A person needs clean air for breathing without harmful impurities and pathogenic microbes. Every day, going outside, we have to breathe dust, fuel combustion products and harmful emissions from industrial enterprises. And if we cannot influence the state of the environment, then improving the quality of what we breathe in our home is within the power of every person who takes care of themselves and the health of their loved ones. Air washing is a device that cleans the mixture of gases we inhale from dust and maintains its humidity within specified limits. This small device can make your life more comfortable and healthy. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" brings to your attention a review: "The best air washes for 2024", based on customer reviews and expert recommendations.
How does the body protect itself from dust
The comfortable humidity of our environment is 30 to 70%. Before entering the lungs and saturating the blood with oxygen, the air passes through four stages of filtration:
- The first stage is the villi of the nasal passages. They trap dust, its largest particles.
- Second stage. Finer dust is retained on the nasal mucosa.
- Third step. The epithelium of the bronchi and trachea fights viruses and bacteria with the help of secretions secreted by them, the active substance of which is interferon.
- The fourth, disinfecting stage of protection is sulfactan, a thin film of which directly envelops the tissues of the respiratory tract.
- When, during periods of illness, the listed defenses do not work properly, the phagocytic and immunological systems of the body's defense come into play.
Why do you need an air wash
In winter, during the heating season, and in dry summer, the humidity in the premises drops to 20% - 25%. This is lower than the same figure in the Sahara Desert!
The mucous membrane of the nose dries up and does not cope with its functions in full. The next steps of the body's defense work with overload. As soon as one of the body's filters fails to cope with its function, the disease affects it. The body requires moisture. How to provide him with a comfortable existence?
Craftsmen are skeptical about the merits of household appliances and are trying to build a humidifier with their own hands by throwing a damp cloth over a heating radiator. Such amateur performance will not bring any benefit other than mold.
In addition, you cannot get rid of dust in this way. Should you reinvent the wheel? It is the 21st century and the market is full of devices capable of bringing the breathing gas in the premises to a healthy condition. According to their purpose, they are divided into coolers (air conditioners), cleaners, humidifiers and sinks.
A bit of history
Air conditioning and humidification devices have been known for thousands of years. In the hot regions of Persia, since ancient times, this problem has been solved by the construction of special structures, which are the most ancient ventilation and air conditioning systems.Such a building is called Badgir (wind catcher).
It is a tower with windows on all four and sometimes eight sides to catch the wind. The tower is built from the lowest floor of the building and rises high above the roof. Inside, the building is divided by partitions, forming ventilation ducts. Windows close and open depending on the direction of the wind. Passing through the canals of the tower, the wind takes away heat and accumulates moisture. Then directed by ventilation ducts throughout all rooms, ventilates, cools and humidifies the atmosphere throughout the building. Due to the height of the badgir towers, the air movement in the room occurs as a result of the chimney draft.
Interesting! With the help of these structures, water reserves in underground reservoirs are cooled to almost freezing point. Imagine freezing cold water in a hot desert area, cooled naturally, without electricity, refrigerators and ice generators!
Badgirs are still used today in the countries of the Middle East. They reduce the indoor temperature by 12 degrees below the outdoor temperature. Air conditioners can't handle this heat!
Modern humidifiers and air purifiers
There are several types of humidifying devices:
This type of apparatus works on the principle of a porous humidifier. The equipment includes a fan that drives the air mass through a humidified cartridge. The evaporated moisture removes a small amount of heat from the room's atmosphere. As a result, it is cooled and humidified. Higher humidity leads to a decrease in the rate of evaporation of moisture from the device, while higher temperatures increase it. So the maintenance of the optimum humidity level is automatic. To keep the cartridge in good condition, use the purest water possible. Otherwise, it will have to be changed or cleaned more often.
Air washers
These devices combine the properties of porous and film devices. The design is a water pan in which a rotor rotates, made of highly absorbent or water-absorbing plates. Rotating around the axis, the plates in the lower position are moistened with water, in the upper position they are blown by a fan, moistening the environment. In this case, the dust settles on the wet surface of the plates, and with further rotation it is washed off with water in the pan. In practice, this device is a water filter and humidifier in one "bottle". The quality of the water does not play a special role here. The main condition is that it should not smell bad. By adding flavorings to the water, you can achieve some semblance of an aroma lamp, but the effectiveness of such aromatization will not be high. Some popular models can be safely used as humidifiers for a children's room. They are equipped with a child-proof control system.
The sink has a number of advantages:
- operation without consumables;
- insignificant power consumption;
- does not pose a danger to children;
- not only moisturizes, but also purifies the breathing gas mixture.
Steam humidifier
The same as the boiler. The water is brought to a boil with a heating element. The equipment must include a hygrostat. This device turns off the device when the specified percentage of humidity is reached.
On a note! The built-in hygrostat shows the humidity directly at the location of the humidifier, i.e. his readings will always be overstated. For normal humidification of the indoor environment, it is better to purchase an ordinary hygrometer and place it away from the humidifier.
The steam humidifier has the following advantages:
- saturation of the environment with moisture 100% in a very short period of time;
- evaporation of water cleans it of harmful impurities, and moisture falling on furniture and walls does not leave solid precipitation;
- the addition of essential oil makes the steam humidifier a fragrance equal to that of an aroma lamp.
The disadvantages of the device include:
- significant electricity consumption;
- an increase in the room temperature, which reduces the feeling of comfort in the summer.
Ultrasonic humidifier
A new type of humidifier that combines the advantages of a nozzle and a rotary device, in which atomization is achieved by the operation of an ultrasonic emitter. The piezoelectric emitter creates ultrasonic vibrations up to 5 MHz, with the help of which microscopic water droplets are separated from the water surface, which are carried around the room by a natural air flow. The resulting water mist can be made to move around the room by turning on a household fan. Part of the water mist settles on furniture, where, after evaporation, traces of particles and compounds dissolved in water (salts, microorganisms, etc.) remain. Similar precipitation falls on the emitter, disabling it ahead of time.
Of the advantages of an ultrasonic emitter, the following should be noted:
- increase humidity quickly to very high percentages;
- low temperature of water vapor (not higher than 20 ° С);
- the device makes almost no noise.
Of the shortcomings, the following are especially noted:
- the device requires the use of distilled water;
- saturation of the atmosphere of the room with all impurities from the composition of water: hardness salts, spores and other harmful substances;
- high water consumption and small tank volume.
What are the air purifiers
It is not enough to humidify the room atmosphere. It must be cleaned of dust, pet hair, microscopic particles and fibers of pastel linen fabrics, clothes and other invisible suspended particles that penetrate into our lungs during breathing. This task is performed by special devices - air cleaners.
According to the principle of operation, these devices are divided into:
- Electrostatic;
- Photocatalytic;
- Ionizers;
- Filtering;
- Inertial;
- Air washing.
Let's consider the capabilities of each type of device.
The operation of the device is based on the effect of attracting charged microparticles of the respiratory mixture by the plates of the device with an opposite charge. Its productivity is low, and its work is accompanied by the formation of free ozone in concentrations hazardous to human health. Electrostatic filter plates require constant cleaning. Otherwise the device will become ineffective.
These are new and very promising devices for purifying the room atmosphere. Most of the toxic impurities in the breathing mixture are oxidized and decomposed when passing through a photocatalyst illuminated with mild ultraviolet light. With a sufficiently large area of the photocatalytic filter, you can rid the atmosphere of the apartment of volatile chemical impurities, odors, allergens, toxins, viruses and bacteria, which decompose to form carbon dioxide (odorless) and water.
However, it should be taken into account that the apparatus must have a large surface area to achieve a noticeable effect. In addition, the power of the emitter should be tens of watts per unit area. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not share such information with customers, and household photocatalytic devices have a working area not exceeding 1 m2. The power of the emitter is several units (instead of tens) of watts. As a result, the effect of these devices, to put it mildly, is not very large.
The most controversial type of apartment atmosphere cleaner. There is a version that bacteria, allergens and other harmful substances have a positive charge.The ionizer reproduces negatively charged particles that attract all these harmful substances. As they become heavier, the particles sink down and become inaccessible for human inhalation. The version is more than controversial.
The ionizer removes an electron from a molecule or atom of a gas, converting a neutral molecule into a positively charged one. The “torn off” electron, when attached to another neutral molecule, makes it negatively charged. So, with the help of an ionizer, air ions are formed.
Interesting! To date, there is no evidence or denial of the beneficial effects of ionization on human health.
It is known from open sources that the ionized breathing mixture makes erythrocytes work more intensively, i.e. improve the supply of oxygen to tissues. Hence, increased efficiency, improved sleep, a sense of confidence (mental normalization), improved metabolism, etc.
Now let's turn the “medal” over to the other side:
- the ionized environment several times accelerates the spread of viruses transmitted by airborne droplets, therefore the presence of such a patient, or simply the presence of viruses, is a guarantee of infection of the apartment owners;
- ionization is harmful to patients with high body temperature, since an increase in metabolism will warm it up even more;
- the presence of air ions will seriously complicate the already unenviable life of those suffering from bronchial asthma;
- the ionizer is a source of ozone formation, the concentration of which is not controlled and can reach lethal values for humans;
- the positive effect of ionization will become noticeable after many months, so an ionizer will not work for those who want to get an instant effect.
Types of filtering devices
The very name of such devices suggests that the breathing mixture in them is purified by built-in filters:
- HEPA - filter. Highly efficient air cleaning equipment. Its name is an abbreviation of the English High Efficiency Particulate Absorption, i.e. highly efficient particle retention. Designed for medical institutions. Captures microparticles of 0.3 and more microns with an efficiency of 99.975%. The equipment is recommended for allergy sufferers.
- ULPA - filter (Ultra Low Penetrating Air), differs from HEPA in that it traps particles from 0.1 microns and more and its efficiency reaches 99.999%. The principle of operation is the same, mechanical cleaning, but at a much higher level. Models equipped with a ULPA filter are more expensive than others.
- Charcoal filter. Harmful impurities are absorbed by the pores of the coal. And the more activated carbon, the more harmful is absorbed. Coal devices must be equipped with pre-filters, which prevent dust from getting into the pores and reduce the efficiency of the device. After working for some time and absorbing a certain amount of harmfulness, coal itself will pollute the environment if it is not changed every 4 to 6 months.
Inertial air cleaner
The most famous representative of this type of device is the cyclone. Centrifugal force is used to remove large particles from the surrounding atmosphere. The gas flow spirals inside the apparatus. At the same time, heavy particles: hair, pet hair and other debris, are torn off the stream and fall down into the drive. Cyclones are most often used in industry to remove large contaminants from the working area of technological equipment. Some types household vacuum cleaners also work according to this scheme.
Air wash
This type of equipment has already been covered in the section describing the types of humidifiers. It only remains to repeat that, unlike most devices designed to humidify or clean the atmosphere from dust, the washing successfully performs both actions, i.e.is a versatile device.
Selection criteria for air purification and humidification units
Having familiarized themselves with the listed types of climatic devices, many buyers have a question: "How to choose a suitable device, and what should you pay attention to in order not to be mistaken?" Let's look at a few important criteria that should help sort out these issues.
- Performance
A large area of the premises will require the installation of high-performance climate systems (cubic meters per hour). In the descriptions of imported devices, this characteristic is indicated by the abbreviation CADR, from the English. Clean Air Delivery Rate - clean air delivery rate. For humidifiers and sinks, performance is determined by water consumption (milliliters per hour).
- Maximum serviced area
When buying a climate complex, pay attention to the size of the maximum serviced area for this model (there is such a characteristic), compare it with the size of your premises, and then choose the most suitable one. It should be noted that electrostatic and photocatalytic installations are not very efficient. The most efficient washers consume 500 - 700 ml / hour of water. The built-in hygrostat and electronic control automatically switch the unit on and off, depending on the achieved result (% humidity). This reduces the operating time of the device during the day and saves energy.
- Dustiness of the room
In case of a high degree of dust, you should choose air cleaners equipped with HEPA filters. It must be remembered that such devices are not cheap, but they are very effective in cleaning the atmosphere.
Electrostatic and photocatalytic devices will not be effective enough in dusty environments. In addition, all of these devices do not have a humidification function. From this point of view, buying a sink that combines the qualities of a water filter and a humidifier would be a good option. Some types of sinks (climatic systems) are equipped with HEPA filters.
- Elimination of unpleasant odors
Charcoal filters are most suitable for combating unpleasant odors. They are just as effective for a heavy smoker's apartment. The photocatalytic device also perfectly eliminates odors and harmful impurities, however, these devices suffer from low performance and it is better to install them in the immediate vicinity of the source of odor emission. Washing the air in this case will not be effective enough.
- Top manufacturers
It is better to buy any product from well-known companies that have established themselves as suppliers of high-quality, reliable and functional household appliances. Among the manufacturers of climatic equipment, these are certainly the Japanese brands Sharp, Panasonic, Daikin.
The popularity of models from these manufacturers is consistently confirmed by their energy efficiency, high build quality, superior design and durability. As a rule, expensive models are equipped with electronic control, display, hygrostat (a device that turns off the device when the specified ambient humidity is exceeded).
European manufacturers are in no way inferior to their Japanese competitors: the Dutch company Philips, the German Venta and the Swiss Boneco.
When purchasing branded equipment, you need to understand that such things are not affordable for everyone. Those who are looking for inexpensive options should pay attention to the products of the Chinese companies AIC or Xiaomi, available at a price with quite decent quality.
Important! Xiaomi smartmi climate systems are perfectly integrated into the systems "smart House", are controlled remotely (smartphone with the appropriate application), operate in automatic mode.
Which company model is better to buy
It's up to you to decide. Listen to the advice of experienced users of climatic systems, study the functionality, description and operating instructions for the model you are interested in, find out how much it costs and see what is in your wallet.
Having familiarized ourselves with the features of the device of climatic equipment for the home, we bring to the attention of future users a rating of high-quality air washes, compiled according to customer reviews and expert opinion.
Wenta LW15
In tenth place is the German device for cleaning and humidifying the breathing medium Wenta JW15. A small device for servicing a room up to 20m2. The humidifier type is traditional, the tank capacity is 5 liters. Water filter. Fan power consumption 4 W. Electronic control with indication of inclusion and low water level. The productivity of the environment to be cleaned reaches 120 cubic meters / hour. The average car wash price is 12901 rubles.
- stylish design;
- simplicity of device and control;
- low noise level.
- high price;
- there may be problems with the gearbox (extraneous noise), it needs regular lubrication every six months.
In ninth place is the model of the Chinese company AIC S055. Quite a powerful model designed to work in rooms up to 35 m2. Fan power consumption 28 W, water consumption 250 ml / hour. There is a hygrostat, water and charcoal filters. Electronic control, display with indication of inclusion, low water level and humidity. The average price of the product is quite affordable and amounts to 7277 rubles.
- excellent quality of cleaning (double filtration) and humidification;
- two control modes: day and night;
- automatic shutdown of the device in the absence of water;
- affordable price.
- the hygrostat greatly overestimates the humidity reading;
- very loud speaker playing music at the moment of switching on and off.
Xiaomi Smartmi Air Humdifier2
The eighth line of the rating is occupied by the Chinese smart car wash Xiaomi Smartmi Air Humdifier2. Quite a powerful model for humidifying the atmosphere in rooms up to 36 square meters, with a water flow rate of 240 ml / h. The body is treated from the inside with an antibacterial compound. The sink is equipped with electronic control with indication of inclusion, control of water level and temperature. The device easily fits into the “smart home” system and further works in automatic mode. Remote control from a smartphone via Wi - Fi and Bluethooth is also available. According to buyers, this is a very decent model with a fairly modest average price - within 6100 rubles.
- the ability to work in the "smart home" system;
- quality materials;
- moisturizes and cleans the air well;
- affordable price.
- a special adapter is required to connect to the mains.
Philips HU4813 / 11
In seventh place in our ranking is the model from the Dutch brand Philips HU4813 / 11. A relatively inexpensive and rather powerful climatic complex designed to service premises with an area not exceeding 44 sq.m. Consumes about 300 ml of water per hour. Protection against bacteria is carried out by placing an antibacterial cartridge in the tank. The model is equipped with electronic control with a timer and display. The noise from a running fan does not exceed 34 dB. Water filter only. The device can be placed both on the table and on the floor. The average cost is around 8909 rubles. Decent value for money.
- simplicity and reliability of the design;
- stylish appearance;
- simple control;
- the presence of a clear indication and timer;
- affordable price.
- very easy to open, no childproof.
Bally AW - 320/325
The sixth place is firmly established by the product of the transnational company Bally AW - 320/325. The company specializes in the design and manufacture of hand dryers, hair dryers, etc. Its climatic complex is equipped with a 15 W fan, a removable water tank with a volume of 5.7 liters, with a water flow rate of 300 ml / hour. This is a good indicator. The maximum flow rate of the most efficient washers is 500 ml / hour.This model maintains the humidity of the environment in the range of 40 - 60% in rooms up to 50 sq.m. For water disinfection, the device is equipped with a silver disinfectant rod. In addition to the operating modes of washing and moistening, there is a special mode for cleaning the drum discs. Electronic control, there is a display. The average cost of the device is 11,175 rubles.
- good value for money;
- works quietly;
- simple to operate;
- the presence of a compartment for the fragrance;
- no consumables required.
- touch control has no child lock
Electrolux EHAW 6515
The buyers gave the fifth line of the rating to the Swedish brand Electrolux EHAW 6515. The company owes its popularity to the development and production of a wide range of high quality and reliable household appliances. The device presented in the rating is equipped with a fan with a power of 15 W, a water tank with a capacity of 7 liters and is designed for servicing premises with an area of up to 50 sq. M. The water consumption of the device is 300 ml / hour. For an area of 50 sq.m this is not enough, but within 40 sq.m. the device will maintain the humidity at a given level. The delivery set includes an ionizing silver bar. Mechanical control, with indication of inclusion and control of the water level. Such a complex costs an average of 10,330 rubles.
- affordable price with excellent quality;
- interesting design;
- reliable fan.
- "Loud" fan;
- the maximum serviced area is too high.
Boneco W1355
The fourth in the ranking is the Swiss model Boneco W 1355. This device is somewhat more powerful and more efficient than the previous one. The fan, with a power of 20 W, spins the drum placed in the tank with a capacity of 7 liters. The device consumes 350 milliliters of water per hour. Manufacturers have declared the serviced area of the premises up to 50 sq.m. There is a disinfecting silver rod. The noise level is less than that of previous models, does not exceed 27 dB. The controls are simple, mechanical. Its average price is 11,241 rubles.
- simplicity and reliability;
- the presence of fan speed control and evaporation rate;
- affordable price;
- works very quietly.
- for humidification of the declared areas of 50 sq.m. lack of capacity, maximum - 40 sq.m.
Boneco W200
The third place is occupied by the representative of the same company Boneco W200. The machine is equipped with a sponge instead of discs. In addition, the drum in Boneco models is immersed in water by less than a third. This is enough for the sponge to be saturated with water. The powerful fan blows moisture out of a much larger area of the damp sponge than in the Venta, which has a smaller diameter and is more than half submerged in water. In fact, the part of the drum submerged in water does not participate in the humidification. The sponge compares favorably with the discs of other sinks in that it can be easily removed and washed in the washing machine. Clogged disc drums have to be cleaned with much more effort. The device is designed to service premises up to 50 sq.m. Due to the design features, it copes with the task. The control is mechanical, simple and straightforward. There is an indication of the inclusion and control of the presence of water. The fan is powerful but quiet. Noises no more than 27 dB. The average price of the device is 14,951 rubles.
- good performance;
- nice design;
- removable and washable drum sponge;
- "Quiet" fan.
- the ionizing silver bar seems to many to be an unnecessary detail that does not bring real benefit and increases the cost of the model.
Panasonic F - VXR50R
The second line in the rating of high-quality air washes is occupied by the model of the famous Japanese company Panasonic F - VXR50R. A very efficient model, equipped with a 45 W fan, with a water flow rate of 500 ml / h. Designed to humidify the environment in rooms up to 40 sq.m. The design is similar to Boneco. A drum of large diameter is submerged in water by less than a third of the diameter, therefore, its area blown by the fan is very large.This allows the model to easily and quickly raise the humidity of the atmosphere in the apartment to the required level and maintain it around the clock. Cleaning capacity (CADR) is 300 m3 / h. There is child protection. In addition to water, HEPA filters are installed, which guarantees cleaning efficiency up to 99.975%. Electronic control with indication of filter contamination and humidity in%. The average price of this model will be 31,200 rubles. But the device is worth its money.
- excellent cleaning and moisturizing performance;
- stylish design;
- excellent build quality and materials.
- the only drawback is the high price.
Winia AVX - 70
The first place in the rating and the best reviews was given to the climatic complex produced by the South Korean company Winia AVX - 70. A powerful device with high performance, consumes 700 ml / hour of water. Effective cleaning is due to the presence of HEPA filters. There are three modes of operation:
- Air washing;
- Air cleaning with cleaning through HEPA - filters;
- HEPA filters.
There is an air pollution sensor with the function of automatic switching on of mode No. 2, depending on the level of dust. Mode # 3 is switched on manually. In this case, the humidifier drum does not work. The model serves premises up to 50 sq.m. and easily copes with the task. The display shows power on, water level, filter clogging and moisture percentage. The joint between the pallet and the fan compartment is equipped with seals in different colors: white, turquoise, orange and purple. The average cost of the complex is 18,990 rubles.
- high quality materials and workmanship;
- high degree of purification;
- fast hydration;
- nice design;
- quiet work.
- not found.
Model name | Specifications | average price |
Wenta LW 15 Germany | Purpose - air purification / humidification; power consumption 4 W; serviced area - 20 sq. m; Humidifier type - traditional; water tank capacity - 5 liters; water consumption - 120 ml / h; hygrostat - there is; filters - water, adjustable fan speed / evaporation rate - yes; electronic control; indication - switching on and low water level; noise level 32 dB; The body of the appliance is dishwasher safe. | 12901 RUB |
AIC S055 China | Purpose - air purification / humidification; power consumption 28 W; serviced area - 35 sq. m; Humidifier type - traditional; water tank capacity - 4 liters; water consumption - 250 ml / h; hygrostat - there is; filters - water, coal; ionization - there is; fan speed / evaporation speed control - yes; installation - floor; control - electronic, display; No Wi-Fi; Bluetooth - no; indication - switching on, low water level; humidity; dimensions 345 * 460 * 230 mm; weight 5.3 kg. | 7277 RUB |
Xiaomi Smsrtmi Air Humidifier 2 China | Purpose - air humidification / purification; serviced area - 36 sq. m. Type of humidifier - traditional; Water tank capacity - 4 liters; water consumption - 240 ml / h; hygrostat - there is; outdoor installation; The inner surface of the tank is antibacterial; electronic control; control from a smartphone - yes; Wi-Fi - yes; Bluetooth - yes; indication of water level, switching on; noise level - 34 dB; dimensions (W * H * D) 240 * 360 * 240 mm; weight 4.3 kg. | RUB 6100 |
Philips HU4813 / 11 Holland | Purpose - air humidification / purification; serviced area - 44 sq. m. Type of humidifier - traditional; Water tank capacity - 2 liters; water consumption - 300 ml / h; maintained humidity 40 - 60%; hygrostat - there is; floor / table installation; antibacterial cartridge in a water tank; filter - water; electronic control, display and timer; Wi-Fi - no; Bluetooth - no; indication of water level, switching on, humidity; noise level - 34 dB; dimensions (W * H * D) 249 * 339 * 249 mm; weight 4.3 kg. | RUB 8898 |
Ваlly AW - 320/325 Switzerland | Purpose - air purification / humidification; power consumption 15 W; serviced area - 50 sq.m; Humidifier type - traditional; water tank capacity - 5.7 liters; water consumption - 300 ml / h; hygrostat - there is; filters - water; fan speed / evaporation speed control - yes; aromatization - there is; installation - floor; control - electronic, display; No Wi-Fi; Bluetooth - no; indication - switching on, low water level; humidity; noise level - 25 dB. dimensions 345 * 460 * 230 mm; weight 5.3 kg. | RUB 11175 |
Electrolux - EHAW 6515 Sweden | Purpose - air purification / humidification; power consumption 15 W; serviced area - 50 sq.m; Humidifier type - traditional; water tank capacity - 5.7 liters; water consumption - 300 ml / h; hygrostat - there is; maintained humidity 40-70%; filters - water; fan speed / evaporation speed control - yes; aromatization - there is; installation - floor; control - electronic, display; No Wi-Fi; Bluetooth - no; indication - switching on, low water level; humidity; noise level - 25 dB. dimensions 392 * 410 * 295 mm; weight 5.6 kg; built-in cleaning mode for dampening discs DSS disinfecting silver rod, for water disinfection (included) | 11241 RUB |
Boneco W1355А Switzerland | Purpose - air purification / humidification; power consumption 20 W; serviced area - 50 sq.m; water tank capacity - 7.0 l; water consumption - 350 ml / h; hygrostat - there is; filters - water; installation - floor; control - mechanical; No Wi-Fi; Bluetooth - no; indication - switching on, low water level; noise level - 27 dB. dimensions 320 * 425 * 380 mm; weight 5.9 kg. disinfecting silver rod. | 11241 RUB |
Boneco W200 Switzerland | Purpose - air purification / humidification; humidifier type - traditional; power consumption 30 W; serviced area - 50 sq.m; tank capacity with water - 4.5 liters; water consumption - 350 ml / h; hygrostat - there is; filters - water; adjustable fan speed / evaporation rate; installation - floor; aromatization - there is; control - mechanical; No Wi-Fi; Bluetooth - no; indication - switching on, low water level; noise level - 27 dB. dimensions 280 * 412 * 280 mm; weight 4.5 kg. disinfecting silver rod; the body and the sponge are dishwasher safe. | RUB 14951 |
Panasonic F - VXR50R Japan | Purpose - air purification / humidification; power consumption 45 W; serviced area - 40 sq.m; Humidifier type - traditional; water tank capacity - 2.3 liters; water consumption - 500 ml / h; maintained humidity filters - water, HEPA - filter; fan speed / evaporation rate adjustment - yes; air cleaning performance (СADR) - 306 cubic meters / hour; installation - floor; control - electronic, display; No Wi-Fi; Bluetooth - no; indication - switching on, low water level; humidity; noise level - 25 dB. dimensions 392 * 410 * 295 mm; weight 5.6 kg; light sensor, child protection, deodorizing filter. | RUB 31200 |
Winia AWX - 70 The Republic of Korea | Purpose - air purification / humidification; power consumption 24 W; serviced area - 50 sq.m; Humidifier type - traditional; water tank capacity - 9 liters; water consumption - 700 ml / h; hygrostat - there is; air cleaning performance - 150 cubic meters / hour; air purity control - yes; filters - water, HEPA - filter; ionization - there is; fan speed / evaporation rate adjustment - yes; installation - floor; control - electronic, display, timer; No Wi-Fi; Bluetooth - no; indication - switching on, low water level; humidity, filter contamination; noise level - 32 dB. dimensions 410 * 420 * 325 mm; weight 10 kg; filter, biofilter with silvered balls. | RUB 18,990 |
The number of allergic diseases is growing steadily. Children especially suffer from this. We are not able to quickly change for the better the ecological situation, which is the main cause of these ailments. But making living conditions in your houses and apartments more comfortable is not at all difficult. As for the cost part, it is necessary to understand that this is an investment in one's own health and the health of children.
By purchasing a high-quality air cleaner or a powerful climate system, you improve the quality of your life. Our review will help you avoid mistakes when choosing the best model.