under the mirror of the device.


Everyone is familiar with this device since childhood. Mercury thermometers measure body temperature. Alcohol is used to determine the degree of heating of air and water in a bathroom or aquarium. The principle of operation in both cases is the same. The contents of the flask (alcohol or mercury), expanding when heated and contracting as a result of cooling, rise or fall through a hollow tube that emerges from the flask itself. The tube is located along the scale.

We use the Celsius scale. In the United States, Belize, the Bahamas and Cayman Islands, the Fahrenheit scale is used. Zero degrees Celsius equals 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Engineers and scientists in their calculations use the Kelvin scale, where the "zero" mark corresponds to minus 273.15 degrees Celsius. With such freezing, the thermal movement of molecules stops, and it is simply impossible to cool the body even more. I call this state of matter "absolute zero"

Interesting! Initially, Anders Celsius considered the boiling point of water to be the "zero" of his scale. Accordingly, at 100 degrees, ice began to melt. The controversy about who turned the Celsius scale to its present position, in which water boils at 100 degrees, and ice melts at zero, does not subside to this day. Some sources claim that Karl Linnaeus was the first to “overturn” the scale; others call Morten Stremer, a student of Celsius. Still others are sure that Celsius himself did it, on the advice of Stremer.

In addition to mercury and alcohol, mechanical thermometers are widely used. The principle of operation is the same as for mercury and alcohol. As an active element in these devices, coiled metal strips, or bimetallic plates, are used.
An electronic thermometer compares the resistance of a conductor, which changes with fluctuations in the temperature of the medium. To control the state of a substance in technological processes, thermocouples and resistance thermometers are most often used.

Home weather stations, their types and capabilities

The weather forecast from the TV announcer or from the Internet no longer suits many, since it informs only about the average values ​​of air temperature and possible precipitation in the region. Based on the "averaged" data, you can get caught in the rain, or dress not for the weather. It is important for a modern city dweller to have information about the direction and strength of the wind, to know the magnitude and possible daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. This information allows you to plan your day more productively.For people who are weather-dependent and prone to colds, additional information will help to avoid health problems. To observe and receive complete synoptic information, you need a home weather station. Depending on the functionality, they can be divided into analog and digital.

Analog stations

Perhaps the most "ancient" type of home "weather forecasters". They are equipped with mechanical devices showing the current value of atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. All of them have been registered in houses and apartments for a long time. A thermometer outside the window and in the room is still being installed. The barometer was often found in homes in the 19th century. Placed in wooden, richly decorated buildings, they not only predicted bad weather, but also decorated the interior.
A modern home analog station can combine a barometer, a thermometer and a hygrometer in one housing. The finish of the case can be different, from plastic to mahogany. Some devices are built into a metal case. DIYers can assemble something like this with their own hands. To do this, it is enough to purchase a manometer, a thermometer and a hygrometer, choose the material and shape for the case, and then, as they say, it's a matter of technology.

Such a home forecaster cannot predict tomorrow. He will show the owner the initial data, and you will have to draw the conclusions yourself. This has its own romance.

Digital devices

This type of equipment differs from analog versions primarily in the presence of a weather forecast function for the near future. The equipment includes external and internal temperature sensors, hygrometer and barometer. The connection of the sensors to the module in budget versions is carried out by wires. More advanced and expensive models are equipped with a wireless remote sensor with transmission of radio signals to the module or with communication via Wi-Fi. The number of different external sensors in the best models reaches 5 pcs. In addition to the basic set, the equipment of advanced models includes an anemometer - a device that measures wind speed and direction. The indoor unit can be powered by batteries or accumulators, mains or solar panels. Digital models are available in desktop and wall-mounted versions. There are even window gadgets - small lightweight gadgets that are attached with tape to the window glass.

Weather station selection criteria

Home weather forecaster in the interior

When choosing a "mechanical meteorologist" for your home, you should remember that the model should organically fit into the interior. Indoor modules are available for desktop and wall mounting. The body of the indoor module can be metal, plastic or precious wood. Some manufacturers supplement the functionality of their devices with an alarm clock and a radio receiver.
Analogue stations are also available as wall-mounted and table-top. Given their somewhat archaic nature, they are usually decorated in a retro style, with a body made of valuable wood species. The design, consisting of an aneroid barometer, an arrow thermometer and a hygrometer, looks very solid. A chronometer will not be superfluous in this set. The shape of the hull can also be quite modern, or it can be a traditional barometer body of the 19th century, in the form of a steering wheel or anchor, recalling the time of sailing ships, travels and discoveries. The wall-mounted version in a wooden case has a solid weight, so special attention should be paid to reliable installation.

Screen features

Information on the screens of some models is clearly visible only from a certain angle of view. This is usually offset by screen backlighting. Budget models are provided with a monochrome screen, expensive and professional ones - with a color one, which makes information easier to read.

What to look for

Choice by price

When buying a budget device, the owner receives an internal module in the form of a monochrome display with a built-in barometer and thermometer, plus an external sensor with wired connection. The screen displays the current time, temperature, atmospheric pressure.With an external sensor, the same outdoor climatic parameters can be seen. The weather forecast for the next half of the day is indicated on the screen by symbols.

Range of sensors

In devices of the middle price range, the functionality is expanded. The set includes wireless sensors with different ranges. When purchasing a weather station for a country house, you should calculate the distance from external sensors to the indoor module and choose devices with a range of at least 100 meters. True, such a device will cost more.

Additional features

The color display with smart backlighting allows you to determine the forecast for the near future by the color of your screen. Some modules can project the necessary information onto the ceiling, wall or any other surface at the request of the owner. To do this, simply turn the built-in projector in the desired direction.
Models with expanded functionality consume a significant amount of electricity. Regular batteries last for a couple of months. A good option would be to have a built-in rechargeable battery. Ideally solar powered.

Professional weather stations are equipped with additional sensors and devices to determine the direction and speed of the wind, to give an accurate forecast for the next 12 hours and several days. In addition to monitoring climate data, the touch screen displays the date, time, moon phases and altitude. By touching the screen, you can switch channels from external sensors to internal ones in order to track the climatic parameters in the house. Such equipment is equipped with a USB port that allows you to connect the device to a PC. This provides additional opportunities for accurate forecasting, referring to the data of the Internet.

Weather station in the "Smart House"

Integration of a digital weather station into the "Smart Home" system allows you to automatically adjust the climate in living quarters depending on weather conditions. Using data from external sensors of a home forecaster, the smart home will increase the temperature in the heating system in connection with the predicted cold snap, will reverse manipulate the onset of heat, and the smart curtains will automatically draw on a hot sunny day. According to the hygrometer readings, the smart home will turn on the humidifier. Such integration will save up to 40% on heat and electricity costs.

Choosing a model from the best manufacturers

Among the many firms and companies involved in the production of precision instruments, including weather stations, the German company TFA occupies one of the leading positions. Manufactured with German precision and meticulousness, her models are presented in a different price range:

  • simple devices without external sensors cost from 800 to 1500 rubles;
  • home models with an extended set of functions, packed in elegant cases, are traded in the range from 2600 to 5000 rubles;
  • the best models with a wide range of capabilities, complete with external sensors and a USB port, sell for 15,000 to 23,000 rubles.

The American company Assistant specializes in the production of consumer electronics, from calculators and intercoms, to laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. Home weather stations with a minimum set of climate control will cost the buyer 1500 - 2500 rubles. A device with a remote wireless sensor will cost at least 3,000 rubles. The company's production is deployed in China.

Hong Kong firm EA2 has existed since 2010. Manufactures home weather stations and projection clocks, being one of the leading companies in this field. Its developments are distinguished by a minimalistic design, reliability and an affordable price. Prices for the company's models range from 500 to 7000 rubles. Model Ea2 EN209, equipped with high temperature sensor Ea2 SR111, designed for steam baths and saunas.

In addition to the listed companies, popular models of American companies Oregon Scientific and La Crosse, German Beurer and Bresser, French Netatmo Urban are presented on the market.All of them supply the market with products with various capabilities, from the simplest to the most expensive, working via the Internet (Netatmo Urban) with integration into the Smart Home system, monitoring the CO level, etc.

For those interested in the products of Chinese companies, it is useful to get acquainted with the assortment of home weather stations on Ali Express - a global Internet site that offers electronics of decent quality from China, various features and at an affordable price.

Before making a purchase, it is advisable to collect complete information about them. You should find out what weather stations are, and how they can be useful. It does not hurt to listen to advice from users who have experience in operating similar gadgets from different manufacturers, with a minimum and extended set of features. In order not to make mistakes when choosing a model, you need to determine the minimum set of functions that suits you as a user. The price level of the model depends on this. Recommendations of sellers or your acquaintances from among experienced users will tell you which company is the best model to buy. Before buying, it is useful to carefully read the description of the device, read the instructions for installation and operation, find out how much your model costs. Only after receiving answers to all your questions, you can pay for the purchase.

Having decided on the selection criteria, we proceed to review the rating of high-quality home weather stations in 2024.

Buro H103G

The tenth place in our rating is occupied by the budget weather station Buro H103G. Small tabletop device with wall mounting option. In fact, it is an electronic thermometer that controls the temperature in the room and "overboard". The set includes one wireless sensor with a range of up to 80 m. The indoor module has a monochrome display with calendar, clock, alarm and lunar calendar functions. A built-in sensor shows the percentage of moisture in the air. It is possible to connect two additional wireless sensors, which are purchased separately. The average price is only 595 rubles. According to buyers, the model has quite decent characteristics for the money.

Buro H103G


  • accurate sensor readings;
  • very compact device;
  • rugged housing that can withstand drops from a height of up to 100 cm;
  • availability of a weather forecast;
  • reasonable price.


  • monochrome display;
  • lack of sensors for determining atmospheric pressure;
  • lack of screen backlight.

Uniel UTV - 64

The ninth number in our rating is the relatively inexpensive home model Uniel UTV - 64. The set includes one wireless temperature control sensor with a range of up to 30 meters. The second sensor is built into an indoor module equipped with a color display. The measurement range is from minus 40 to plus 60 degrees. The upper threshold for indoor and outdoor humidity measurement is 99%, the lower threshold is 22%. The device informs about the weather forecast, shows the exact time, has a regular calendar. Mains power supply is duplicated by the ability to work from AA batteries. The charge indication is shown on the display. The average price of the device is 1148 rubles.

Uniel UTV - 64


  • color display with a clear image;
  • availability of a barometer and weather forecast;
  • the ability to connect three sensors;
  • accurate sensor readings.


  • pressure is displayed in unusual units of measurement - hectopascals;
  • all climatic data are not displayed at the same time, it is necessary to switch with buttons;
  • difficulties in purchasing additional sensors.

HAMA EWS - 800

The eighth line in the ranking is occupied by the product HAMA EWS - 800, a well-known German company HAMA. This is a home weather station equipped with a monochrome display with a built-in hygrometer, thermometer, and a remote wireless sensor, with a range of up to 100 m. It can be operated both on a tabletop and with a wall mount. Shows forecast, indoor and outdoor air temperature, humidity and pressure. Additional functions include a clock and a regular calendar. Powered by AA batteries. There is a screen backlight.

HAMA EWS - 800


  • quite complete functionality;
  • decent size display with extensive information;
  • good lighting;
  • simultaneous display of all climate data;
  • graph of atmospheric pressure changes;
  • affordable price.


  • if there are walls between the outdoor sensor and the module, the range is reduced to 30 m;
  • pressure units - hPa and inch of mercury;
  • vague instructions written in small print.

Ea2 Bl502

The best reviews from buyers were received by the model of the Hong Kong company Ea2 Bl502, which occupies the seventh place in our rating. Small desktop station with measurement of climatic parameters in the house. The set includes a wireless outboard temperature sensor, with the ability to connect two more. Humidity control from 20% to 99%. The sensor readings are accurate. The radius of action is 30 m. The device combines the functions of a clock, alarm clock, calendar with the main purpose. The average cost is quite affordable and amounts to 1,790 rubles.

Ea2 Bl502


  • accuracy of sensor readings;
  • remote sensor without wires;
  • the ability to mount to the wall;
  • nice design;
  • clear monochrome display.


  • control buttons on the rear panel, which is inconvenient when the device is wall-mounted.

Oregon Scientific Bar806

In sixth place is the American station Scientific Bar806. Small (160 x 94 x 46 mm) indoor module with monochrome display, built-in thermometer and hygrometer. There is a backlight. The external sensor communicates with the indoor module at a distance not exceeding 30 m. It is possible to connect three external climate control devices. Additional functions include: weather forecast, clock and alarm, calendar, frost indicator. The purchase will cost the user 2,100 rubles.

Oregon Scientific Bar806


  • nice design that does not spoil the interior;
  • autonomous power supply; works on lithium batteries for over a year;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • solar battery;
  • accurate sensor readings.


  • external sensor requires protection from sun and precipitation.

RST 05301

The fifth in our review is the Swedish product RST 05301. It is an analog model with aneroid barometer, pointer hygrometer and alcohol thermometer. The company's designers have developed a series of products under the general name "Pogodnik", which is distinguished by its exquisite design in the style of the Russian Empire of the 19th century. RST 05301 is not only a stylish thing and a great gift, but also a weather station with the most accurate instruments that allows you to monitor the temperature, pressure and humidity of the air in the room. The weather forecast is indicated by symbols on the barometer scale. Such a gift will cost customers 3940 rubles.

RST 05301


  • stylish design;
  • high accuracy;
  • weather forecast.


  • not found.

Brig + M-47 new

The fourth line of the rating is occupied by the products of LLC Brig Russia. The new analogue station Brig + M-47 is equipped with the most precise instruments of German design, arranged in a designer wooden case. Pointer thermometer and moisture meter complete with aneroid barometer complement each other perfectly. Fishermen and hunters appreciate the Brig + M-47 not only for its excellent design, but also for its accurate readings, which allow planning efficient fishing.

Brig + M-47 new


  • excellent German quality;
  • accuracy of readings;
  • thoughtful design;
  • a wonderful gift and a very useful thing for a wide range of users.


  • not found.

Netatmo Urban Weather Station

The three leaders in the rating are opened by the French-developed Netatmo Urban Weather Station. This device differs from the rest in that it fully reveals its considerable functionality via the Internet. The set includes a backlit display, two remote sensors that support communication with the indoor module via Wi - Fi at a distance of up to 100 m. Temperature and humidity are measured indoors and outdoors. The model is integrated into the Smart Home system.This allows the controller to control the heating system, automatically turn on humidifiers, close and open curtains, and automatically start and stop the air conditioner. Information about climatic parameters in the house and outside it can be controlled from smartphones, iPhones and tablets using the appropriate applications. The purchase will cost a lot, on average about 11,390 rubles.

Netatmo Urban Weather Station


  • reliability and accuracy of instrument readings;
  • multifunctionality;
  • CO concentration control (shows when the room requires ventilation);
  • integration into the “smart home” system, automatic regulation of heating and ventilation according to the readings of the station's sensors, saving electrical and thermal energy.


  • high price.

La Crosse WS 9057

In second place in the ranking is the digital weather station La Crosse WS 9057, developed in the USA. The device has a large display in a plastic case, aluminum or wood color, with the ability to mount on a wall or use as a desktop. Three external sensors can be connected to the indoor module, but it is equipped with one, with a signal transmission no further than 100 m. Monochrome display with a weather forecast function, displays the temperature, pressure and humidity values ​​inside and outside the room, can be used as a clock and alarm clock, normal and lunar calendars. Autonomous power supply from AA batteries. There is an indication of the battery charge, a choice of units of measure for temperature and pressure. Average price: approximately 4000 rubles.

La Crosse WS 9057


  • stylish appearance;
  • informative display;
  • displays the phases of the moon;
  • accurate sensor readings;
  • the ability to synchronize the clock with the exact time signals via the radio channel.


  • pressure units in hPa (no choice of mmHg);
  • the need to adjust the height above sea level depending on the floor;
  • no display backlight.

RST 02523

The first place is taken by the Swedish digital station RST 02523. Users like the stylish housing of the indoor unit made of high-quality plastic, the successful zoning of the readings on the display, the units of measurement of atmospheric pressure and temperature that are familiar to us. It is possible to connect three wireless sensors with a range of up to 30 m. The set includes one. Humidity is measured indoors and outdoors. The measurement range is from 30 to 80%. Autonomous power supply from replaceable batteries. The display shows the values ​​of temperature, pressure, current time. In addition, it combines the advantages of an alarm clock, a regular calendar and a lunar calendar, and shows the battery charge level. The average cost of the device is not particularly high and amounts to 5150 rubles.

RST 02523


  • excellent precision and build quality;
  • multifunctionality;
  • availability of a forecast;
  • stylish design;
  • good value for money.


  • the upper threshold for measuring humidity does not exceed 80%, which is not enough for outdoor measurements.

Device nameDeveloper ManufacturingMain characteristicsaverage price
RST 02523SwedenTemperature measurement from -50 to +60 degrees; humidity measurement from 30 to 80%. Additionally: forecast; clock; alarm clock; regular and lunar calendar. Features: a remote sensor with a receiving radius of 30m, the ability to connect three sensors; data transmission at 433, 92 MHz; autonomous power supply - AA batteries.RUB 5150
La Crosse WS 9057USATemperature range; moisture measurement
indoors, outdoors, in the range 1 - 99%; display of atmospheric pressure on the screen. Additionally:
weather forecast, clock, alarm clock, regular / lunar calendar. Features: wireless sensor (receiving range 100 m), max. number of sensors - 3, included - 1; transmission frequency 915 MHz. Nutrition
autonomous, batteries type R14, indication of the charge level.
3710 RUB
Netatmo Urban Weather StationFranceThe range of temperature indicators is from -40 to +60 degrees C; moisture measurement
indoors, outdoors, in the range of 0 - 100%.Additional functions: weather forecast, storage of temperature values, clock, alarm clock, regular calendar. Features: remote sensor with a receiving radius of 100m, 2 pcs; autonomous power supply, AAA batteries; backlit display; weather station for Android / iPhone / iPad / iPod touch; measurement of noise and CO2 levels in the room; connection of an external sensor via Wi-Fi, internal via USB.
11272 RUB
Brig + M-47 Germany / Russiaanalog weather station; body material wood; wall mount; liquidless barometer; measurement of pressure, temperature, humidity.RUB 4,990
RST 05301Swedenanalog weather station; body material wood; wall mount; liquidless barometer; alcohol thermometer; measurement of pressure, temperature, humidity.RUB 4600
Oregon Scientific Bar806USAThe range of temperature indicators is from -20 to +60 degrees C; Moisture measurement
indoors, in the range of 25 - 95%; additional functions
weather forecast, storage of temperature values, clock, regular calendar;
weather forecast, regular calendar; remote sensor
wireless (receiving range 30 m), max. number of sensors - 3, included - 1; autonomous power supply, AA batteries (included), indication of the charge level; frost indicator, automatic synchronization DCF-77, solar battery.
2690 RUB
Ea2 Bl502ChinaThe range of temperature indicators is from -4 to +50 degrees C; Moisture measurement
indoors, in the range of 20 - 99%; additionally
clock, alarm clock, regular calendar; Remote sensor
wireless (receiving range 30 m), max. number of sensors - 3, included - 1; power supply
autonomous, AAA batteries, charge level indication; display
1290 RUB
HAMA EWS - 800GermanyTemperature range
-40 - 65 ° C; moisture measurement
indoors, outdoors, in the range 1 - 99%. Additionally:
weather forecast, storage of temperature values, clock, alarm clock, regular calendar; remote sensor
wireless (receiving radius 100 m), included - 1; data transmission
every 48 s, transmission frequency 433.92 MHz; backlit display.
2039 RUB
Uniel UTV - 64Russia / ChinaThe range of temperature indicators is from -40 to +60 degrees C; Moisture measurement
indoors, outdoors, in the range of 20 - 99%; barometer; Additionally
weather forecast, clock, alarm clock, regular calendar; Remote sensor
wireless (receiving range 30 m), max. number of sensors - 3, included - 1; Data transfer
every 45 s, transmission frequency 433.92 MHz; Nutrition
autonomous / mains, AA batteries, charge level indication; Backlit display.
1148 RUB
Buro H103GRussia / ChinaThe range of temperature indicators is from -50 to + 70 degrees C; Moisture measurement
indoors, outdoors, in the range of 20 - 95%; Additionally:
weather forecast, clock, alarm clock, regular calendar, lunar calendar; wireless sensor (receiving range 80 m), max. number of sensors - 3, included - 1.
autonomous, AAA batteries, charge level indication.
720 rbl

A home weather station can change the quality of life. Such devices make it easier for meteorological people, hunters and fishermen, citizens whose profession is associated with a constant stay outside (builders, utility workers, couriers, etc.). Young parents install inexpensive models in the bedrooms of young children. This helps to control and timely adjust such important health parameters as humidity, CO level, room temperature.

In addition to the undoubtedly useful functions, these devices serve as an effective addition and decoration of the interior of a living room, home and office. Try to change your life for the better, get a home weather forecaster. The overview provided by our website will tell you how to choose the right model.


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